My Vision of MK8--- Gave Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile their first bios.
posted08/24/2007 07:50 PM (UTC)by
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I made this! Yay!

Guess who's back!

Member Since
08/29/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
----------------------------------Story of MK8------------------------------------

After Blaze is destroyed by Taven, he becomes protector, and King of Edenia.However, Taven becomes the target of many people.The good want only to protect him, some want to steal his power, some just want him dead.To prevent this from happening, Taven would need many people to protect him.Many Skilled Warriors from the Edenian Army were required to watch over Taven, Even warriors from all Realms, warriors such as Liu Kang, Kitana, Jax, Kai, Cyrax, and Ashrah were asked to accompany him at request of the Elder Gods. Orin and Caro were ressurected, and Used as a Last resort, should Tavens palace come under attack.

-------------------------What happened next.----------------------------

The realms were now peaceful(Well, the realms weren't in danger of destruction at least.).The peace only lasted three years .The Tekunin attacked Tavens palace, it was a foolish move, and the Tekunin were forced to retreat.However, many men were slain and many were in weakened states.Shinnok and his men saw this as an Ideal time to attack. Shinnok is now the master of the Tarkatan Hordes, Reiko, and strangely, Kintaro and Motaro, who have temporarily put aside their differences. While they least expected it, they were attacked.Jax was with Taven at the time, and called the Special Forces.It was an easy battle at first, Shinnok's army was losing, until the Shokans and Centaurians were sent in.Sonya, Jax, and Cyrax were helping to defeat the beasts with all their might.When Sonya and Jax had to retreat, Orin and Caro were sent out to help Cyrax. During the confusion, Shinnok snuck into the palace, and fought Taven. It was a grueling battle, when neither Kombatant could best eachother, Shinnok finally stalled Taven for the right amount of time, and used the amulet he had taken from Onaga's corpse to take Tavens powers. Shinnok had nearly the power of an Elder God.The Edanian and Special forces had to retreat, and Shinnok and his forces escaped.

The war for the realms has begun again. Evil is everywhere.Many things have happened since those three years ago. The battle at the Pyramid of Argus caused many things to happen. When Taven defeated Blaze, he emitted strange orbs from his body.These orbs joined with those who were close enough to the top.Some were killed, some knocked unconsious, some had other, stranger effects, such as the return of the Zaterrans.Kung Lao defeated me and convinced me to turn my intentions around. I became my former self, and I feel I can trust mortals one again, and so I began the task of ressurecting Liu Kang.I have warned the Earth Realm Warriors, and my other allies.Shinnok has risen to power, and must be stopped.

-These are the words of Raiden.


-The Special Forces:Want to help defeat Shinnok.

-Black Dragon

-Red Dragon Remnants-With Deagon in a coma-like state, they have been scattered.

Scorpion's Family and Clan-Have gone on living their lives after Quan Chi's death at the hands of Scorpion.

-Lin Kuei: Want to help defeat Shinnok.

-Shinnoks Army

-Shao Kahns Army

-Zaterrans:Have been ressurected from one of the orbs from Blaze,and want to destroy Shao Kahn.


------Characters Who are dead.-----------

Blaze-He was Destroyed by Taven at the Pyramid of Argus.
Hsu Hao
Mileena-Killed by Kitana.
Mokap-A joke Character.
Meat-A joke Character.
Shang Tsung-Killed by Kung Lao
Khameleon and Chameleon
Quan Chi-Killed by Scorpion.(I know alot of you will like this.)
------Alive But not Playable------

Bo Rai Cho
Night Wolf
Kenshi-Had Slain Hotaru with Sub-Zero, and now studying at the Wu Shi Academy.
Shao Kahn-Hiding in Outworld with his army.

Scorpion-Seeks to destroy Noob Saibot and his Nettherealm warriors,ally and protector of Sub-Zero, ally to Raiden and Earthrealm warriors.

Scorpion Bio 1: My Family and clan has been ressurected.I have been happy for the first time in years, however,Noob Saibot, is trying to kill Sub-Zero. I have vowed to protect Sub-Zero and I shall.I am using my clan to gather information on Noob Saibot. Strangely, he has not been in the Netherrealm for quite some time. He is now in Outworld. I do not know what he is planning, but I will find Sub-Zero, and plan with him to destroy Noob-Saibot, not for revenge, but for the greater good.

