My New Mortal Kombat 10 Idea (Reeeeaaalllly long)
posted06/16/2011 12:33 AM (UTC)by
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

Member Since
04/15/2011 08:55 PM (UTC)
Okay, established information:
1. Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are dead. They are the only villains who died.
2. Liu Kang is revived by the Elder Gods, but refuses to help Raiden. Liu Kang is not a part of the story or game. He does, however, meet Kai and trains him.

The story is split into four stories: Earthrealm Heroes, Shinnok's Army, Netherrealm Resistance, and Outworld Empire.
To sum up each group:
-Earthrealm Heroes consists of Raiden, Kai, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Cyrax, Ermac, Tanya (wink wink), and Fujin. Earthrealm Heroes have the goal of surviving constant attacks from Shinnok's Army, stop their advancing attacks, and bring down Shinnok.

-Shinnok's Army consists of Shinnok, Quan Chi, Scorpion (wink wink), Rain, Tanya, Reptile, Moloch and the undead heroes (I'll explain more on the undead heroes in a little bit). Their goal is to conquer Outworld and Earthrealm, as well as destroy the Elder Gods and lesser gods.

-Netherrealm Resistance consists of Scorpion, Sareena, Ashrah, Drahmin, Moloch, Havik, and Fujin (separates from the heroes, but joins the resistance). Their goal is to bring down Shinnok and bring forth a new ruler for the Netherrealm.

-Outworld Empire consists of Mileena, Baraka, Reiko, Sektor, Jarek, and Sheeva. Their goal is to prevent the conquering of Outworld and ultimately defeat Shinnok.
Character Specifics:
-Raiden: Starts off being the team's leader, guiding Sonya and Cage. Eventually, Shinnok attacks the Elder Gods and Raiden goes to assist the Elder Gods. Shinnok destroys the Elder Gods, and takes Raiden alive as a prisoner. After being rescued, he sacrifices himself out of the guilt of failing to save the previous heroes and the Elder Gods to an altar that trades the souls of the Netherrealm for souls of each worth. His soul revives the dead heroes. Rival: Shinnok.

-Sonya: Sonya is ultimately the person who convinces Cyrax to join the heroes. She holds severe distrust of Tanya. Is emotionally distraught over the loss of Jax and her friends. Rival: Undead Jax.

-Cage: Forced out of New York City, after being chased down by undead Stryker and the police force of NYC for bombing a building (Shinnok's doing). Takes over as leader when Raiden disappears initially. Rival: Undead Stryker.

-Kai: Joins the heroes, despite Liu Kang's warnings of Raiden. Helps Ermac realize he can control his souls and powers. Continuously tormented by undead Kung Lao. Canonically, is one of the three souls who defeat Shinnok. Rival: Undead Kung Lao.

-Cyrax:: The events of MK9 malfunctioned his system, allowing him free thought. He is, however, disabled and sunken in the sand of 'Jade's Desert', but is found by Sonya. Ultimately wishes to regain his humanity. Furious over Smoke and Sub-Zero being undead. Rival: Undead Smoke.

-Ermac: Driven mad by constant souls fighting for control. Eventually, controlled by a mass collection of the dead souls of Edenia (including, but not exclusive, to King Jerrod). Considering being a mass collection of Edenian souls, they are furious over the deaths of Kitana, Jade, and Sindel. Recognizes Tanya, and realizes her betrayal before anyone else. After Kitana and Sindel's revival, Ermac does not join their return to Edenia. Ermac instead leaves, to later in the series meet Kenshi. Rival: Tanya

-Fujin: Follows Raiden at first, but then runs with Raiden to save the Elder Gods. Fails, and is considered dead after the battle. Is eventually found by the resistance. Joins the resistance and convinces Scorpion to follow a path of retribution. Is the second of the three people who destroy Shinnok. Replaces Raiden as the elder of Earthrealm's heroes. Rival: Shinnok

-Shinnok: Leads an army of the dead to conquer Earthrealm and Outworld. Uses undead heroes to slowly cause chaos and mishaps to change the realms to his benefit. Destroys the Elder Gods, allowing him to conquer the realms without interruption. Ultimately, the other three forces charges him into the Netherrealm. He fails and is destroyed by Kai and Fujin. The Elder Gods, though destroyed, are slowly revived and will awaken once again 500 years later. Rival: Not a playable character. Technically Raiden, Fujin, and Sareena.

-Quan Chi: Ultimately controls the undead heroes. Has secret intentions to betray Shinnok. When the heroes attack the Netherrealm, Quan Chi attempts to flee the battle. He is found and horribly killed by Scorpion, never to return again. Rival: Scorpion

-Rain: Shinnok offers Rain the return of Edenia's own realm and the throne of Edenia if he assists the conquer of Outworld. Rain, Tanya, Reptile, and Edenian survivors charge the Shokan's homeland. Rain kills Goro. Rain takes claim of killing both Goro and Kintaro (who he did NOT kill). During the attacks of the heroes, he is betrayed and attacked by Reptile. He survives the battle, but his beautiful face is horribly burned by acid spit. Rival: Reptile

-Tanya: Pretends to be a hero. Acts as an emotional wreck who does nothing but fears for the safety of the heroes. Flirts with Johnny. Fakes an emotional breakdown when Raiden is captured and the Elder Gods are destroyed. Ermac discovers her lies. She flees back to Shinnok. During the attack of the heroes, Tanya attempts to flee the fight without a scratch. Ermac ultimately finds her, and allows her to escape....after tearing off one of her legs. She survives, but without a leg. Rival: Ermac.

