My Super Duper Awesome MK7 Ideas that probably no one will care about!!!
posted01/06/2006 07:24 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/02/2004 04:20 AM (UTC)

Sooo... I dunno about ya'll, but when I'm sitting in Physics class, not paying attention, and I'm bored with playing Tetris on my calculator, I get to thinking about stuff, and writing in my notebook. Sometimes stuff is doodles, Sometimes stuff is X-Men related, and sometimes, it's our good old friend Mortal Kombat...

That's where you come in!

BUT, more to the point, I concocted ideas for how I think MK7 Should go down, here they are, in all their glory...

Game Mechanics aside, I think that the tournament structure should work in a new style, similar to MK3's but more complex, where one has the ability to "choose their destiny," but with more refined choices then Easy to Hard. That said, here's my main idea...

Taking the name Armageddon into account, I think 7 Should be broken up into 3 main waring factions, as well as your standard neutral players like Good Ol' Scorpion. Get Onaga out of the way 1st of all, he's had his run, now he has to play limbo for a bit.

With Onaga vanquished, both Shao Kahn and Shinnok step up in a bid to take their crack at power, with the Earth warriors stuck in the middle, and all hell breaks loose. What's at stake? Everything. Earthrealm, Outworld, Seido, The Heavens. Everything. The Kamidogou, The Amulet, and Ultimate Power are up for grabs, and somehow the Elder Gods will have been dispatched between MKD and MK7, which will be explained in backstory. Maybe Onaga took them down before he was defeated, maybe Shinnok got them out of the way while Raiden was fighting Onaga, I dunno. There are many possibilities.

Now as for the matter of final bosses and sub-bosses, it depends who you pick. Like I said, new tournament structure.

If a player chooses one of Shinnok's warriors, he faces off against a tournament of either Kahn's Men, or Raiden's men, with each being the final boss, respectively. If one chooses one of Kahn's warriors, he gets the choice of the other 2. You get the idea. Endings vary depending on which faction you defeat, leaving opportunities for more gameplay, and more possibilities for us to scratch our heads over until MK8 comes out. More stuff to do = more fun. More loose end possibilities = more chatting on these very forums.

Raiden, Shinnok, and Shao Kahn themselves and their respective sub-bosses would not be initially selectable (like say, Shinnok in MK4 or Quan and Shang in MKDA), but would be unlockable somewhere down the road. Raiden and Shinnok would also be beefed up a bit to give them a bit more godlike powers, to make them comparable foes to Kahn.

Now, let me give you my idea's for each faction. Bare in mind, I have ideas for waaaay more characters then they'll probably put into the game, I know, but since my ideas will probably mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn't really matter does it? ...

Raiden's Earth Warriors
Raiden is still the dark moody jaded Thunder-God he was in MKD, which is why he's now a boss. He's letting loose with his powers more, and whipping the earth Warriors into more of an Army then a rag-tag bunch of heroes. Some of them agree with Raiden. Some don't. Sparks fly as the Thunder God begins to turn a bit more like the villains then the Earth warriors like.

Sub-Boss is someone new I'm thinking... dumb... kinda like Moloch, or an elemental enforcer of some sort. Raiden's new weapon to show evil no mercy.

As for Raiden's warriors...

Liu Kang is back, as in his ending. Standard role. Good guy who wants to stomp the badguys. He's a straight-laced goodie guy, so he begins to question Raiden's new outlook.

Sonya is back, Jax is not, but Sonya will have a new special forces companion. (We need a new one.) Having always been a loyal soldier, Sonya and her friend both follow Raiden's orders without question, but aren't always happy with doing so. (And if you're a Jax fan, he could easily go right along with them :P I just see him as expendable if we're not getting a "Trilogy 2" game. Same goes for Cyrax.)

Having lost Frost and gotten back to the Lin Kuei temple, Sub-Zero now takes on Sareena as his companion (I wouldn't say Apprentice, since Sareena is pretty old herself), and both of them help Raiden, though they may not be all that willing to do so.

