My MK8 ideas(MortalKombat:DarkReckoning)
posted10/15/2006 08:47 AM (UTC)by
Alrighty, I think this should all happen for MK8:

Raiden goes from dark to strait evil. he is the last boss and has some wicked powerful attacks. He becomes a fallen Elder God and the gods wish him dead. He seeks retribution and total control. A new move he has is the Shock Shaker(ice shaker with lightning).

Monster, albeit under a cooler name(maybe Belokk?), is the fallen Elder God's Champion, and in his contempt for the Gods decision, he joins forces with Raiden. He has 2 forms, a regular sized character that is selectable, and an oversized overpowered giant form. The big one is the sub boss, the regular sized one is the sub sub boss. His weapon is a bone-whip-sword, like Ivy's weapon(SC2), or the sword from Brotherhood of the Wolf(movie).

Old alliances are broken and new ones are formed. The line between good and evil becomes ever so blurry, with previous bad guys becoming the force to oppose Raiden, and previous good guys staying allied to the Madman Raiden.

Opposers of New Raiden Order:
Kung Lao(To put Kang to rest, revenge)
Scorpion(Champ of the Gods)
Baraka(Screw Peace)
Fujin(As protector of earth real, its his duty to kill Raiden)
Kitana(ditto to Kung Lao)
Reptile(kitana's Aide)

Allies to Raiden:
Zombie Lui Kang(Raiden controls him...)
SubZero(Elder Gods want him dead cuz hes a god too)
Sonya(Earth will be safe, eventually?...)
Kano(Kano died, but he cant leave the plane as long as Raiden is crazed))
Kenshi(SubZeros protector)
Tanya(why the freak not?)
Reiko(allies with Tanya, wish to infiltrate Raidens forces)

Then some new characters: like 8, plus Smoke and NoobSaibot as hidden guys.
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how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/04/2006 11:43 PM (UTC)
Hmmm. Not bad. could use a little more effort. Overall not bad
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I hate this place.

10/05/2006 01:04 AM (UTC)
Pretty cool. Some of the characters need more of a backbone storyline. Write the guys some bios to reveal any details of their true plans, then show gameplay or something like that. It could work.
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"I have betrayed my homeland and joined forces with the man that murdered my father. Now nothing shall calm my rage as I seek to demolish this ruthless parasite and to restore my family's former glory as General of Edenia's Army,"

These are the words of Rain
10/05/2006 11:36 PM (UTC)
Your idea sucks. If Ed Boon were to read this, he would slap you and cancel Mortal Kombat. So do us a favor and don't post these up.
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"I kill you, untill you die." -18 Fingers Of Death

10/09/2006 02:08 PM (UTC)

1. Next MK game will have all new story w/all new characters.
2. Monster is not a character. He was a slightly altered version of Scorpion so that it wouldn't give away Scorpion's ending.


1. If they did do another MK game w/current story your Raiden idea is kool.
2. Zombi Liu Kang working for him
thanks a bunch Suckan(ass?), your words compell me to further bring my ideas to this forum. And although MK8 is supposed to be all new story, wouldnt this fit with all new good vs evil? i mean, sure there will be some returning characters. MKDA was supposed to be all new, and well... Now we have MKT2. I dont really think all this will be real, but i like the ring to it. Bad Raiden is cool. So ill expand on story and describe gameplay...

Raiden is the last boss. Hes a unlockable character. He would probabaly look like a modified version of his recent dark outfit. When he re-emerged in MKD, he had one sole goal, to bring order and balance. His only possible ally at the time would be Lui Kang, who was dead, so he took matters into his own hands and ressurected his body as a puppet to do his dirty work. Two of the greatest fighters wver would have little problem dealing with anyhting... Onaga, Kahn, Quan, Shang, ... they all fell.

Belokk is the Sub boss. He is new-ish, and looks like a giant form of Monster. The playable version is a smaller form that has a bone sword and is a subsubBoss. Story wise, he is an old fallen Champion of the elder gods, during the time of Shinnok as an elder God, and has been trapped in the netherrealm for ages. He seeks to ally Raiden in order to destroy the elder Gods at Raidens side.

Kung Lao now knows who is the puppet master of his zombified friend and its up to the last champion of earthrealm to allow his old ally's body and spirit to rest. He joins Fujin in his quest to defeat Raiden.

Scorpion is the elder god's champion and his mission is to destroy, he killed Onaga, and still has a mission to obey- destroy Raiden and SubZero at all costs.

Fujin is the new protector of earthrealm and directly liable to the elder gods. Raiden has renounced him, beat him, and cast him down to earth. Maybe with the Aide of other warriors he can take back earthrealm...

Kabal hates balance. He likes corruption. Outworld is his new home, but he will never see it with Raiden killing everything and everyone- namely his Red Dragon members. he now has all the cool dragon moves, from spindash to ropeslam, and a very "gotchagrab" like move with his hook sword.

Kitana seeks to aide Kung Lao and put Kang to rest. She has also made a new ally in the form of reptile, in ressurecting his race from another realm to outworld.

Reptile is now Kitana's sworn protector from all ills. He follows her to aide earthrealm and defy Raiden. His race remains in outworld in a new war, Tarkatans vs Saurions...

Zombie Lui Kang has little story. He is dead and ressurected only to destroy those who would oppose Raidens law. He is the ultimate ally. But his spirit haunts the Dark God Raiden's dreams...

