New kind of Fatality! Accident.
Mortal Kombat X
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New kind of Fatality! Accident.
posted06/07/2005 11:00 PM (UTC)by
Here I've got some ideas for new kind of fatalitys. I mean we've got all these like for example...
(Original and used to be only thing after a win or lose) Fatality 1 & 2: First two fatalitys a very gorey move used after you defeat an opponent....Of course for our amusement! ^_^ (And of course spells FATALITY in blood!)
Of course we all remember the good old days when we hung out all day at our freinds house playing SEGA GENISIS of cousrse this is where MK2 and MK3 originatied and most of the awesome end of move things after a win
(First Appearance MK:2) Animality: Every charactar had an animal transformation. (For Example: Liu Kang = Dragon) After they transform into an animal they devasted the opponent. (And spells ANIMALITY in a real werid way I can't remember I gotta get that game back)
(First Appearance MK:2) Babality: This was a good one corney but good. After you put in the right combination your opponent turned into a baby. (I would love to see Cyrax turn into a toaster ^_^) Sure with the 2-D graphics it looked corney, but with what we've got today won't be a problem (Spells BABYALITY in a cute and cuddely way with baby toys bears, airplanes, and Babylity is spelled with baby blocks.
(First Appearance MK:2) Friendship: This is what made Mortal Kombat werido history. After you beat the opponent you put in the weridest combo of button mashing and get this. Your opponent snaps out of dizziness and you do something nice for him. (For Example: Sub-zero frezzes the sky and the ground then he walks up ices up a snow man, and puts a carrot and button's and eyes on him.) Tottaly worth it funny, funny. (Lastly it spelled FREINDSHIP at the top in rainbow sparkling letters)
Back to the now. Let's fast forward to the present. Now we don't have Sega we have Playstation 2. And we don't have 2, 3, or 4. We have cool names like Deadly Alliance and Deception. The storyline is being built. And everything is ready for another thing.
(First Appearance MK:D) Hara-Kari: This as you know is the newest of things to do. As a twist after you lose...yes lose you can perform this combo to make you kill yourself before your opponent gets a chance. Hara-Kari means Suicde. (Again it spells HARA-KARI in dripping blood)
That's it well now I've got a new thing. I call it ACIEDENT it's after your win. You usually use your weapon or special power. And like all things in life, it doesn't always turn out the way you'd excpect it. For example: Here is a good one for Kung Lao
Kung Lao, Acciedent, Glued Together: Kung Lao steps back and takes his hat off. He slices at the opponent several times causing blood and gashes everywhere. Then he steps back and throws his hat at the opponent. Only instead of sliceing throught the person it gets stuck in his front. Kung Lao confused walks up and pulls at the hat. It doesn't come out. The opponent pulls back while Kung Lao pulls. It doesn't come out. Kung Lao just says 'Screw it' Steps forward and Kicks the guy in the stomach below the blade. The opponent vomits blood everywhere then falls to the ground and dies. Kung Lao stands on top of him in a victory pose, as he tries to yank out the blade.
ACCIDENT appears on the screen and you here the old WHOOPSY phrase
(Original and used to be only thing after a win or lose) Fatality 1 & 2: First two fatalitys a very gorey move used after you defeat an opponent....Of course for our amusement! ^_^ (And of course spells FATALITY in blood!)
Of course we all remember the good old days when we hung out all day at our freinds house playing SEGA GENISIS of cousrse this is where MK2 and MK3 originatied and most of the awesome end of move things after a win
(First Appearance MK:2) Animality: Every charactar had an animal transformation. (For Example: Liu Kang = Dragon) After they transform into an animal they devasted the opponent. (And spells ANIMALITY in a real werid way I can't remember I gotta get that game back)
(First Appearance MK:2) Babality: This was a good one corney but good. After you put in the right combination your opponent turned into a baby. (I would love to see Cyrax turn into a toaster ^_^) Sure with the 2-D graphics it looked corney, but with what we've got today won't be a problem (Spells BABYALITY in a cute and cuddely way with baby toys bears, airplanes, and Babylity is spelled with baby blocks.
(First Appearance MK:2) Friendship: This is what made Mortal Kombat werido history. After you beat the opponent you put in the weridest combo of button mashing and get this. Your opponent snaps out of dizziness and you do something nice for him. (For Example: Sub-zero frezzes the sky and the ground then he walks up ices up a snow man, and puts a carrot and button's and eyes on him.) Tottaly worth it funny, funny. (Lastly it spelled FREINDSHIP at the top in rainbow sparkling letters)
Back to the now. Let's fast forward to the present. Now we don't have Sega we have Playstation 2. And we don't have 2, 3, or 4. We have cool names like Deadly Alliance and Deception. The storyline is being built. And everything is ready for another thing.
(First Appearance MK:D) Hara-Kari: This as you know is the newest of things to do. As a twist after you lose...yes lose you can perform this combo to make you kill yourself before your opponent gets a chance. Hara-Kari means Suicde. (Again it spells HARA-KARI in dripping blood)
That's it well now I've got a new thing. I call it ACIEDENT it's after your win. You usually use your weapon or special power. And like all things in life, it doesn't always turn out the way you'd excpect it. For example: Here is a good one for Kung Lao
Kung Lao, Acciedent, Glued Together: Kung Lao steps back and takes his hat off. He slices at the opponent several times causing blood and gashes everywhere. Then he steps back and throws his hat at the opponent. Only instead of sliceing throught the person it gets stuck in his front. Kung Lao confused walks up and pulls at the hat. It doesn't come out. The opponent pulls back while Kung Lao pulls. It doesn't come out. Kung Lao just says 'Screw it' Steps forward and Kicks the guy in the stomach below the blade. The opponent vomits blood everywhere then falls to the ground and dies. Kung Lao stands on top of him in a victory pose, as he tries to yank out the blade.
ACCIDENT appears on the screen and you here the old WHOOPSY phrase
Sounds cool to me.
I had a sort of similar idea (it was actually a rumour around the time MKDA was to be released, I believe), that your fatality might completely backfire and kill your character somehow, or humiliate you.
For example, Kano's eye laser reflecting off something metallic on the opponents outfit causing him to blast himself in the face, or Scorpions spear getting tangled up with his arm so that rather than throwing his spear at the opponent, he throws it and his arm is torn off and sent flying accross the stage instead. Just stupid little things like that.
I had a sort of similar idea (it was actually a rumour around the time MKDA was to be released, I believe), that your fatality might completely backfire and kill your character somehow, or humiliate you.
For example, Kano's eye laser reflecting off something metallic on the opponents outfit causing him to blast himself in the face, or Scorpions spear getting tangled up with his arm so that rather than throwing his spear at the opponent, he throws it and his arm is torn off and sent flying accross the stage instead. Just stupid little things like that.