-Reptile: Agrees to work with Shinnok, as Shinnok swears to revive his people. Reptile takes part in the Shokan invasion. Reptile kills Kintaro, but is nearly killed in the process. He is eventually found and healed by Ashrah out of sympathy, though she does not know he is an enemy. Rejoins Shinnok, only to find that Rain is claiming to have killed Kintaro, Shinnok is questioning why Reptile was conversing with Ashrah, and Tanya is hinting the fact that Shinnok would never help Reptile. Reptile is given a second chance, but the compassion of the heroes and the lies of his allies convinces him to change sides. He defeats Rain, spitting acid in his face to leave a scar, but is knocked out. Before waking, he has a vision of Khameleon telling him that their people is still alive and to find her. Reptile joins the heroes in hopes to find her and his people. Rival: Rain.

-Undead Kung Lao: When not under Quan Chi's control, he is continuously in his cell, praying and begging to the Gods for forgiveness. He shares a cell with Nightwolf, who he connects with out of fear of failing the White Lotus. When under Quan Chi's control, he vows to destroy the 'impure' and swears that his actions are ultimately for the sake of the White Lotus. He fights Kai, claiming that he and Liu Kang are heretics of the White Lotus way, and that ultimately, the White Lotus wishes for the destruction and conquering of the both realms. He would know, for he is the Great Kung Lao. Rival: Kai

-Undead Kabal: When not under Quan Chi's control, he cries in agony as he is forced to continuously feel the pain of his burns. He shares a cell with Stryker, whom he converses and begs for forgiveness for ever being associated with the Black Dragon and lying of his identity (which Stryker is forgiving). Under Quan Chi's control, Kabal attempts to convince Kano that he wants to join the Black Dragon. He attempts to convince him to join Shinnok in the conquering of both realms. However, Kano realizes that this not Kabal, as Kabal died in the events of MK9. Realizing he cannot convince Kano, he attacks and incapacitates Kano. He is then pursued by Jarek, who swears to avenge Kano. Rival: Jarek

-Undead Stryker: When not under Quan Chi's control, he fights the Netherrealm's torture and manages a silent torment, not fearing the horrors of Hell. He aids Kabal through his pain. When under Quan Chi's control, he returns to the NYC police force. Believing that he was kidnapped by Shao Kahn during the previous events, the force welcomes him back. After a massive bomb (planted by Stryker) kills dozens of civilians, Stryker points his finger toward Johnny Cage, who was convinced to find Stryker in NYC by Tanya. Stryker hunts down Cage, but when holding him in gun point, the real Stryker manages to break Quan Chi's control to allow Quan Chi to escape. Beyond that, Stryker swears to kill Johnny, so he can be punished for the slaughter of so many civilians. The real Stryker is screaming in pain inside, knowing that his very own hands killed so many innocent lives. Rival: Johnny Cage

-Undead Jax: When not under Quan Chi's control, he continuously tries to escape with no avail. He shares a cell with Kitana, whom continuously converse over the memory of their friends, Sonya and Liu Kang. Under Quan Chi's control, Jax returns to Special Forces, who are onto the fact that he is dead. Jax makes claim that Sonya lied of his death to hide that fact that she tried to kill him. Special Forces agree to corner Jax, but considering Jax's actions, eventually realize he is lying. Special Forces, out of apology, provide the heroes weaponry and back up. Jax kills many of his comrades, showering him with guilt. Rival: Sonya

-Undead Sub-Zero: When not under Quan Chi's control, Sub-Zero lives inbetween as man and machine, slowly in pain by exposed flesh and bone. He shares a cell with Smoke, whom he converses with to neglect the pain. He also converses with Sareena, who is in another cell, and discovers her connection with Bi-Han. When under Quan Chi's control, Sub-Zero tries to rejoin the Lin Kuei. Knowing that Sub-Zero died and that Sub-Zero would try to take over the Lin Kuei, Sektor immediately attacks and swears to destroy Shinnok for taunting him in such a way. Quan Chi uses Sub-Zero as the lead general for the undead army. Undead Sub-Zero continuously taunts and attacks Scorpion, who in response, holds apathy considering that he is a puppet. Rival: Sektor.

-Undead Smoke: When not under Quan Chi's control, Smoke strangely cannot feel an pain from the Netherrealm's torture. He shares a cell with Sub-Zero, and is slowly discovering a strange power that he cannot understand. Quan Chi attempts to control Smoke, but when manipulated, Smoke slowly turns into a shade like abomination who is able to speak Smoke's true mind, and not that of Quan Chi. Smoke, out of blind control, is forced to face Cyrax. Though they fight in horrible kombat, Smoke cries out of joy that is friend as left the Lin Kuei and realized the wrongs of the cyberization. Rival: Cyrax.

-Undead Jade: When not under Quan Chi's control, she is tortured by constant flames. She shares a cell with Sindel, whom she constantly mourns with over the loss of Edenia and princess Kitana. When under Quan Chi's control, she is sent to assassinate Baraka and lead the destruction of the Tarkatans. Ultimately, she fails, as the real Jade manages get in the way of Quan Chi's control. Jade's powers and a bizarre spirit trying to take control. In the Netherrealm, Quan Chi is able to manage full control, but outside, she cannot be controlled. Rival: Baraka.

