New special movesets for MK4-MKA characters
posted11/19/2012 04:02 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/19/2010 11:17 PM (UTC)
Just start with one if you want and work from there.

No need to give me fifteen characters in one post. Also don't use characters from Mk1-3 please. They have successfully been given movesets and we are worrying about the others now.


1. Lunge kick (using his grapples Mavado lunges forward with both feet to kick the opponent backward)
[Enhanced] (same just more damage)

2. Switch up (using his grapples Mavado lunges backwards at the screen and turns up on the other side of the screen) note: this is essentially a teleport
[Enhanced] (using the grapples he lunges backwards once, and then backwards again) note: similar to Raiden's teleport.

3. Hook Sword throw( simply throws his hook swords at the opponent) Projectile
[Enhanced] Throws one high hooksword and one low hooksword .

4. Anger Management (enhances damage output)
[no enhanced]

5. Lunge up ( Mavado lunges upward off of the screen and then down onto his opponent. note: Think Smoke when he catches you with the Shake.


1. Black Magic (Fast black energy ball)
[Enhanced] (same but with more damage)

2. Human Cannon Drill (drills under her opponent to trip them forward onto the ground)
[Enhanced] drills under the opponent to trip the forward then cartweels back onto their body. note: it would be a one-two hit scenario like Sub-Zero's enhanced slide

3. Voodoo (makes the opponent hit themselves)[it would be like a barrage similar to Kenshi's)

4. Neck Snap (lunges onto her opponents neck and snaps right to left then jumps off) note: Here I'm thinking along the line of Mileena's neckbite
[Enhanced] (lunges onto her opponents neck and snaps it right to left then kicks the opponent to the ground.)


Propeller: (Kai does a handstand and works his feet in a propeller motion) note: could work as anti air similar to Baraka's slice and dice
[Enhanced] (lasts longer)

Triple Kick: ( One low kick, One mid kick, One high kick(the last high kick knocks the opponent back))

Meditation: Allows Kai to hover in the air

Meditation attack 1: (Kai can launch a downward fireball if the opponent gets brave and comes inward)
[enhanced]: Kai launches a barrage of fireballs downward at the opponent

Meditation attack 2: (Kai performs a dive kick)
[Enhanced] more damage

Propeller kicks ( Kai launches forward in handstand position to release a flurry of propeller kicks)
[Enhanced] more damage is dealt

Firethrow kick ( Kai performs a throw kick that releases a firey energy from his foot at his opponent) note: this is kai's projectile

Okay that's all I have for now. I will continue later on. Post some of your ideas guys. It's all in fun. See if you can come up with a good moveset for characters.

04/01/2012 02:38 PM (UTC)
Some of your ideas are really cool. But could i add my own Mavado hookswords throw? He should have that as a throw. Once the sword hit the opponent when enhanced, maybe just have Mavado take both blades and throw the opponent over his head.


Havik: I think he should retain his ability to break his own bones to regain energy. And make this a X-Ray move. For instance, Havik would break is bones first and the opponent, kind of controled by Havik would break the very same bones in the same way on his/her own body.

Nitara: Should retain her bloodspit. Could blind the guy temporary as an enhanced attack.

I think there are too many teleports already but i'd love if she had an extra over the others in terms of air attacks. Or just a move that would make her grab the opponent and attack him in flight afterwards when he's weakened.

She should keep her wings but have them retractable maybe. Using them to dive on the opponent. Could be a cool combo starter, special move or not. I would like it to be faster or even unblockable as an enhanced attack. Since with the breaker ready, a combo can still be broken in the middle of it.

Hsu Hao: I don't have anything clear for him yet. I just think he would make a cool wrestling based combattant.

Hotaru: I see him as a long range fighter. He should keep a weapon such as a long spear. I know it's not that original but he could be a character having the ability to impale in mid range at least. And maybe throw the opponent over a couple times as an enhanced attack.

He could make use of a shield armor that would make him temporary stronger (As hits would have lesser effects on the character while he's charged up.)

This is all i got for now.

04/12/2012 03:29 AM (UTC)
Okay guys I didn't want this thread to die. I think you guys can help think of a good moveset for some of these characters and hopefully we can take the best moves from everyone to make a good moveset for these characters.