As for the Black Dragon, a long missing Jarek manages to find a long missing Kano, and together, the two of them "Remove" Kabal from his current position of power. (Being very vague about the removal, so that Kabal can come back later.) Facing loyalty or Death, Kira sides with Kano and Jarek. Kobra is already dead, as per Kira's ending, and if we want a new Black Dragon written in, it can be the new apprentice Kira was supposed to find. (PS. I'm aware that between Sonya, Kano, Jarek, and Kira, we have a butload of characters with the same moves. My only answer is, either give them new moves, or, who cares, because this is just my story ideas, it's not like they're going to be in the game or anything.)

Needing more muscle, Raiden Strong Arms the Black Dragon into his faction. After all, they are from Earth, and with Raiden's new outlook, he doesn't mind the kind of people they are. He needs warriors, and being cunning and double-crossing, faced with Raiden's threats of "Help or die" Kano, is all too willing to pledge his temporary loyalty, which doesn't sit well with Sonya at all.

Khameleon is back, in the same capacity as MK3, trying to get to Reptile to turn him to her side and save their race, but with a new twist. Chameleon is also a player this time.

Those are the ones I've thought through a bit more then others. So, if you're a fan of Ermac, Cage, Fujin, Kitana, Kai, or others, sorry, I see them as expendable, but I suppose they could be written in in the same or similar kinda capacities as Liu Kang, theoretically.

Shinnok's Army
Like I said, while the conflict with Onaga was brewing, Shinnok, worked a plan of his own in the background, and is now ready to take power once more. One idea I had was that perhaps Blaze would have something to do with his return, this being Blaze's "secret mission." Blaze having been created by Shinnok as a fail safe ages upon ages ago, should he ever lose his power. What took Blaze so long? Well, he was taken captive by holy men. wink

As for his sub-boss, either someone new, like Raiden, or going on my last thought, a beefed up Blaze, empowered by his return to his master. Not Quan Chi though. Quan Chi is still in hiding. He's weak, and biding his time.

Now, Shinnok builds his army in the Netherrealm, and playing off that thought, I built his army from the dead. Shinnok's forces will be built of mostly familiar characters, but not the way we recognize and remember them. smile

With his head sorceror having betrayed him and gone into hiding, Shinnok finds a new sorceror when Shang Tsung dies, and is sent to the Netherealm in the intro to MKD. Tsung also plays a role in Shinnok's behind the scenes return to power.

When Noob returns with Smoke to the Netherealm to start his new army, his plans are quickly squelched when his former master calls him back to his side. Noob isn't happy about this, but be obeys, for now. As for Smoke, I haven't decided yet. Either Shinnok destroys him to break Noob's spirits again, or uses him for his own purposes.

Being back in Shinnoks army, Noob is commanded to train a promising newborn wraith, newly recruited into Shinnok's army. Who is this Wraith? Why it's none other then the freshly dead Frost. Personally, I love this idea, as the twist from training under 1st the good Sub-Zero , then the evil one, is a delicious little twist in my mind. I haven't decided whether it would be cooler to know she's frost the whole time, or to have it revelaed in Frost's Earth Warrior ending, where she could kill Sub-Zero. I tend to favor knowing it's her all along and still calling her Frost however, because it gets confusing when characters change names on you. As for a wraith having the name frost... I dunno... give her... Cold... Ghostly... powers... and looks... I guess... similar to Sub-Zero's Alt Costume in Shaolin Monks.

Now, as one of Shinnok's enforcers: Sheeva. I dunno about you, but the idea of a scantily Clad Undead Shokan girl makes me giddy with joy. To take that thought a step further, another idea for Shinnok's sub-boss is an Undead Motaro. Just a thought.

Also, if Meat is going to make an appearance and grow himself a big boy story, I'd say put him here. He does have a certain Netherealm quality to him after all.

Other possibilities for Shinnok's recruits include Reiko, Tanya, Moloch, Drahmin, or pretty much any other leftover badguys who aren't already claimed by Kahn. Several good guys could also be added, having been killed and turned, similar to Noob, so I guess Stryker could get beefed up here if we wanted him too.

Shao Kahn's army
Kahn is Kahn man. Warlord and Tyrant extrodinaire. He wants his throne back. Nuff said. The only story tweak I give him is taht he's done with Sorcerors after their constant failures and betrayls. This time Kahn is a Bulldozer army. He wants strongarms and brutes. He wants an army.

