Nameless enemy types for the story mode
posted07/29/2014 02:02 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Another old idea of mine.

Instead of jobbing out certain characters constantly, they should create nameless enemy types, like generic Black/Red Dragon thugs, Tekunin soldiers, etc, that you'd fight more often than the likes of Sheeva, Baraka and Reptile. They should usually come in groups, meaning, endurance fights, though you might sometimes fight only one that is enhanced. You could do fatalities on them. There should be boss-types like that huge creature from MK9's colliseum and streets stages.

I think it could benefit the new characters greatly if they didn't get jobbed out too much, and nameless enemy types could help with that.

Individual enforcers like Skarlet should have insanely difficult AI, so that fighting them is a big deal, and that you go "oh, shit!" when you see that you're going to fight Baraka, or Reptile, or both of them at the same time.
07/26/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)

I like this idea.

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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/26/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
Yea I'd be up for generic characters to fight. Tarkatans, Shokan, Military etc

As long as MKO make creating threads asking for them to be playable a perma-ban offence.
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07/26/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
Petitioning for Director and Cyber-Reptile.
07/26/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
This reminds me of Assassin and Berserker from Soul Calibur 2...
07/26/2014 10:52 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Yea I'd be up for generic characters to fight. Tarkatans, Shokan, Military etc

As long as MKO make creating threads asking for them to be playable a perma-ban offence.

Why shouldn't they be playable?
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/27/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
That's like implementing stages from Challenge Tower into story mode....

I think it's a nice idea.
07/27/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Yea I'd be up for generic characters to fight. Tarkatans, Shokan, Military etc

As long as MKO make creating threads asking for them to be playable a perma-ban offence.

Why shouldn't they be playable?

They could be added skins to the already playable characters. Like in Challenge Tower.
07/27/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
This reminds me of Assassin and Berserker from Soul Calibur 2...

Assassin was my 2nd favorite character in that game. True story.
07/27/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
This reminds me of Assassin and Berserker from Soul Calibur 2...

Assassin was my 2nd favorite character in that game. True story.

And he was just Hwang in another skin. They reused Hwang's style for him, and gave it back to Hwang in SC3, like Berserker used Rock's style. I don't understand why they replaced him with Yun Sung though, Hwang was awesome in the first Soul Calibur...

Anyways, off-topic, sorry. XD
07/27/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
this would work if we got naother mkd type of konquest.
07/27/2014 03:41 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Yea I'd be up for generic characters to fight. Tarkatans, Shokan, Military etc

As long as MKO make creating threads asking for them to be playable a perma-ban offence.

Why shouldn't they be playable?

They could be added skins to the already playable characters. Like in Challenge Tower.

Yes, they could. But I wouldn't mind if the minions, as I'll call them, differed enough from the named characters, gameplay-wise.

Minion-types can be fun to play as, like Koopa Troopa in the Mario Kart games, or the pig cops in Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. I personally like seeing cannon fodder types kick ass.

Not only should they be playable in ladder/arcade mode, whether as alternate skins or their own selectable characters, they should even get endings, that comically refer to their lack of individuality, like "nobody knows why this warrior turned on his master, but he did, and the realms are now all safe" or getting killed by the opposition who mistakenly thought they were still enemies, or people singing "minion's" praises.

Speaking of ladder mode, there should be endurance fights before fighting the bosses like in the old games, and sometimes, minion-types should be fought. As for the story mode's boss-types, there should be an unlockable mode where you get to fight them as anyone, not just specific characters from the story mode.
07/27/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
I really like this idea!

I think it would work great in the Story Mode. They can have what ever character you are playing at the time go through a number of "Nameless" members of a group leading up to Facing their their leader. There for it in some sense gives someone like Baraka more credibility instead of being a straight up lackey. In a sense he would be a "Sub-boss" but still a lackey with his own command. Throw a few good cutscenes in their and this is GOLDEN!

But yes have
Tarkatan Warrirors
Black Dragon Goons/Thugs
Tekunin Warriors
Brotherhood of the Shadow members
Thhis list can go one. Who ever has their own race kinda just appoint someone as a Boss!
07/27/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Another old idea of mine.

Instead of jobbing out certain characters constantly, they should create nameless enemy types, like generic Black/Red Dragon thugs, Tekunin soldiers, etc, that you'd fight more often than the likes of Sheeva, Baraka and Reptile. They should usually come in groups, meaning, endurance fights, though you might sometimes fight only one that is enhanced. You could do fatalities on them. There should be boss-types like that huge creature from MK9's colliseum and streets stages.

I think it could benefit the new characters greatly if they didn't get jobbed out too much, and nameless enemy types could help with that.

Individual enforcers like Skarlet should have insanely difficult AI, so that fighting them is a big deal, and that you go "oh, shit!" when you see that you're going to fight Baraka, or Reptile, or both of them at the same time.