Sub-Zero-Leads the Lin Kuei as a force for good, and protectors of earthrealm.

Sub-Zero Bio 1: I am Sub-Zero, Leader of the Lin Kuei. My clan's sole duty is to protect the innocent and defeat evil.We have saved many people and defeated many.Theives, murderers, clans, you name it. I went into hiding for two months after an orb from Blaze shot out and hit my medallion.I beleive I do not need it, for I have trained my body and mind above what it was.We have been constantly plagued by Noob-Saibot, my brother. I do not know what he wants with me, although it seems he wishes to destroy me. I had a couple chances to kill him, even though he has tried to kill me, I cannot bring myself to kill him.I have met with Scorpion and he seeks to destroy Noob Saibot to protect me. We have been searching in Out World with my clan and a small band of warriors from Scorpion's clan.

Reptile-Now king of the Zaterrans, wants to restore the Raptors to their former glory by ruling Out World.
Reptile Bio 1: My race has been ressurected, sadly the warriors Khameleon and Chameleon have been slain.I have become the King of the raptors, and am searching for a queen.I am a lackey no more!We wish to destroy Shao Kahn, but he has been in hiding for quite some time.We will destroy Shinnok, and take our rightful place as rulers of Out World!

Cyrax-One of the members of Jax's squad of soldiers.
Noob-Saibot-Leader of his ruthless warriors, he seeks to destroy his brother, and has other intentions as well.
Reiko-Shinnok's general, and has formed an alliance with Baraka.Their intentions are unknown.
Johnny Cage-Now a bigger star than before from his his Box office smash, Mortal Kombat :Armageddon, he has mysteriously disapeared from the public.
Jax-Now the leader of a special squad of special forces soldiers.
Taven-King and protector of Edenia.
Liu Kang-His soul was retreived from Shang after his death, now a teacher at the Wu Shi Academy.
Kung Lao-Had turned Raiden back to the good guys after defeating him and Shang Tsung.
Shinnok-Is now almost powerful as the Elder Gods, and new boss.
Raiden(Light)-After being defeated by Kung Lao, Raiden had been convinced by Kung Lao to become good again.He now seeks to destroy Shinnok.
Sonya-Also a leader of a special squad of special forces soldiers.
Asrah-Now free from the Netherrealm, still seeks to destroy Noob-Saibot.

------------------------------New Characters---------------------------------------

Slither:Reptile's General, and fearsome warrior of the raptors.

-----Classic Arenas from past games.-----

The Pit-Love them spikes.
The Pit 2-Need I say more?
The Armory-Recycle from MK:A
Living Forest-Fighters can be Impaled on tree's teeth.
Kahn's Arena-Use the one from MK:A.
Dead Pool-Use the one from MK:D.
The Tower-Use the one from Armageddon, but have another Death Trap similar to the The Sky Tower.
The Portal-Use the one fron MK:D, can be sucked into the portal.
The Kombat Tomb-Can be uppercut into spikes After the match is won.
Subway-Use the one from MK:A.
Bell Tower-Who cant love that death trap?
Street- Use cars to damage opponents.
Sky Tower
Dark Prison- Same as MK:D
Falling Cliffs- Gotta love dem spikes.
Tekunin Warship
Thats it for now.
---Game Modes-----
Another Mini-Game like mode.
Kreate a Fighter
Kreate an Arena, with premade back grounds, deathtraps, or make your own completely, so it is fully customizable.

Classic style fatalities, 2 per each character.
Whole new engine, built from scratch.
Classic and New Arenas
Tag Team mode.

So tell me what you guys think. Its not done yet, but I want some opinions.
08/22/2007 03:55 PM (UTC)
The realms were destroyed so was everyone else thats why they called it Armageddon. They're making new characters, story, and generation.
About Me

08/22/2007 08:31 PM (UTC)
Pretty good, my biggest problem is the killing of decent characters (shang, havik etc) and keeping shit ones like shijinko k/chameleon left alive. bizarre.
About Me

I made this! Yay!

Guess who's back!

08/22/2007 11:33 PM (UTC)
I accidently kept Khameleon and Chameleon alive.I'm changing it right now.

I like Shang, but his death explains why Liu Kang is back.
About Me

I made this! Yay!

Guess who's back!

08/24/2007 06:21 AM (UTC)
PrinceDee said:

The realms were destroyed so was everyone else thats why they called it Armageddon. They're making new characters, story, and generation.

