New Storyline Ideas...Anyone?
posted01/09/2010 06:00 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/06/2010 06:31 AM (UTC)
Well I'm new here so I decided to try a post on this. I want to hear your ideas for an amazing story for a new mortal kombat. You can give me the entire storyline, a brief monologue, or just REALLY narrow it down. I know there are PLENTY of these types of posts already but I decided to get to know people this way and see where your minds are. Maybe I'll reveal my idea for a story on here.

Kontamination 23
01/06/2010 04:40 PM (UTC)
Few years back, just as Armageddon came out, I made up my own little trilogy of next-gen storylines.

Mortal Kombat: Rebirth
Mortal Kombat: Korruption
Mortal Kombat: Legacy

I didn't finish Legacy unfortunately.

Looking back, there are some things I probably would've done differently, and my thoughts on certain things/characters have since changed. Were I to do it over, I would've gone in different directions in certain ways.
But for the most part, that generally is more or less something like the direction I'd prefer to see Mortal Kombat go for the future.
01/06/2010 06:41 PM (UTC)
I also recently started a post Armageddon storyline called Salvation I would like to hear what you think.

01/06/2010 06:55 PM (UTC)

Here goes the description of the opening cinamatic of my idea, as well as the first cinamatic starting the game .... I think you guys are REALLY gonna dig this. This aint cho daddy's MK. This is MK going back to its roots.

Mortal Kombat : Timeline

( Prologue )

15 Years after the events of Armageddon, we find the Earth realm in ruins and chaos. Onaga had defeated Blaze as the rest of Earths warriors consumed by chaos slaughtered earch other. Now little is left of humanity, and the gods have even abandoned the realm realizing that there is no hope left.

The story focuses on a new hero, the last descendant of the White Lotus Society. As a young boy he watched the fall of Earth, and now struggles to help whats left of the human race, but when an attack on his village leaves everyone dead, the warrior curses the gods for letting this happen. On the brink of death, he is visited by a mysterious man, who reveals himself as THE god of gods, the one being, the universal collective consciousness, the god of TIME AND SPACE.

He explains that earth realm does not exist as one place, but is a flickering existence traveling through thousands of alternate timelines. Onaga has conquered this earth realm, but has also been conquering EVERY OTHER alternate earth. Once Onaga has conquered every alternate earth, he will effectively become God, shattering reality itself.

The God of time explains that as is the rules of Mortal Kombat, HE can not interfere in this matter as he himself is a manifestation of the human race, its living conscious, and a human must be the one to stop Onaga, as Onaga was actually once human. He tells the new hero that he can bend the rules however, by bestowing some of his powers to the new hero giving him the ability to travel through time and space, where he must find an Earth where Onaga has still not won, and where the warriors of Earth realm are still alive to aid in the fight.

The warrior accepts a time piece, which he drapes over his neck like a neckless, and suddenly he vanishes.

We now see a montage of the warrior improving his skills and traveling from earth to earth, some familiar and others vary different ( MK vs DC, Planet of the Apes MK, ect ). However he always ends up being to late. We find out that for thousands of years he has actually been traveling, but because of his powers, its as if its been a blink of an eye.


The warrior now arrives on one of the last earths left, a very different earth. The world is both highly advance, yet very old fashion ( Blade Runner meets MK3 ).

He awakens, as with all of his jumps, woozy and confused. As he tries to gather his senses, he feels a quaking as a large train speeds past. He is in a dimly lit subway. As he slowly regains his vision, he notices a figure coming from the tunnel. Stalking slowly towards him. The figure is almost pure darkness. Wearing a long sleeveless hooded robe, the figures face his concealed in the darkness. His exposed arms are wrinkled and ash grey, almost as if they were decaying with a black ooze.

As the figure get closer, he reaches behind pulling out a large scythe, which he starts twirling. As the blade hits the ground it throws sparks, while the flickering lights only reveal slightly more of the grim reaper like figure.

We now quick cut to man on a very futuristic bike ( Think AKIRA ) racing down the street at a break neck pace. We pan back to reveal a bike covered in a H.R. Gieger esqu biomechanical design, still moving at an insane speed. We reveal the man on the bike is wearing a black leather jacket with a dark gold strip across the chest, and sword sheathed on his back. His hair is pulled up in a japanese style ponytail, and his black leather pants are tucked into his combat boots.