-Undead Kitana: When not under Quan Chi's control, she is continuously stabbed by her own fans. She shares a cell with Jax, whom she feels comfort in mourning the separation of their closest allies. When under Quan Chi's control, she is sent to assassinate Mileena. Mileena, however, is saved by Reiko. Deep inside, Kitana watches in amazement as Mileena slowly changes from a monster to a empress of great potential. Rival: Mileena.

-Undead Nightwolf: When not under Quan Chi's control, he is forced to hear the cries of his people's slaughter, which has always tormented him internally and does not bother him as much as Quan Chi thinks. He shares a cell with Kung Lao. Nightwolf is ultimately used to assist Rain in the destruction of the Shokan race. During the attack of the Elder Gods, it is Nightwolf that ultimately defeats Raiden and allows Shinnok to capture him. This fact torments Nightwolf. He rivals Ashrah, as she senses a kindred spirit within him, and after his revival, becomes her apprentice. Rival: Ashrah.

-Undead Sindel: In the beginning, Quan Chi cannot control Sindel, as she still is imbued with the souls of Shang Tsung, Motaro, and all of Shang Tsung's souls. However, she is free from her mind control. She shares a cell with Jade, whom she discovers the whereabouts of Kitana and Edenia. Furious, Sindel manages to break out of her cell. In her temporary escape, she allows Scorpion, Sareena, Drahmin, and Ashrah to escape the Netherrealm. Eventually, Shinnok takes full control of Sindel. Eventually, Mileena takes possession of Shang Tsung's amulet and steals the souls under Sindel's possession, weakening her. Reiko takes down the possessed Sindel. Rival: Reiko.

-Moloch: Moloch and Drahmin at first worked without doubt for Quan Chi. They took part in the destruction of the Shokan homeland, but during that time, they get a taste of the world of the living and yearn for more. When Drahmin and Moloch demand that Quan Chi allow them to live in the human world, they learn of Quan Chi's plans to destroy all existence. Horrified by this, the two join Scorpion and Sareena in an attempt to escape and plot a revolution against Shinnok. However, in the attempt to escape, Drahmin escaped by Moloch was taken down by Quan Chi. Moloch is then controlled by Shinnok and forced serve him. Tragically, Moloch is forced to fight is ally, Drahmin. Ultimately, Drahmin is forced to kill Moloch. Moloch dies without any regrets and bids farewell to his friend. Rival: Unplayable Sub-Boss, Drahmin

-Scorpion: Scorpion continues to serve Quan Chi, until he meets Sareena, a prisoner of Shinnok. He continuously speaks with her secretly, until she confesses the truth: the Quan Chi was the true killer of his clan. Furious, Scorpion causes a massive breakout, in which he manages to break out Sareena and Ashrah. Drahmin joins them. An out of control Sindel manages to help them escape the Netherrealm by using Shang Tsung's powers. In the real world, the meet Fujin, and together, they plot an attack that would include Earthrealm's Heroes and the Outworld Empire to attack and destroy Shinnok once and for all. Ultimately, Scorpion kills Quan Chi. Scorpion, out of hopes of retribution and one day joining his beloved wife, child, and clan, he joins the heroes and serves under Fujin. Rival: Quan Chi.

-Sareena: After being killed by Shinnok, Quan Chi imprisoned Sareena. Accepting her torture for many years, she soon discovers that the ninja serving Quan Chi belonged to the same clan that Quan Chi, Sareena, Kia, and Jataaka slaughtered. She also has many conversations with Sub-Zero, discovering that he is the younger brother of Bi-Han. Eventually, Sareena confesses the truth to Scorpion. Scorpion breaks her out, and with the help of Sindel, escapes the Netherrealm. During the final attack, Sareena opens the gate that allows Kai and Fujin to chase after Shinnok. She takes part in the battle against Shinnok. She is the last of the three people who destroy Shinnok. Rival: Shinnok.

-Ashrah: A demon who possesses a sword that slowly turns her into a saint. When Shinnok and Quan Chi discover her killing many of their minions, they attack and imprison her. Neglecting her torture, she would continuously speak with Scorpion, sensing a kindred spirit within him. Her words of redemption convince Scorpion into a path of redemption and a friendship. She is released from her cell during the breakout and joins the Resistance. She fights Nightwolf, knowing that only she would be able to combat a man of such similar power. She adopts Nightwolf as her apprentice after his revival. Rival: Undead Nightwolf.

