My Queen Sindels bio in MK7
posted12/02/2005 11:19 PM (UTC)by
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05/04/2005 02:28 PM (UTC)
Bon Sior, I have finally thought it through, and I've come up with the perfect story for my Lovely Queen Sindel.

Name: Sindel
Age: 20,000
Alignment Evil
Realm: Outworld
Allies: Shao Kahn, Tanya, Khameleon, Mileena
Enemies: Kitana, Jade, Rain
Moves: Scream, Hair whip, fireball, fly, air fireball, leg grab
Story: Shao Kahn had tried multiple times to make me into his queen, and it was always by force. First, he killed my husband, and forced me into marrage. 10,000 years later, I awoke from the dead, brainwashed of my past, and thought that it was Kahn whom I wed. This time, I wanted Shao Kahn to be my husband when he saved my life. It was after the Dragon King had died. My former realm of Edenia were throwing a celebration. But I however was in the palace alone, getting ready. That was when I was turned around by an arm with three brass bracelets, and a mark of a skull with a sword in it, Kitana, I had only time for a confused look before she stabbed my with one of her steal fans and said "Long live Queen Kitana". I fell to the ground nearly unconsious and near death. My vision was blurred before I was confronted by the last person I ever expected to see: Shao Kahn. Kahn picked me up and took my to a destination I didn't know, because I had fallen unconsious. I had strange dreams of Kitana repeatedly stabbing me and continuously saying "Long Live Queen Kitana". I couldn't beleive it, but it was true.

Alternate: When I awoke Shao Kahn expalined what had happened. I couldn't believe it, but I saw it myself, and I trust my sight. I then accepted Shao Kahn's wishes for me to be his queen, rule at the side of Shao Kahn as Queen of Outworld. Shao Kahn came to me with news that he was starting a new Mortal Kombat Tournament, but this time, it will be three realms facing each other, Edenia, Outworld, and Earthrealm. news spread around the realm that Kitana and Jade had died in battle and Shao Kahn merged Edenia with Outworld. The plan was perfect, with Kitana and Jade dead, he combined Outworld and Edenia. I was rather upset I wasn't able to compete in the torunament, but only for my safety, and that proved Shao kahn's care for me. Khameleon was our newest general. She was combinded with the same skills as kitana, jade, and mileena. She found out that Kitana nd Jade were actually alive, and are heading towards the castle to kill Shao Kahn and I. Kahn sent Mileena and tanya to take care of them. Khameleon was to stay with meas my protector. Hopefully, if this plan works, we will succeed in the defeat of Earthrealm.

Ending: Sindel was upset that Kitana had made it to Shao Kahn's arena, and was even more upset with the fact that she had made her way to the top to fight Shao Kahn to win the tournament. Everyone was at the final battle, including Mileena, Khameleon, Raiden, Lui Kang, Shao Kahn, and Sindel herself. Kitana faught well against Shao Kahn however, the power of shao Kahn was too much for Kitana to handle. Shao Kahn held up his hammer to send Kitana to her death.

Sindel was gazing around until she noticed Mileena. She had three brass braclets on her wrist, and a tatoo of a skull, with a sword in it. Sindel's eye's grew in disbeleif, Mileena was her true enemy, not Kitana. But Sindel right then, had to save her daughter from death. She got up from her throne, drew her Kwan Dao, and stabbed Shao Kahn in the back before he could kill her daughter. Everyone in the arena was in shocked. Shao Kahn fell unconcious and Sindel bent over to help her daughter, until she was stabbed, with two Sais.

Everyone in the arena began to riot, because so many rules had been broken. But Kitana was too shattered to move. Her mother had died, trying to save the future of Edenia. Kitana was pulled away from her mother by someone a guard, but when she had pulled back to her mother's death ground, she was nowhere to be seen. Then began the new reign... of Queen Kitana.

12/01/2005 01:38 AM (UTC)
I think it's an ok story. I don't like the idea of having a tournament-based storyline for MK7. I'm kind of surprised Shao Kahn got away with having his tournament in Outworld, especially since Liu Kang defeated him. I guess maybe he can get away with it again. Why would Khameleon and Tanya serve Shao Kahn? Why isn't Mileena focused on trying to rule Edenia?
12/01/2005 02:26 AM (UTC)
Oh im sorry, I didnt mention that I was gonna make new stories of more people like Mileena and Kitana, but only if more people responded. because I didn't wanna post a million stories for nothing if people never responded. I'll tell you how kitana "came back to life" and what mileena has been doing this whole time, and where jade was when Kitana was fighting Kahn. I'm going to link it all together.
12/01/2005 03:46 AM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Oh im sorry, I didnt mention that I was gonna make new stories of more people like Mileena and Kitana, but only if more people responded. because I didn't wanna post a million stories for nothing if people never responded. I'll tell you how kitana "came back to life" and what mileena has been doing this whole time, and where jade was when Kitana was fighting Kahn. I'm going to link it all together.

