Nemesis3:16s Mortal Kombat: Testament. Character Bios + Storyline/With in depth look at their Fatalities, Hara Kiris, fighting styles, moves and all. Also Includes Brutalities.
posted09/25/2005 01:11 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/14/2005 09:52 PM (UTC)
When i'm not busy working on my comics, I work on my MK7 Bios. I am dying to test out my knowledge of Kombat so i'm going to take this nice and slow. I put the storyline in Script format, so use your imagination for actual Storyline.


We are like sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image we long for, need, love or desire, often against reality, against their benefit, and always, in the end, a disappointment, because it does not fit them.
-Anais Nin

Night, Foggy.

A lone figure is standing atop the mountain of Outworld. He holds a red glowing heart in his hand. He is HAVIK, cleric of chaos.

Havik: I’ve always been taught in the ways of Chaos. Many wise men have said, “Without Chaos, nothing could evolve.” I have fiercely believed in Chaos, it was something I breathed, something I ate, something I live by.

Havik: Now believe an emissary is threatening the very existence of Chaos.

Havik: This is out it began...

Pan to Dragon king’s lair. A brick wall crashes through and Johnny Cage falls through. A red figure steps through and forms a dragon stance, it is ERMAC. Sonya comes in and jumps on ermac’s back, trying to prevent her from tearing Cage apart, and he throws her to the ground.

Havik: With the assistance of Ermac, Liu Kang traveled to Outworld to free the grip that Onaga’s spell had been controlling for so long.

Meanwhile, Kung Lao, finally broken free from the DK’s control, is trying to hold Jax down while Liu Kang attempts to fix Jax. A green light shoots from Ermac’s hand and blasts Johnny Cage down a few feet.

Meanwhile, a Fan and Bojutsu fight is occurring in the tomb of the Great Dragon King. Jade attempts to strike Kitana and weaken her knee but Kitana parries and strikes her face. A cut is on Jade’s cheek and she wipes blood off it. She twirls the bojitsu like a baton and paries in a series of clashes and slashes, sparring with Kitana. A tear strolls down Jade’s cheek. She looks upon Kitana as Kitana looks upon Jade with pure hatred. Meanwhile, Sindel is watching helplessly, as she watches the ones she loves, battle to the death. Jade swings at Kitana’s chest and slashes it. Kitana stumbles back and falls to the ground.

Havik: The Dragon King had full control of the mightiest warriors, even the Tarkata. The Princess of Edenia was of no exception.

Jade, concerned for her friend, rushed over to her aid. Meanwhile, Sindel was standing behind Jade, spear behind her spine, aimed to strike. She stabbed Jade in the back, and lifted her up, impaled on her Kwan Do.

Havik: They say the mind bends and twists to deal with life’s realities. Perhaps Sindel’s mind bent it snapped into two.
Sindel snapped and threw Jade across the room. She then picked up Kitana in her arms and started toward the exit of the dungeon.

During the debacle, the Black Dragon members, Kabal, Kobra, and Kira had been spying on the Dragon King’s lair. They crept quietly to examine the noise. Kabal sent Kobra to investigate.

As soon as Kobra walked into the lair, a loud shriek was heard, and the disgusting sound of bone crunching and human slaughtering boomed across the hallway. It was then Kobra’s body was sent flying across the room and landing right next to where the black dragon were standing.

Havik: In an attempt to spy on Earth’s warriors and plunder riches of the Dragon King, Kabal infiltrated the Dragon King’s palace, only to find the complete opposite of solitary silence or any order.

Kira gasped at Kobra’s bloody corpse and began to puke. Kabal took Kira and quickly left before the person who had destroyed Kobra could see them.

Havik: Thinking quickly, Kabal made a hasty exit. They were lucky enough to not meet the might of SHAO KAHN and GORO. Who had made a mysterious return, after thought to being dead for so long.

Shao Kahn vowed he would find Onaga, and make sure he stayed dead...That is, until he heard a familiar scream that sounded like the death of Onaga, he made a gesture that made Goro stop in his tracks. Soon a pack of Tarkatan warriors ambushed Shao Kahn, but they were defeated with ease thanks to Goro.

Shujinko stood from battle, exhausted, and spitting on Onaga. He had done it, he had won the battle with Onaga.

Shujinko: And you thought I could never defeat you, fool! Had it not been for your “gift”, I would have never won.
Shujinko then looks at Li Mei, who is lying face-down in a pool of blood. Shujinko: Poor soul, Li Mei, I hope you understand what I had to do.
Voice: SHUJINKO!!!