Great idea for a thread DG1OA, this is actually something I've been thinking about since I first played MK9's story mode. Implementing this idea would negate characters from the main roster being misused as jobbers. Fighting random members of different factions/races would be incredibly fun too. For example; fighting Tekunin warrior one, then slightly tougher two, and finally facing Sektor before moving on to another chapter with a different character would be ideal. This was kinda sorta done in MKA's konquest mode, but played as an adventure game with limited moves (that is until you reached the leader who was a regular MK character, then you fought them in the standard 1 on 1 mode).
07/28/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)
Awesome awesome idea. Can't write now. I'll be back tomorow to write more. But ya.. great idea.
07/28/2014 06:56 PM (UTC)
This is a great idea. I hope they consider doing something like this for story mode. Mortal Kombat has so many different factions full of potential "goons" to beat up on it makes more sense to have it part of the game rather than not.

It does two things:

1.) It opens up story potential. Holes in the story can be filled up. Instead of having to sneak-in to the boss' stronghold fight two of his henchman (let's say reptile and noob for instance), dispose of the lackeys, and then fight the boss. The story can feel fuller and more substantial with npc hench to fight. It makes roster-spot battles that much more fulfilling.

2.) It provides a means for roster-characters to be portrayed in a more appropriate manner. All the characters in the roster are there because they are supposedly the greatest fighters in their perspective realms. Powerful enough to fight for said realms against equally powerful opponents. The game should feel that way. It is owed to the characters; new and old.
About Me
New sig on the way
07/28/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why shouldn't they be playable?

Match-up congestion and balancing. The bigger the roster gets, the harder the game is to balance.

Playable minions may be fun in a specific offline context, but unless they're tournament banned, NRS would be using a lot of resources to make these characters viable even though they're generic by design.

I think it's a good idea for story mode. I just wouldn't want these things incorporated into the actual roster.
07/28/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Why shouldn't they be playable?

Match-up congestion and balancing. The bigger the roster gets, the harder the game is to balance.

Playable minions may be fun in a specific offline context, but unless they're tournament banned, NRS would be using a lot of resources to make these characters viable even though they're generic by design.

I think it's a good idea for story mode. I just wouldn't want these things incorporated into the actual roster.

07/28/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Why shouldn't they be playable?

Match-up congestion and balancing. The bigger the roster gets, the harder the game is to balance.

Playable minions may be fun in a specific offline context, but unless they're tournament banned, NRS would be using a lot of resources to make these characters viable even though they're generic by design.

I think it's a good idea for story mode. I just wouldn't want these things incorporated into the actual roster.

Then in that case, make them playable only for single player. I'd hate for them to be unplayable essentially because of the EVO scene.
07/29/2014 06:51 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Why shouldn't they be playable?

Match-up congestion and balancing. The bigger the roster gets, the harder the game is to balance.

Playable minions may be fun in a specific offline context, but unless they're tournament banned, NRS would be using a lot of resources to make these characters viable even though they're generic by design.

I think it's a good idea for story mode. I just wouldn't want these things incorporated into the actual roster.


I agree as well. There'd be far too many characters if they made every minion actually playable with their own move sets. Say every character on the main roster gets their own chapter (30 characters); each one of those characters has two minions under them that you fight while the story progresses until you battle the leader. For example we'll start with Kano: fight and defeat Black Dragon member #1, move through some cutscenes and battle a slightly different looking, but tougher Black Dragon member #2. Defeat him, more cutscenes and then the battle with Kano. Defeat him and you're on to the next chapter.

If every minion was made playable, we're talking 90 characters and many of them would look and fight the same. One thing that could be cool though is the rise of cult favorites. If some of these minions get a big fan base, maybe a few make it in to the next game as main characters with bigger roles.
07/29/2014 02:02 PM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Why shouldn't they be playable?

Match-up congestion and balancing. The bigger the roster gets, the harder the game is to balance.

Playable minions may be fun in a specific offline context, but unless they're tournament banned, NRS would be using a lot of resources to make these characters viable even though they're generic by design.

I think it's a good idea for story mode. I just wouldn't want these things incorporated into the actual roster.


I agree as well. There'd be far too many characters if they made every minion actually playable with their own move sets. Say every character on the main roster gets their own chapter (30 characters); each one of those characters has two minions under them that you fight while the story progresses until you battle the leader. For example we'll start with Kano: fight and defeat Black Dragon member #1, move through some cutscenes and battle a slightly different looking, but tougher Black Dragon member #2. Defeat him, more cutscenes and then the battle with Kano. Defeat him and you're on to the next chapter.

If every minion was made playable, we're talking 90 characters and many of them would look and fight the same. One thing that could be cool though is the rise of cult favorites. If some of these minions get a big fan base, maybe a few make it in to the next game as main characters with bigger roles.

It would be cool if the skins were unlockable. Once a skin was unlocked, for say black dragon grunt #1, it was available for every character so you could use the skin with any moveset pretty much. It would just become an alt for every character. Kind of Reminiscent of meat in mk4
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