My Theory for MK10 *Massive Spoilers*
posted06/13/2011 06:45 AM (UTC)by
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

Member Since
04/15/2011 08:55 PM (UTC)
Armageddon took place because the Elder Gods felt that the kombatants were getting out of hand and could tear the realms asunder, right? So, the cause of Armageddon was the Elder Gods.

I think I know how Raiden prevented Armageddon.

I can't explain CSZ, but I can explain Johnny being saved.

Okay. Follow me on this trigger of events. Johnny was SUPPOSED to be killed by Motaro, but Raiden killed Motaro instead. In reaction, Shao Kahn gave Sindel insane power to kill the heroes. AND SHE DID.

NOW, Quan Chi has 10 souls (I'm not counting Liu Kang) under his control. Shao Kahn is defeated, and Shinnok is on the rise.

My Theory: The only way to prevent Armageddon is to kill the Elder Gods, whom started Armageddon themselves.

The main difference between the current story and the MK4 story from the past is:
-There are fewer heroes.
-Quan Chi has control over the 10 heroes.
-Liu Kang is no longer faithful to Raiden.

What difference does this make? Shinnok and Quan Chi now have the army to destroy the Elder Gods, in the 10 heroes. Not to mention, they could easily use Stryker to get aid from military from Earthrealm, Jax to get aid from Special Forces, and Kung Lao get aid from the Shaolin. Quan Chi has ten very powerful souls in his hands.

Raiden has put forth a chain of actions that will destroy the Elder Gods and himself. So my theory of the next game is:

Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Kai, Kenshin, Fujin, Ermac (restored now that Shao Kahn is gone and is possibly King Jerrod), Cyrax (turns good much like MK4), Scorpion (in hopes to destroy Quan Chi), Noob (read Scorpion).


Shinnok, Quan Chi, Tanya, Rain, Reptile, and the 10 warriors.

Other characters: Kano (assists heroes so he can save Kabal, otherwise neutral), Jarek (helps Kano, but joins the villains out of disgust with Kano), Mileena (attempts to handle Outworld throne for her father, agrees to help heroes to save Outworld and to revive Shang Tsung, but is very bitter toward heroes), Reiko (assists Mileena for the sake of Shao Kahn), Baraka (serves Mileena's new rule)

-Shinnok would succeed in killing the Elder Gods.
-Raiden would be killed.
-Fujin would be killed.
-Ermac or some Deus Ex Machina of some sort could bring the dead heroes back.
-Scorpion and Noob team up to kill Quan Chi.
-Tanya, Rain, and Jarek are killed.
-The heroes destroy Shinnok.
-The heroes reunite, but must live on in a world without the Elder Gods or Raiden's guidance.
-Reptile, out of the heroes sympathy for his lost cause, is added to the hero ranks.
-Scorpion and Noob do not join the heroes, and stay they're separate ways in the Netherrealm.
-Ermac becomes hero mentor, replacing Raiden.
-Liu Kang is neutral to everything.
04/27/2011 09:25 PM (UTC)
Alright I get this, your good at explaining your theorysmile. But I have a question, after you beat the story mode in MK9 all of the heroes die. Except for Sonya and Johnny Cage. How would those other heroes come back to life, and be hmm, resurected(i think thats the word)? Because those hereos would have to be in the next game! No way they couldnt be.
04/28/2011 12:12 AM (UTC)
Yeah I'm not feeling this story. I don't think Raiden should die. I honestly feel he should be more powerful in these games and be more of a bystander until Earth is completely in peril. Just like MK9 did, which was great. But characters like Fujin and Kai should and most likely will play a much greater role in the story this time around.
04/28/2011 03:13 AM (UTC)
blackchidori Wrote:
Alright I get this, your good at explaining your theorysmile. But I have a question, after you beat the story mode in MK9 all of the heroes die. Except for Sonya and Johnny Cage. How would those other heroes come back to life, and be hmm, resurected(i think thats the word)? Because those hereos would have to be in the next game! No way they couldnt be.

Quan Chi has their souls, and he's a Necromancer. ie Reviver of the Dead. That's how they can come back to life next game.
Anyway, to the topic at hand, the only changes I'd make would be Raiden and Rain's fates, plus putting Kenshi in there somewhere. Other than that, I'm down for this going down. grin
04/28/2011 05:40 AM (UTC)
This I like. The Elder Gods are based around the Eastern Concept of the Heavenly Burcreacy. There not there to save the realms from constant threats like Kahn. They're neutral to practically every single realm with their objective outlook. They're observers and caretakers, ensuring that each of the realm's has a fair chance to defend and take what it wants through strict rules. The problem?

