New powers/moves MK4-MKA characters in MK10 + Tremor & Khameleon
posted03/12/2012 11:24 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
For all that know Quan Chi from MK4-MKA, his moves and what's added for his MK2011 move list?

Powers: Necromancy

Quan Chi's new moves
- Ground Burst
- Mesmerize
- Skeletal Boost

What kind of new powers/moves should these characters have for the future MK10? Those selected and worthy of the new game.

- Reiko
- Kai
- Fujin
- Tanya
- Shinnok

- Mavado
- Li Mei
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Nitara
- Drahmin
- Sareena
- Moloch

- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Dairou
- Havik

Including Khameleon & Tremor. (That is if us fans try to get the NRS crew to put them in... BY FORCE if necessary as playable or DLC)

Oh! Khameleon based on THIS model
02/26/2012 12:39 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
For all that know Quan Chi from MK4-MKA, his moves and what's added for his MK2011 move list?

Powers: Necromancy

Quan Chi's new moves
- Ground Burst
- Mesmerize
- Skeletal Boost

Could you expound on these extra set of moves? I would like to know more about how these moves would be calibrated in the actual video game.

02/26/2012 12:51 AM (UTC)
As for my ideas for Quan Chi's specialty moves...

QUAN CHI (finished)

Green Skull - Cocks back both hands towards back side of his waist, then he throws a green skull towards his opponent that explodes upon contact.

Enhanced Skull – Cocks back both hands towards back side of his waist after a quick fluid motion with forward hand to project outward a red skull that upon contact repeatedly bites at the upper extremities of his opponent and then disappear. This move takes off more energy than standard projectile.

Stolen Skill Orb - Cocks back hand towards back side of his waist, then he throws a green orb towards his opponent. Once struck with orb, opponent turns black and grey and falls to their knees. Quan Chi then possesses the ability to use his opponent’s specialty moves and weapons against them disabling his opponent’s ability to use their specialty moves until they score a physical hit on Quan Chi and return back into their normal color. So for example, if fighting Scorpion, Quan Chi would be able to throw Scorpion’s harpoon while Scorpion himself, turns black and grey while unable to use his harpoon or any other specialty moves against Quan Chi until scoring a physical hit on him. (Maybe some signature moves.)

Upward Stolen Skill Orb - Cocks back hand towards back side of his waist, then he throws a green orb upwards towards his opponent. Once struck with orb, opponent turns black and grey and fall out of the air on their back. Again Quan Chi then possesses the ability to use his opponent’s specialty moves and weapons against them disabling his opponents to use their specialty moves until they score a physical hit. (Maybe some of his opponent’s signature moves.)

Soul Resurrection - Makes a meditative motion and glows in green only to conjure up the soul of a vanquished warrior in a cloud of green mist, to fight his opponent while Quan Chi stands idly by with arms crossed laughing sadistically. Vanished soul continues to fight Quan Chi's opponent until the vanished soul receives a physical hit and then disappears.

Green Orb Streams - Makes a series of motions to conjure up streams of green orbs of the souls of vanquished warriors to strike Quan Chi’s opponent in a sequential order chaotically from different angles before disappearing in thin air.

Portal's Redirection - Extends arm towards opponent to generate a miniature sized portal. This allows Quan Chi to capture his opponent’s projectiles and transfer them to the opposite side of the screen in which it was launched to strike the back of his opponent. So for example fighting if Sub-Zero were to throw his ice freeze move towards Quan Chi's portal, it would then proceed to sail out of opposite side screen towards the backside of Sub-Zero and freezing himself. Quan Chi could then follow up with a set of combos.

Zombie Trance - Makes a series of motions that seduce his opponent into a zombie, causing them to the march lethargically towards Quan Chi and leaving them open for combos and free hits.

Adrenaline Morph Punch - In a sudden rush of adrenaline, Quan Chi slumps over and strains to conjure up the soul of a vanquished warlord with superhuman strength and muscular build from the waist up. His spirit incases the upper body of Quan Chi and motions into a snapping front jab, landing a powerful impact hit that takes a considerable amount of energy off opponent’s life bar and sends them flying backwards off their feet to land face up on the ground. This soul of the warlord then dematerializes into a thin stream of mist around Quan Chi’s body while Quan Chi is slumped over in a standing position. It can be similar to the Hulk’s transformation but just the upper extremities.

Chamber of Dragons - Extends out his forward arm towards his opponent which lights up in a florescent green glow and expands a moderate sized portal in front of him. The portal unleashes a lengthy green holographic dragon spirit that circles his opponent and incases them in the upper torso only to magically split into a holographic image of Shang Tsung grappling his opponent in an arm lock around their neck and a Quan Chi image throwing a series of hand based jabs and crossover hooks to disabled opponent right before images of the two disappear in cloud of mist.