I'm going to give a few more so hopefully it can get discussion going again.

REIKO (When I think of Reiko I think of ruthless much like Kahn, I don't see him using projectile's as he seems like more of a hand's on type of character)

Charging Pain (Similar to Kahn's charge in MK9)
Enhanced ( Performs a charge and then performs Kahn's up charge immediately after)

Invincible (gains a type of invincibility that allows him to power through combos)
Enhanced (lasts longer)

Migraine (grabs the opponent in{similar to Jax and Nightwolf in MK9} he thens headbutts the opponent and knocks them to the ground.

Up knee (Allows Reiko to knock the opponent upward with a knee)
Enhanced (Knocks the opponent upward with a knee and then stomps them back down in mid air)

Bear Hug (Catches the opponent (when the opponent is jumping in) and crushes them then throws them to the ground.
Enhanced (Catches the opponent just the same, and then kicks the opponent after he throws them to the ground)


Puke Puddle (Some won't like this one, but I feel that it is original enough to bring back, it will have the same properties as in past games. It makes the opponent slip up)
Enhanced (When Bo Rai Cho pukes it goes all the way across the screen and the puddle makes the opponent slip forward into Bo Rai Cho)

Monkey Flips (Same as in the older games)
no enhanced

Spit Fire ( Bo Rai Cho uses alcohol to spit fire forwards (this move would be similar to Kintaro's flames in MK9)
Enhanced (lasts longer)

Crush (Bo Rai Cho leaps into the air and lands on the opponent with his stomach coming out from the top of the screen)(Think Sheeva)

Molotov (Bo throws a bottle of lit alcohol at the opponent)
Enhanced (Bo throws one high and one low molotov)

Earthquake (Same as in the old games)


Grasshopper (New mechanics from old game, Hotaru must be in the air to perform these kicks) (Like a dive kick mixed with Liu Kang's bicycle kicks)

Lava Burst (Close)

Lava Burst (Medium)

Lava Burst (Far)

Lava Burst (Up)

Blinding Light (Hotaru fires a bright burst that blinds the opponent allowing him to attack)
Enhanced (Blinds the opponent and Hotaru lunges in with a fast punch[Quick Tricks])

Seidan Guard (Raises Hotaru's defense momentarily causing attacks to not do as much damage)
Enhanced (lasts longer)

That's all I've got for now guys. Come on you guys can think of some as well.
04/12/2012 09:30 PM (UTC)

Costume 1: very similar to his Armageddon suit with spiked gloves

Costume 2: only change would ne a modofoed Kahn helmet. And a maroon cape with the character for death stamped in black. His face paint would still show put the helmet and instead his gloves are now metal gantlets like sauron from LOTR.

Move set:

Ninja stars: like his MK 4 fatality only he only launches four throwing stars. Enhanced: he launches a shitload at the opponent.

Charging doom: shoulder charges the opponent.

Hammer smash: swings a giant hammer in front of him knocking out anyone in sliding distances.

Back breaker: grabs opponent and smashes them on his knee.

Face bash: rolls to grab opponent and pins them down and unloads four heavy punches on their face then rolls back

Headbutt: much like face bash but instead he headbutts their head.

Xray move: charges opponent and uppercuts them with a hammer zooming into their jaw. They then fall to the ground. He jumps and steps on their stomach and it zooms onto their abdomen. Then he holds them above his head and crushes their wind pipe zooming into their throat. He then toss them aside.

Grab move he chokes them out them bashes Theor head into the floor the air move of this shows him dropinng them from the air to bash Their faces onto the floor.

This is what I got for Reiko on a different post. I also see Reiko as a savage type of character so he could be more brutal and harsh. I like some of your ideas and I definitely think he can become an instant favorite if he becomes more brutal and harsh. Making him a bad ass villain.
04/12/2012 11:17 PM (UTC)
Thanks I like some of your ideas too. I think we agree that he should keep the charging doom or whatever charge move it is. I also like the idea of the backbreaker. I also kind of like the headbutt idea as well.

I actually like the hammer idea, but on the other hand I feel it risks him being to similar to Kahn. I don't want him being a carbon copy of Kahn but at the same time I feel a hammer fits him.