That being said, who better to be his subboss then a long missing Kintaro. No one better to smash some heads, and I think we'd all like to see him back, am I right?

And to expand on who we want back, Rain is still around, fighting for his old master.

And to complete our Multi-colored Ninja set, Reptile too. (Back in his human form after Onaga released his body, btw) His story however, will this time deal more heavily with Khameleon. She will again be trying to tell him about how Kahn is actually responsible for their races destruction, and will maybe succeed this time, and set-up reptile for a pseudo anti-hero role later. What neither of them know however is that in the shadows lurks a third player...

Chameleon. He'd be a secret character, one of Kahn's most faithful warriors, and throughout the course fo the stories unraveling, it will be revealed that Chameleon somehow betrayed the Saurians to Kahn, and that Khameleon thought him to be dead until now.

Oh yeah, and as for Khameleon and Chameleon's powers, I'm thinking no more random changes, and they'd instead be more like Shujinko. Just random samplings of 1 or 2 moves of all their respective ninjas. Chalameon can still have that cool technicolor change job on his costume though. More erratic though... like... swirly, and multicolored, not just one at a time.

And, as an added twist, Ashrah aligns herself with Kahn. I think we all saw a little bit of a turncoat b*tch in her before, am I right? With Sareena aiding Raiden, and Shinnoks army almost completely demonesque, Ashrah sees Kahn as the man with the plan, and lends him her demon-slaying sword.

As for Kahn's grunt warriors, who does he go to for aid but everyone's favorite ketcup colored Robot Ninja: Sektor. Sektor has amassed a small army of Tekunin, whom Kahn enlists, having had his Tarkatan hordes thrown into a blender in Onaga's war. That way, we get Sektor back, and possibly a new Robo-Ninja, one of Sektor's Tekunin Generals perhaps.

Again, other possibilities include other unused villains, such as Mileena, Baraka, Goro, Tanya again. It's all a rich tapestry.

About the only thing I don't have figured out is the Neutral warriors. I think they're necissary, but don't know how they fit into my grand scheme. I'm thinking they'd just kinda have to arbitrarily be included into one faction's selection/tournament somehow, or just have two random tournaments to fight, based on what their endings would be. Anyway, my thoughts for the neutrals are...

Scorpion, with the elder gods gone, is no longer their champion, and is pretty much left to his own devices. Hijinks ensue. (Personally I think his stories gone a bit stale, and don't have many ideas for him, but I admit, you can't really have an MK game without him.)

Havik, is running about, sewing his seeds of Chaos. He's the only character from the whole Order/Chaos angle who I thought was worth much of a damn, so I figure if one has to return, it should be him. In all the chaos that is Armageddon, he's having a ball, and pulling strings everywhere. (As for Dairou, Darrius, & Hotaru... they all fell into a bottomless pit, and haven't been heard from since.)

Nitara is back. She went home, built up her strength, and is back to kick some doors down on all sides. What are her motives? What is she after? Who knows!? That's half the fun with Nitara, we don't knwo what the hell she's doing! ...until the endings. (PS. I've also toyed with the idea of her bringing another Male Vampire back with her, but I'm afraid that would lead to us having an afeminate goth guy character, which would just make me sad, so best to stay away from that one.)


BUT ANYWAY! Those are my thoughts. Thoughts?

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01/04/2006 02:27 AM (UTC)
I tend to agree with the general concept (my thread), but I don't think Shinnok/Shao Kahn/Rayden can carry the burden, because no matter how revamped they get, they're still familiar.

I think the addition of another, new character is really what would tip the scales in favour of it working. That, and it's kinda fun to have four sides because then you can face them all in formation. :crazy:
01/04/2006 02:34 AM (UTC)
Well, when Quan chi was added in MK4, it was a big addition, and it led to his domination in MK5 and mk6.

Is that what you mean?? We need another big time new character???

Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
I tend to agree with the general concept (my thread), but I don't think Shinnok/Shao Kahn/Rayden can carry the burden, because no matter how revamped they get, they're still familiar.

