New Ideas for the Black Dragon (Jarek, Kira, Kobra)
posted07/05/2012 05:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Jarek was just a copycat of Kano. Kira a copycat of both Kano & Sonya and Kobra was just a copied Street Fighter Ken.

There's got to be an easier way for a redesigning on them.

Well forget Kira & Kobra anyway, they're useless.

Jarek could be redesigned as a cowboy. Even new moves that'll fit him like that lasso and the tri-star.
06/22/2012 11:38 PM (UTC)
Okay,man,I saw it in your other thread as well,but you are stealing the ideas. You copied EXACTLY RazorsEdge71's ideas from his Fan Submission threads. You also copy-pasted his thoughts on Dairou and Darrius. Please,at least credit people.
06/23/2012 10:50 AM (UTC)
Technically, you can't copy something from me if I didn't invent it.

Dairou as a ronin was from DA's Krypt, Darrius as a Red Dragon was from Deception's Krypt, and Jarek as a cowboy comes from him having a lasso in Armageddon.

As for Kira and Kobra...I have some ideas for Kira that I'm saving because I want her to be kind of a major player in my post-Armageddon stories, which I won't get to for years yet. But the gist of it is, all the red and black leather makes me think of a dominatrix for some reason so I'd play that up a bit, give her a more authoritative role in the gang, maybe a whip for her moves...

Kobra's easy, though. Just embrace the parody nature of the character and give him Ken/Ryu's special moves plus a Super Legsweep in tribute to Johnny from Karate Kid.

People love parodies if you do them right, that's the whole point of Dan in Street Fighter, he's a playful ripoff of an SNK character that was, itself, a playful ripoff of Ryu.
06/23/2012 05:49 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry. I had no idea what I was thinking everyone.
06/24/2012 12:40 AM (UTC)
How about some of the dudes from Special Forces?
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/25/2012 08:27 PM (UTC)
I like how the title of this thread says new ideas for Jarek, Kira, and Kobra, but the actual thread is just make Jarek a cowboy and fuck the other two.

I personally think that no character in Mortal Kombat is beyond redemption, Rain and Stryker were universal hated at first but now seem to have quite the following. I think the same could be done for Kira and Kobra with a little re-working. Especially Kira I think she has a lot of potential.

And by the way I don't get where your getting the Jarek as a cowboy type. As far as I can tell he never had any cowboy elements to him before so this seems a bit out of the blue.
06/26/2012 04:57 AM (UTC)
Okay forget about Jarek about being a cowboy. Any ideas?

I'm cool with the lasso and tri-star as his arsenal. What are your thoughts?
About Me
"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

06/26/2012 06:51 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Okay forget about Jarek about being a cowboy. Any ideas?

I'm cool with the lasso and tri-star as his arsenal. What are your thoughts?

Jarek can work with those weapons. I'd say though the one thing they should do with him, and all of the Black Dargon characters, is give them all their own unique move lists. We don't need a bunch of Kano clones running around. I personally see Jarek as more of brawler type. With a lot of heavy blows that aren't exactly the most graceful of moves.

For Kira I think that her fighting style should revolve completely around her knives. They could be worked into combos and special moves. In terms of story I could see her being a sort of sympathetic character. I'd like to think that she grew up in the middle east, where women's rights aren't exactly respected. And so in order to create a better life for herself she turned to crime and was forced to be a cutthroat in order to survive.

For Kobra I think Razor had it right. Make him kind of a Street Fighter parody. Give him special moves like a "not" haduken or a "not" shroyuken. story wise I don't really see him being anything more than a henchman. But that's okay because I think the series news some more henchman, that way Reptile and Baraka might get a little break from the good guys kicking their asses.

06/30/2012 07:06 AM (UTC)
A couple of years back, when Kobra was first announced, I always had this idea in the back of my mind that they could have made Kobra just his codename, and that he was actually Daniel Blade -- Sonya's apparently deceased brother. It was pretty melodramatic, but I figured that I would just randomly bring it up.

