New ideas plz for mk8
posted11/28/2006 05:30 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/14/2006 02:39 AM (UTC)
plz post new ideas for mk8
11/19/2006 04:14 AM (UTC)
Well there should be no more than 20 characters for the next MK game.

That means more time to perfect fighting aspects of the game, and also special aspects, like costume design and etc.

I also think there should be 4 on 4 tournaments that can go online. That means that youre team of 4, will fight another team of 4.

Or it could be even you could be in one character in a group of 4. I just can see so many possebilities for MK8 if done correctly. It can be the be all and end all in terms of video games. We can all dream, can't we??grinsmile
11/19/2006 06:51 AM (UTC)
Less amount of characters so it can be more balanced and everyone can be worked on more.
Unreal Engine 3 (I believe Midway has the license).
Team Kombat.
Story Mode.
Arcade Mode.
Mission Mode (like Guilty Gear X2).
VS and VS CPU.
No more Konquest and side game shit. Fighting only.
New characters are actually good.
Story is actually good.
Endings aren't what-ifs. They should be the actual outcome of the character.
Gore effects that can hit the screen (like Gears of War).
Quick and easy fatalities. Maybe even 3 per character.
New gameplay system is deep and enjoyable.

That's it for now.
11/20/2006 02:21 AM (UTC)
Team Kombat.
Story Mode.
Arcade Mode.
Mission Mode
VS and VS CPU.
more Konquest and side game
New characters are actually good.
Story is actually good.
Endings aren't what-ifs. They should be the actual outcome of the character.
Gore effects that can hit the screen
Quick and easy fatalities. Maybe even 3 per character.
New gameplay system is deep and enjoyable.

I think those things are good.
11/23/2006 09:27 AM (UTC)
I think it should have 8 - 10 Characters, but all with VERY detailed personalitys and storys, and make each character play very different from one another, so each character feels absolutly and COMPLETELY different from one another.

In other words, cut down on quantity and go back to quality!

What do you guys rekon?

(Note: I replied to this message cause i dont no how to just do a post...)
11/23/2006 09:30 AM (UTC)
Oh and also I rekon they should ditch the "everyone does a specific martial arts style" because even though they are different styles, I think it makes the characters more generic...

11/23/2006 09:55 AM (UTC)
the ideas posted are pretty cool but if there are less characters,i really hope for create a character to return because less isnt always more in my book. as for the fighting my opinion its fine just because it doesnt make the character makes them the older games the chars had more than one but switching made combos difficult for some players to get used if i taken that wrong let me know because if ya mean gettin rid of styles completely and just have it like classic mk games that would be ok aslong as the weapon use still exists...the return of the run button would be cool.

i posted the ideas below awhile ago in this forum and didnt get a big response? what do you guys think?

a few cool ideas for an MK8 name...."Angels of Apocolypse".....
"Evolution"....."Blood Wars"......"Reincarnation"......."Fall of the Elder Gods"

thoughts on new features and gimmicks......
1)The return of old alities made new,such as animalities,freindships and brutalities....well maybe not the freindships or the babalities,i want to see a more serious mk game.

2)A more in depth Kreate a Kharacter....more moves,hieght and weight options, weapons,blood color,creature voice sets(for robots,demons,ghouls,ect.)

3)An actual Kreate a fatality for KAK,where you can actually set up your own watchable fatality instead of performing it step by step...i think its just more rewarding to perform the button combo and then also makes each character more unique.

4)Limbs removal durring the match or mid match fatalities

5)NO MINI GAMES! yeah its nice to have another way to collect koins and what not but it takes away from the rest of the my opinion its a waste of diskspace....if ya want to play chess,puzzle games or racing games or whatever...make it seperate from the action/fighter unless its something like Test Your Might...PLZ!

6)Use any character in Konquest if the mode returns in the next game(maybe even a kak that would be cool)

7)Show button combos for fatalities on the start menu with the other moves

8)Improved endurance from past mk games or battle royal style fights,1-4 players or more on the same screen!
11/24/2006 05:40 AM (UTC)
Yea I think it seems so boring... EVERYONE has a fighting style (which it seems any character could pull off), EVERYONE has a weapon, the characters just have no substance anymore...

I agree they should make it much more serious and make it a DARK game, rather than what it is now, a kids game but with blood and gore. Tekken is even darker than mortal kombat now! ( My own opinion, many will not agree lol)
11/24/2006 09:38 PM (UTC)
Klassic Kombat

This is a mini game idea I can get behind! (Although the entire mini games so far have been pretty fun).

Make a mini version of MK8 in the old school way, Actors and moveable dolls! Use the Mortal Kombat II engine just with some of the characters from the current game and a selection of stage. Beating the game with those characters will give you a bit more detail on the kannon ending for the characters. Also maybe by doing a bunch of stuff you can fight a character and unlock him in the 3d game.
11/27/2006 08:24 PM (UTC)
This is the best idea for MK8....

Sindel should become a villain again (for whatever reason) and she should be darker and wickeder than ever with all her original moves and she should have a key part in the struggle against the heroes.

Don't lie, if Sindel turned to the dark side again, she'd be the bomb. Let's petition, people!
11/27/2006 10:46 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion, when I say get rid of the styles, I do mean like older mk games, where everyone has diferent moves and stuff but it doesnt say SNAKE or whatever at the bottom. Besides have u seen sub zero's shotkan style or watever? He looks so tense and i think its STUPID!
11/28/2006 01:55 AM (UTC)
I'd say 20 characters, much easier to balance that way than having to do 30+ characters.
11/28/2006 03:47 AM (UTC)
yeah...subby does look alittle like he is takin a turd or something lol...hopefully the game will have a new engine so it runs a bit smoother...some of the other characters seem a bit stiff at times aswell.
11/28/2006 05:30 AM (UTC)
Yea so make them all more fluid and have make them have their OWN style, its not snake, its not crane, its not tae kwan do, its johnny cage!

And what about this idea... If you win the first round by a flawless victory, in the second round you have the ability to dismember your oppenent in the middle of fighting... grin Thatd be awsum! And you could turn it on or off in the options menu...

Let me no what you think!
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