Drahmin: Moloch and Drahmin at first worked without doubt for Quan Chi. They took part in the destruction of the Shokan homeland, but during that time, they get a taste of the world of the living and yearn for more. When Drahmin and Moloch demand that Quan Chi allow them to live in the human world, they learn of Quan Chi's plans to destroy all existence. Horrified by this, the two join Scorpion and Sareena in an attempt to escape and plot a revolution against Shinnok. However, in the attempt to escape, Drahmin escaped by Moloch was taken down by Quan Chi. Assuming his ally dead, Drahmin joined the Resistance to get revenge on Quan Chi. He soon learns that Moloch had been controlled by Quan Chi and is now being forced to fight for the Netherrealm. Drahmin defeats his good friend, and mourns as he slowly dies. Fearful to join anyone after Shinnok's defeat, he is found by Havik, who takes him and trains him as a future clerk of Chaosrealm. Rival: Moloch (non-playable, first mini boss)

-Havik (SECRET CHARACTER): Havik slowly watches and observes the war from afar. However, he soon realizes a fifth party causing chaos. Bi-Han/Noob Saibot had returned, but has gone mad. Knowing that the Resistance would ultimately defeat Shinnok, he joins them. However, he walks out of the massive battle, to face Noob Saibot on his own. Noob has transformed into an abomination after being consumed by the Soulnado. Havik fights him alone, knowing that the beast would easily prevent the destruction of Shinnok. Havik then takes Drahmin and trains him to become a clerk of Chaosrealm. Rival: Noob Saibot (non-playable, second-mini boss).

-Mileena: Mileena is mourning in the Living Forest, until she is attacked by Kitana and several Netherrealm assassins. Infuriated, she realizes the only way to avenge her father is to take his throne. In the attempt to do so, Reiko assists her, knowing that Kitana and Quan Chi have already tried to take over the throne. Mileena and Reiko take back the throne. Mileena then achieves Shang Tsung's amulet, granting her a small fraction of Shang Tsung's power, enough to revert Reiko from Shinnok's power. Mileena manages to convince Baraka and the Tarkatans, Sheeva and the remaining surviving Shokans, Jarek and the Black Dragon, and Sektor and the Lin Kuei to join her and her attack against Shinnok. Knowing she needed the support of the Gods, she agrees to ally herself to the heroes of Earthrealm. During the war, she, Reiko, and Baraka are cornered by Sindel, Kitana, and Jade. Using Shang Tsung's amulet, Mileena steals Shang Tsung's soul and the souls he gather back from Sindel. Mileena manages to fight Shang Tsung's control, and manages dominance over her new found power. She defeats the possessed Kitana. At the end of the battle, Mileena agrees to let the heroes live under the condition that she be given Shao Kahn's helmet that Quan Chi had taken at the end of MK9. Shao Kahn's soul, still tied to the helmet, is absorbed by Mileena. Mileena is overjoyed to be reunited with her father from within. She leaves, swearing that she will one day take Earthrealm, in the next Mortal Kombat. When mocked that she would never live long enough to see the tournament in 500 years, Mileena laughs. "But you see, I intend to live forever." She takes the throne, and plans to find an artifact called the Kamidogen, in hopes that she can achieve eternal life. A new Empress has come to rise. Using her new found powers, she changed her appearance, making her look less like Kitana, and more like the Empress she believed herself to be. Beautiful, all-powerful, and horrifying, but she no longer possessed her monstrous mouth. The Elder Gods were destroyed, but their powers still lingered. She could not take over Earthrealm, until the next Mortal Kombat. Rival: Undead Kitana.

-Reiko: Reiko was once a general of Shao Kahn. When killed in battle, he was offered to serve Shinnok as a general to avoid the torment of the Netherrealm. He agreed to do so. However, he soon came to learn that Quan Chi and Shinnok planned the death of his former leader, Shao Kahn. This infuriated Reiko. However, Reiko stayed obedient. With Reiko as tactician, Shinnok led the undead heroes and all of the Netherrealm to destroy the Elder Gods. The attack was successful. The Elder Gods were destroyed, Raiden was captured, and Fujin left for dead. He soon learned of Quan Chi's plans to destroy all existence of Outworld. Reiko then realized that he had signed the destruction of his former homeland. He then learned of Shao Kahn's next of kin, Mileena. Learning her plans to retake the throne, he came to her side. When his treachery was discovered, Shinnok slowly drained his power, aiming to return him to the Netherrealm. But with Shang Tsung's amulet, Mileena freed Reiko from Shinnok's grasp. He agreed to serve his new queen. Reiko, in hopes to protect his queen, agreed to fight the undead Queen Sindel. Rival: Undead Sindel.

-Baraka: After the events of MK9, the Tarkatan race tried to rebuild. They slowly suffered from a famine, which eventually led to a cannibal outburst. During this chaos, an undead version of Jade charged into their homeland with the plan to attack. The starving Tarkatans took the time to kill and devour their enemies. Furious by the attack, Baraka learned of Jade's connections to Shinnok. Knowing that it would grant his people food and shelter, Baraka agreed to serve Mileena and charge his army into the heart of the Netherrealm. Baraka stood beside Mileena and Reiko throughout the attack, saving both of them several times. He even prevented Jade from assassinating Mileena, as she fought Kitana. His work was admired by both Mileena and Reiko. His people were granted shelter within their empire. Baraka would become Mileena's right hand, opposite of Reiko.

