New Fatality ideas, hurray :)
posted12/12/2004 11:21 AM (UTC)by
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11/24/2004 12:28 PM (UTC)
Baraka: he grabs the opponent and gives him a kick in the back, paralising him. He then chucks him upwards and jumps after him, drawing his blades. He mutilates him in mid-air and hits him up -got inspiration for this from some old Killer Instinct combos-, then comes down, lands in a cloud of dust and holds up a blade for a final impale. Whatever is left of the opponent is definately dead...

Nightwolf: he sits or stands silently, meditating. Then, the souls of his tormented ancestors begin to come out of the floor, and slowly begin to consume the opponent's soul. Then, Nightwolf takes a tomahawk and slices the head of the opponent clean off, the final shards of soul linger around, and the ancestors scarper with them.

Mileena: she throws her Soaring Sai at the opponent's face, scarring and blinding him. As the opponent is rubbing his face in agony, she kicks him in the mommy and daddy button, and wraps her legs around his head, standing upside down herself. She then puts pressure on the opponent's head until a disgusting SNAP! is heared. Fatality...

Hotaru: he performs a gesture which summons a huge blast of lava which flings the opponent straight up into the air. He then fires a consecutive 3-hit lava blast after the opponent and then stands under him, impaling the scorched opponent on his flagpoles.
12/11/2004 10:40 AM (UTC)
Baraka: Chops the head & one leg off & then he throws the head up & uses the leg as a bat & he takes a swing at the head & the head hits the screen & theres blood all over the screen grin
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12/11/2004 12:24 PM (UTC)
Scorpion:he grabs his opponent and slams his knee into the victims stomach then throws him over his shoulder. The opponent crawls around the floor, while Scorp removes his mask and: toasty.

Sub-zero: he grabs the oppponent and freezes it to the core. He walks backward and slides with cold shoulder toward the statue of ice. When he gets near he bounces off and shoulders into the stomach. The statue breaks. Sub then punches his palm through the forehead and rips the head off. The remainig of the broken shell of a torso breaks into pieces.

Hotaru: with an arugawa double slive Hotaru slices of the arms of the opponent. While screaming in pain, he spins off further backward, and jumps up, delivering a powerfull vertical strike. The naginata punches into the forehead. Hotaru delivers a victory yell.

more will come...
12/11/2004 08:13 PM (UTC)
Sindel: **The classic Scream and Paeal the Skin should return**

Sindel: Sindel uses her magic power on her hair, causing them to be stiff and sharp. She then whip the oponnent body and face with blade shrap hair. The oponent falls on the ground and the camera zoom on it's bloddy face. Sindel stand on top of the pain corps, and yell a bit, causing the head to split in half. She then floats for victory saying :"That's was fun!" Fatality!

12/11/2004 09:19 PM (UTC)
i like sindel too
12/11/2004 09:54 PM (UTC)
Jade: impales opponent on stick , holds them up to the celing , throws them up in the air and starts spinnig her staff super fast slicing the opponent in a millon pieces gringrin

Millena:impales opponent on sais from floor then she puts her head straight through their stomach and eats them from the inside-out
12/11/2004 10:53 PM (UTC)
She throws her sais in the enemies feet. She then walks over and gives them a huge uppercut knocking them in the air (everything from their knees down is stuck on the ground becasue of her sais) She then takes one of her sais out of the enemies feet and throws it straight in the enemies head. She walks over to them and rips their body from their head.

Sub-Zero grabs the opponents arm and freezes it. Then he rips it off, takes a couple steps back and hurls it at the enemy. A bunch of ice shards are stuck in the enemy and they fall over in pain. Sub-Zero walks over to the enemy and grabs his legs and starts to spin him around mario style. While he is doing this he freezes him. He throws them into the air and they shatter on the ground.

Liu Kang
Liu Kang uppercuts the enemy and while they are in the air he shoots a huge stream of fire at them. This burns off opponents skin making them a skeleton. As they come back down toward the ground Liu uppercuts their brittle skeleton and it shatters.

Smoke shoots two spears out of his chest. One latches on to the enemies arm and one to their leg. Smoke walks over to the opponent and places his foot on their chest with the spears still stuck to their arm and leg. Smoke tightens the ropes and rips of the enemies arm and leg. The spears let go of the ligaments and smoke catches them. He then smashes the enemies head between the arm and leg.
About Me

Really puts things into perspective, when a teenager pop singer turns out to be the re-incarnation of a german warlord.

12/11/2004 11:00 PM (UTC)
Kenshi: Using psychic powers, he pulls the eyes out of opponent, the opponent stumbles around while screaming in pain, kenshi at this point is revolving the eyes around himself (like magneto in Xmen 2) the eyes then shoot at the opponent rapidly as bits of the opponents body fly off from the impact. Then when the opponent (or rather bits of the opponent) are lying on the ground kenshi walks up to the eyes and crushes them with his foot.
12/12/2004 11:21 AM (UTC)
Sindels:makes copy of self 1 goes each side of opponent SCREAMS until all the flesh comes off and then both kick the body down FATALITY or
Gets into 'scream position' and starts singing 'the Cha Cha Slide' the opponent's head blows up from sindels bad singing grin
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