Next Generation Clan Members
posted11/03/2006 09:59 PM (UTC)by
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10/21/2004 08:23 PM (UTC)
For the next generation of MK should the team introduce new members of the clans or race? If so which clan could you see introducing a new member? I'm thinking a fresh new younger face.

Scorpions Shirai Ryu clan
Subzeros Lin Quei clan
Sektors tekunin clan
Special Forces
White Lotus
Tengu Clan
Reptiles Zaterrean race
Brotherhood of the shadow
Goro's Shokan race
Motaro's Centaur race
Red Dragon
Black Dragon


I would like to see someone from the Tengu clan come into play making a rise to a new power. They are the Lin Quei rivals so they could partner with the tekunin to overthrow the lin quei...there are possibilities with them.

Also i would like to see someone from the brotherhood of the shadow come out. I'm talking a new character who uses dark magic in a jester-ish kinda a dark harlequin type character who isnt clownish...similar to RAGDOLL from The Batman.
11/03/2006 07:28 PM (UTC)
Yes yes please god yes! I know this is going to anger alot of people but too the dedicated ones they will know it to be true. Mortal Kombat is getting stale. I would love to see other more versatile fighters rise from each clan for next gen MK games.
11/03/2006 08:07 PM (UTC)
Red Dragon might be gone for good if what happend in Konquest was canon. Actually, I hope they are. The Tekunin will probably be around be cause it is a new clan and hasn't been used very much. The Lin Kuei will most definately come back, and I think the Shirai Ryu clan will come as well.
11/03/2006 08:20 PM (UTC)
Overall, I'd like to see less clans in the next generation and I don't think they should have several members of any clan or species merely for the sake of them being there. One or two representatives from each is fine.
The Lin Kuei will still be around, but aside from Sub-Zero I have no interest in seeing new members unlss they're interesting, unique, and offer someting constructive to the plot.
There should be new Shaolin monks characters for the new generation. Liu Kang will stay dead, and Kung Lao will train the next generation of the White Lotus will still be around.
My idea for the next gen is Armagddon leaves Earth decimated and these two clans work together to restore Earth.

I think the Black and Red Dragon clans should be crippled in Armageddon...leaving Kira to pick up the pieces as the one united Dragon Clan. Her clan works as a counter to the Lin Kuei and White Lotus, trying to make sure Earth never gets back together and the chaos continues.

I think the Tekunin will die with Sektor in Armageddon as will the Brotherhood with Noob Saibot.

Fuck the Shirai Ryu and fuck the Tengu. They're worthless and better off dead or forgotten.

As for new Shokan, Centaur, or Oni....I think since the three Shokan we have will die in Armageddon, we can use a new one. I'm not that interested in the Centaurs. And I think Drahmin should stay, so no need for more Oni.
Reptile I think will be gone (retired or dead)...and unless Khameleon comes back, I'm not interested in seeing more Zatterrans.
11/03/2006 09:59 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Overall, I'd like to see less clans in the next generation and I don't think they should have several members of any clan or species merely for the sake of them being there.

I agree with this, the whole Armageddon thing seemed to by an excuse to restart the universe, so I would like to see some new faction rise up to sieze power and not just rehashs of old ones.
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