On the same note with the hammer though I like your idea for the X-ray but I think I'll put my own spin on it. Let's say He rushes in and uppercuts them with a hammer just like in your idea. It zooms in on their teeth smashing out then it shows Reiko in the air and he comes back down with the hammer on their back and it zooms in on their spine crushing. That ends the X-ray.

What do you think?
04/12/2012 11:34 PM (UTC)
I like it i can totally see Reiko kickin ass like that. I liked your headbutts idea an with a charge and back breaker it could string up a powerful combo. He of he charges then uppercuts and does
The back breaker and ends with a headbutts it would be a hard but powerful combo to master. Oh and I have blaze coming up soon my take on his moveset.
04/13/2012 01:38 AM (UTC)


Fireball: shoots a large fireball at the opponent.

Melting teleport: he melts into the floor and roses up behind the opponent

Hot head: concentrated and the flames surrounding him raise much like Scorpions MK V. DC move

Flaming Backflip: spinning back kick leaving a trail of fire

Scorched: summons a puddle of lava under the opponent


Nuked: He chokes the opponent and his flames begin to rise. Their face begins to expand and their eyes explode and the body lights on fire the crisp falls to the floor

Welcome to Hell! He kicks the opponent and spike rose from the ground he then sets the body on fire.
04/30/2012 12:19 AM (UTC)

Costume: he will only be wearing a loincloth over his decomposing flesh. Use the xray model and add flies. Same mask but more of a metallic look. The features more defined to be more ominous. His arm is still a metal club but studded not spiked. Single shoulder pad knife in his back

Alternative: no mask with white eyes rotting face. He wears a bone necklace and his rib cage is exposed. He wears tattered cloth and looks like a decomoposibg tribal figure. Club still attached. knife in his back.


Ground Pound: club pounds te floor. Enhached: he jumps and makes a higher shock

club roll: like strikers baton move but with his club enhance is a pop up then smash down

Leaping smash: jumps onto the opponent and hits them and back hands them with his club. leaps farther and hits them four times instead of two

Twirling club: swirling club like in Armageddon. Enhanced: longer swirl

Double back stab: takes out he knife in his back and hugs the opponent stabbing them in the back. Enhanced : the knife in his back turns out to be a machete and he slices the opponnet.

Club uppercut: sane as Armageddon Enhanced: uppercuts then smash down

Fly ball: throws a ball of flies at opponent enhanced: ball of locust


Headache: swings his club and hits the opponents head swings again and thy fall to their knees. Hits them a third time bashing tier skull in.

New Mask: uses club to break the opponents knees and the bones are exposed he then removes the his knife and cuts off their face exposing their skull. He switches faces with them ( they take his mask he takes their face.

05/13/2012 11:03 PM (UTC)
How about Shujinko?
05/14/2012 05:36 AM (UTC)
Voodoo seems more appropriate for Ashrah than for Tanya. Tanya seems almost a witch fire agile with quick movements and related to their element, almost Azula of Avatar.
05/14/2012 05:45 AM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Voodoo seems more appropriate for Ashrah than for Tanya. Tanya seems almost a witch fire agile with quick movements and related to their element, almost Azula of Avatar.

Thanks for the input. I wish more people would contribute.

Anyway, I just see Tanya as a Bohemian witch. I could just see her using voodoo.

Ashrah seems more like she would use light in her moveset. That would be her power, the power of light.
05/14/2012 06:21 PM (UTC)
Love your Kai ideas and I agree voodoo seems more Tanya than ashrah
05/14/2012 06:40 PM (UTC)

Mavado can wear a long black open faced leather trenchcoat with long sleeves. Within these sleeves there could be thin leather straps that extend and retract back within his sleeves giving him the ability to grip and slap objects from long range. His undergarments could be a black buttoned up shirt with black slacks and black boots. He could similar to Keanu Reeves in the Matrix just with an open faced black leather jacket instead of it being buttoned up to his neck. His alternate costume could be the same open faced leather jacket just in a grey color with a black undergarment pattern. His manuevers can be modeled after the loner like ninja in the movie, Shinobi: Heart Under Blade where he showcases a demonstration within the temples of his elders. He can have sleeves like Hotarubi from Shinobi: Heart Under Blade except he would look like the picture up above with the exclusion of the glasses and he would have a buttoned up shirt for undergarments.