-Sektor: Sektor had killed his father and taken his place as Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. During the night, Sektor broke into the old temple where the Lin Kuei had invaded the heroes in MK9. There, the bodies of many of the heroes who died were laid to rest. Sektor stole the body of Cyber Sub-Zero, in hopes he could reclaim his parts and devices, so that he could create a similar warrior to serve him. However, his clan was then visited by the real Sub-Zero. Knowing him to be dead and a possible thread, Sektor fought him off. He soon came to learn that Shinnok was behind Sub-Zero's return. Annoyed by Shinnok's arrogance and taunt toward the Lin Kuei, Sektor agreed to help Mileena defeat Shinnok. During the war, Sektor fights alongside Cyrax to defeat Sub-Zero and Smoke. The alliance is short lived, but not led to turmoil. Sektor cares not for Cyrax's new alliance with the heroes, for Sektor always felt that Cyrax was too weak and apathetic to the Lin Kuei's wishes. Sektor left, shortly after the war, and planned a new series of cyborgs to serve under him. He had achieved a new apprentice. A woman with powers similar to that of Sub-Zero: Frost. Rival: Undead Sub-Zero

Jarek: Jarek was a part of the Black Dragon, just as long as Kabal. He was very young at the time when Kabal left. When Kano is visited Kabal, both Kano and Jarek are puzzled, as they know of Kabal's death. Kabal, in spite, attacks and severely injures Kano into a coma. Jarek manages to fight Kabal off, remember his rivalry with the old fool. Infuriated by Kano's injuries, he agrees to align the Black Dragon under Mileena's march against Shinnok, but only after Mileena agreed to a hefty price in gold. Jarek reluctantly works with the heroes, and manages to face off against his old rival, Kabal. Rival: Undead Kabal.

-Sheeva (SECRET): After the invasion of Earthrealm, the Shokan tried to recover from the war. However, during their recovery, they are attacked by an army led by Quan Chi, Rain, Tanya, and Reptile. Kintaro is killed by Reptile, and Goro is killed by Rain. Sheeva and several survivors managed to escape the onslaught, but their homeland was destroyed. Sheeva managed to survive. In hopes to give her people sanctuary, she agrees to fight alongside Mileena and get revenge for her comrades and people. Sheeva manges to assist Drahmin in the defeat of Moloch. Ultimately, Drahmin delivers the final blow, however. Rival: Moloch.


Order of Major Events:
-Death of Shao Kahn
-Ashrah Imprisoned.
-A year passes.
-Invasion of the Shokan.
-Rain's Return to Edenia.
-Jade's Failed Invasion of the Tarkatans.
-Cage meets Tanya.
-Stryker hunts down Cage.
-Kabal visits the Black Dragon.
-Sub-Zero visits Lin Kuei.
-Sonya finds Cyrax.
-Kai meets Fujin.
-Kai and Fujin save Ermac.
-Heroes unite.
-Heroes, except for Raiden and Fujin, visit Edenia..
-Heroes take back Edenia.
-Shinnok's Forces Destroy the Elder Gods, Raiden is captured.
-Ermac attacks Tanya, Tanya's Betrayal
-Kitana fails to assassinate Mileena. Mileena seeks the throne.
-Reiko betrays Shinnok.
-Netherrealm Prison Break.
-Mileena Takes the Throne
-Resistance, Heroes, and Empire alliance.
-Attack on Netherrealm.
-Everyone fights their Rival.
-Scorpion kills Quan Chi.
-Shinnok Flees to Another Realm. Kai, Fujin, and Sareena chase after him.
-Shinnok is Destroyed.
-Raiden Sacrifices Himself, Reviving the Heroes.
-Heroes reunite.
-Mileena Retakes the Throne.

-Shinnok is destroyed at the hands of Kai, Fujin, and Sareena.
-Quan Chi is killed by Scorpion.
-Moloch is killed tragically by Drahmin.
-Raiden Sacrifices himself.
-Elder Gods are killed, but overtime, will be reborn.
Kung Lao: Kung Lao is revived. No changes. He takes Kai as an apprentice and goes in search of Liu Kang.
Kabal: Kabal is revived. He no longer has his burns. Alternate costume will consist of him being human with no mask. He continues to work for the heroes, but gives up his SWAT job.
Stryker: Stryker is revived. No changes. Out of shame of ever returning home, he wanders off alone to Seido.
Jax: Jax is revived. His metallic arms are gone. He returns to Special Forces, with Sonya, the crew, and new members, Cage and Cyrax, happy to see him.
Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero is revived. He is human again. He finds Sareena unconscious from Shinnok's battle and takes her under shelter. Sareena is protected by the heroes, including Sub-Zero, Reptile, and Scorpion.
Smoke: Smoke is revived. He is strangely going back and forth between smoke and human form. His powers overwhelm him, and he disappears somewhere in the Netherrealm. He is later found Noob Saibot.
Jade: Jade is revived. No changes. Jade returns to Edenia happily, and continues to serve her country. She is, however, in search of Rain or Tanya.
Kitana: Kitana is revived. No changes. Kitana returns to her country, but while her mother is in rule, goes on a journey with Kung Lao, in search of Liu Kang.
Nightwolf: Nightwolf is revived. No changes. Nightwolf is greeted by Ashrah. He becomes her apprentice.
Sindel: Sindel is revived. She is no longer under control or in possession of any other souls. Sindel returns to Edenia to help rebuild. She continues her role as queen, even knowing that King Jerrod is deep within Ermac.

-Tanya losses a leg.
-Rain's face is horribly scarred.
-Kano is incapacitated.
-Sareena is put into a coma.

Side Changes:
-Scorpion becomes a hero.
-Reptile becomes a hero.
-Liu Kang becomes neutral.
-Drahmin joins the Chaosrealm.
-Reiko serves Mileena.