As he seemingly makes his way to his destination, he puts the bike on its side sliding towards a Subway entrance leaping off of his bike, as if he has no time to waste. We now see the back of the figure hurrying down the stairs. He pauses for a brief moment, turning his head to the side as if to look behind at the audience .... as he does this, his eyes turn milky white , and and almost symbiotic skeletal structure forms around the lower half of his face, like a half skull mask.

As he starts walking fast into the station we now, the Shadowy figure from earlier still making his way into the lit station further as the hero is still laying on the floor trying to recover from his time travel.

The shadow figure now twirls his scythe behind him and as he brings it back reveals that it is now two smaller scythes. He starts a steady jog towards the biker .....

The biker now starts to sprint towards the figure as his JACKET STARTS TO ENGULF IN FLAMES ..... as it melts off it reveals a very familiar BLACK SHIRT and DARK GOLD / YELLOW VEST .... He pulls his sword from his sheath as the blade becomes engulfed in flames ....

The shadowy figure now says in a dark distorted voice " YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME HANZO !!!! "

As Hanzo runs towards the dark figure he replies slyly, with his voice starting to distort under the skull mask " You did this to yourself Saibot .... AND THE NAME IS SCORPION !! "

The two figure leap into the air towards each other ..



And the game begins. Mortal Kombat characters redesigned .... history retold ( I.E. Hanzo a.k.a Scorpion actually kill Sub_Zero first , turning Sub into the spirit of Vengence NOOB SAIBOT, while Scorpion remains human, gaining his scorpion powers through a mysterious and familiar amulet )

Im working on an entire script ( MUCH MORE DETAILED THAN WHAT YOU JUST READ ), as well as a design document detailing, character bios, moves and fatalities. Though it won't ever go anywhere, atleast it might fun for the hardcore fans to read through.

If you guys want more let me know and I"ll post more as I complete it.

01/06/2010 07:37 PM (UTC)
I also wrote this little short story about Kitana if she were to come back in the next MK...(not related to the previous trilogy)....

Queen Kitana
01/06/2010 07:55 PM (UTC)
These storylines are great guys. Lets see if I can try my hand at this type of thing.

Armageddon has ended. The battle was won by earthrealm's forces. Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Jax, and Rayden all survived. Earth was returned to its rightful state. Little did they know that they weren't the only survivors. Reiko, Shao Kahn, Baraka, Kano, and Quan Chi also survived, but they retreated to outworld. Before they left, Baraka secretly released a small vial containing what appeared to be a small creature (similar to the thing that made Spider-Man turn into the black Spidey).

The forces of earthrealm enjoyed their peacefull lives for a short while before noticing a weird news report about a group of horriffic looking people destroying cities all over the earth. Liu Kang went out to look for Sub Zero for a little extra help, but was unsure of his wherabouts or even if he was alive.

(Gaping hole where some more story should be, involving scorpion and sub zero, along with Noob, Smoke, and the cyber ninjas returning to human)

The destroyers were normal humans who have been contaminated by this outworld disease, giving them special abilities, powers, and even body parts. They called themselves the Kontamination. They included Hawk, who has a distorted hawk-like face with razor sharp wings. Damien, who is like a variation of the guy from the video game "Prototype" when he has his claws. Daria, a female who can mold herself into any form (mr fantastic?). These are just a few of them but they grow in number.

So begins the fight. earthrealm vs EVERYBODY. That is until the outworld forces begin to battle with the kontamination themselves. This goes until they find out about a young man who has the disease but who wants to rid the universe of all the evil forces, Orion. He not only wants to end this war, but has the power to do it. Earthrealms forces, led by Liu Kang and Sonya, want to find him to put an end to all of this. The outworld forces, led by Baraka and Shao Kahn, want to turn him to the side of evil, defeating earthrealm once and for all. The elder gods, including Rayden and the newest elder, Sub Zero, want to take him out completely for fear that he will become more powerful than they are.