They're not omnipotent. Or atleast not fully. The Elder Gods have a tendency to only intervene when one of their exploitable rules is violated. Ergo. MK9 ending. Most of their failsafes(Mortal Kombat Tournament and Armageddeon plot) tend to have so many loopholes a lawyer would have a field day abusing them. They overestimate the abilities of their protector gods as well. Half the time they go rogue (Easter Egg MKD Krypt:Kahn's of the same race as Raiden), become grim dark knight templars, or just plain fail in their duties(Fujin, but who could blame him)

The Elder Gods are not so much a direct threat to the existence of mortals, but most of the troubles come from there misguided attempts to intervene and let things go with the flow. When your archrival essentially can nudge any mortal being into "SINGULARITY!" you should be doing damn well everything you can do to stop them. The way MK should finally end is the death of the Elder Gods and somehow permanently sealing or destroying the One Being.
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

04/28/2011 06:14 AM (UTC)
@blackchidori, Whether they are dead or alive, I know they'll be in the next game. I believe in the next game, the story will force them to be Quan Chi's minions, and you'll continually face them as enemies, until they are finally revived (hopefully before the final battle). They'll still be playable (and might have their darker/evil look as an alternate costume). And revival could come in many forms. I'd imagine Ermac would have a way to revive them.

@Status_Pro, yeah, I get what you're saying, but I was much more thinking Raiden die in a final sacrifice. Maybe sacrificing himself to save the dead heroes or destroying himself and Shinnok in a single blast. Something like that.

@Spider, Actually, I wanted Kenshi in that mix. Forgot to include him. Editting that.

@AloneBadman, I agree that destroying the Elder Gods would be a brilliant outcome, but I wouldn't say to end the series with it. The game has many other storylines like the Black Dragon, Mileena ruling Outworld's throne, chaos in the Netherrealm, and the most likely return of Shao Kahn considering the destruction of the Elder Gods.
04/28/2011 10:31 PM (UTC)
Cool, glad I could help. smile
If this idea happened, I would buy two copies. grin
04/30/2011 05:21 AM (UTC)
This would be a very enjoyable story for the next mortal kombat! tongue
just leave that Kenshi guy out lol wink
04/30/2011 02:14 PM (UTC)
Killing the Elder Gods now wouldn't stop Armageddon because the pieces are already on the board, so to speak. Even if they were dead, the pyramid would still rise at Blaze's command because Blaze is still out there. You have to kill him, that is the only way there will ever not be an Armageddon.
04/30/2011 09:15 PM (UTC)
And at this time Blaze is just guarding Onaga's egg until it hatches, right?
So if the next game has the Nether Realm invading Outworld, maybe Raiden and them can find the incubation chamber during the invasion and take out Blaze and baby Onaga at the same time, BAM, just like that, Shinnok, Onaga and Blaze all finished at once. 3 birds, one stone. But still the Elder Gods are douches and must die.
05/10/2011 02:54 AM (UTC)
but the armageddon isnt created by the elder gods, nor by blaze.

the armageddon occurs when the kombatants grew too many in power and in number, and the realms cant take it, so they go boom!

the pyramid is a contigency plan to stop it, and if im not mistaken were made by a sorceress and a god, wich wasnt one of the elder gods. and even after they're death it still happened.

BTW: in MKA, they say daegon killed his parents to reclaim the price for himself, but the truth is that he killed them for giving taven a full chest plate, while he only got some pads, and two smileys to hold them.
05/10/2011 04:35 AM (UTC)
salbeinit Wrote:
the armageddon occurs when the kombatants grew too many in power and in number, and the realms cant take it, so they go boom!

That's a half-truth the game tells you to justify its hole-filled plot.

See, the realms have ALWAYS had huge numbers of dudes with magic and superpowers. That's not new and it's not dangerous all by itself.

The ONLY reason the realms were put at risk all of a sudden was because too many of those warriors were in the same place at the same time using their powers on each other all at once.

And that NEVER would have happened if they hadn't all gathered to race to Blaze. They were lured there because they all either wanted "The Prize" or wanted to keep the villains from getting it.

No Blaze and no Prize would mean no reason for so many of them to gather and therefore, no threat to the realms.

