My very long, yet very intersting (hopefully) story for the next MK.
posted04/28/2011 09:42 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/24/2011 03:30 AM (UTC)
This is going to be long, and quite possibly very confusing. I signed up just to post these ideas that were in my head. Hopefully this isn't breaking any forum rules. Well, here it goes.

After MK9, Earthrealm and Outworld both are in turmoil. Outworld has no leader. The Centaurs, Tarkatans, and Shokan are fighting for rule. While Mileena doesn't know what the fuck to do. Earthrealm is rebuilding after the massive attack. When, the Netherrealm strikes them both. Panic abrupts, and everyone is scared shitless basically. the Tarkatans join Shinnok, and so do the Shokan. The Centaurs fall pretty quickly because they refuse to join. Johnny Cage, Sonya, Fujin and Raiden recruit heroes like Kenshi, Kai, find Bo Rai Cho, and others. (Liu Kang isn't dead, just horribly wounded and recovering for most of the story until near the end) They try their best to fend off attacks from Quan Chi's minions, especially from the previous heroes like Jax. After Raiden's forces are finally on the brink of defeat, he realizes what he must do. Turn Shinnok's warrior's against him before Earthrealm and Outworld completely fall to nothingness.

Scorpion needs to go good. It was shown in the first chapters of MK9 that Scorpion is no where near evil. (Which was already known well before.) He is fueled by his own intentions as well as his own rage. Raiden's promise is what made Scorpion nearly spare Sub-Zero, if Quan-Chi was not around, the original Sub-Zero would be alive. In MKDA, the opening cinematic showed that he could defeat Quan Chi as well. He forced him to flee the Netherrealm. Scorpion needs to unintentionally help the heroes by being the sole person to kill Quan Chi. He learns of the true events that killed his family and clan at this time anyways. Raiden helps Scorpion realize this by showing him a flashback of what really occured. Scorpion makes amends with Noob Saibot at this time as well. Raiden is the one to unchain Scorpion from Quan-Chi's grasp. This is a perfect set up for Scorpion to go into a complete rage and finally take his revenge and have an epically climatic face off with Quan Chi. Scorpion's soul would then rest in peace with Quan Chi's death. (This would happen near the very end of story mode. So Scorpion is around for a while for some other reason.) This leaves Shinnok alone with his remaining servants. (Reptile?Rain?Tanya?)

This is where the heroes that died in MK9 enter the story for the good side. Before Quan Chi died by Scorpion, the heroes were under Quan Chi's control. With Quan Chi dead, the souls of those heroes are now free. This is how someone such as Ermac comes in to revive them. Raiden would also be the character that could persuade him. Because with Shao Kahn dead, Ermac has no master and really, no reason to exist. Raiden gives him one, to help defend the realms from obliteration.(Forget his ending, IMO, it sucked. Sorry if you disagree. He shouldn't lead Edenia) Ermac revives the heroes, and helps take down Shinnok. Ermac now is with the heroes to kill Shinnok, who is still almost invincible and 10x more powerful than Kahn with his amulet, even with Quan Chi's defeat. It would be at this time that Outworld is already completely gone, and Earthrealm almost gone.

Raiden then goes to Rain, and persuades him to join the heroes to save his once former realm, Edenia. He tells him something like "What would your father think?" Or something like that. But definitely more in depth. Rain then finally joins the heroes.

Even with this force, Raiden knows they still stand no chance against Shinnok. And with the Elder Gods weakened, Raiden knows he needs to strip Shinnok of his amulet to have any chance against him.

This is where Reptile comes in. Shinnok already promised Reptile Zaterra's return if he gives him his help. Raiden tries to tell Reptile that Shinnok is a monster, and would not waste his time returning Zaterra to existence, and would just end up killing him if he wins. Reptile goes mad, fights Raiden. Raiden defeats him, and finally persuades him to go against Shinnok. He tries to tell him that if Shinnok is defeated, he will do everything in his power to return Zaterra to what it was, but he cannot promise anything. Reptile realizes Raiden is right, and goes with him. Raiden tasks Reptile to steal the amulet from Shinnok because of his invisibility abilities.

