Next gen MK online play
posted06/28/2007 09:09 PM (UTC)by
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07/07/2006 11:52 PM (UTC)
I recently remembered an interview with Ed Boon. I think it was with GT sometime last year around E3, maybe earlier. I can't remember right now.

But Boon said that for the next gen of MK, they would try to have a bigger emphasis on online play. Tryin to get an old school "arcade feel", being able to play globally, etc.

However, do you guys think this will hurt the actual gameplay? Or maybe do you think if it's handled right, it shouldn't hurt the gameplay much? DOA's online is pretty well structured, with some people not having lag as a big problem, while others did get lag more so than others. Meanwhile, you've got AM2 refusing to have VF online because of VF's gameplay being so framed based and dependent on timing. And then recently, the announcement that Soul Calibur IV would have online play, making it the first time SC will have online.

What do you guys think?
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06/28/2007 06:51 PM (UTC)
Im sure they will try to make a great first impression for next-gen I doubt a lot of us will be unhappy with the core gameplay and online.
06/28/2007 07:17 PM (UTC)
Im sure they will try to make a great first impression for next-gen I doubt a lot of us will be unhappy with the core gameplay and online.

Do you mean happy with the core gameplay??

Anyways, quit being so negative please. Give Boon and company a chance. The game hasn't even come out yet.
I say bring it on.

A few frames lost will hurt competative game play, but a little bit of lag doesn't matter to me, as long as I can play online.

Tekken 5 Dark resurrection for PS3 is also going online, with an upgrade this year that will include a practice mode.

Rumor has it that with all these games going online now, Tekken 6 will also have the online feature.

I hope
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