I understand. i would like to see how it's all pieced together.
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Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

12/02/2005 04:22 PM (UTC)
No offence but I don't really like it, Sindel evil again? Sindel dies? Sorry but I hated it.
About Me

12/02/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
CUBSFAN3458 Wrote:
No offence but I don't really like it, Sindel evil again? Sindel dies? Sorry but I hated it.

Ditto, if technicality matters, than revertation only hurts her storyline. Despite the fact that it could be understood as a existentialist move,
but it friggin' looks horrible.

there are several points I would like to point out:
-if Sindel is aware of how Shao kahn threatened her daughter, and what he is capable of, why did he believe him instantly? Or rather, if we are following the rule of the "obvious yet covered", what made her believe him?
What kind of motive does she have to believe him -that is enough to override her emotions? Also, is the above listed event the truth?
12/02/2005 10:13 PM (UTC)
I really liked how Sindel thought Kitana wanted to kill her and all, that got me interested.

But what I didn’t like was that she was evil again (too soon and not really well elabortaed), with Shao Kahn again, and that she died again...and the tournament thing.

Its not bad, it could improve though.
12/02/2005 11:19 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
CUBSFAN3458 Wrote:
No offence but I don't really like it, Sindel evil again? Sindel dies? Sorry but I hated it.

Ditto, if technicality matters, than revertation only hurts her storyline. Despite the fact that it could be understood as a existentialist move,
but it friggin' looks horrible.

there are several points I would like to point out:
-if Sindel is aware of how Shao kahn threatened her daughter, and what he is capable of, why did he believe him instantly? Or rather, if we are following the rule of the "obvious yet covered", what made her believe him?
What kind of motive does she have to believe him -that is enough to override her emotions? Also, is the above listed event the truth?

She saw Kitana kill her, Kahn didnt even need to tell her. And if by "threatened" you mean faught her in Mortal Kombat, she didn't care about her daguhter anymore because she tried to kill her to become the Queen of Edenia.
I think now would be a good time to post another to avoid confusion.

name: Shao Kahn
Age: 10,000<
Alignment: Evil
Realm: Outworld
Allies: Sindel, Tanya, Khameleon, Mileena, Goro
Enemies: Lui Kang, Kitana, Raiden
Story: My patience had finally reached an end. It was finally time to reclaim Outworld from that fool of a king. He has already been defeated by some Earthrealm warrior, but that was the least of my cares. I once held my own tournament years ago, and I'm going to do it again. I have decided to get the help from a realm that has no warriors first. I decided to use Edenia. First, I sent Mileena to pose as the princess and wound Sindel, not enough to kil her, and to do it fast, because I'm sure she is the only person who can tell the two apart. I decided to use her as my queen again, and therefore leave Edenia without a leader for a couple of days, and that would give me the chance to ,merge the two realms. After Mileena had commited her task, I sent her to once again pose as the princess and tell kitana's army to capture Kitana who she will pretend is her and jade, when they come looking for Sindel. If my plan succeeds, I will have enough help to finally have Earthrealm under my control.

Alternate: I told Sindel that it was indeed Kitana that tried to kill her and me who saved her, to make her trust towards me stronger. And It worked! I once again sent mileena to do once last task for me. That was to pose as the princess one last time and convince Edenia to allwo me to merge outworld and Edenia together. Mileena rrived days later with the news that they had beleived her! After I had merged the two realms I got news that kitana and Jade had allied with my former general Rain and escaped from their prison cell! They are now heaing to my fortress to kill me and retrieve Sindel and Edenia. I would have gone to find them myself, but I had more thigns to worry about, so I sent Tanya and Mileena after them. I was more worried that 5 Earthrealm warriors had intureded my realm to come and find me. Appearently I was the main target for everyone. Goro and the Shokan army all went out to find them, and I had joined. I used a strange warrior who looked like Kitana andJade combined to guard Sindel. I was a little suspicious of her but that was the least of my worries. This was finally my chance to be under the spotlight, and rule all realms in existance.