Liu Kang finally fully recovers from his injuries, but has some epic battle scars. He is here to help, and finally makes amends with Raiden. Reptile steals the amulet, Shinnok is weak as hell, Raiden's combined might with all the heroes manages to kill Shinnok, replace the Elder God's to their former glory, and set the realms to their former balance.

Now...this is a possible scenario....

Reptile fails at stealing the amulet. He fights Tanya, defeats her. Fights Noob Saibot, defeats him, but is killed by Shinnok. Raiden gets word of this, and realizes he has one last resort to save the realms from this Armageddon, resurrect Shao Kahn. He knows the only beings who can do this are the Elder Gods, despite their weakened status by Shinnok. Raiden goes to them, and pleads with everything he has to get them to set him free. They finally agree, knowing the situation at hand. They return Shao Kahn with the very little power they have, and this weakens them even more. Shao Kahn obviously isn't as strong as he once was, but he sees things differently now. He knows that if he does not go with Raiden just for this, everything will fall to Shinnok. Now, the combined might of Shao Kahn, Raiden, Fujin, Liu Kang, Kai, and the rest of the heroes try to make a stand against Shinnok. It is Shao Kahn who defeats Shinnok, and the realms are returned to what they once were, and he returns as leader of Outworld, and soon becomes the monster that he once was.

04/24/2011 10:16 PM (UTC)
That sounds legit as fuck. I like the alternate scenario as the ending though. But yes it was quite a good read.
04/25/2011 08:19 PM (UTC)
I like the elements of the Ermac being a powerful contender and turning the tide of battle. I don't like the fact the heroes get their souls freed about half way through the story. Those guys died close to the end of MK9, and their return to the living should be painful and require some kind of sacrifice. This is why I have beef with Quan Chi and Shinnok. They just auto spam rez spells like it's nothing. They might be near godlike figures, but ressuructing the dead should always have some dire consquence. Whether its for the summoner or the victim.

I could see the Centaurs and Tarkatan siding with Shinnok due to his power and their general lackey status, but the Shokan I can't. There culture seems to revolve around loyalty and honor. Even with their emperor gone, I'd think they stay loyal to the puppet Empress Mileena. Or they take control of Outworld for themselves. The Shokan are also survivalists. Goro in the old timeline seemed to do what was best for his people. Not really good or evil, but indifferent to moral alignment. I don't see them groveling or swearing allegience to Shinnok, given the status of regarding Baraka and Kintaro's MK9 endings.

Liu Kang seems to be shifting towards a rogue or more neutral like hero. Not anti-hero status, but not as completely noble hero. In his ending and Shang Tsung's ending, he becomes a powerful fire god and turns into Shao Kahn 2.0 as a corrupted Tyrant.

And I hate to say it, but I've got to say no to the whole notion of Shao Kahn returning. The point of MK9 was to reboot and get rid of Shao Kahn for atleast one game. He's tiring at this point. I loved him in the story mode, but he needs to stay in a reduced villain role or dead forever. Then again, nobody stays dead forever in MK.

Other than that, I like the story!
04/25/2011 09:19 PM (UTC)
I hope someone from NRS sees this, because it is an awesome idea. The only thing I disagree with is Shao Kahn being resurrected, but everything else would be perfect. We need a happy ending already!
04/28/2011 12:00 AM (UTC)
Yeah the Shao Kahn being resurrected part is an alternate scenario. Just a thought I came up with after seeing Quan-Chi's ending. But thanks for the positive feedback so far guys! Another scenario could be that maybe Shao Kahn comes back, but is still killed anyways in the end? And could be finally put to rest. I just think that given Shinnok's status as a fallen Elder God, I feel he should be nearly impossible to defeat, and Raiden and the Earth fighters only achieve victory by some more innovative approach.
04/28/2011 09:42 PM (UTC)
I like your story for the most part. I would have to agree with another forum writer who said that the Shokan would remain loyal to Outworld and not side with Shinnok, and the only problem I think I have with your idea is the ending. I don't think having Shao Kahn come back is the answer. Especially if he resumes control of Outworld after the "game" ends. It would be a repeated cycle of the last game. So, cool story for the most part, maybe think of a different alt. ending? Also, I especially liked the Scorpion-Quan Chi idea!
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