Pan to a complete shot of the room, which then transformed into a rainy mountain way. A loud, booming storm and a mad raging wind greeting Shujinko as he stared into the eyes of a VERY ANGRY Thunder God.

Meanwhile, the fight was occurring down in the glass room, where Johnny Cage sent a kick to Ermac’s face, sending him back. Sonya double teamed on Ermac, and were both pounding on poor Ermac. Jax then came in and started to attack Johnny Cage as Kung Lao went for Sonya. Johnny Cage threw a shadow kick at Jax and sent him back. Ermac then focused on Johnny Cage telepathically, and lifted him up in midair, to halt off Johnny Cage. Until a view of something, the One Being, had clouded his mind. He spoke to Ermac, and told him he would be waiting for him.

Havik: Ermac could not focus, some kind of powerful being was afoot. A mysterious figure had returned, the One Being. Soon his confusion got the best of Ermac and..

Ermac’s eyes began to become confused, he, with brute force, sent Cage flying over to meet his death, spikes on the wall. Cage was impaled, he screamed and struggled to break free, and soon died.

Havik: Killed Johnny Cage.

Hearing then a reptilian scream, it seemed as if Sonya snapped out of a trance, and looked around her, confused and bewildered, until she looked and saw Johnny, dead.

Sonya: NO!!!

Havik: It was an unfortunate turn of events, this was the first milestone to the return of the One Being.

Liu Kang came over to Sonya and tried to comfort her. Everyone bowed their head in respect for their fallen friend. But Sonya turned around, and she looked pissed, no not pissed, ENRAGED. She attack Liu Kang and pushed through the rest and threw herself through the window.

Havik: Meanwhile, atop a high mountain, Rayden confronted the man who had released Onaga from his long imprisonment.

Raiden: SHUJINKO! You have put Earth in peril, a sin far greater than any other sin. For that, you must hand your life over to me.

Shujinko: Ra—Rayden, I was tricked! I had no idea it was him.

Raiden: NO IDEA?! You could have ended the existence of the realms as it is!

Raiden: Your crimes against humanity are to be dealt with. Goodbye, Shujinko.

Shujinko: But what about the Elder Gods, don’t they have a say in this?

Raiden: The Elder Gods...won’t be a part of this.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning crackled from Raiden’s hands to Shujinko’s frail body, he was shook with electricity until his heart exploded and Shujinko fell to the ground, dead.

Havik: And so it was, the cornerstone of madness. Shujinko was killed that night. Above the heavens, the Elder Gods watched in horror as Raiden laughed madly.
Pan back to the rainy mountains where Havik is standing.

Havik: I have taken careful observations of each action and each soul. Apparently, Raiden has allied himself with several entities, he plans to re-piece the Kamidogu and awake the One Being. If he does this, the realms will become one, once more. However, once all beings cease to exist, he’ll then destroy the One Being again, and restart the 7 realms anew.

Havik looks up at the sky, and frowns.

Havik: This concerns me, if the realms merge into one, then Chaos would also cease to exist. Although I am not allying myself with the warriors, as that would be against the tradition of Chaos, I will aid them in defeating Raiden and restore his sanity. We are entering a new Testament, pray it may be but a fable.



1. Havik
2. Haarono
3. Jarek
4. Sektor
5. Sindel
6. Sub-Zero
7. Ashrah
8. Bo Rai Cho
9. Reptile
10. Kung Lao
11. Fujin
12. Kira
13. Drahmin
14. Sonya
15. Hazel

1. Teserkoy
2. Scorpion
3. Smoke
4. Sareena
5. Movius
6. Hertuss
7. Khameleon
8. Jax
9. Chere
10. Kenshi
11. Queumn
12. Rain
13. Devil Scorpion
14.) Shang Tsung
15.) Noob Saibot

What do you guys think? So far? If this gets some attention i'll be glad to do more.
About Me

09/18/2005 10:10 PM (UTC)
I can already see the black winged Scorpion with facial paint. Dying to see this.
09/19/2005 03:05 AM (UTC)
Thought i'd list my opinions on the game options.


The destiny screen would be the same as MK: Deception. The sub-boss is Shinnok and he has two forms. One is his human form which you fight and then he transforms to a horrible monster for a “Final Round”. Then you fight Raiden, which is basically a kind of House of the Dead battle but you don’t need to use guns wink. During the story mode you get to see random FMV’s or encounters before battle ala Tekken 5/Soul Calibur II. The endings will be the same as they were, stills, Havik voices them.