Ending: All had come to fight in Shao Kahn's tounament, but the final match had come down to Lui Kang and Kitana. Shao Kahn saw them talking in the middle of holds and eventually, Kitana had defeated Lui Kang in a strangly quick match. Shao Kahn's battle with Kitana was next. If Kitana was to succeed, then Kitana would have to come up with serious proof that it wasn't her who killed her.

Shao Kahn and Kitana faught for a long time until finally Shao Kahn had finally won the match by his charging spikes attack. Kitana was knelt before him in a dazed manner as Shao Kahn held his Hammer up high, and bashed Kitana's skull to her Death. shao Kahn had won the tournament, and Earthrealm was under his control. He and his queen ruled the three combined realms all merged into one. Outworld.


Name: Mileena
Age: 10,000
Alignment: Evil
Realm: Outworld
Allies: Shao Kahn, Sindel, Tanya
Enemies: Kitana, Jade, Rain
Story: I had control of Kitana's powerful army that I got ahold of in the rule of onaga. But Onaga had been killed and Shao Kahn took control of outworld once again. I didn't want to rush things too quickly with Kitana's army, always commanding them to do things for me, so I stayed at the Tarkatan camp grounds. that was, until Shao Kahn had summond me into his fortress to do a task for me. He said that he had a plan to finally defeat Earthrealm, and that was by combining both the realm or Edenia and it's people with Outworld. I thoguht it was a good plan, and I was grateful that he wanted my help. I traveled to Edenia and with Sindel alone in her Palace, I had the chance to sneak up on her and injure her with Kitana's fans that saho Kahn gave me from another ally. I Stabbed Sindel in the stomach when I turned around and whispered in her ear, "Long Live Queen Kitana"

Alternate story: Those words had left a stain on my tongue, but I continued anyway with my second task, and that was to send Kitana's army after Mileena and Jade whom was really kitana and Jade, but they had beleived me anyway. Kahn told me they were roaming around Outworld, and we found them walking towards Kahns fortress in the Living Forest. We immediatly ambushed them and I had the chance to tie their mouths with out showing anyone of the army kitana's mouth. Task two... success. I instructed the army to take them to an Outworld prison without question. My worries that they would be suspicious of why I hadn't asked them to take them to an Edenian prison came to an end when Shao Kahn gave me the news that I was to provoke the people of Edenia to allow Shao Kahn to merge the two realms together. I did so. I sat at Sindel's throne and convinced them that I was their new queen and they had beleived that I was kitana. Therefore, following "Kitana's" instructions, they had given Kahn the chance to merge the two realms. I returned to the outworld fortress in the larger realm, and Kahn gave me one last task, and that was to find Kitana, Jade, and Rain, with the help of Tanya to find and kill them. We traveled for days until we finally found them. The tournament had already started, so Kitana raced to Kahn's arena and the chase began with only the two of us. The arena wasn't very far away, so we both made it in time to compete. Kahn was disappointed with me that Kitana made it in time. I had nothing to do but wait for our battle together to rewin my emporer's trust when I defeat her.

Ending: Mileena and Kitana ended up facing each other in the Mortal Kombat tournament. No former Edenian was invited to the battle to make sure they don't get suspicious. In the middle of the fight, Mileena realized something. All her life she wanted kitana's status, position, and Army, but when she finally got all that she gave it to Shao Kahn! She realized that she really did have to power to be princess but was too interested in pleasing her emporer than becoming Kitana. Therefore she had secretly allowed Kitana to defeat her. Finally, in the final battle between Kitana and Shao kahn, he took control and defeated Kitana, and won the tournament.

Mileena then took her opportunity, and Killed Shao Kahn. She escaped from the arena and sent Kitana's army to kill everyone who had watched that performance. The battle was a success. Everyone who saw Mileena kill Shao Kahn was dead including. Mileena then once again posed as the princess to all of outworld and said that Shao Kahn was defeated in abttle her her.... Queen Kitana. When all had beleived her, they then lived under whom they thought was Kitana. mileena was dreams had finally come true, ad even more came with that, she ruled outworld, Edenia, and Earthrealm since the victory was supposedly hers and she ruled Outworld. she combined the most powerful Earthrealm, outworld and Edenian armys and ruled them too. With everyone who could stop her, out of her way.

It's a little raspy so if you have any questions ask away.

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