To be Kontinued...grin
01/06/2010 08:12 PM (UTC)
I like the kontamination idea !!
01/06/2010 09:55 PM (UTC)
Thank you. What about it did you like?
01/06/2010 10:36 PM (UTC)
I like the new characters, kind of reminds me of X-men meets MK. Especially Hawk.
01/06/2010 11:04 PM (UTC)
Yeah. I think if they were to do another combat, not only should they focus on the story more, they should do like they did with mk vs dc but instead of choosing what brand to use, you would choose between (in this story's case) Earthrealm forces, outworld forces, kontamination, elder gods, etc,,. and i know this is a storyline discussion but i think it'd be cool if they took the vs mode from shaolin monks and made THAT the fighting system where you could also use the Klose Kombat thing to use your fireballs, special moves, and whatnot and make that a whole epic thing. of course that sounds better on paper. and another thing i would have happen is make the fights longer by putting the health bars on the top and bottom instead of both side-by-side on the top. That would be pretty epic, but probably wont happen. sad
01/07/2010 01:44 AM (UTC)
The main stories never really appeal to me, except for MK3's and MKDA's.

I care more about the characters' stories. Their development matters more to me.

I hope to see great things for Sonya, Sindel, Kitana, Mileena, and Jade in the next-gen games.

Hopefully they will all return.
01/07/2010 03:30 AM (UTC)
See. thats what sucks about mortal kombat is even when there is somewhat of a story, you cant follow it. I want the next game to highlight each characters story and how they handle things on their own. Mortal kombat is just usually focused on the fighting, which is good, but id like some story with my kombat.
01/07/2010 04:21 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I would love it if it played out like in Heroes where everyone is interconnected and together they compose the entire story.

Doubt that'll ever happen, but it would at least be nice if everyone was relevant to the plot in some way rather than just a handful being useful and the rest being fillers for the sake of having a big roster.

I've always thought the characters' stories were more interesting than the main stories so... Hopefully...
01/07/2010 05:10 AM (UTC)
God, it seems like its been forever since the last mk game. we need a new one SOON!!! All new story, all new characters, some old characters, all new gameplay, etc... UGH!furious
01/07/2010 08:59 AM (UTC)
The lack of interconnecting storylines has always been a MAJOR problem with the MK games. This is something that really needs to change with the new game. If not, MK could easily fall back into that same rut of a game with a plot, but has very poor and forgettable character storylines.
Historical Favorite
01/07/2010 10:25 AM (UTC)
This is something I was toying around with a couple of months ago.

Cutting to the quick, this is something of a do-over of Armageddon, which had a good concept (all the characters) and then did nothing with it (pyramids or some such thing).

Less quickly, the premise is based around conflicts breaking out across the series' various realms. Earth, for instance, has experienced a power vacuum with the Outworld forces abandoning the planet all together (more on this in a bit). This leaves a 3-way power struggle between the Red and Black Dragon clans and Sektor's Tekunin. Forcing an alliance between the Special Forces and the Lin Kuei (such as they are) to contend with all three. All this leaves the planet, for all intents and purposes, as a gigantic war zone on the brink of collapse.

Outworld, meanwhile, is facing a similar crisis. The recently revived Onaga takes steps to re-assert his dominion, leading into a battle with the remaining forces commanded by Shao Kahn. Kahn, unwilling to lose Outworld, has temporarily put aside his designs on the other realms. Both sides are being bolstered by unseen benefactors.

Edenia, contrary to the other realms, is experiencing a period of relative peace. Kahn and Onaga are distracted, and Shinnok is nowhere to be seen. "Kitana" uses this downtime to remove the last potential threats, the Deadly Alliance. She assembles a group of Earth heroes not involved in the conflict mentioned above (Liu Kang, Cage, Kung Lao, etc) and friendly Outworld forces (Ermac, Bo' Rai Cho, etc) to hunt down Quan Chi, who's been hiding out in Seido. The heroes are led to belive that Quan Chi has again stolen Onaga's amulet, and if recovered, it could prove a useful tool against all of their foes. What they don't know is that this is a wild goose chase. Quan Chi is in Edenia, and "Kitana" is actually Shang Tsung, the real Kitana having been murdered months ago. The Deadly Alliance are banking on Hotaru and Seido's guardsmen to kill their enemies for them as they take Edenia for themselves.