Blaze's existence is the SOLE cause of Armageddon. If you killed him early, Armageddon would never happen and the realms would be safe from being torn apart by a giant magic tug of war.
Delia's vision wasn't "too many = boom", the problem wasn't overpopulation. Her vision was "too many fighting at this spot = boom". She literally saw the opening cinema in her dream. So like idiots, she and Argus play right into making the vision come true by putting something worth fighting for in the crater! She saw them racing each other up a pyramid, so they build the damn pyramid? Why would you do that?! How bad at interpreting visions can you get? They didn't even try to come up with a plan that would actually prevent the gathering, they just went "well we know the fight is gonna happen, so let's do something that MIGHT stop them once the fighting's already started." That's just lazy.
05/10/2011 05:51 AM (UTC)
Delia was always a dumb bitch.
Probably still doesn't even know about Argus's unpaid child support to Rain's momma.
Dumb bitch.
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

05/10/2011 10:44 PM (UTC)
So then, can we just.....avoid that location and Blaze in general? I don't mind Taven or Daegon, but....

Wait. How did MK9's events prevent Armageddon at all, then?
05/10/2011 11:19 PM (UTC)
Probably didn't except for the Kahn winning part anyway.
But that could change fast.
05/11/2011 12:19 AM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
So then, can we just.....avoid that location and Blaze in general? I don't mind Taven or Daegon, but....

Wait. How did MK9's events prevent Armageddon at all, then?

That's what I'm a bit hazy on myself. Shao Kahn may have won Armageddon, but wasn't the cause.
I think it's like MK9 killed the top of the weed instead of the root.
05/11/2011 03:30 AM (UTC)
Here's my theory:

I personally think that Raiden, along with a few other heroes that have been added to the ranks (Ermac, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, Sonya, etc) eventually end up beating Quan Chi, then he reveals his plan to the heroes and ends up restoring the heroes and aiding them in destroying Shinnok, along with the newly ressurected Shao Kahn (See Quan Chis MK9 Ladder Ending).

Shinnok is defeated and Quan Chi becomes the new ruler of the Netherrealm. Then, Noob Saibot's story takes place, and he destroys Quan Chi with the help of Havik and the armies of Chaos. Noob ends up taking Shao Kahns place as the invader (Possibly destroyer instead, due to his chaotic nature) of realms, with Havik and the armies of Chaos under his control.

Meanwhile, Mileena takes Shao Kahns throne and becomes the new Empress of Outworld. With no confidence in their new leader, the Shokan, apart from Goro and Kintaro (they stay to maintain their role as the rulers enforcers), leave Mileenas service and contact Raiden to discuss allegiance (See Sheevas MK9 Ladder ending). Shang Tsung begins the regeneration process of Quan Chi with the assistance of Reptile and the deadly alliance is reborn (There was nothing to stop this allegiance in the timeline, only to stop Armageddon so it must still happen).

An all out civil war breaks out in the Netherrealm between the Deadly Alliance with the newly resurrected brotherhood of Shadow and Noob and his armies of Chaos. Eventually, Noob and Haviks armies are beaten back to the Chaosrealm.

So with Edenia allied with Earth realm, a war begins between the newly allied Netherrealm and Outworld. Noob and the armies of Chaos are free to sit back and pluck the weakest Realm with ease, which ends up being Earthrealm.

That's my basic theory of MK10's story mode.
05/11/2011 04:38 AM (UTC)
it would be cool if an unexpected character were added, Demon Hsu hao.

it could be that he somehow gets killed before time, with his soul descending to the netherealml and taking his true form. when raiden and the others find his intention to take over the netherrealm, they aid him a little in order to create distractions for shinnoks army.
06/11/2011 08:56 AM (UTC)
the MK cast that were killed im MK9 could easily return as Quan Chi and Shinnoks soul-less slaves as seen in MK9 story mode when Raiden confronted Quan Chi in the NetherRelm, upon defeating Shinnok the souls would be freed therefore reviving them, Shinnok makes such a good villain his voice actor in MK9 story mode was awesome, Shinnok should have the ability to transform into the demon creature he once mutated into at the end of MK Mythologies-with todays graphics that would be cool!
06/13/2011 01:22 AM (UTC)
Put Sareena in the story :D
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

06/13/2011 06:45 AM (UTC)
Chelseasmile101 Wrote:
Put Sareena in the story :D

Sorry. I kind of dropped this theory, somewhat. I'm much more for this plan, though it's much more of a wish list than a theory.

Shame I didn't include Kenshi in that one, though.
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