My MK7 roster and bios( different than the other stuff)
posted09/14/2005 07:41 PM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
This is my MK7 roster:

Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Sub Zero
Noob Saibot
Johny Cage
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn
Bo Rai Cho
Introduction:(Fujin) Shujinko battled Onaga in the throne room. Shujinko used Onaga's "gift" to destroy him. With the power of so many warriors Shujinko deafeted Onaga like he was a mere child. Onaga's body lay dead in the throne room. Havik soon arrived and took the Dragon King's heart which had the power to revive the dead. Havik used the heart to bring Shao Kahn back from the dead. Shao Kahn killed Havik after that. Soon another Kahn arrived. The two Kahn's knew that one of them was a clone. They did battle for the throne. No one knows which Kahn won. All they knew were Shao Kahn's intentions. Shao Kahn planned to use Onaga's plan to fuse the kamidogu. With the kamidogu fused Shao Kahn could rule all realms! wow Raiden will be of no help to us. He grows darker by the minute. It is up to you warriors to stop Shao Kahn!
09/12/2005 06:01 AM (UTC)
What's the point of having an MK exactly the same as the previous one? And when was it determined that Shao Khan was killed? And where does this "Khan Klone" comr from if Khan was killed and then brought back to life? None of your story makes any sense and isn't clear, at all. I don't like it.
About Me

09/12/2005 06:53 AM (UTC)
He is referring to the clone killed by the Deadly Aliance. The real Kahn hid and reserved his power.

Another thing: you mention this to be different from all of te other bios, but frankly, it is the most resembling of them all. No originality is to be found in this. Oh, my personal opinion, but the roster sucks.
09/12/2005 10:58 PM (UTC)
What's wrong with the roster? Not enough people? Too much people. Ed Boon did say this MK was gonna have the most characters. But what's wrong with it?confusedAnyways that was just the intro. A lot of stuff is gonna be different than other peoples stuff. winkI'll be posting the bios soon. Oh yeah I made a character select screen. Anyways I created a Character select screen that might not be so good. It might suck. It does suck. Brace yourselves. You have been warned. LEAVEfurious OK here it isI told ya
09/13/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
Name: Sub Zero
Allies: Kenshi
Enemies: Noob Saibot Quan Chi Shang Tsung Smoke Scorpion
Origin: Earthrealm

Kenshi, and I traveled tough journey. We encountered a mighty warrior by the name of Hotaru. Kenshi sliced him in half with his katana. After many weeks we finally arived at the portal that would take us home. Kenshi entered first. I followed. We were not home. The portal did not lead us to Earthrealm. Instead it led meo a different realm. I was alone. Kenshi was not here. I lay the netherrealm!
09/13/2005 10:53 AM (UTC)
Am I the only one who sees a major flaw in SubZero going to the Netherealm. The second sub-zero is honourable and good. He has no evil in him, so he cannot go there.
About Me

09/13/2005 11:28 AM (UTC)
Roster: unispired, no new characters, no coherence in the order of characters you enlisted, half of the characters are nderdeveloped and unlikely to reappear.

Character bios: the major flaws are here: "We met a warrior. Kenshi sliced him in half. We moved on. Kenshi was standing" No. This is a massacre. Here is an example: "We have encountered a powerfull warrior by the name of Hotaru. Despite his efforts, Kenshi gave halt to him, and separated him from limb to limb." Sounds lightyears better.

note: anyone can advance into the netherrealm. There is no good and evil as pure. This is a complete nonsense, since good may be evil for those who were raised in ruthless communities. Weakness, friendship, theese are all dangerous attributes to have from their perception.

09/13/2005 12:22 PM (UTC)
Wait, but isnt the reason Ashrah would be rejected from the Netherealm because she has purified her sole with her sword? And when SubZero was told he has evil in him in Mythologies, wasnt there a reference to the fact he wouldnt have been able to enter the Netherealm without the taint of evil?
Isnt the Netherealm suposed to be the Hell of MK, as in, anyone with a slight taint of evil is sent to hell, while pure of heart go elsewhere in the afterlife.
09/13/2005 12:32 PM (UTC)
Yes, people/beings need at least some evil tainting their souls to enter the Netherrealm. Shujinko could not get in without corrupting himself, same with Nightwolf taking his ancestors sins into himself.