They arent killing everyone, about half to most. And the realms arent being destroyed either.

08/24/2007 09:18 AM (UTC)
Pretty well thought out story!! But I would still prefer MK8 to be a reboot of the series, not a sequel.
08/24/2007 01:49 PM (UTC)

themkwarrior said:

They arent killing everyone, about half to most. And the realms arent being destroyed either.

They are all destroyed. In Tavens ending on arcade (not konquest) it said that they were supposed to be stripped from they're abilities, but since Blaze was corrupted by Onaga's holymen it made the warriors stronger than they were before and armageddon occured.

08/24/2007 04:21 PM (UTC)
I have a lot of problems with your story ideas.

-Taven becoming both the Protector God of Edenia as well as its King is stupid and illogical. Why would he get bogged down with two responsibilities like that? He should just become its Protector God.

-I don't like the idea of characters such as as Liu Kang, Jax, and Kai returning. They have had their run, especially Liu Kang.

-I don't like the idea of Orin and Caro being resurrected. They are better off dead, though I'm not sure if Caro is even dead.

-How the hell did the Tekunin find Taven?

-How did the real Shinnok escape from the Netherrealm?

-How did Shinnok convince the Shokan and Centaurs to work together to aid him?

-Shinnok taking his amulet from Onaga's corpse doesn't make any sense. After MKD and befoer MKA, Quan Chi somehow got the amulet back. Since when did Shinnok have the ability to take the powers of others? You would think he would've done that in his war agianst Raiden.

-Kung Lao defeating Raiden and easily convincing him to return to the way he is takes a lot of impact out. It's more or less a cop-out and ruins Raiden's credibility as a potential anti-villain boss.

-The fact that Shinnok is the boss again, and not built up properly, pisses on his credibility as a villain.

-How did Shinnok get control of the Tarkatan hordes?

-The death of characters like Hotaru, Li Mei, Havik, Drahmin, and a few others, I have a problem with.

-Considering that Raiden is back to his old self, not only does that fuck him over, but it also fucks Fujin over.

-Characters like Sheeva don't deserve to return, imo. She's served her purpose.

Now, for the bios:

Scorpion: I hate the fact that you're having his family and clan be brought back to life as that takes away the tragic element of his story and also takes away the image of him as a loner. Also, we have enough clans already, and we definitely don't need another ninja-type clan.

Since when is Scorpion worthy of being the new leader anyway? You would think that the previous leader of the Shirai Ryu would be brought back to life as well. The way you did Scorpion's character change is without any real progression, which doesn't sit well with me.

Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero should know by now that his brother wants to destroy him. His bio doesn't really do much for him in terms of story or character. An alliance with Scorpion and his clan shouldn't be so easy.

Reptile: It's...ok...I guess...I don't know...

-Again, I don't like characters such as Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Jax, etc. returning.

-I don't think you paid attention to Shang Tsung's and Liu Kang's storylines, but after Shang Tsung was destroyed by Raiden's ethereal blast, Liu Kang's soul escaped and was going to ascend to the Heavens. However, he chose to stay in the living world to free his allies from Onaga's control as well as to stop his corporeal form from causing any more harm to innocent people. Why do you think Liu Kang was playable in MKD and MKA?

-Again, For Kung Lao to easily turn Raiden back like that is a cop-out.

-Sonya, Jax, and Johnny Cage seem to have zero character development.

-Ashrah has already been free from the Netherrealm.

-Baraka is an absolute waste again. He's still that 1-dimensional lackie. Him longing to be the ruler of Outworld is predictable and cliche.

Overall, I feel that your story needs huge revamping. It almost seems as if you need to be more familiar with some of the stories in MK. I just think it's a big mess. A lot of resurrecting...the return of certain characters, without even any real character development.

If you're going to do something with characters like Liu Kang, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Jax, make it different and interesting.
About Me

I made this! Yay!

Guess who's back!

08/24/2007 06:47 PM (UTC)
Actually, his clan, was ressurected in MK:A konquest. But anyway thanks for the ideas,and opinions.
08/24/2007 07:50 PM (UTC)
themkwarrior Wrote:
Actually, his clan, was ressurected in MK:A konquest.

But anyway thanks for the ideas,and opinions.

His clan was brought back to life as the undead, one of the worst things they could do with his already fucked up story.
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