My MKX impression no story spoilers
posted04/10/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/09/2008 01:09 PM (UTC)
So, it has been 4 days since I have had the game, I have spent an average of 9 hours/day on it.I have finished story mode, tried the towers, spent some time on krypt, had a few rounds online, tried 90% of the cast and so I wanted to kinda give my impressions.

( Kindly note that this my personal opinion and I could be wrong about a few things)

Gameplay :
If Injustice and MK9 were on two entirely apposite ends of spectrum, then MKX is 1/5 away from MK9 and 4/5 from Injustice. In other words it's much more of MK9 than Injustice, but in a deeper take it's a different game and this is so noticeable the moments u start the first match. In general the game isn't as juggle friendly as MK9 and there is more weight to the character than MK9. Characters share animations scarcely in this game and even the basic moves are animated differently. Wake Up attacks are harder to pull than in 9 and must be well timed. Performing juggling combos is harder than in 9 and again requires more timing. I am still not quite sure about this, but the x-rays are faster to obtain, very easy to block/avoid this time. So far I think the game is more balanced than MK9 and Kung Lao's fan will have a run for their money, he is really slower and his spin special move isn't that dangerous and has a longer recovery time.

Variations make a lot of difference I had this demoed today when I played Marksman Erron ( a variation that is all about projectiles) with Commando Kano ( close combat reversal variation).

Fatalities are easier to pull and follow MK9's (unlock in krypt or perform directly close,mid and full screen) But the star of the show is the Brutalities where each character has around 5 with some being exclusive to certain variations.There are some conditions in order to perform some where u are required to have above 50% of health bar or more than 40 secs left till the end of the match and you have to finish the match with that certain move preceded by another move (For example to do Sub Zero Ice Shatter you have to have the opponent frozen and then you finish him with the enhanced Ice Ball)

I haven't come across the stage brutalities yet.

The interactable objects follow a similar patter to injustice they can be used as a projectile (used only once during the entire match) or to jump to the other side of the arena at the end of which u can land a hit. They don't do a lot of damage and are easily avoided blocked.

The game is easily among the best running games on my PS4. It's so smooth, loading times are mostly short, the frame rate is solid and I don't remember coming across slow downs.

Graphics :
For the most part, MKX is a beautiful looking game with some of the best water and lighting effects. Story mode graphics , unlike MK9's, don't suffer from any sort of downgrade. Clothes' shows top notch detailed fabrics, the skin of a character would be full of sweat/dirt at the end of the match and it looks awesome. The arenas show a lot of movement in the backgrounds which don't affect the gameplay in any way.

We are left with the hair... while it's a huge improvement over anything NRS, it still needs some work.. It doesn't look ugly... in fact it looks good, but compared to the other stuff it's lacking.

The characters' models don't show that silly level of damage.. actually kombat damage is 90% no more, but we are left with a more realistic looking bloody stains on attires and face oh and facial bruises.

Story :
Without given any details, I have started the mode expecting nothing and by the end of it I was actually in need for more. It's still campy but with much more style than MK9 + a good number of scenes that I can't wait for you guys to see. The script is better than 9 IMO. The quick time events aren't as common a you would think and when u see them u r in for a treat glasses In general it's a larger in scope and scenery than MK9.

It's of a similar length to MK9 but with lesser chapters.

Krypt :
Krypt works likethe old 3D adventure point and click game witha first person view. U unlock concept art, brutalities, fatalities, soundtracks and videos. Only one currency err Kurrency

Ladders/Towers :

Classic Towers are back.. the endings style is more of ROTK11's scenario art style (

The interactive towers aren't about MK9's mini games (missing those ;( ) but rather a mix of challenges (land 6 uppercuts , win in 50 secs, don't let Rain water bubble hit ya) and the end of any tower there will be points and you may rate in Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on performance I think this will add a lot to teh faction war.

Online/Faction war :
Faction war is still locked. I have tried the online with my friends and as hard to believe as It was , I have to say it was SUPER SMOOTH. It's as if they are sitting beside me. I absolutely couldn't believe it. No lag or glitches... I hope it stays this way. We played king of the tower. It functions in a similar way to MK9's sans the avatars...

Soundtracks :

Verdict :
I think those of you hating the game because of the roster should give it a chance, the returning characters have never had this much personality before.. the whole game is full of personality. Every character feels unique and there are even special dialogues in the middle of the fight/rounds between certain characters. The only thing I hate is the lack of more arenas and the soundtracks. But other than that .. THIS IS MY FAVORITE MK GAME and I have started with MK2.
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04/10/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
Thank you for the post!

That's uplifting, about Online. Does online performance correlate at all to the number of people using it? I hope it wasn't running smoothly simply because few people have the game.

You touched on a good point: it seems the triumph of this game really lies in (above all else) its personality. Characters, stages, gameplay exude personality. The entire world of it feels real.
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Get that ass BANNED

04/10/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
I never liked mks soundtrack so I definitely will be playing my own music. Glad to see you liked the game.
04/10/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
Why, oh, why did they transition from the percussion-heavy music of yore to snore-fest orchestra? It is so goddamn boring.
I will admit, I like a few of the round variation BGMs, but overall, the character select music sucks, the menu music sucks, et al.

I was really hoping they'd use that kick-ass reveal trailer music for the character select, but no. Of course not.

Thanks for the insight. I'm happy to hear that it looks great, runs great, and has quick loading times (in person.) Looking forward to Tuesday.
04/10/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
Nice post brudda.

Thank god the online is improved. grin

Man, I remember when the MK music was good :/
04/10/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
I wish MK's music was similar to KI's
04/10/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
Knew damn well the sound track was gonna suck.. Smh welp that's a bummer
04/10/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
Good review! Sucks the soundtrack didn't live up to your expectations. I can't wait until the full soundtrack is on YouTube. I been dying to hear the dead woods theme
04/10/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the great informed review of the game. I will be impatiently waiting for the next 4 days to finally get my hands on this beast...and for the mobile version to come to android someday
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