new idea for characters
posted08/20/2007 06:37 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/10/2007 03:21 PM (UTC)
do you know how subzero can make a ice clone of himself i think that after you make the ice clone, he should be able to do something more then just wait there to get hit. he should do like a move or grapple the guy and you can do a couple of hits before he is gone, and when your enemy is iin the grapple they can use a block to get out of it, or a screen comes up to get out quicker,

i think that they need to make more moves and deathtraps, and arenas, and they also should beable depending on the character and their special abillity moves, to use things in there enivorment, like pick more things up like what acid slayer said about there special, and maybe use there special or weapon to put it in something and turn it and acid, rocks or something can far or it could be a deathtrap

maybe double team move or something like they did with noob and smoke but instead of switch, they can do some kind of double specail but you to earn it or something to do it
08/10/2007 07:55 PM (UTC)
i agree. presently, there isnt enough...
08/11/2007 06:00 PM (UTC)
anyone else please add things or ideas
08/12/2007 05:42 PM (UTC)
does any have more ideas or things they can add
08/13/2007 12:16 AM (UTC)
thats a pretty fuckin good idea..

i would love to see them do something with that. it would be great if they incorporated it into a fatality for sub by him making several ice klones that he animates somehow. they could team up to tear the victim apart limb by limb....

now, during the match an ice klone could be vastly improved. some kould be motionless and simply freeze an opponent upon touch just like the kurrent ice klone and others could present an attack option. maybe sub could send a klone to strike an opponent or be a distraction to kreate a vulnerability. however, i do think that the opponent should be able to disable the ice klone and use it against sub, but im not sure in what way..
08/13/2007 12:45 AM (UTC)
I want to see the clone come to life and do something I think that would be cool or if you get to close to the clone it could grab you and hold you while sub zero get free hits in.
08/15/2007 05:01 PM (UTC)
Now that MK ARMAGEDDON is released, I do believe we should see some new kombatants in MK8 to compiment a the new saga in MORTAL KOMBAT.
somethin else to add to the sub-zero clone move what about if he could pick it up and through it at the other fighter so it would be harder to dodge cause im sick of doing the iceball move and all they do is jump or duckglasses
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