New Ideas for Hsu Hao
posted03/19/2012 08:12 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2011 01:28 AM (UTC)


Thunder Clap – Hsu Hao expands and contracts his arm span into a thunderous clap causing a deafening sound wave to ripple throughout the close range proximity disabling his opponent’s ear drums and disabling them where they stand from the loud sound. This can allow Hsu Hao to execute a series of combos on his opponent while they are temporarily disabled.

Chest Ray – Hsu Hao motions with his hand over his amulet that’s engraved in his chest and flings his hand back to unleash a moderate sized laser ray that would knock the soul or a hologram image of his opponent backwards from his opponent’s body and dissipate in thin air. The physical body of his opponent would then fall to their knees and collapse. This would allow his Hsu Hao to execute another series of combos towards his disabled opponent.

Ground Tremor – Hsu Hao motions into a kneeling position and punches the ground of his opponent and emits a red laser beam quickly racing along the cracking crevasses of the ground towards his opponent’s feet. The red laser beam then engulfs his opponent into a red incasing and knocks the soul of his opponent or hologram image of his opponent’s soul backwards to dissipate in thin air. The physical body of his opponent would then fall to their knees. This would allow Hsu Hao to execute another series of combos towards his disabled opponent.

Head Lock – Hsu Hao locks his opponent’s head in an arm lock and wrestles with them for a brief second and then flings his arms back causing his opponent to do a full body twist lateral to the plane of the ground.

Bear Hug – Hsu Hao runs towards his opponent in an open embrace to bear down and squeeze his opponent’s upper torso until he cracks their spinal cord temporarily paralyzing them lifelessly in his closed grasp. This takes a portion of his opponent’s energy meter down, to which he then pushes them away across the screen with the projection of both hands. It can look like the grappling move that sumo wrestler executes on Jean Claude Van-Damme’s character in the movie “Bloodsport” right before he does the split punch.

Sonic Force – Hsu Hao motions with his hand over the amulet that’s engraved in his chest and flings his hand back to unleash a red see-through sonic shaped funnel parallel to the plane of the ground with a circular end towards his opponent. The impact launches his opponent backwards towards the sky into a backwards roll across the screen.

Amulet Hologram - Hsu Hao turns the edge of his amulet around in a circle on his chest and emits a laser holographic image of himself in red that briefly executes a series of hand based combos before disappearing in thin air. The hologram would be stationary and only effective in close range attacks.

Flip Over Submission - Hsu Hao grabs his opponent and arm locks their head in a headlock. He then kicks his back leg backwards to gain momentum for backward ground roll for several rotations with his opponent in the grasp of his hands. He then comes to rest in a crouching position on both of his knees over his opponent's laid out body and proceeds to punch their face with alternating punches before transitioning back into his fighting stance.

War Amulet - Hsu Hao turns the edge of his amulet around in a circle on his chest and emits a see-through red laser casing of the upper half his torso carrying a see-through red holographic machine gun contraction in his backside arm single-handedly that shoots off several automatic rounds at his opponent and drops shell casings on the floor reminiscent of the machine guns used in the Vietnam War. The weapon and red laser casing would disappear in thin air. This would score Hsu Hao with multiple shots to his opponent.

Red Warhead - Hsu Hao turns the edge of his amulet around in a circle on the plane of his chest and emits a see-through red laser casing of the upper half of his torso carrying a see-through red holographic rocket launcher with his backside arm that shoots off a moderate sized rocket missle towards his opponent and implodes upon contact taking a moderate sized level of damage from his opponent's energy bar.

Hsu Hao can look exactly like the picture shown above except his alternate uniform can be to where he wears black pants and a black hat to match. And he would have some form of forearm protection on both of his wrists.

Military Press - Steps forward with back side leg and grabs his opponent to flip them head over heels on their back face up in a Hapkido/Aikido like fashion. Hsu Hao then steps on the chest of his opponent cracking the ribs of his opponent, camera showcases the internal damage. He then jumps into an elbow first dive and thrust into his opponent neck cutting off their air supply. The camera showcases the internal damage. He finally falls to knees and grabs his opponent's leg in a MMA styled submission move and bends his opponent's leg back until it cracks the thigh bone. The camera showcases the internal damage and finally he kicks his opponent away from him when done and transitions into his fighting stance.