Mavado can incorporate a Long Fist style of fighting characterized with a series of a quick barrage of hand movements. He'd also have a experience Tae Kwon Do background which also add quick tempered kicks that were power based to vulenerable areas of his opponent's body to his arsenal. This combined with his leather straps used in a slashing and gripping tool would provide Mavado with a versatile means of attacking his opponent in quick spurts.

Mavado, a well-respected, and long time standing member of the Black Dragon Organization, was inducted into the organization through birth-right. Many of his family and extended family members are active members of the organization and were bred for strength, high-tolerence and power. A street based organization founded on market based needs, loyalty, strength, heart and ambition for money and power, very little is known about the operations of this organization mainly because of it's underground activities remain discrete and private to outsiders. Years ago, Special Force Ops., Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs lead an investigative unit dedicated towards bringing down notorious key members of the organization, one of them being Kano. And because of this investigation, some of the more prominent locations would be forced to shut down causing them to loose out on several revenue streams and forcing internal strife and conflict between ranking members and subordinate workers. Kano being on of the fall guys for the organization was taken captive and held in possession within Mortal Kombat to take the heat off of being brought to them. This in turn forced Mavado, as one of the leaders of the Black Dragon, to come up with other means to replace the streams of revenue he lost in the invasion, for he had numerous families and dependants to support with those loss streams of revenue. This would eventually and gradually lead to the demise of the Black Dragon in the eyes of wealthy clients and business partners, underground rings they were involved in, and rivaling organizations looking for opportunties to move in on their operations. With time passing and realizing that things have never gotten back to where they once were in terms of power and clout, Mavado hinges on eliminating the Special Force Ops. and their suffocating presence on their organizations operations. With the Black Dragon's respectablity and power on the line, Mavado personally plans to eliminate any threats of insurgence in the tournament of Mortal Kombat.

Whiplash: From fighting stance, Mavado, flings forward his backside arm towards his opponent and unleashes his backside sleeve that slaps his opponent in the face. This causes his opponent to grimace in pain in the face and stumble backwards. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Upper Whiplash: From fighting stance, Mavado, flings fowards his backside arm towards his opponent and unleashes his backside sleeve that slaps his airborne opponent causing them to drop from the sky and grimace in pain. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Aerial Whiplash: While airborne, Mavado, flings foward his sleeves towards his airborne opponent and slaps them in the air causing them to drop from the sky and fall to the ground grimacing in pain. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Downward Whiplash: While airborne, Mavado, flings forward his sleeves towards his grounded opponent slapping them in the face. This casues his opponent to grimace in pain in the face and stumble backwards. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Multiple Whiplash: From fighting stance, Mavado, flings his sleeves towards his opponent at a rapid underhanded motioning causing his sleeves to rapidly strike his opponent multiple times, rendering them in a free fall backwards across the screen and scoring Mavado multiple hits before retracting back into the sleeves of his leather jacket.

Smoke Trail: From fighting stance, Mavado, slightly extends his backside arm forward towards his opponent and then jerks it backwards passed his waist as if to be pulling out an extension cord. This causes his sleeve to slap against the surface of the ground and generates a succeeding trail of knee high explosions to race towards his opponent and causes them to be juggled backwards across the screen if hit with any one of the explosions right before Mavado's sleeve retracts back into the sleeves of his leather jacket.

Suffocation Grip: From fighting stance, Mavado, takes a step forward to face his opponent parallel to the plane of his opponent's body and flings forward both his sleeves which launch a series thin metal wire like strings towards his opponent that wrap around their waist from both sides of his opponent's body like a belt. He thin slightly jerks back from where he stands and tightens the grip, suffocating his opponent where they stand and causing them to fall to their knees. Mavado's sleeves then retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket providing him the opportunity to execute some follow up combos.

Closeline: From fighting stance, Mavado, takes a step forward to face his opponent where his body is parallel to the plane of his opponent's body. He then, in that motioning, flings forward his backside arm towards his opponent and shoots out a series of finely threaded metal strings towards his opponent that wrap around their waist. He then proceeds to jerk his arm backwards and yanks his opponent towards him into a standing closeline with his other arm causing them to do a full flip in mid-air before landing face first on the ground behind where Mavado is standing. Mavado's sleeves retract back into his sleeves in his leather jacket.