Number of characters: Not counting the bosses, the game would have 35 characters. That is the exact number of characters existing in Super Street Fighter 4. That is five less included in Tekken 6. This is not a large roster.

Story Mode Mechanics:
-The game would work in four sections (Heroes, Netherrealm, Outworld/Black Dragon/Lin Kuei, Resistance). Each section would have multiple chapters, until the final battle where everything is combined.

-In between chapters, you would have a menu where you can communicate or ease drop on character conversations. Think of Starcraft 2, in between campaign missions. This will allow character development. Heroes would have the heroes talking amongst themselves. Netherrealm would allow use to hear Rain, Tanya, Reptile, and the dead heroes communicate with each other. Outworld would allow us to hear the plans of Mileena and allied forces. Resistance would read into Scorpion, Sareena, and Ashrah's conversations.

-Shinnok's battle would allow a tag battle, where you could choose between Kai, Fujin, and Sareena.

-Moloch and Noob Saibot are non-playable mini-bosses. Possible DLC, much like now.

So. What do you think? Yeah, I thought a little TOO MUCH about this. My only regret is the lack of inclusion of Kenshi, but Kenshi has little connection in this story. If anything, Kenshi should take part in MK11, where the Dragon King would most likely become an issue OR the wars of Special Forces vs Black Dragon vs Red Dragon.
05/23/2011 02:33 PM (UTC)
i think your story is very interesting and good the only things i don't like about it is
-mellina becoming empress like nothing,i believe a civil war story would be better
-noob becoming some monster,i believe noob should change a bit but not too a lackey monster he should be a reason why earthrelm wins like killing quan chi with scorpion
-i think Kung Lao should break out of quan chis spell on his own showing his determination i mean he is the reincarnation of the great Kung Lao
-i don't feel raiden should die but then again im a huge fan of his so yea lol
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

05/23/2011 03:07 PM (UTC)
collegegeek Wrote:
i think your story is very interesting and good the only things i don't like about it is
-mellina becoming empress like nothing,i believe a civil war story would be better
-noob becoming some monster,i believe noob should change a bit but not too a lackey monster he should be a reason why earthrelm wins like killing quan chi with scorpion
-i think Kung Lao should break out of quan chis spell on his own showing his determination i mean he is the reincarnation of the great Kung Lao
-i don't feel raiden should die but then again im a huge fan of his so yea lol

-I can see what you mean with Mileena, but consider Mileena's situation. She's the only living person who is heir to the throne. She takes the throne, and when the Lin Kuei, Shokan, Tarkatans, Centaurs and Black Dragon (all the former allies of the Outworld Empire) are tormented by Shinnok, Mileena reunites them all, swearing to them all vengeance and a chance to take him down. There is no one who would really fight for the throne, except Quan Chi or Shinnok themselves.
-Noob isn't a lackey as much as he is a fifth party in the war. He is a solitary threat that Havik tries to stop. And I don't really intend for him to look like a monster, as much as I intend for him to look deformed. If anything, his existence is a hint for a return of him taking control of the Netherrrealm. Perhaps I should give Noob his own section.
-Actually, I agree that Kung Lao SHOULD break out of Quan Chi's spell much like Stryker or Jade. I'll fix that. However, the dead heroes mostly exist for rescue, as much as I don't like the zombie concept. So Kung Lao shouldn't COMPLETELY break the spell. Sindel is the only person who broke out considering her combined powers of Shang Tsung and his souls. Also, no one except MAYBE Sareena should take part in Quan Chi's death. If anyone helps, it should be something minimal. Quan Chi's ass belongs to Scorpion.
-I'm sorry. Raiden had been planned to be replaced by Fujin for years. In fact, he was SUPPOSED to die in Deception, and Fujin was supposed to be in that game to combat him when he went mad. His death would be very powerful and tragic, so it's not like I'm trying to kill him off for the sake of it. He dies a hero. As much as death sucks, I wish certain characters who have died would have died like that.
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05/23/2011 07:14 PM (UTC)
collegegeek Wrote:

-i think Kung Lao should break out of quan chis spell on his own showing his determination i mean he is the reincarnation of the great Kung Lao

Which cannot be, unless Shang Tsung for some reason did not consume his soul once he was defeated by Goro. Which would be a marked difference to the original continuity.

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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

05/23/2011 07:16 PM (UTC)
I agree with collegegeek I think there would be a struggle for power once Mileena took the throne.

You have a very good story but I don't think all of the heroes should get resurrected, instead I feel they should be freed from the NetherRealm and move on to heaven or where ever good people go in the Mortal Kombat universe.

I do agree that Raiden should die but I actually see Eramc as the one doing it.

1) Because he has the power to do it and

2) He is King Jerrod. Going off his ending I do see Ermac becoming Jerrod and being pretty pissed off at what happened, with Edenia being destroyed and his wife and daughter dead. I could see Liu Kang telling him that Raiden was responsible for the deaths of Sindel and Kitana as a means of getting revenge. So then Ermac would tear Raiden's very being apart in fury.
05/23/2011 07:40 PM (UTC)
Read the giant wall of text, I give it 10 thumbs up due to me being half man, half spider. More elaboration later, I'm taking my mom up to Charlestown as a belated mother's day gift.
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

05/23/2011 08:03 PM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
I agree with collegegeek I think there would be a struggle for power once Mileena took the throne.

