New Guest idea: Ghostface, from the Scream movies
posted03/03/2015 08:26 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Another old idea of mine.

Story: It's happening again. Another person has assumed the Ghostface mantle. Only, instead of murdering hapless teenagers, this individual is killing promising Earth warriors. If that wasn't surprising enough, he is also killing other villains. Who is this killer, and why the interest in such wordly matters, unlike his predecessors?

Ending: After slaying many warriors on all sides, Earth's protector, Raiden, has finally taken notice. He asks Ghostface to reveal his true identity, which the latter happily do: It is...


Mokap fought during the invasion, and held his own, but Raiden did not accept him as a recruit after the invasion. He didn't think he was good enough, and that his survival was just dumb luck. Mokap never got over the blow to his ego. He donned the Ghostface outfit because he personally liked it, thought it deserved someone worthy of wearing it, and went on a killing spree to prove Raiden wrong.

In response to this, Raiden recruits him, and agrees to keep Mokap's murders a secret from the heroes. The end.

Guest character with a twist. What do you think?
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03/02/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
03/02/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
Not that I think it will happen, but I too think Ghostface would be a fun guest.

I imagined him being sort of like Noob Saibot in MK9, having two or three of him running around doing assists and team attacks. I think there's a lot of fun gameplay potiential to be had there. But like I said, chances are slim to none. haha
03/02/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Not that I think it will happen, but I too think Ghostface would be a fun guest.

I imagined him being sort of like Noob Saibot in MK9, having two or three of him running around doing assists and team attacks. I think there's a lot of fun gameplay potiential to be had there. But like I said, chances are slim to none. haha

I like your clone idea. What do you think of Ghostface being a MK character in disguise?

I'd give Ghostface Mokap's MKA moveset for a variant. The twist of him being Mokap could remain, well, a twist, since it could just be NRS rehashing moves for practical purposes as far as fans are concerned. But for his other two variants, GhostFace should fight like he naturally would, like using these clones you suggested, which in my story, could be goons hired by Mokap.
03/02/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Not that I think it will happen, but I too think Ghostface would be a fun guest.

I imagined him being sort of like Noob Saibot in MK9, having two or three of him running around doing assists and team attacks. I think there's a lot of fun gameplay potiential to be had there. But like I said, chances are slim to none. haha

I like your clone idea. What do you think of Ghostface being a MK character in disguise?

I'd give Ghostface Mokap's MKA moveset for a variant. The twist of him being Mokap could remain, well, a twist, since it could just be NRS rehashing moves for practical purposes as far as fans are concerned. But for his other two variants, GhostFace should fight like he naturally would, like using these clones you suggested, which in my story, could be goons hired by Mokap.

There are pros and cons to your idea.

A pro would be that you're incorporating Ghostface directly into MK lore by making him Mokap, which could be a good thing.

However some cons would be that you're not really doing complete justice to either character, Ghostface or Mokap. If Ghostface is simply Mokap under the mask then you lose a lot of the character. Ghostface is Billy Loomis, Stu, Jill, Charlie, etc. All of these people are a big part of what makes the character, and just throwing Mokap under the mask takes a lot of that Woodsboro history away. What does Mokap have to so with Sidney? Can you really have a Ghostface without a tie to Sidney?

Likewise, having Mokap under the mask also doesn't really give you Mokap as a playable character either. So you're left with neither a complete Mokap or Ghostface.

This is just my opinion, and I'm not saying it couldn't be executed well, I'd just rather see Ghostface being portrayed by a character(s) from the Woodsboro world.
03/02/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
03/02/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Not that I think it will happen, but I too think Ghostface would be a fun guest.

I imagined him being sort of like Noob Saibot in MK9, having two or three of him running around doing assists and team attacks. I think there's a lot of fun gameplay potiential to be had there. But like I said, chances are slim to none. haha

I like your clone idea. What do you think of Ghostface being a MK character in disguise?

I'd give Ghostface Mokap's MKA moveset for a variant. The twist of him being Mokap could remain, well, a twist, since it could just be NRS rehashing moves for practical purposes as far as fans are concerned. But for his other two variants, GhostFace should fight like he naturally would, like using these clones you suggested, which in my story, could be goons hired by Mokap.

There are pros and cons to your idea.

A pro would be that you're incorporating Ghostface directly into MK lore by making him Mokap, which could be a good thing.

However some cons would be that you're not really doing complete justice to either character, Ghostface or Mokap. If Ghostface is simply Mokap under the mask then you lose a lot of the character. Ghostface is Billy Loomis, Stu, Jill, Charlie, etc. All of these people are a big part of what makes the character, and just throwing Mokap under the mask takes a lot of that Woodsboro history away. What does Mokap have to so with Sidney? Can you really have a Ghostface without a tie to Sidney?

Likewise, having Mokap under the mask also doesn't really give you Mokap as a playable character either. So you're left with neither a complete Mokap or Ghostface.

This is just my opinion, and I'm not saying it couldn't be executed well, I'd just rather see Ghostface being portrayed by a character(s) from the Woodsboro world.

Well thought out reply.

I admit that I didn't particularly care for GhostFace's connection to Sidney, and that I mainly wanted the twist of a guest character being an MK one in disguise.

However, you'd be getting Mokap as a playable character, with his MKA moveset for one of his variants. Just give him his own design as an alt (with different intros), and you'd essentially get two characters for one roster spot.

Besides, you do realize that this idea wouldn't make either Mokap or Ghostface canon to the MK story, right? It's just for fun. I still appreciate your intelligent reply, but let's not get too serious about this idea.
03/02/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
I like Ghostface, sure.
03/03/2015 05:20 AM (UTC)
What a fantastic idea....NOT!
I'd rather have the one from Scary Movie, tbh.
03/03/2015 06:51 AM (UTC)
How about no horror icons today?

Maybe Characters from other Midway games?

Smash TV Character would be pretty good I even have variations for him.

His blue variation will be a white male with blue gear on
His red variation will be a black male with red gear on
His green variation will be a white blond male with green gear.

Not sure of the names but each variation can have his own special moves.

Maybe someone from Gauntlet? Who knows?
03/03/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Just chillin'. Killin'
It's gonna be a Tao Feng character to springboard the relaunch of that series so they have that to work on after Justice League vs the Legion of Doom to take some time off from Mortal Kombat.
03/03/2015 08:26 AM (UTC)
I like Ghostface but nope.
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