Leap of Faith: From fighting stance, Mavado, springs diagonally backwards only to come to rest on the other side of the screen behind him. It can look like the stunt wires in the cinema. This can work as an avoidance manuever.

Great Escape: From fighting stance, Mavado, dashes backwards across the screen after a couple of steps to avoid any offensive attacks executed by his opponent.

Torpedo Slaps: From fighting stance, Mavado, spins around where he stands into a crouching disposition. While spinning he extends outward to where his sleeves to where they rotate and slap his opponent multiple times if they are standing within close range right before retracting back into the sleeves of his leather jacket and standing back up into his fighting stance.

Whiplash of Chaos: From fighting stance, Mavado, steps forward towards his opponent to where his body is parallel to the plane of his opponent's body and flings forward his sleeves in sequence with each other and shoots out a series of sleeves that unravel and slap his opponent in the upper extremities multiple times. It can look like the party strings that explode out of a freshly opened can or it can look like the chaotic movements of electric volts except it would leather straps from his sleeve slapping his opponent's upper extremities multiple times before retracting back into the sleeves of his leather jacket.

Tricks Up My Sleeve: From fighting stance, Mavado, steps forward to face his opponent parallel to the plane of his opponent's body and flings forward his backside sleeve which launches a series of finely tuned thin metal wire like strings towards his opponent that wrap around their neck. From there, Mavado, raises his arm and generates a glowing energy that emits a flow of energy down the finely tuned strings and onto his disabled opponent causing an adverse chain reaction of minature explosions to skate up and down chaoticly all over his opponent's body and blowing them backwards into a free fall backwards before coming to rest face up across the floor and Mavado's sleeves retracting back into the sleeves in his leather jacket.

Paper Shredder - Mavado, from fighting stance, faces his opponent in a stare down and abruptly flings both of his arms forward towards his opponent and launches his leather straps and fine-like strings that quickly wrap around his opponent's disoriented body from head to toe. He then, tightens the grip he has on his opponent to the point of suffocation and causing blood to spue out of their esophocates and mouth. He then motions into a sharp and abrupt jerk, turning his back to his opponent and retracting his leather straps and sharpened steele like strings back into his sleeves. This rips through every body part of his opponent like a crumbling debree from an implosion and spuing blood everywhere. Mavado then takes on his winning pose.

Mavado simply walks towards his opponent with cold and blank stare while retracting his leather straps back into his sleeves in the process.

Mavado leaps backward across to his position on stage and retracts his leather straps back into his sleeves in a series of fluid hand and arm movments and stares down his fallen opponent while reading himself in his fighting stance.

Turning his back to the camera, Mavado, sadistically looks over his shoulder and jerks back his leather straps and steele sharpened strings into their sleeves.

Slapboxing - Mavado flings one of his sleeves towards his opponent that wraps around one of their arms from mid-range. He then dashes forward into a forward punch with an open palm to the opponent's stermnum causing a crack in the rib cage and soloplex. He then transitions into a jab with the curveture of his wrist to the neck region of his opponent causing them to gag and fall to their knees. He finally follows up those couple of hits with a jumping punch to the face of his opponents, fracturing facial structured parts of the skull and nose in motion similar to Brad Pitt's character in Achillies in the movie Troy when he fights Eric Bana's character, Hector.

After winning the tournament, Mavado, mindful of his mission, envisions a golden opportunity to ultilize the Mortal Kombat grounds as a place to upstart a new division of the Black Dragon Organization. Here he would absorb the combined powers of the defeated Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn and grow to be the most notable and powerful warlord of the Black Dragon since it's founding. Over time he would recruit more and more skilled fighters into his organization and enslave others for his biddings to strengthen their brand and operations in a untapped market his competitors wouldn't be able to reach. He would then transferr some of his more canning members to divions in Earthrealm with entrusted powers the likes of Earthrealm had never seen before quickly giving them leverage over their competiton and wealthy clients. These chain of events would restore the Black Dragon to the prominent organization they once were years ago and elevate their power and influence among Earthrealm's matters, allowing them to have a say in more of the bigger matters and events to present day. All this and Mavado would soon promote himself as the new defacto leader of the Black Dragon ensuring the livelihood of it's tenure and reign among the elite corporations and organizations around the world and beyond.
05/14/2012 11:35 PM (UTC)

Icy Daggers

Ground freeze

Icy teleport

Ice drop- subzeros move from MK vs. Dc where he freezes the air above the opponent.