Like Story Mode but each battle you win you win koins and points in it instead. No endings or encounters, and there are more enemies plus endurance battles. The more enemies you defeat the more points and koins you get.


The mini-adventure game to replace Konquest. The game takes place AFTER MK:DA and leads up to the beginning of MK7. Choose a character, ranging from Sektor and his Tekunin army, to Noob and his army of Smoke-bots. Unlockable armies include Lin Kuei, Special Forces, and the Black Dragon. Each team has their own home stage, it begins with training with each of their own kind. For example, begin with Sektor and you train with a Cyrax-pallete swap of a Sekbot. Noob would train with Smoke, Jax with Sonya, etc. You would venture into the seven realms of the universe, gaining money and promoting your armies, there are 370,865 cities to conquer. You can upgrade, buy, sell, or create new ranks. You can name the ranks too. They can upgrade their skills and borrow skills from other players.


Basically, there are 6 tag teams at the start, 4 to unlock. The roster is: Sektor-Cyrax, Noob-Smoke, Quan Chi-Shinnok, Jade-Reptile, Kitana-Mileena, Sonya-Jax. The unlockables include Sub-Zero-Scorpion, Kabal-Kira, Sub-Zero-Sub-Zero, and Drahmin-Moloch. You can unlock a custom tag team where you can build your tag team with the characters provided. Buy points to customize your team further.

Buy points to customize your characters! Didn’t see the guy you wanted in the game? Customize them yourself! Buy points from the shop from clothing, moves, voice, movement, anything! Even change the color scheme. You can make a new character and choose their icon! Choose a background for their icon and watch the character compress to render format!

Shop for everything here! Unload your koins on each category. Buy your unlockables, your stages, new clothes to customize some characters or even create new ones. Buy concept art or stuff like that.

And the other available ones like Options, and Kontent.
09/19/2005 08:42 PM (UTC)


Havik was meant to raise havoc. He was taught to believe in chaos and eventually he developed an obsession with it. He is loved by chaos habitants and hated by the Seidan guards. After witnessing the events of Onaga’s return to Raiden’s new revelation, he would discover that Chaos is now in more danger than ever. Ever so dedicated to chaos, he will enter the battle against Raiden and will convince him to change his ways to Chaos. He must, however, avoid the Red Dragon if he is to survive.COSTUMES:

1st Costume: Havik is naked except for a loincloth, sweatpants, boots, and his headband. His body contains markings revealing his journals of Chaos. His loincloth is a chaotic mess of blue, red, gray, yellow. His sweatpants are complete black. His boots have silver straps and the boots are also black.

2nd costume: Havik is dressed in a robe with a long hood covering his face. His robe is of a grayish tint and the kamidogu sign of Chaos is on the middle. His hood is the same but has a point tip. He is wearing no pants nor is he wearing any shoes.


Baguazhang - Baguazhang the martial art, is based in part on the 8 trigrams of the I Ching. The Bagua theory is often seen expressed as a diagram with the 8 trigrams encircling the yin yang. With proper instruction & diligent practice Baguazhang through its fusion of philosophy, qigong, and martial art can be both a highly effective means of self defense and promote physical and spiritual well-being

Capoeira – A brazilian fighting style technique. I picked this one because the art of moving around and confusing the opponent just screams chaos to me.

Chaos Sword – A sword crafted by Havik himself, he bent the blade in several ways so each strike is a degree of chaos, there are three blades, with three handles for each, fused together, some of the blades are bent in several places.


Helicopter Kick – Havik flips himself upside down and moves his torso to create a helicopter-like movement that knocks the opponent silly.

Confusion: Havik moves his hands and unleashes several energy bolts that crackle across the room, confusing the opponent. This gives you a free hit, and each bolt dies after 3 seconds. There are 3 bolts.

Corpse Taunt – Move from MKD, Havik bends his torso backwards as he kneels and gains a bit of health.

Throw - Havik graps the opponent’s arm, twists it, and throws the body over himself.


Act 1 – Havik would walk up to his opponent and inspect him/her. The he’d grapple the body and twist and bend it. The opponent would gasp in shock. Havik would then take notes in his mind, and then bend the opponent’s arms, and then inspect and record more mental notes. The finally with an idea, he would tear his opponents torso off and then tear the head off. Havik would then hold the skull and spine as to recreate a Shakespearian moment.