You have a very good story but I don't think all of the heroes should get resurrected, instead I feel they should be freed from the NetherRealm and move on to heaven or where ever good people go in the Mortal Kombat universe.

I do agree that Raiden should die but I actually see Eramc as the one doing it.

1) Because he has the power to do it and

2) He is King Jerrod. Going off his ending I do see Ermac becoming Jerrod and being pretty pissed off at what happened, with Edenia being destroyed and his wife and daughter dead. I could see Liu Kang telling him that Raiden was responsible for the deaths of Sindel and Kitana as a means of getting revenge. So then Ermac would tear Raiden's very being apart in fury.

@Mileena's Fight for the Throne: Yeah, I understand that there is little struggle for the throne, but there isn't really anyone to fight for the throne. Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are dead. Shinnok has no interest in the throne as much as he has interest in his own throne watching over both realms. Quan Chi doesn't want a throne as much as he wishes he could kill all of existence so he can play hide and go seek with himself. Rain would far more be interested in the throne of Edenia and restoring it to it's former beauty, instead of some wasteland like Outworld. The Tarkatans, Centaurs, Shokan, Black Dragon, and Lin Kuei would be far more concerned with the recovery of their own people after the invasion of Earthrealm than some throne. Hell, I'd be fearful to sit on that throne, should Shao Kahn ever comeback.

@Character Deaths: You see, I don't mind having a character die and never return....if they're story is over. MAYBE Nightwolf could accept death, but everyone else has too much potential and stories that haven't finished. Sindel, Jade, and Kitana still have Edenia to save. Stryker and Kabal still have their issues to settle. Jax can still take part in the Black Dragon. Sub-Zero and Smoke now have to worry about Sektor taking over the Lin Kuei. All these characters were killed with too much potential just to be forgotten.

Look at Liu Kang's death in Deadly Alliance. He had already saved the world four times, ended his relationship with Kitana, and became a proud and noble warrior in the eyes of the world. He had nothing more to do. Killing him created GREAT drama for Kung Lao and co, as they lost a good friend. At the same time, the death was easy to accept and we could move on. His zombie revival in Deception, however, was a mistake! I like Liu Kang, and I was sad when he died. But I could accept his death.

@Ermac Killing Raiden: Yeah, but I can't see King Jerrod being the vengeful type. Considering how 'peaceful and loving' Sindel is supposed to be, I don't think King Jerrod would kill Raiden out of revenge. Also, I imagine King Jerrod knows who Raiden is and would hold belief of him being responsible for their death with a grain of salt.

At the same time: If I were King Jerrod, who would piss me off more? The man who wasn't there to prevent the death of my wife, my daughter, and one of my best subordinates? Or a sorcerer who is using all three of them has mindless drones for his own bidding?
05/24/2011 12:11 AM (UTC)
i guess raiden could die but hes a god so eventually he will return i guess and i didn't understand bout noob i would be very happy if he took shinook place and not be a lackey and i like melinna but i don't see her as the person in charge type like at all she too deranged and insane to run a realm alone and your right bout scorpion who is my favorite mk character quan chi's ass belongs to him lol
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

05/24/2011 12:39 AM (UTC)
In terms of Mileena, I don't believe she could manage the empire alone either. Such is why:
-Reiko would become her advisor.
-Baraka would become her right hand.
-She'd absorb Shao Kahn's soul.

The combined team of her, Reiko, Baraka, and her father? She could manage.
05/24/2011 01:30 AM (UTC)
i guess that could work with mileena but since when can she consume souls and her mk9 ending is not cannon so that don't count plus would dat mean in a sick sort of way shoa kahn is still effecting the mk universe when i thought mk9 was made to take him out the mk universe at least for awhile lol
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05/24/2011 03:59 AM (UTC)
@ Insider 2000: Wow... you definitely put in a lot of work on that synopsis. I don't even know where to begin so I'll keep with the spirit of the conversation and focus on Mileena and her vying for the throne.

Most of your Mileena prediction seems based off of pre - MK 2011. New Mileena leaves me with the impression that she's not too concerned with ruling an empire as much as she is wreaking havoc. New Mileena seems more an agent of Chaos than anything.
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Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

05/24/2011 10:25 AM (UTC)
collegegeek Wrote:
i guess that could work with mileena but since when can she consume souls and her mk9 ending is not cannon so that don't count plus would dat mean in a sick sort of way shoa kahn is still effecting the mk universe when i thought mk9 was made to take him out the mk universe at least for awhile lol

I will admit that that is probably my weakest factor. She received her powers from obtaining Shang Tsung's amulet. Assuming that when Shang Tsung was transferred into Sindel, his amulet might have remained whole and still retained some of his powers. It's not a powerful plot point and a pretty weak idea for a plot device, but in a story that is followed by a magical amulet that breaks everytime something goes wrong, it's not that far fetched.

Mojo6 Wrote:
@ Insider 2000: Wow... you definitely put in a lot of work on that synopsis. I don't even know where to begin so I'll keep with the spirit of the conversation and focus on Mileena and her vying for the throne.

Most of your Mileena prediction seems based off of pre - MK 2011. New Mileena leaves me with the impression that she's not too concerned with ruling an empire as much as she is wreaking havoc. New Mileena seems more an agent of Chaos than anything.

