New and different realms in future MK
posted12/08/2006 10:39 AM (UTC)by
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03/01/2004 04:58 AM (UTC)
Would you want to see new realms in future MK's? If so, what would it be called? how would it look like, and what type of creatures would live their? Also, where would it be located?

Personally, I think a realm of pitch darkness that contained creatures like werewolfs and other cryptids would be sweet. Not to mention, I've always wanted to see another cool shokan hybrid.

I think a realm of pirates would be cool too. Btw, in the MK comics, their was a realm called the Nightmare realm...I think something like that is sweet. IMO a fighting fire breathing Lion (manticore or chimera) is a type of creature that would fit well in the MK universe. Or what about a Tiger or psychotic hyena/wolf hybrid? The possibilities are endless.

There can also be realms of creatures that look exactly like humans (demons). Post all your ideas on new realms, creatures, etc.
12/04/2006 12:50 PM (UTC)
Nightmare realm is good idea full of monsters and your worst fears.grin
12/04/2006 07:56 PM (UTC)
I'd rather see them expand on the realms they have now, rather than throw in new ones straight away. That was the problem with Seido/Orderrealm in MKD, it was introduced out of nowhere, and it's characters and events felt too distant from everything else happening in the main storyline.

Maybe do like they did with Nitara in MKDA, have a character or two coming from somewhere different, but still involved in the MK events. Then you've established that this new location exists, and it can be built on in later games. Outworld, Edenia and the Netherrealm were all introduced in this gradual way in the first games. I would be interested to find out more about Nitara's vampire realm, and see another fighter or two coming from there.

12/04/2006 09:18 PM (UTC)
Before I disscuss new realms, lets talk about the fate of the Old ones.

I want Chaos Realm and Seido to merge into one realm.

I want Outworld to Shatter, and therefore splitting apart the realms it was composed of. (Ex. Edenia and Vampire Realm were once apart of Outworld...Who knows what other realms were conqured by Shoa Kahn.)

Edenia must either be destroyed or be cut off somehow from the other realms...

Now some new ones:

Zaterra - I would like to see the return of Zaterra...So Reptile will Shut up about his stupid realm!

Vampire Realm - Sure its free now But I wanna see it and more natives from there.

Nightmare realm sounds like an interesting idea.

Cryo realm - A realm inhabited by Cryomancers. Duh! WHat did you want me to say? Tarkatans?tongue

Water world? Pfft...I'm out of ideastongue
12/04/2006 10:23 PM (UTC)
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:

I want Outworld to Shatter, and therefore splitting apart the realms it was composed of. (Ex. Edenia and Vampire Realm were once apart of Outworld...Who knows what other realms were conqured by Shoa Kahn.)

Good idea, I've always wanted something like this to happen, because it would improve the stories for certain characters.

I think Outworld needs to be explored more, especially in the next MK. After Blaze's destruction, Outworld should be broken into various landscapes, some of them which used to exist as their own realm. We'll have new warriors/creatures, possibly info on other past rulers that used to rule temporarily before Onaga/Kahn came about; other new info about Shao Kahn and his past/origins. Btw....the One Being and Elder Gods need to be explored more as well.
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"because real men throw eggs"

12/06/2006 11:42 PM (UTC)

This is a realm that half of it wants evil and havic to reigh, the other half wants peace. There is ALWAYS a war in the realm over good and evil. When people from the orderralm saw this, they sent a buch of people to equal out the scores of the war. Then the kings of good and evil join together, and there you have it, a war between two realms
12/07/2006 12:01 AM (UTC)
unknown realm

It would be a realm that elder gods send to strong of villians that actually found a way to get to the elder gods and try to destory them and got close to doing it. It would open up doors for new bad charectors that make onaga and em look like kobra or someone worse......... The area it self would be nothing but white like they didnt even try to design the area in the game the elder gods think they shouldnt get anything. So they eventualy go crazy and you have to fight them off one on one. So hopefully theres co op mode because it would be hard.
12/07/2006 02:32 AM (UTC)
sorhia kinda reminds me of chaosrealm and seido aka orderrealm.
12/07/2006 06:11 PM (UTC)
I would have Earthrealm, Outworld, Netherealm, The Heavens, and Edenia, Chaos Realm and Order realm were retarded. What would be really neat in arcade mode is that you go against a total of let's say 15 characters to complete the game. In each realm you would fight 5 warriors that seem appropriate to be in that realm. After you beat the first 5 on let's say Earthrealm, you would have a little break in the game and probably have a video of your character go through a portal and wind up in another realm. Then do what Tekken 4 did, and have a story that is narrated by someone and have words written with possible sketches of the character. After you transgress through the realms up untill the final boss, you then have the character's complete story through that game, and all that story that is left open would be told to the character.

Depending on what character you choose determines which stages you fight on and what realms to travel to.

12/08/2006 01:12 AM (UTC)
wow I like that ideagrin
12/08/2006 10:39 AM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:

This is a realm that half of it wants evil and havic to reigh, the other half wants peace. There is ALWAYS a war in the realm over good and evil. When people from the orderralm saw this, they sent a buch of people to equal out the scores of the war. Then the kings of good and evil join together, and there you have it, a war between two realms

Sort of like a "Ying Yang" type of realm huh? sounds like a good idea.

decrazed Wrote:
unknown realm

It would be a realm that elder gods send to strong of villians that actually found a way to get to the elder gods and try to destory them and got close to doing it. It would open up doors for new bad charectors that make onaga and em look like kobra or someone worse......... The area it self would be nothing but white like they didnt even try to design the area in the game the elder gods think they shouldnt get anything. So they eventualy go crazy and you have to fight them off one on one. So hopefully theres co op mode because it would be hard.

I've always wanted to see the realm of the Elder Gods, not to mention the One Beings highest plane as well. I imagine the Elder Gods realm as a "void", either being pure white (the ground) with nothingness outside, or a dark realm with massive stars everywhere (and black marble ground).
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