Tiger's Chamber - Extends out his forward arm towards his opponent which lights up in a florescent green glow and expands a moderate sized portal in front of him. The portal unleashes a fully grown Bengal tiger pouncing on his opponent onto their back and to the floor only for the tiger image to magically transform into an image of Quan Chi over his fallen opponent crouched on both of his knees and throwing a barrage of punches on his fallen opponent right before disappearing in a green cloud of mist.

Snake Charmer - From fighting stance, Quan Chi, thrust into a kneeling punch to the ground bent on one knee and creates a series of snakes from a cloud of mist beneath his opponent's feet and around the upper extremities of his opponent that latch onto them like leeches and drain their energy supply right before disappearing in a clouds of green mist.

Solar Orb Stomp – Instead of Quan Chi teleporting like so many characters do in the game currently, Quan Chi can morph into various green orbs and vertically ascend out of camera site through the top of the camera shot and then materialize on the downward dissension of the orbs into a single-leg repeated stomp on his laid out opponent. The final stomp could pop his opponent up in a sitting position, giving him the chance to kick his opponent away across the screen on their face.

Silencer - From mid to long range, Quan Chi, fling his forward side arm towards his opponent to create an auora like energy around the neck of his opponent grappling them where they stand. Once projected, Quan Chi then twists his forearm around and chokes his opponent creating a gagging effect and bringing his opponent to their knees before auora disappears, dropping his opponent on all fours in front of his opponent.

Lazarus' Resurrection - From mid to long range Quan Chi makes a meditative motion such as bowing his head as a Shaolin priest and glows in green only to conjure up the soul of a vanquished warriors in a cloud of green mist. An image of a warrior i.e. Liu Kang appears out of thin air executing a punching move and knocks his opponent backwards in the air as it disappears in a green mists. Consequently from behind, an image of another image appears out of thin air from behind i.e. Kano and executes another move and knocks his opponent back towards Quan Chi in the air as the image dissolves into a green mist. Consequently, another image of a warrior appears motioning into a thrusting forward jab i.e. Sindel while fading into a gust of green mist. And finally, an image of a final sequence warrior appears overhead from a drop down sequencing transitioning into a falling flying punch on his opponent right before his image disappears in a cloud of green smoke. Altogether the manuever score Quan Chi with a series of four sequential strung hit combos before disappearing. It can look like the motioning of Smoke's series of punches except it would be flashes of other Mortal Kombat fighters performing signature moves before disappearing.

Line of Fire - Quan Chi opens a portal to Outworld and pushes his opponent through the portal. After a few minutes so to speak, portal opens again and opponent walks out of portal engulfed in flames stumbling towards Quan Chi, falling towards him on their knees, crawling and eventually falling down flat, face first while flames dance on the corpse of his opponent. Quan Chi then snares at the camera, and nonchalantly walks through the portal in his winning pose.

Portal to Outworld opens and starring at the camera walks through it nonchalantly.
02/26/2012 01:44 AM (UTC)
The problem characters I'm having trouble with are...

- Tanya
- Li Mei
- Ashrah
- Sareena
- Dairou
- Tremor
- Khameleon
02/26/2012 11:33 AM (UTC)
Tanya shouldn't be all about fire moves in her set. Black an yellow with fire moves all the way around is a little deja vue.wink

I would love for Nitara to retain her bloodspit and bite, yet she should be granted a temporary boost when she bit. Maybe extra strenght depending on how much energy she has left? But btw, Shang Tsung could end up the same way so. I'd give her some better use of her wings, a dive attack maybe.

I was really bored with Li Mei doing the bycicle fists but for the rest she was alright. Humans like that are kind of hard to come up with quick ideas though.

Bo Rai Cho could make use of a little more grappling when in close. Maybe also be provided with these drunken master abilities to lie down after being hit or not and try to trick the opponent into his trap. Giving him the edge if the first move connects. Maybe they should all have stuns or moves that would make the foe go unbalanced but out of them all, he should be the one to mock the other characters difficulty when unbalanced.

They are all really quick thoughts. Wish i'll come up with more.
02/28/2012 03:49 PM (UTC)
Tremor's moves need earth styling and Khameleon's moves should have some poison and reptilian moves as well.

If Tremor doesn't come back then Dairou will have earth moves.
03/03/2012 04:31 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Tanya shouldn't be all about fire moves in her set. Black an yellow with fire moves all the way around is a little deja vue.wink

I liked Tanya better when her fireballs were purple in MK4 like they were some kind of dark magic.
03/12/2012 11:24 PM (UTC)
If they ever fix Taven and Daegon. I suggest for Taven, give him time powers instead of fire.

Daegon... he's a toughie.
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