I think the addition of another, new character is really what would tip the scales in favour of it working. That, and it's kinda fun to have four sides because then you can face them all in formation. :crazy:
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01/04/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Well, when Quan chi was added in MK4, it was a big addition, and it led to his domination in MK5 and mk6.

Is that what you mean?? We need another big time new character???

Not really.

For example, in my scenario, there are four bosses (rather than sub bosses), that each lead a respective faction, and are therefore interchangable bosses for respective players.

Shao Kahn and Rayden serve as the starter bosses.
Then as further characters would be unlocked you'd develop the story for Shinnok, who becomes the third boss, and ultimately a fourth boss would be revealed in - Lucifer.

Lucifer, though being part of the MK mythos, has never been seen, and essentially serves the role of a brand new character.
It's my opinion that as great as Shao Kahn, Rayden and Shinnok are, and as great as their potential for new story is, it's not enough to carry a new game.

I think the novelty of the new generation of MK games probably helped carry Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as recycled character bosses, but now you need a little something extra just to make the whole, greater than the sum.
01/04/2006 04:24 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Well, when Quan chi was added in MK4, it was a big addition, and it led to his domination in MK5 and mk6.

Is that what you mean?? We need another big time new character???

Not really.

For example, in my scenario, there are four bosses (rather than sub bosses), that each lead a respective faction, and are therefore interchangable bosses for respective players.

Shao Kahn and Rayden serve as the starter bosses.
Then as further characters would be unlocked you'd develop the story for Shinnok, who becomes the third boss, and ultimately a fourth boss would be revealed in - Lucifer.

Lucifer, though being part of the MK mythos, has never been seen, and essentially serves the role of a brand new character.
It's my opinion that as great as Shao Kahn, Rayden and Shinnok are, and as great as their potential for new story is, it's not enough to carry a new game.

I think the novelty of the new generation of MK games probably helped carry Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as recycled character bosses, but now you need a little something extra just to make the whole, greater than the sum.

Thats really very very interesting. I never thought of a variety of bosses depending on which character you select. And then you mentioned how unlockable characters play the role of resurecting a new boss.

Perhaps he could be angry that these characters even dared to compete in mortal kombatsmilewink

At any rate a very well rounded idea.
01/04/2006 05:00 AM (UTC)
My first impressions:

- I like Shao Kahn fighting a rival for power. And I like Shinnok being back. And I like the boss depending on which faction you choose, although I personally would rather neither Kahn nor Shinnok the boss again.

- Don't like Noob Saibot immediatly becoming Shinnok's bitch...even if it is "for the time being."

- I hope you have Smoke do something. He's due to become his own character, finally.

- Frost as a wraith and working with Noob Saibot is cool.

- Dead characters serving the Netherealm is also cool.

- I like that you have Sareena good.

- Don't care for Black Dragon direction. I'm sick of Kano and IMO Jarek isn't worth the trouble. I'd rather you keep it at Kabal and Kira and you should involved the Red Dragon.

- No Edenian characters? BOOOO!

- And if you bring Mileena back, please don't have her grovelling for Shao Kahn again. She needs to move on. Same with Tanya. No more whoring herself to the next boss.

- Like Ashrah siding with Kahn, especially with Sareena on the good guys' side.

- Scorpion should have involvement with Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero. Where does he stand there? Or if nothing else, force him to finally choose a side.

- Like Havik just wandering around starting trouble.

- Think the One Being should be involved in some way, since he/she/it was mentioned in Deception.
01/04/2006 05:09 AM (UTC)
That would be awsome!
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
01/04/2006 07:23 AM (UTC)
Nice, except for things like Shang and Quan suddenly being about not being explained.

Noob being under Shinnoks rule again sucks.

Interesting idea with Frost. Her hair may give her away.

Including Scorpion just for the hell of it is bad.