Raiden recruited frost for her shredding skills and cut throat strength, but the thunder god failed to realize just how power hungry frost really was. She proved she could help earth but the allure of power was too much. She turned on the heroes and pledged herself to the brotherhood of shadow. There she harbored here aggression and became a general in the Netherrealm army.


Frost learned of Shinnoks amulet and tried to claim the prize for herself. She attacked quan chi and took the amulet for herself. The amulet intensified her rage and abilities. She defeated the fallen elder god and claimed Netherrealm, but that wasn't enough. She froze Mileena and killed her and took outworld and merged it with netherrealm. Now the only thing stopping her from merging all the realms is the duo if Raiden and Fujin.


Once a member of the Brotherhood of shadow Ashrah has shed her demon ways and is on a mission to purify her soul. She is under the influence if a powerful dagger and each time she kills a demon she gets closer to ascension. The problem is that she is now the prime target for the netherrealms demon squads.

Heavenly light: a blinding light that stubs the opponent

Spin top

Acension: she summons a light from the sky that burns the opponent.

Divinity: Makes her invincible for 4 seconds
*enhances* lasts for 12 seconds

Kriss kross: some type of weapon based move

Ball of light: A projectile of light

09/26/2012 11:59 PM (UTC)
Any moves for Li Mei that can go with her sparkling orb?
09/27/2012 03:36 AM (UTC)

icy blade - she forms a blade of ice on her right hand and dashes at the opponnent making the fall to the ground. enhanced freezes them.

icy knifes - she hurls several daggers made out of ice. enhanced freezes them.

icy gauntlets - she forms spiky ice gloves does few hits then shatters. enhanced lasts longer.

ice kiss - she blows some ice dust at the fighter that freezes them. enhanced has a explosion effect after being frozen.

snowflake - projectile. enhanced dozens of flakes hit the opponnet sending them flying into the air.

sliding kink - she forms an ice puddle and slides kicking the fighters legs from out him/her. enhanced ends with a Hurricanrana.

ice beam - exactly as the name implies. enhanced can be done in air.

i'll post another character tomorrow.this moveset would make her stand out against sub-zero because she focuses on weapon formations,hit and run tatics compared to sub-zero where his is more about freezing,free hits. let me know what you think.
11/16/2012 02:17 PM (UTC)
What about...
- Kai
- Li Mei
- Ashrah
- Bo'Rai Cho
11/19/2012 04:02 AM (UTC)


Lasso Takedown: Jarek lashes his lasso at his opponents feet, which then ties up and Jarek slams them to the ground (opponent must be in air).
[enhanced]- after the original take down, Jarek swings his opponent to the other side of the screen.

Abdomen Stab: Jarek puts a hand on his foes shoulder, then using a knife in the other hand, stabs them in the abdomen.
[enhanced]- multiple stabs.

Dragged In: Jarek lashes his lasso at his foe which wraps around their upper torso and drags them in for a free hit or combo.

Knife Slash: Slashes his foe in the face which makes them stumble backwards.
[enhanced]- multiple slashes to the face which make his foe fall to the ground.

Knee Bash: Jarek leans his foe forward, holds their head and uses his knee to bash in their face. Outcome, loss of a couple teeth.
[enhanced]- numerous knee bashes to the face with the outcome of a loss of a few teeth and a broken nose.

Brutal Stabbing (fatality 1): Jarek takes out his knife and punctures his foes right neck artery. As his foe is holding his/her neck, Jarek attacks the left upper leg with his knife. Foe is then gripping their leg. With the amount of blood loss from the neck artery, Jarek kicks out the right knee from behind. Foe is helpless and lying face down as the knife is stab into their back half way. Jarek is not satisfied so he steps on the knife handle with force that it's impaled through his victim and the tip of the blade into the ground. FATALITY!!!

De-fleshed: Jarek smashes his victims spine with the handle of his knife. As his victim is lying on the ground helplessly, Jarek violently de-fleshes his victim. Jarek gathers the flesh that he skimmed off and holds it high in victory. FATALITY!!!
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