Yeah, I do agree that Mileena is a woman of chaos, but...I see her as Shao Kahn's daughter first. In her ending, she's furious that she was forced to kill her father. Even as a creature of chaos, she stands by her father no matter what, and even defends him when Kabal gets to close to him.

I do think Mileena is a creature of chaos, and that's why when the events of MK9 end, I did feel that she'd wind up lost in the Living Forest, attacking and devouring anyone who crossed her path. She'd live like a wild animal, screaming and crying out of fury from her lost father.

When it comes out that Quan Chi, a former ally of Shao Kahn, is trying to take over Outworld for himself, THEN I'd imagine she'd be a daughter before a creature of chaos. Again, as I mentioned, Mileena isn't entirely becoming Empress on her own, though. Reiko would be an immense help, cause chances are, Mileena would want to attack head on without a plan.

I will admit that after the Netherrealm battle is won, she does act out of her chaotic attitude, but, I contribute that to Shao Kahn's soul. His soul is powerful, and chances are, by absorbing it, it would change her as well.
06/05/2011 10:16 PM (UTC)
After 50 tournaments Earthrealm and Outworld have even tournaments won so the Elder Gods say:There shall be one last tournament to determin Earthrealm's fate.There are 3 new characters,Ruby Shao Khan's X wife she is now Empress.Komodai,Reptile's father.Kybrac,Baraka's brother.Also Kratos has been summoned back too.Ok now the title is Mortal Kombat:The Final Tournament.Now the story:Earthrealm is being Invaded by Tarkatans,Kitana and Mileena are trying to kill Ruby,she defeats them and also Baraka and Kybrac.Raiden tries to comfront her into being a hero of Earthrealm but she just moves on and hides.Later at the Wu Shi Academy Quan Chi brainwashes Kung Lao and he deafeats(suverely injures)Liukang and Raiden.Then Kratos bursts from nowhere and kills Kung Lao.While Sheeva kills Goro and now is the true ruler of the Shokan.About a week later Sonya gets trapped in Out world and kills Kano and Noob.Shang Tsung sends Ermac to defeat Liukang ,he does and Liukang is prisnor in Outworld.Meanwhile in the Lein kuei A boy escapes the Cyber Initave and takes the codename Subzero.He goes to the Tournament and kills Sheeva.Later Komodai and Kybrac form an Alliance but they keep it a secret.The next day Raiden was found dead in the pits.Kratos kills Jhonny Cage and Shao Khan.Kitana frees Liukang and deafeats Jade.Soon after Scorpion kills the new Subzero Then QuanChi Liu kang kills Ermac,Baraka and the Deadly AllianceShang tsung sends Liu Kang to face Goro in his lair but he wasn't there.He returns and tells him about this Sheeva grins.So Liukang faces Ruby and then all of a sudden Zombie KungLao comes up and kills Ruby then Zombie Goro comes from nowhere and kills Kung Lao againjust like the Great Kung Lao.Later Goro is assasinated by Komodai and Kybrac evetually they get killed by Kratos.So its come down to this Kratos VS Liukang who do u think would win Kratos or Liukang.....
....slightly Kratos. Every one was dead exept The god of war.Even the Elder gods were dead they died when kratos appeard in the mortal kombat universe....soon he went to his own universe and Mortal Kombat was gone..
06/06/2011 03:50 PM (UTC)
06/09/2011 01:29 AM (UTC)
that was a stupid ass idea stop riding kratos nuts dude
06/09/2011 05:08 PM (UTC)
what do u mean hes a god.confused
06/09/2011 05:52 PM (UTC)
ok I've thought of another one Shao Khan is revived by Quan Chi.Later Shao Khan gets sick of Ruby(his new wife)and calls Baraka in to kill her.She kills Baraka and Reptile is defated(suverely injured)right then she encounters Stryker and Kabal.Later at the Tournament Sonya defeats Sektor,Scorpion and Cyrax.Meanwhile Jade kills Smoke and thraetens Raiden for shotting a lightning bolt at her.Soon after Noob and Jax were found dead in the Amory,and on Jax marked in blood was this:Braka was here!Sonya was the first one to find it,she said:but..but Baraka's dead??????Then Kung Lao and Liukang die by the hands of Goro,Sheeva and Kintaro.Raiden kills Sheeva and Kratos is blasted from a wall and there stood Shao Khan himself with a skull and backbone.They looked at Kratos and his head was gone.Shao Khan had killed Kratos.Everyone was Dead exept Shao Khan,ShangTsung,Goro,Raiden,Kintaro and Sonya. The all fought but Outworld won.They took over the Realms ..Earthrealm was lost.

On story mode you can pick from Three sections:Earthrealm,Outworld or Mixed.

Hidden Characters That are not playable Kenshi,Astrah,Rain.
Characters that are locked:Komodai,Kybrac,Cyber Smoke,Cyber Reptile,Drahmin,Moloch,Nitara,Frost and LeMei
Not playable Charcters:Goro,Kintaro and Shao Khan

The Character roster will have up to 35 characters.

06/13/2011 01:15 AM (UTC)
That story is AWESOME!!!!!
06/16/2011 12:31 AM (UTC)
06/16/2011 12:33 AM (UTC)
Are you new??confused
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