Slowly walks towards his opponent with arms pressed back behind him as if handcuffed in distinct military-like precision and yells the phrase, "What is your major malfunction!?!?!" then transitions into his fighting stance.

Leans over his fallen opponent and flexes his front side arm's bicep and rubs it with other hand to briefly massage any soreness or sprang from his arm, and then utters the phrase, "Stay off my dick!"

Turns towards the camera and flexes his muscles as a body builder does straining his upper torso with arms clasped together down towards his front side hip emphasizing the pectoral muscles in his chest.

Incineration – Hsu Hao adjust the amulet engraved in his chest by turning the rim of it counterclockwise. He then pokes his chest out to where a red laser beam shoots out in a rainbow motion on to his opponent in a similar motion to urine in pouring in the toilet. The laser would then incinerate his opponent where they stand flashing alternating images of his opponent's skeleton from the rainbow motion. This action would eventually bring his opponent down to their knees in front of Hsu Hao. Finally would motion over to his fallen opponent and then execute a front snap kick that would knock them over on their back laying face up.
03/16/2012 05:04 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao is okay. But what about Mavado?
03/16/2012 08:15 PM (UTC)
Don't have anything for Mavado.
03/16/2012 08:32 PM (UTC)
Despite the fact that there seems to be a lot to do with the amulet i really love your ideas! Nice job.

I would cut the amount of moves providing free combos to one but i still like it. The submissions and wrestling moves are awesome and well thought. Would actually like to have that type of char back in the games one day.
03/16/2012 11:04 PM (UTC)
I like your ideas for Hsu Hao! Those amulet specials sound pretty cool. Though I would prefer if the amount of specials that give free combos were reduced to one.
03/17/2012 04:03 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the positive feedback. I just hope they can be implemented in the next MK game. I've got tons of ideas for other MK characters as well as brand "NEW" characters. I could post on this forum just to see if how they would be received. As far as the specialty moves, what's wrong with with having a extensive moveset? I think that would enhance a characters playablity and extend the viablity of the characters as well as the overall game if there's more combos, techniques and specialty moves to learn.

I just wish with each thread created that you could see how many views one would get.

03/18/2012 05:59 PM (UTC)
Could you do more characters moves? Say: Mavado, Tremor & Khameleon?

And whats the deal with Hsu Hao having an amulet? I thought he had a chest laser.
03/18/2012 08:58 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Could you do more characters moves? Say: Mavado, Tremor & Khameleon?

And whats the deal with Hsu Hao having an amulet? I thought he had a chest laser.

I'm pretty sure his chest laser is his amulet.
03/19/2012 04:14 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Could you do more characters moves? Say: Mavado, Tremor & Khameleon?

Well, I could try Mavado although I don't know about his weapons of ropes from his sleeves. As far as Tremor, I don't know anything about him or what his character is about. And Khameleon to me comes off as another Reptile. There would have to be some great type of creativity stroke for specialty moves to be developed that would be unique from other already established characters in the video game.
03/19/2012 01:20 PM (UTC)
Esoteric Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Could you do more characters moves? Say: Mavado, Tremor & Khameleon?

Well, I could try Mavado although I don't know about his weapons of ropes from his sleeves. As far as Tremor, I don't know anything about him or what his character is about. And Khameleon to me comes off as another Reptile. There would have to be some great type of creativity stroke for specialty moves to be developed that would be unique from other already established characters in the video game.

Tremor was a broken character in MK Special Forces. a ninja. He should possess earth powers otherwise give the earth powers to a new character.

Khameleon. Put Chameleon out. For her, she can use poison powers.
03/19/2012 08:12 PM (UTC)
You have some interesting ideas for Hsu Hao. I'm just not sure on him having lines like "Stay off my dick." O_o. I think from a gameplay standpoint, he can actually be fun and interesting with the right moves. The thing on his chest isn't an amulet. It's an artificial heart implant. I like the idea of him having a lot of grappling-oriented moves, but I'm not sure about some of the other ideas.

From his moves in MK: Armageddon, I think he should keep all of them except for Bouncing Death. Although I like using that move, it does come off a bit weird for his character. But yeah, interesting ideas.
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