New Ideas for Shujinko
posted06/10/2012 09:25 PM (UTC)by
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12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
Shujinko should come back in the Dragon King saga with new moves and a new story.

Of course, if he should stay young and not go old.

His moves should be his own and can have an ability to copy a fighter's move list.
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big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

05/14/2012 06:44 AM (UTC)
i actually like that hes old,it makes him different from the other characters
05/14/2012 06:17 PM (UTC)
He should have moves with that sword he had in MKD Konquest. Also he should have his own novelist of cool martial arts fighting and one copycat move. In battle he can copy the last move an opponent performed. So if sub freezes him he can return the favor so on and so forth. I love his storyline but I think he should be pulled away from it for a while, he ignores damashi and helps Raiden fight Shinnok and he begins to question Damashi, and his quest. Soon he becomes reluctant on achieving his purpose.
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05/14/2012 08:20 PM (UTC)
I like Shujinko as an old man, I think it works considering the lack of any other characters like that in MK. As for stealing other characters moves? No way. Negative. Should not happen. Make him his own character or don't bother. I know that this aspect was built in to his story, but given the changes to the timeline, I'm sure they could find someway to retcon that issue.

In fact, I'd hope that they'd just get rid of his story altogether. Say that because X happened, he was able to figure out the Dragon King's deception and thwart it. The altered timeline should have SOME sort of larger effect on the future than simply who lived and died in the first two tournaments and the invasion, but that's just my opinion.

Plus, the fact that he was fooled so much for so long made him seem like kind of a moron. I know it's a stereotype that old characters are supposed to be wise, but here, he just seemed like an idiot and not an overly likeable character in general.

I'd like to see an old guy in the vein of Priest Pai Mei in Kill Bill Vol 2. Surprisingly agile and quick, wise and confident etc.
06/02/2012 01:52 PM (UTC)
Shujinko SHOULD have his own moves and a move that allows him to copy one's special movesets.
06/02/2012 04:34 PM (UTC)
Here's an idea... give him his own moveset.

He'll be a much better character that way.
06/03/2012 03:20 AM (UTC)
I was thinking the story should be the sequal to his first one.

When Shujinko finished his quest for the Kamidogu, he sets out to redeem himself by rounding up all the fighters so they can offer their powers for Shujinko to use for defeating the Dragon King.

I was always wondering how the hell he managed to convince everybody - allies, enemies, traitors and rivals - to come together for his occassion. This could be a chance for that story. Like seriously, I find him flying to the moon easier to believe than just him gathering up all the warriors to fight a common foe. Explain, MK!

For his fighting moves, he shouldn't... I repeat: shouldn't... go all Chameleon again. He needs original moves. Maybe if they're creative enough his moves can be similar to the ones he trained with but not exactly the same, for example instead of Scorpion's Bloody Spear move he'd have a spiked whip, or instead of Liu Kang's bicycle kick he can have bicycle punches. Don't think old kung-fu men can't have superpowers like the other regular fighters... in fact, he should have awesome ones! Why? Because with age comes experience and wisdom.

I liked his costume, but I think it should be more a little more armor-oriented than just robes. And it can definately use more colour than just beige. I also like his old-man hairstyle too. It makes him look experienced and mysterious. His voice was perfect in Deception and I think it should be carried out similarly, if not identically, in his next appearance.
06/09/2012 06:23 AM (UTC)
give him a moveset of his own but using elements from other characters moves like slamming the oppoment to the ground with scorpions spear or some sort of ice move sub zero wont have.

One of his best features is how he was trained by many fighters and having one of the largest move sets, we shouldn't take that from him.

I would love to see him return like that, does anyone agree he should just have his own moveset and use powers he learned from other characters but use them differently than they do?
06/10/2012 07:42 PM (UTC)
Shujinkos new moveset should be like this

Burning spear: a burning kunai spear pulls the opponent towards shujinko amd it burns them on the way there

Leg grab: does a handstand amd flips the guy over with his legs

Telesmash: uses both hands and an irsnge glow aooears around them and with both hamds he telekinetically lifts opponent then slams him over hus shoulder so opp is on opposite side

Bike pedals: He grabs arms of the opponent and holds himself up there he performs bicycle kick while holdimg the opponents arms. So its a ibicycle kick in place

Icy breeze: Pulls arms in2 chest amd then sticks one arm out and delivers an ice ball freezing the opponent

Mantis fist: like li meis kick flip but imstead he is doimg a fromt flip and with a double fist punching the opponent

Damashis gift: temporarily overpowered for like 5 seconds amd he begims to glow a rsinbow tint

Shujinko style: using both ar,s grabs opponents arms like a praying mantis would jumps over them twistimg their arms wraps his legs around the opponnets amd them falls back on the opponent
06/10/2012 09:25 PM (UTC)
Seeing that he was thought by Bo Ri Cho and absorbed everyone's skills in deception, maybe he should be some kind of teacher or wise man character.

I hope he does get some more roles in the main story simply because it would be a waste of a good character otherwise. Maybe the same goes for Taven too.
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