About younger Sub Zero, my best guess is that the time he spent with the Lin Quei before he reformed it, he probably carried out dishonourable missions, despite being heroic himself. This could have tainted his soul enough to gain access to the Netherrealm, where he faces off with Noob and Smoke.
09/14/2005 01:24 AM (UTC)
Okay hears Kenshies bio:

Name: Kenshi
Allighnment: Good
allies: Sub Zero, Sonya, Jax, Cyrax
Origin: Earthrealm

I journeyed through Outworld with Sub Zero. We had both went through a terrible time. Sub Zero was ambushed by a militia of Tarkatan warriors. After Sub Zero deafeted the tarkatans, he was attacked by a powerful warrior named Hotaru. He thought he had killed hm but he was wrong. Later he found me and saved me. I told him of the name of the foe who attacked me. Movado. After I was fully healed, we set off twoards the portal. Along the way we met Hotaru. He temporarily blinded Sub Zero. Hotaru strode in to kill Sub Zero. It was the last mistake he ever made. Soon we came to the portal that would lead us home. I was a fool. I was to glad to see the portal so I didn't focus. I didn't sense that the portal was tampered with. Someone had did something to the portal. He must have been a powerful sorcerer to make the portal lead to two different realms. When I entered, I was not in earthrealm, Outworl, or the Neatherrealm. I was in.......EDENIA!!!!

I forgot to put Movado in!tongue There will be new characters, I just didn't put them on the roster. Please give me your opinion. In a score of 1-10 how good (or bad) is this?
09/14/2005 04:07 AM (UTC)
you that Story made more sence than any of the other crap I heard so far
09/14/2005 05:13 AM (UTC)
It's got Sindel and Kira so I'm all for it lol

Here's a possible twist to the storyline: Let's say the DK bites the dust, and Kahn does return. Raiden is still out there going on a power binge, so he is pretty dangerous as well. Raiden hears of Onaga's death, and comes to investigate and finds Shujinko. Raiden then fries Shujinko (fulfilling Raidens ending and Shujinko's ending as well). Raiden then sees the Kamidogu, not yet fused, and realizes that with this type of power, he would be unstoppable to pursue his ideals.
Kahn has been ressurected. Along with taking the DKs heart, Havik and Kabal also stole Shinnok's medalion, the tool that was needed to fuse the Kamidogu. Kahn, later reuniting with Mileena and/or Baraka, learns what the medalion is, and what Onaga was planning to do with it. Of course this interests Kahn, so he seeks out the Kamidogu. Both Raiden and Kahn learn that each one of them has what the other wants..and neither one of them is willing to hand over their piece of the puzzle. The very realms are in danger...not only from the destruction that is about to ensue from the conflict, but from the danger of one of them emerging victorious and gaining the power needed to fuse the Kamidogu. Both of these threats must be stopped.
You now have more than one boss...Raiden, and Shao Kahn...
09/14/2005 05:33 AM (UTC)
Actually...... I was gonna make raiden the sub boss. Ok, here's the next one:

Name: Noob Saibot
Allignment: Evil
Allies: Smoke
Enemies: Sub Zero Ashrah
Origin: Earthrealm

My plan began when I found the robot Smoke. At that instant I knew that I would soon be the ruler of the netherrealm. I planned to use Smokes nanotechnology to create an army of cyborg demons! I reprogrammed Smoke to do my bidding. A short time after that I was attacked by a women named Ashrah. Smoke was having a problem. I ordered him to attack but he couldn't. Whatever the case I would have to deal with Ashrah alone. I quickly defeated her. She had dropped her sword on the ground. I picked it up and instantly I felt very different. Something strange was happening. I dropped the sword quickly. I turned to see Smoke finally working properly. Before I could tell him what happened I saw someone hiding behind a rock. My companion and I walked to see the person who was hiding. Behind the rock stood....Sub Zero, my brother. He had grown very strong over the years. I could have killed him at the spot, but I didn't. I don't know why I didn't kill him. It must have had something to do with that strange sword..........

So what do you guys think?
About Me

09/14/2005 06:36 AM (UTC)
A bit better, but you still jump from action to action, and without any kind of unit that would bridge the gap. And the personalities don't erally vary, almost everyone is talking, feeling and usually rapidly jumping between important information at will the same way.

Another bad move was to list your characters instantly. NO tension if we knw who's in and who's out.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

09/14/2005 05:02 PM (UTC)
Here is my roster:

09/14/2005 07:41 PM (UTC)
There's something wrong with that roster. Frost is dead. Baraka or Mileena are dead. I didn't add nightwolf cause he wouldn't have a good story. Name: Quan Chi Allignment: Evil Allies: none Enemies: Shang Tsung Raiden Shao Kahn Origin: Outworld "What are you doing!!!!" The Dragon King was heading twoards us. We tryed to attack Onaga but it didn't work. Raiden knew that it was hopeless. He was preparing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Onaga came closer and closer. raiden was about to destroy us all! Then I remembered the amulet. Shinnok's amulet could allow him to travel threw the realms. I used the amulet. It created a portal so I could escape. I ran twoards it. Shang Tsung also saw my potal. Tsung made it to the portal first. Before he went in he shot a fireball at me. I dogded it but dropped the amulet. I had no time to pick it up. I went threw. I emerged at the place where I had escaped the netherrealm. What do you guys think?
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