The only beneficiary of the various goings-on is Shinnok. He commands the only realm that no one really wants and so has no outside enemies to worry about. Meanwhile, the wars and conflicts are only causing more and more souls to enter his realm. With nothing to lose, he opts to sit out the current battles. His only act during this period is to send the Brotherhood of Shadow to hunt down Noob Saibot.

The central figure in all of this (as if you couldn't tell) is Havik. He's been the one feeding information to the Earth factions and bolstering the ranks of the Outworld armies with warriors from Chaosrealm (which really needs a proper name). He co-plotted the murder of Kitana and the run-around of the heroes with the Deadly Alliance. His only failure was being unable to bring Shinnok into the fray. Havik's motivations are of course non-existant. As we've seen, he's into chaos for chaos' sake. This is whole thing is a game to him.

So that's the thing. It's not wonderful, but it makes more sense than the Armageddon we actually got.

01/07/2010 07:46 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
The main stories never really appeal to me, except for MK3's and MKDA's.

I care more about the characters' stories. Their development matters more to me.

I hope to see great things for Sonya, Sindel, Kitana, Mileena, and Jade in the next-gen games.

Hopefully they will all return.

I hope those girls return too. Especially Jade and Mileena. Infact, I have an idea for Jade as to what happened to her in MKA and what will her role be in MK9. Here it is.

During Armageddon, Jade was fighting Tanya and had a hard time against her. Then, when Jade was knocked out to the ground by a forceful blow, Tanya was about to finish her once and for all but luckily, Jade was able to pick up her Bojutsu and impaled Tanya right through the heart. Tanya fell to the ground as Jade remembered the days she spent together with her as friends along with Kitana. Jade crawled up to her in pain and Tanya apologizes for her treachery. After that, tears came out of Jade's eyes but she had no choice but to move on. A few feet away, she saw Kitana getting attacked by Mileena and Baraka. Jade got up to help her friend but unforunately, Rain shot water at her. She got up from the ground again and teleported behind Rain and Shadow Kicked him at his back. As he fell to the ground, he immediately summoned a thunderbolt at Jade, shocking her to the floor. Next, Rain walked up to Jade, grabbed her by the neck and attempted to "violate" her but she managed to fight back. Once, Jade got on her feet again, she and Rain faught with their weapons against eachother. The staff and sword contacted each time they swung their weapons, however, Rain got the upperhand of the battle and sliced Jade at the back. Kitana saw what happened to her friend so she did her Pretty kick to Mileena's jaw, knocking her out. Next, Kitana eveded Baraka's moves and sliced his neck, slitting the throat, as blood oozed out of the dying Tarkatan. Then, Kitana threw a fan at Rain, who escaped right after that attack. Kitana walks up to her injured bestfriend and tells her not to give up. Jade responds by saying that Kitana should leave and take care of what needs to be done rather than helping her out. Kitana gives Jade one last hug before she could move on. When the battle was over, everyone assumed that Jade was dead but in reality, she still got up after everyone left, and walked out in critical condition. As she walked for days, a man found her and healed her completely at his home. He asked what happened and she explained everything about Armageddon. Once he heard that, he decided to tell her that she should be in his home for awhile and that he'd traine her until she was ready to help Kitana again. So he did what he said and when Jade was ready to leave again, she thanked the man and went to look for Kitana so she can aid her and her other allies against a new threat.

Now I know I'm not the best story teller but this is my idea of how Jade's story should be. Also, because of this kind of story, Jade would make a great secret hidden character because people will think she's dead but really, she has been alive the whole time. Fell free to add anything if you want. smile
01/07/2010 11:02 PM (UTC)
I know this sounds silly but i want to see a new kombat where the regular characters end up being the end bosses. have sub zero, scorpion, liu kang, etc... be end bosses or mini bosses. or have, as you just said, other people be secret characters with a story behind it. sounds awesome.
01/08/2010 02:21 AM (UTC)
kontamination23 Wrote:
I know this sounds silly but i want to see a new kombat where the regular characters end up being the end bosses. have sub zero, scorpion, liu kang, etc... be end bosses or mini bosses. or have, as you just said, other people be secret characters with a story behind it. sounds awesome.