Intestine Choke Hold– Havik would rip out the opponent’s instestine. He/she would scream and try to run away, with blood trailing. Havik would then lasso the opponent’s neck with the intestine and snap the head off and the opponent would fall into the ground.

Hara Kiri – Havik would snap his own neck, and fall to the ground, dead.

Brutality – Havik performs a flurry of punches and finally uses his Helicopter Kick to put the opponent into the ground. The opponent is throwing up and then Havik puts his foot down, shattering his/her spine.


[Picture 1: The background is a thunderous nightmare outside of the top of the Sky Temple, Havik is standing above Raiden and Raiden looks furious but terrified.]

After a long battle with Raiden, I had finally won, chaos over thunder or lightning. Raiden cowered before me. Finally, now I could do what I’ve always wanted to have done.

[Picture 2: Pan to a river in the valley of Chaos. The water is rippling there and Raiden is sending his electric current across. The current would form and ripple the sea with vast chaos]

In order to increase chaos to the Chaosrealm, I had Raiden create a radical electric current across the sea. Now the symbol of chaos is beaming with more pride than ever. Soon, Raiden would come to appreciate the value of chaos.
09/19/2005 09:38 PM (UTC)
so everyone in orderrealm is gone?
09/23/2005 11:25 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't exactly say they were gone. Just that this version doesn't really focus on the Orderrealm as much.



Once a member of the Episcopalian Church in Rome, Father Aaronyu was criticized for his beliefs on the Seven Realms and the Elder Gods. Eventually he would be expelled one day for nearly killing another priest after calling him insane. One day he was approached by Raiden, and told him of the brooding war between him and the evil humans that threaten the planet. Agreeing to assist Raiden in his cause, Raiden transformed him into his guardian and gave him demi-godlike power. He would help Raiden in cleaning up this planet by the filth human had failed to clean up.


Costume 1: Aaronyu wears a deep red Trenchcoat with a white tie and a black t-shirt under it. He wears black leather pants to accommodate the attire. He carries two gauntlets which are shaped like crosses and come from his wrists. He has blonde hair, and a scruffy beard, though you can’t tell if it’s there or not. His hair is relatively short.

Costume 2: Aaronyu wears a Constantine-type costume. Except his tie is blue, his pants are white and his shirts are white.


Kajukenbo - Originally designed in Hawaii in 1949, Kajukenbo was made for defense against street criminals that were rampant in some areas after World War II. This suits Aaronyu, due to the fact that he is often quite temperous and won’t hesitate to defend himself from any thief or criminal.

Wrestling - Wrestling is considered man's oldest sport and was apart of the ancient Olympics. Wrestling styles and various forms are as different as the cultures of each world differ. In Rome, Aaronyu’s son loved wrestling. When his son was killed by a robbery, Father Aaronyu practiced wrestling and perfected the art. He would fight in this style in remembrance of his son.

Crossblades – As a highly religious person, Aaronyu even kept his own weapons crafted stainless steel. These were crafted by steel man Yoohga R’ngeyu. They are basic razor cross with each pointy tip across the lengths. Though he carried them around for self defense, Raiden fused the blades with his bones. Now they extend out in a straight line from his wrists and then the horizontal line extends after the vertical fully extends.


Cruci-dash: Kinda like Johnny Cage’s shadow kick, but Aaronyu dashes with blistering speed and then punches the opponent with his Cross blades.

Holy Uppercut! : Simply uppercuts the opponent with amazing speed. Can cover long distances and good for defense attacks.

Throw - Aaronyu pounds on the opponent with his cross blades and then kicks him across the room.


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Aaronyu whips out a single crossblade, and then cuts through the opponent in one clean vertical swift. The opponent stumbles around, and then Aaronyu slices the opponent’s waste and then sends the upper torso pieces flying. His/her two legs come apart and sloppily fall down.

Crucifixtion – Aaronyu stabs his opponent with both of his blades into the lungs. He/she gasps for air while Aaronyu impales them from behind (on their neck) and them impales their heart.

Hara Kiri – Aaronyu punches through his chest cavity and pulls out his heart, he chants a magical incantation and he explodes, his heart left behind.

Brutality – Just a bunch of slicing, dicing and then stabbing, and then roundhouse kick to the face.