SubZero was the Champion of the last MK, defeating Blaze and becoming ultimately powerful in his Dragon armor. The elder Gods wish his demise as he is too powerful, nigh Godlike, and send their warriors to destroy him. His only ally is the Dark God Raiden. he has an Ice Grenade special that has a slight chargeup but is unblockable.

Sonya stands for earthrealm and the peace it seeks. Raiden killing everyhting is the American way, and so the UN sends her to ally Raiden. She has gone commando; machine guns, grenades, pixie kiss, square wave punch, and Leg Grapple... her only dispute is working with Kano.

Kano was killed in the battle of armageddon, but was the last to fall. Raiden kept his soul from leaving, and retained it back to his body. Kano has no dissagreements and allies Raiden, or faces death.

Hotaro is all about balance. When Onaga fell, he needed a new source of power to be a brown-noser to, and Raiden fits that bill.

Kenshi picks no sides, and has kept the side of SubZero despite contempt for Raiden. He has killed ShangTSung but believes the former Kang should be put to rest, yet still holds his tongue. Only time will tell which way his Blade will cut.

Baraka allies Raiden under the guise that Raiden will destroy the Saurions that plague his people in Outworld. Though his race the two races are deadlocked currently, not ahving total control of the badlands is not acceptable.

Tanya hated the new queen Kitana and wants her throne. Following to earthrealm to destroy her and her reptillian ally is the only way. Although she is at the side of Reiko, she knows their alliance will not last beyong this Mortal Kombat.

Reiko seeks to be Emperor, side by side with Tanya, and aides her in her quest of Kitana, but also infiltrates Raidens forces as an enigmatic ally against earth's traitors.


Gamplay is crazy. you have your basic four attack buttons but they are mapped GGX style; Punch, Kick, Slash, and HardSlash for each characters weapon. each attack can be modified by pressing forward or back(ex: B+K is a sweep, F+K is a roundhouse). throws are done by pressing P+K. Block blocks, and taunt is a special like it was in MKDA. Only certain characters have counters, reversals, or parries, but it its guarenteed that each characer will have at least one of those options at their disposal.

Breakers are all new and unique to each character. they can only be done after 20% of your life has been drained in a combo, but you have infinite of them. they are unique; EX: SubZero doesnt have his ice clone special(he has the ice puddle) but his breaker is an Ice clone that will freeze the enemy. these would work alot better when you have multiple enemies engaging you and doing insane combos that link together.

the movement system is that of the recent games, in that you can sidestep and jump, and all the air kombat is there. BUT! BUT! BUT! you can now engage multiple enemies at once, as pressing any direction on the analogue stick locks your character on to another on screen enemy.

So, normal Arcade MK is still the same, but a new 2v2 and 3 man FFA are new gamemodes where multiple kombatants compete simultaneously. Another Side point would be that Konquest now takes place in giant levels with many weak enemies but entirely using the MK fighting engine.

Ill come up with some of my own characters and well recieved ones by other designers if anyone wants, or if i have a long enough break. Maybe all the special moves i want for each character(which isnt every single move the character has ever had, just my favorite combination and maybe some borrowed moves). Im off to play Street fighterwow
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I hate this place.

10/10/2006 02:19 AM (UTC)
Suikan Wrote:
Your idea sucks. If Ed Boon were to read this, he would slap you and cancel Mortal Kombat. So do us a favor and don't post these up.

I'm f*ckin tired of you. First off, you only speak for yourself. Everyone else actually enjoys theses fanfics. You say to do everyone a favor and stop posting their fanfics. Everyone has posted good comments on these fanfics. They enjoy them. Just 'cause they probably won't happen, doesn't mean that they aren't cool. If your going to say you don't like these, give some constructive criticsm, and don't speak for everyone else. If someone doesn't like the story, they can say it themself.

Sorry mods, but I had to do that.
Anyways, my comments. Pretty good, but some stuff doesn't make sense with what the characters woulda ctually od. How did the Saurians come back? Sonya would try to stop Raiden, not ally with him. But I like the part about the American way. Reptile tried to kill Kitana. And isn't Baraka suppoosed to be trying to stop Raiden? And you should put up the new character's bios.

But overall: Not that bad.
10/10/2006 02:46 AM (UTC)
My only complaint is why Sub Zero would ally with Raiden if he becomes evil when Sub Zero has been a good guy since mk2 or 3?
About Me

I hate this place.

10/10/2006 06:03 PM (UTC)
The gods want Sub Zero dead now, he's an Ice God, so they're afraid he might take over them. He allies with Raiden for protection.
I figured whoever was ruler of outworld/edenia could ressurect the Saurians, and Kitana does just that becasue, well, to fight the tarkatans. Its a new aliance between Kitana and Reptile, and hes happy to appease her. I thought the saurians were like in a lost realm, ala Nitara's campire people, but if not... shit, ill have to think of somehting.
10/15/2006 08:47 AM (UTC)
i like the evil raiden idea but i dont like the fact that alot of classic characters are in your version of my opinion instead of only 8 new try half of the playable chars atleast.
dont get me wrong,i also am a fan of classics like sub-zero but alot of other real cool mk characters because of the big names get ignored.
you have something going if ya change some characters around a bit and maybe come up with new characters.
in my opinion anywaysgrin
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