XiahouDun84 has said pretty much the rest of everything so I'll leave it at that.
01/04/2006 10:58 PM (UTC)
You people talk as if I'm actually making the game, haha.
This was just a random spewing of ideas. Don't take the bad ones as hard and fast concepts. :D
Let me take a moment to address some concerns though...
1st to the guy who posted right above me, Shang and Quan aren't arbitrarily back. Shang will have died in the intro to MKD, and upon death, will have been sent to the Netherrealm, where he is enlisted by Shinnok, similar to the way Mileena and Noob were. That's what I was trying to say.
As for Quan, he's not back at all yet. I mentioned him, but I didn't mean to imply he'd be included. He's currently in hiding, but he survived the Raiden Blast (Because we all saw him jump out of the way, and that's enough of a loose thread for us to paw at.)
Oh, and while I'm on the subject of Shang, now that him and Liu are in a game together again, their rivalry would be rekindled a bit, to beef up their stories. After all, Shang did kill him ya'know...
For the issue of having No Edenians, I'll 1st note, Rain is there, though I'll admit I didn't expand on him as much more then a grunt. As for the girls, I didn't even realize I missed them all... I guess I think they get too much exposure... The Edenian Girls and Sonya get all the spotlight, while girls like Sheeva, Frost, Sareena, and Nitara get pushed into a closet (Notice I included all of them.) But I admit, the whole Edenia factor never crossed my mind, and it is an interesting side story. Perhaps one or more of them could be tied in to Rain, to both include one, as well as beef up Rain's role a bit.
As for including Scorpion just because, I fully admit it's a bad idea, but I also don't think it's beyond Midway. He's like Wolverine to an X-Men game/comic/movie/line of action figures. He's the face on the front of the cereal box. He's the guy that does guest spots on Drawn Together. Like I said, I personally think his story has gone stale, but I still think he'll be there, regardless.
For my Black Dragon thoughts... all I can really say is... Sorry? Hehe. I like Kano better as a gang leader then Kabal. I liked Kabal as a lone rebel hero-type. Kira was one of my favoriter newbies from deception, so I just wanted her back. As for Jarek, I kinda thought he sucked too, but I think every character deserves at least one second chance, so this seemed like a good time for him.
As for the Red Dragon, I found both Mavado and Hsu Hao boring as hell, so I guess they just slipped under my radar. But, as I said, I believe in second chances, so if soemone wanted to write them a good enough angle, I wouldn't be against their return. I'd just personally save it for MK8.
As for my final paragraphs in each section about arbitrarily including characters in other people's armies. Those were all people whom I didn't really want to include. I only added those paragraphs so people didn't go, "OMG! You left out Ermac! What's wrong with you!" If you think they deserve more attention, spin some ideas of your own. If you don't think they should be arbitrarily added, please, feel free to disregard thsoe paragraphs. :D
Except for Mileena... I really wanted Mileena back. (She's one of my top 3 favorite characters, as you can see by my icon. She was my rock in MK2.) I just thought Deception had just gave her a chance to shine, and she was best left alone for now. Save her for a big confrontation with Kitana in MK8. (Same goes for the other Edenians.)
PS. Noob is also one of my favorite characters, (He was my rock in UMK3/MKT) and I'm sorry that you guys don't want him to be a bitch anymore, but I honestly don't see him leading an army, not to mention I thought that him starting an army of Cyber-Ninjas sounded like... exactly the same as Sektor's angle... (PS. I don't see Sektor as a leader for that matter either, which is why he's been pleged as a lesser general to Kahn.)
Plus, like I said, I wanted him in a position to tutor Frost, mainly. That would be the bulk of his angle. Noob and Frost vs Sub-Zero and Sareena. (Other people would tie into it, like Scorpion and Ashrah, but that would be one of the bigger footnotes. You know how these stories weave together in strange ways.)
I like that people like my Frost idea though.
Thanks for the input. -Me wink
01/05/2006 03:11 AM (UTC)
thats a good idea... but anyways what i think is they should make a beat em up game like shaolin monks but with everyone like a mortal kombat trilogy 2 or something and in the next mortal kombat they should make it like mortal kombat trilogy and 4 together with the run button and everything plus they should bring back the babalities and the animalities and the friendships too.. also the brutalities but dont blow them up unless they have an agressor so they make it half like killer instinct for the brutalitites. also they should make the next killer instinct too but keep it original
01/06/2006 07:24 PM (UTC)
There are some great ideas in your post, some I wouldn’t like to see though, but still, this was an interesting read. Good job!

I really hope the mk team adds more depth to the Mk7 storyline, I really do.
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