New Ideas for Shinnok
posted05/08/2012 12:46 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2011 01:28 AM (UTC)

Netherrealm; Oblivion
Southern Fist & Dragon Style
Alliances with Shao Kahn/Shang Tsung/Quan Chi; Evil

Shinnok can wear the costume that has a black robe-like overcoat with long sleeves and a white robe-like under garment that covers his neck region and a moderate sized collar with white trim along the collar or the undergarment and grey along the edges of the overcoat. He would also have a black belt wrapped around the white robe like undergarment. He would have black loosely fitting pants and a pair of black kung fu shoes. He wouldn't have a loincloth either. Finally he would hold his Amulet Staff in his hand that would also mythically disappear and reappear in his hands, allowing him to engage in hand to hand combat scenarios. His hairstyle would be similar to Collin Chou's character in the "Forbidden Kingdom" with a golden wrap around the ponytail of his tied up hair. It can look similar to the hairstyles in the old school kung fu flicks.

Shinnok is characterized as a upper tier sorcerist with a mastery of Black Magic and Witchcraft. In hand to hand combat scenarios he ultilizes Southern Fist and Dragon Style Kung Fu to match his aggressive persona, offensive tendencies. When free-handed he is known to deliver short and quick yet powerful based jabs, hooks and blows to the mid-section and upper body of his opponents. Although proven very menacing with his hand to hand combat, he mostly relies on his Black Magic Sorcery and Amulet Staff, providing various ways to attack, defend and creating various mythical elements never seen before to Earthrealm warriors to cut down and baffle his opponent's attacks.

After it was communicated that Shao Kahn lost control of the tournament to the hands of Raiden, and the realignment of power and realms where to shift under his authority, Shinnok seized what to him was a golden opportunity. He would travel from the NetherRealm into Earthrealm with his Black Magic sorcery and form an alliance with the Outworld Emperor, with him and Shang Tsung serving as subservient underbosses to his strategy and plans to regain control of the Order of the Realms amulet and consequenetly power over the existing realms in question. The defeated Shao Kahn desperate for power, agreed to the terms and handed over his dominion in Outworld to Shinnok in hopes to gain access to Earthrealm again. Now with the powers to be resurging again for access Earthrealm, Shinnok now takes the lead in NetherRealm and Outworld's ambition to rule Earthrealm in the tournament Mortal Kombat.

Lightweight Gravity Shift - Shinnok cocks back his front side arm facing the camera to backside shoulder and then flings it diagonally downward towards the feet of his opponent creating a purple illuminated circle beneath his opponent's feet. This creates a decrease in gravity causing his opponent to rise in the air, leaving them vulenrable to open-handed combos while airbound.

Skeltoral Push - Shinnok cocks backside hand to backside hip generating a purple mist and thrust it forward to launch a moderate sized skelton hand in an open palm disposition across the screen that pushes his opponent laterally across the screen against the wall.

Skeltoral Grab - Shinnok thrust his front side arm into an uppercut motion toward the sky and launches a moderate sized skelton arm underneath his opponent from a purple illuminated portal. The hand then grabs his opponent grasping them in a vertical disposition. Then hand then yanks back down into the portal and slams his opponent against the pavement popping them up for a possible air juggle or series of combos to follow up on.

Teleshove - With Amulet Staff in hand, Shinnok, fades from a purple incasing of himself and teleports either in front of his opponent, behind his opponent or from a drop down sequencing in the air slicing his opponent with the end of his Amulet Staff on his way down on his foot bound opponent.

Clawing - Shinnok thrust his front side arm into an uppercut motion toward the sky and launches a moderate sized skelton arm underneath his opponent from a purple illuminated portal. The hand then ascends in front of his opponent only to claw his opponent in a vertical descending motion parallel to the plane of his opponent's body before descending down into the purple portal. This causes his opponent to stumble back from mawing and scrape marks.

Amulet Staff Projectile - With Amulet in hand, Shinnok, motions the staff laterally across his waist parallel in the pavement and shoots the metal part of his Amulet Staff towards his opponent that blows them backwards across the screen into the wall causing a flash of purple light to illuminate and incase the body of his opponent before disappearing and reappering on the end of his staff.

Beam of Paralysis - With Amulet Staff in hand, Shinnok, motion the staff laterally at shoulder level with both hands and thrusts it forward in a short jerking motion to emit a purple laser beam towards his opponent. The laser beam upon impact, inner laces around both shoulders and the mid-section of his opponent pinning their arms to their side and rendering them defenseless. This gives Shinnok a chance to perform a series of hits and combos to his disabled opponent.

Demonic Being - With his Amulet Staff in hand, Shinnok, motions the staff vertically down to the pavement perpendicular to the plane of the ground with the bottom end of his staff. This causes a purple flash encased transformation of Shinnok to transform into a human sized demon. In this form, his physical hits ensue more damage and he is render invinicble, invulenrable to physical hits and projectiles. His demon form can look like Freddy Kruger with out the hat and striped sweater. In this form, opponent can only avoid attacks.