Yeah, that's kind of what I thought of. Because like imagine Baraka slicing up a guy and his arms fall off, but the guys still alive. In massive pain but alive nonetheless. Then he stabbs the guy in the torso with both and the guy does die, but is caught on his blades and, for the next battle you have a guys body on your blades. LOL!
I like those ideas a lot, it would really put an awesome twist into the game.
Each accident alters the match your character has to go through.
It shouldn't be called "Accident" that's too corny.
They should ask permission from KInstinct to use "Humiliation" and instead of the winner humiliating the opponent, the winner can humiliate himself, trying to do a fatality, or the loser humiliates himself trying to do a hara kiri.
Like throws a knife in the air to cut his own head off, and the handle hits him on the head instead of the blade.
All good ideas and worth trying.
Each accident alters the match your character has to go through.
It shouldn't be called "Accident" that's too corny.
They should ask permission from KInstinct to use "Humiliation" and instead of the winner humiliating the opponent, the winner can humiliate himself, trying to do a fatality, or the loser humiliates himself trying to do a hara kiri.
Like throws a knife in the air to cut his own head off, and the handle hits him on the head instead of the blade.
All good ideas and worth trying.

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Accedents would be cool. Id like to see sub-zero slip and fall on some ice or scorpion accedentaly set himself on fire.

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krackerjack Wrote:
Sounds cool to me.
For example, Kano's eye laser reflecting off something metallic on the opponents outfit causing him to blast himself in the face, or Scorpions spear getting tangled up with his arm so that rather than throwing his spear at the opponent, he throws it and his arm is torn off and sent flying accross the stage instead. Just stupid little things like that.
Sounds cool to me.
For example, Kano's eye laser reflecting off something metallic on the opponents outfit causing him to blast himself in the face, or Scorpions spear getting tangled up with his arm so that rather than throwing his spear at the opponent, he throws it and his arm is torn off and sent flying accross the stage instead. Just stupid little things like that.
Something like that would be awesome, but it would take a while to do a different thing for each character (because they all dont have something metal ect).
It needs to be the same with each character the person does it on.
If they had something like Scorpions spear head rip, and as the head comes back the spear goes into scorps head, or scorpion could toasty someone and they run into him on fire and he burns too.
But how would it be activiated? Like Hara-Kiri, before the fatality? Or WHILE the person puts the fatality code in? Or duing the fatality? Or could it just be an extra fatality?
I think either way, it should still be a FATALITY and when it's over it should start to say FATALITY but WHOOPSY cuts in and the fatality text turns another colour.

Exactly like let's see...well imagine this, you know how Kenshi's sword has like the souls of his ancestors. Well after the match he says 'Forget this' And throws the sword into the direction of the opponent
The sword unfortuantly is not happy at this. It conjures up a portal goes through it and appears behind Kenshi and stabs him through out the balls.
He falls to the ground clutching his groin in pain. And then the opponent falls.
I like the idea of Humilation. It is better the Accident. At this point. THEY MUST BRING BACK FREINDSHIP, BABYALITY, AND ANIMALITY!!!!!!!!!!
They were just so fun!!!!!
P.S. I don't know when the combination should be punched in. Leave that one up to Ed Boon
The sword unfortuantly is not happy at this. It conjures up a portal goes through it and appears behind Kenshi and stabs him through out the balls.
He falls to the ground clutching his groin in pain. And then the opponent falls.
I like the idea of Humilation. It is better the Accident. At this point. THEY MUST BRING BACK FREINDSHIP, BABYALITY, AND ANIMALITY!!!!!!!!!!
They were just so fun!!!!!
P.S. I don't know when the combination should be punched in. Leave that one up to Ed Boon

MK has started in Mk4 to cut out the BS like Friendships, Babalities, and Animalities, and I couldn't be happier. Mk isn't about Being funny or getting a laugh. Its about Maddness, misery, and senseless bloodshed. Alities(Other than fatalites) only cheapen the experience.Mk should remain and delve deeper into the darkness.There should be no light.
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