[Picture 1: Temple, golden temple, Raiden is taunting over the defeated Fujin. However, Aaronyu, closer on the camera than Raiden, is scowling.]

Aaronyu had finally completed his task. He had defeated Fujin and helped Raiden complete his testament. Soon it would be over. But Aaronyu felt that something was not right. He sensed some...corruption. Within Raiden.

[Picture 2: Same background, except Raiden is in a state of shock. Aaronyu cuts through Raiden, with blood spewing from his throat. Aaronyu looks angry...]

Aaronyu found out he was being used for Raiden’s own agenda. He did not take that well, he destroyed Raiden with his crossblades. With the weight of his own guilt, and his sin in killing a God for the wrong reason, Aaronyu took his own life.
09/25/2005 01:11 PM (UTC)


Jarek was thought to be known as the last known member of the Black Dragon clan. When Jarek was supposedly to have been killed by Sonya on the Pekeru Cliffs, Jarek actually was able to save himself using the skills he was taught when he faught in Vietnam. He lived out in a cave for several years, living off of vegetables and tree bark. He would be rescued by a couple of wandering travelers years later. Grateful for being saved instead of brought to jail, Jarek turned over a new leaf and started working for justice, busting on gangs and criminals. Soon Jarek would eventually become a member of the police force. One day, he heard someone speak of the Black Dragon and the fact they were returning. Wanting to settle the score with the Black Dragon for abandoning him, Jarek faked an illness and set out to find Kabal, who restarted the Black Dragon, and destroy him.


Costume 1: Jarek wears a full black t-shirt, and a thin metal vest over it. Painted in red, it says LIVE OR DIE. Jarek has gloves on with forearm protectors, and he wears a snowcap. His jeans are deep blue, and he wears boots, pants overlapping them. Jarek has deep sideburns

Costume 2: His MK4 outfit, with the snow cap and sideburns.


Kickboxing - As a Black Dragon member, Jarek was taught by Kano the art of kickboxing. Jarek actually became quite fascinated with the sport and developed it into his own image. He now finds it ironic that he uses the same weapon he was taught in crime, to fight crime.

Aikido - Aikido's non-violent self-defense emphasizes minimum effort for maximum effect, a strategy uniquely effective against the fast punches and kicks of modern unarmed combat. Clear logical instruction by a fully certified aikido instructor leads the students to understand how to harmlessly render any attacker helpless to continue his or her aggression, regardless of relative size, speed, or strength. Jarek learned how to disable criminals without killing them, so that they may be brought on the side of justice.

Dual Pistols - Jarek had kept them as a prize trophy from his years in Vietnam. Instead of using a weapon requiring blades, Jarek uses a trigger happy finger to work these babies to the bone.


Cannonball - Jarek’s move from Kano.

’Round The World Cannonball - Advanced move of Cannonball and Jarek goes around the stage in a spasm like state until he comes to a complete stop.

Ring Shot - A blue Ring comes from Jarek’s fists and strike at the opponent.

Swoop - Jarek skids through the ground and sweep the opponent off their feet.

Throw - Jarek throws the opponent up into the air, shoots him/her with the gun, and then kicks them back several feet.


Heart Ripper - Jarek thrusts his hand into the opponent’s chest cavity, the opponent staggers back, weakened, coughing up blood. Jarek then thrusts it in one more time, the skin rips through. Jarek’s hand can be seen through the other side of the body, then rips out the heart, and kicks the opponent back. He slams the heart on the ground and stomps on it with his foot.

Bullseye - Jarek shoots the opponent in both eyes, and lets them stagger and wander around, then jumps up and kicks them in the face.

Hara Kiri - Jarek shoots himself in the head.

Brutality - Jarek performs a series of pistol whips plus shots until the opponent is crimson swiss cheese.


[Picture 1: On a beach, cloudy, Jarek and Kabal are facing off. Kabal has his hookswords in his hand while Jarek has his two pistols.]

Jarek was once a black dragon member, so he was familiar with Kabal’s fighting styles and moves. After all, it was he who had crippled Kabal and left him to die before.

[Picture 2: Jarek stands victorious over Kabal, with a gun in his face]

Jarek had defeated Kabal once again. However, he was hemmed in on whether to kill him or not.

[Picture 3: Jarek walks away, Kabal is lying on the ground, in a small pool of blood]

Tired of being goody-two shoes, Jarek slain Kabal, and threw his badge into the sea. Jarek couldn’t wait to form his OWN black dragon clan.
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