New Character: Is this a good concept?
posted01/28/2006 01:32 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/14/2005 12:54 AM (UTC)
I've been thinking about the next gen MK's and what Boon said about having as much newness as possible and I thought about the kind of character that could concievably have the appeal of Kung Lao and Scorpion if they both didn't make it to the next game. (unlikely, I know; theoretical here)

Octopussy? The James Bond film. As far removed from Mk as possible, I know, but there was one thing in the film that I thought would be a good concept for an Mk character. In the movie, one of the hencman uses a kind of buzzsaw yoyo to attack Bond. I thought this would be an interesting weapon, albeit modified, to have in an Mk game. Yes, I know it's extremely cliche', but it would still make for a cool weapon. Cheesy, but since when was MK not cheesy?

The weapon would be a dinner plate sized buzzsaw with a smaller disc on the side that has a rope wound into it in a yoyo esque fashion, or maybe two saws with the rope wound in the middle. The rope would be unbreakable (whatever).
It would have the razor properties of Kung Lao's hat and have the lashing properties of a Scorpion's spear. The character I envisioned using this weapon would be a loner who fights for himself, but helps the side of good when ever it doesn't conflict his interests.
He uses the buzzsaw because he habours deep resentment for his enemies; he wants their death to be as painful as possible.
His look would be of a half-asian (indian maybe, instead to broaden the cultures of Mk) man with a mop of dark hair. His face would be lean and scarred from mishaps. He would wear a simple black martial arts robe with red lining at the cuffs and down the middle. His saw would be strapped to his back ala Kung Lao DA alt.
He could possibly have a bandana of sorts, but maybe that would look a little Liu Kang (not that it matters).
The buzzsaw is used in special moves, but he has a small tanto blade as a weapon for use in a close-encounter as well as relying on his MA skills.
No story yet as this is a concept.


The basic buzzsaw attack. He propels his buzzsaw out and it spins along the ground, showering sparks. It comes up as a low attack between the opponent's legs and then running up their body splattering blood, before being whipped back and caught. Very cool looking. Knocks the opponent down. On a counter-hit, the opponent is stunned from the body grinding, giving you a free-hit.

Grind left and Grind right:
Two seperate special moves. One for right, one for left. A deterent for people who hesitate after side-stepping.

Anti-air saw:
A close range manouever used to stop an air-to ground attack. The character whips the saw, spinning vertically and upwards into the air. Can hit a ground opponent if they are right next to you. It will launch them for a juggle.

A sarcastic downwards yoyo spin for hitting grounded opponents directly at your feet.

Saw Point:
A grab. Knocks opponent down, stands over them and performs a move similar to the yoyo.

Rage Kata:
A charge up move in the manner of Tekken. Lots of damage, big start up delay. He swings his saw all around himself and in figure eight patterns.
Works as a combo.

He would have some more grabs from the side as well. Those would be other saw based variants.

So, I've got the basic character concept there. No name and no plot currently. (though to create a plot for him, I would probably have to write a whole game plot!)

So what do you make of the character concept and do you have any suggestions?

01/27/2006 03:59 PM (UTC)
Sounds cool. It could work very well with Jarek.
01/27/2006 04:24 PM (UTC)
I'd prefer it to be a new character, though. I don't have any like for Jarek using this weapon.

I was thinking of a Mortal Kombat story many years after the old heroes had died. Raiden is still there, of course. There would be a cryomancer, as well. Scorpion would not appear at all, he did his job and was awarded with eternal rest. Fujin could be there, maybe.
I'll probably write this story properly for fun. I've started some bios, already...

And yes, I am a nerd! smile
01/27/2006 07:11 PM (UTC)
i sort of imagine this guy looking like the prince of persia in a kung fu robe (warrior within prince) and the concept isnt that appealing...but the weapon sure is. i would think that you could make him, like, a resistance fighter from edenia, solely responsible for wiping out thousands of kahn's men. he could, like, be in love with kitana, but knowing that it could never happen.
he would facially look like the prince, in basic edenian battle clothing, so basically a old prince. with the right background, this guy could beast with this weapon, with unlimited destructive capabilities. i imagine the weapon as a huge shuriken-like weapon with a chain attached to it, like kratos meets kung lao. just expanding on your idea. great thinking about the yo-yo buzzsaw, bond movies rock.
01/27/2006 09:23 PM (UTC)
I definately wasn't thinking about the prince of persia when I described his looks. To elaborate, I see his robes looking more like those worn by the boss, Shiva in Streets of Rage 2. He would have a scarred face and a medium length of wirey hair. I see why you confused him with the prince of persia though. I want him to be twisted and have a bit of an evil expression on his face, yet be willing to fight for the good side.

If only my scanner worked, I could draw him and show you what I mean.
01/27/2006 10:53 PM (UTC)
oh. im still drawin up blank, but the charecter could work. if not, the weapn would go good with bob, if you can use him.
01/28/2006 06:54 AM (UTC)
I remember that dude from Octopussy. I, myself, am a big James Bond fan. That weapon would be hilarious to see in Mortal Kombat. I'd say, give it to someone who needs an awesome weapon; Mavado for instance.
01/28/2006 01:32 PM (UTC)
Well, personally I don't like the film Octopussy, I just thought it would be a cool concept for an MK game.tongue
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