Good idea. It's kind of like what SNK did with Kyo and Iori in KOF 99. The original characters should only be fought as bosses for a special condition such as performing numerous fatalities during arcade mode and/or having flawless victories throughout gameplay.
01/08/2010 08:39 AM (UTC)
What did you guys think about my idea involving the fighting system and storyline setup? just curious.
01/08/2010 08:27 PM (UTC)
kontamination23 Wrote:
What did you guys think about my idea involving the fighting system and storyline setup? just curious.

Good idea. But I think that is so Resident Evil.
01/09/2010 12:32 AM (UTC)
how so?
01/09/2010 01:47 AM (UTC)
kontamination23 Wrote:
how so?

I can explain that for you... Resident Evil released a virus in Raccoon city that made hundreds of people turn into zombies with a few people here and there that are left as survivors that you'll either play or encounter throughout the game.

Your story has Baraka releasing some thing to make people in Earthrealm into horrific creatures... With like four people left alive. You also list these "Prototypes" which obviously is a spoof off of the Tyrant and other creations made by Umbrella.

Wow, an identical story that involves RE-like features...
01/09/2010 04:31 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
kontamination23 Wrote:
how so?

I can explain that for you... Resident Evil released a virus in Raccoon city that made hundreds of people turn into zombies with a few people here and there that are left as survivors that you'll either play or encounter throughout the game.

Your story has Baraka releasing some thing to make people in Earthrealm into horrific creatures... With like four people left alive. You also list these "Prototypes" which obviously is a spoof off of the Tyrant and other creations made by Umbrella.

Wow, an identical story that involves RE-like features...

It's like a typical zombie movie or game where the virus spreads, which I think wouldn't be bad for MK. They can try that for a change.
01/09/2010 05:05 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
kontamination23 Wrote:
how so?

I can explain that for you... Resident Evil released a virus in Raccoon city that made hundreds of people turn into zombies with a few people here and there that are left as survivors that you'll either play or encounter throughout the game.

Your story has Baraka releasing some thing to make people in Earthrealm into horrific creatures... With like four people left alive. You also list these "Prototypes" which obviously is a spoof off of the Tyrant and other creations made by Umbrella.

Wow, an identical story that involves RE-like features...

It's like a typical zombie movie or game where the virus spreads, which I think wouldn't be bad for MK. They can try that for a change.

But that's just it, Mortal Kombat isn't a typical zombie survival game, it's a fighting game.

Yes, I will admit, it's sure a different idea for MK to go through, but it'll never happen. And I'm not trying to be down on the entire thing, I'm just saying, it'll never happen because it's not what Mortal Kombat is and was about... It's about a tournament who's story just got out of hand.

And it did get out of hand because basically since MK3 ended, it was no longer a tournament, it was just some brand new evil force coming into play and seeing who, out of the cast of heroes, would come in and stop them.

So, you're all probably like, "Well if you're not believing this story is good enough for an MK taste, let's hear your side." Okay, I will.

I would like to see the "What if's," come into play... What if Sindel never looked at these visions her MK3 ending stated and never turned back to the good side.

What if Liu Kang never won the first tournament

What if Sub-Zero never died after MK1

What if Raiden never turned evil

What if this didn't happen, what if that didn't happen?

I'd like to see what MK would have been like if certain things that happened either didn't happen, or had something changed. It'd be very different.

It would play a big effect on the story because certain events would not come into play if these things did not happen.

But I missed out on something that you, Kontamination23, wrote:

kontamination23 Wrote:
Yeah. I think if they were to do another combat, not only should they focus on the story more, they should do like they did with mk vs dc but instead of choosing what brand to use, you would choose between (in this story's case) Earthrealm forces, outworld forces, kontamination, elder gods, etc,,. and i know this is a storyline discussion but i think it'd be cool if they took the vs mode from shaolin monks and made THAT the fighting system where you could also use the Klose Kombat thing to use your fireballs, special moves, and whatnot and make that a whole epic thing. of course that sounds better on paper. and another thing i would have happen is make the fights longer by putting the health bars on the top and bottom instead of both side-by-side on the top. That would be pretty epic, but probably wont happen. sad

Basically, all you just discussed about is an idea for an adventure game. I wouldn't mind seeing one soon, but I would like to see the fighting game come first, then the adventure.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not "dissing" your story idea or anything, it's a change, it could be good for a good adventure game, I just don't see it happening for the fighting game.
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