Orb of Zordon - With his Amulet Staff in hand, Shinnok, motions the staff vertically towards his opponent causing it to light up with a purple illumination with a small purple orb on the top. This consequently causes a small bowling ball sized purple orb to form around the mid-section of his opponent that steadily rises to the top of the screen and explodes in a burst of purple smoke and mist mixed with fire and smoke, dropping his opponent to the ground face first.

Energy Drain - With his Amulet Staff across his backside hip held single-handedly, Shinnok takes a step forward with backside leg turning his back to the camera, thrusts his staff foward towards his opponent single-handedly while it illuminates in purple from the sudden jerk motion. He then takes a step backward now facing the camera with Amulet Staff pulled back to his backside hip and jerks the soul of his opponent into the staff's purple illumination. This causes an energy drain from the life bar of his opponent and increases his on energy bar from the motion.

Skeltoral Ceiling - Shinnok thrust his front side arm into an uppercut motion toward the sky and launches a moderate sized skelton arm underneath his opponent from a purple illuminated portal. The hand then ascends in front of his opponent only to push his opponent up against the ceiling from an open palm disposition parallel to the plane of the ground and then dropping them to the ground before disappearing.

Spirit of Leviathan - From demonic form, Shinnok, flings his intersecting arms at chest level backwards past his waist and conjures up a cylinder of purple energy beneath his feet to swirl and spiral upward around his demonic body. He then cocks back both of his hands to backside waist and thrust them forward to project a purple orb from his cusped hands towards his opponent leaving a purple trail of mist behind the motioning. Upon impact the orb explodes on the chest cavity of his opponent rendering them in a grey and black flash right before depleting all of the energy bar.

Skeltoral Slap - Shinnok motions into a quick and precise overhand motion from his backside arm and conjures up the skeltoral hand from the ground that rises in front of his opponent and then slams them to the ground repeatedly in an open palm disposition like stomping on a spider with a bare hand. This would occure before the hand disappears in mid-air.

Skeltoral Punch - Shinnok motions into a quick and precise uppercut motion from his front side arm and conjures up the skeltoral hand from the ground from a purple circle in a closed fist at an obtuse angle. The hand then thrust foward diagonally upward and punches his opponent into mid-air backwards to have his opponent fall upon their back face up right while the hand disappears in a purple mist.

A full cut shot shows Shinnok in a crouching disposition on both feet with one hand supporting him for balance in his demonic form. He then rises to his feet with his Amulet Staff mythically appearing in hand and only to thrust the end of his staff down vertical with force on the ground, transforming himself into Shinnok. He then utters the phrase, "This is my empire!"

Shinnok throws the shaft of his Amulet Staff on one of his shoulders and casually walks backwards uttering the phrase, "Your reign in this tournament is over!", he then transitions into his fighting stance.

Twirls his staff across his body to backside hip and performs a series of fluid motion with free hand only to pose his free hand into a open palm .

Staff of Wu Chi - Shinnok shoves his Amulet Staff in a shoveling motion diagonally upward towards the head of his opponent busting the nose gland into fragments. The camera showcases the damage. He then arches his back and fully slams his staff on the top of his opponent's skull in a double-handed motion similar to a sledge hammer. Camera showcases the internal damage. Finally, Shinnok performs a 360 skip turning himself behind his opponent and swing his staff at the backside of his opponent cracking the spinal cord region and causing irrefferable damage. The camera then showcases the internal damage.
05/07/2012 02:28 AM (UTC)
You have some pretty interesting ideas for Shinnok. I don't agree with the fighting style choices as I feel that Nánquán (Southern Fist) better fits someone with somewhat more of a "street" mentality while Chángquán (Long Fist) fits someone with more of a "high class" mentality, which to me, suits more of Shinnok's character. As for LÃ3ngquán (Dragon Fist), that's not too bad of an idea, but personally, I don't see someone like Shinnok being too big on using animal-imitative moves.

Personally, I feel that more of the internal styles of Kung Fu, such as Wǔjíquán (Void Extremity Fist) and TÃaijíquán (Great Extremity Fist), fit Shinnok, because I see him as a very advanced fighter who uses more internal power than external power in styles such as Nánquán. Perhaps for a more aggressive touch, he could use some Xíngyìquán (Shape of Intent Fist) techniques.

For the costume ideas, that's an interesting idea to give him a ponytail like some characters in Kung Fu movies. I do like his robed outfit from MK: Armageddon, and I still feel that should have been his primary costume as intended for the game.

I can't say I'm too fond of your story ideas for Shinnok, because it doesn't move past Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung, and the story ideas themselves come off a little formulaic. One of the big problems that Shinnok's story will face in the next game is his amulet. Quan Chi is working with Shinnok, and he has Shinnok's amulet in his possession. I realize that Quan Chi has his MK: Deadly Alliance primary costume look in MK 2011 since they wanted to use it for MK vs. DC, but it still creates a big story problem for this quasi-reboot.

For his special moves, I like the usage of his skeletal hands and black magic. He should definitely have that feel to his gameplay style.
05/08/2012 12:46 PM (UTC)
His fighting style should be void boxing. And... orb of zordon? Really?
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