I'm not sure how much it would fuck with the story, and it'd be a complete retcon of the character, but imagine an alternative universe where Daniel Blade had betrayed his government, killed his father, faked his own death and had joined Kano in the Black Dragon. It'd give Sonya a storyline, to say the least.

Jarek is much harder for me, as I essentially cannot see a reason for the character. If you wanted Sonya to be hunting a Black Dragon member for MK4, why not Kano? He had the exact same moves as Kano, anyway. I know that the team was under pressure to create new characters and such, but I think that it would have saved us an entirely redundant character, however. Also, I personally would have enjoyed it if Kabal had been the character Sonya was chasing. He might have fought as a loner against Shao Kahn during the invasion of Earthrealm, but he's still a former member of the Black Dragon, and he could have been the last target of Sonya's obsession. It would have certainly been a polarising rivalry.
06/30/2012 09:50 PM (UTC)
As someone who was introduced to the wonderful world of Mortal Kombat by playing MK Deceptions as my first game, I naturally want Kira and Kobra back. However, I do agree that they should be redisigned, and I mean badly.

Here are my ideas for the Black Dragon's members:

Kira should be a survivalist who was raised to fend for herself and learn to adapt in hostile environments like jungles, deserts and mountians. She knows different styles of fighting and many ways of killing opponents in a degree of a hitman. She should have daggers, hazardous powders and poison darts. She joined the Black Dragon because she saw it as a pack of savage animals that know how to survive in the world like her, and they recruited her because they can use her killing and stealth skills.

Kobra should live to his name. He should be someone who loves snakes. He is stealthy, cunning and utilizes the element of surprise. He knows fighting styles similar to that of Havik and Reptile, and he strikes with lightning speed. He joins the Black Dragon because he wants to work his way to the top, overthrow the leader and take it for himself (kind of like Frost and the Lin Kuei clan).

Jarek. Boy, don't get me started on this guy. No, really, I don't know what to do with him. I don't know him that well and I don't know what direction the MK team can take.

And I really want Kabal to be the leader again. However, he doesn't meet Havik to be inspired. Instead, he should go insane by thinking the world is disgusted by his disfigurment. Yes, his firends will try to reason with him and no they will not succeed. He'll flee to wherever and who will he happen to run into? Kano! He'll convince Kabal to unite with him by telling him that the only ones in the world who will accept him are the Black Dragon. I know it's a bit cliche, but I think it would work.

These are just my interperitations, and I just made these up as I went. tongue
But I would really appreciate it if Kira and Kobra came back.
07/03/2012 03:15 PM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
Jarek is much harder for me, as I essentially cannot see a reason for the character. If you wanted Sonya to be hunting a Black Dragon member for MK4, why not Kano?

There's actually one big difference between Kano and Jarek that changes the "Sonya is chasing him" dynamic in a major way:

The first thing Kano does in the games is sign up with the badguys. He's happy to betray his whole planet and help monsters conquer the world if there's profit in it for him.

Jarek, on the other hand, would rather be on Raiden's side than Shinnok's. In MK4, he forces Sonya into a position where she has to be teamed up with him.
Also, I think Kano wasn't in MK4 and Jarek was billed as "the last Black Dragon" because Tobias really wanted Kano to be dead so that his and Sonya's story arc would come to a close. Tobias liked characters to evolve, and have arcs with a beginning and an end, not just repeat the same rivalries over and over each game. That's why Scorpion and Sub-Zero hating each other was really only true in MK1.
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07/05/2012 05:34 AM (UTC)

I would like to see Kira take on more of a "mastermind" scientist/weapons specialist of sorts with her background in terrorist weaponry. Her fighting style and specials could evolve by special technology invented by Kira such specially enhanced chemical steroids or something that gives kira special abilities.

And she should wear a lab coat/glasses in one costume and look cute lol
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