My MK7 Bios
posted11/30/2005 08:36 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/17/2004 04:42 PM (UTC)

Name: Sektor
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Height: 6'3
Weight: 340 LB
Class: Robot Assassin
Primary Color: Red
Secondary Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Mechanical
Allies: Tekunin
Foes: Tarkaten, Dragon King (Possible)

Fighting Styles:
Inchi-Ty: A skilled assassin chooses this disciplin because of its many devestating blows.
Okwan-Cshi: A fighting style that targets the limbs of the opponents
StiShiin's: A stick with a flailing chain on the end. The end of the chain bares a Axe head.

Special Attacks:
Missle: A missle fires from the chest of Sektor
Missle Silo: One missle shoots and then Sektor Jumps firing another High Missle.
Teleport Punch: Sektor Flies backwards through the side of the screen and out the other punching his foe.
Slow Missle: A MIssle which doesn't move as fast as the normal one.
Fast Missle: A Missle that shoots faster then the normal one, making timing key.
Heat Seaking Missle: At the cost of loosing %50 of projectile damage. The missle does not hit the opponent. However, it also takes a small tole on Sektors life also.

#1:Using his StiShiin, he smashes the head of it into his foes head, with it stuck he fires a missle blowing
off the opponents torso and legs, leaving only a bloody chest/neck/and head flailing from the end of the stick.
#2:Sektor Fires a Slow Missle and then does his Teleport Punch, on the other side of his foe he fire another missle,
he then slides underneat the foes legs with a bit of matrix, firing a fast missle, which all three blow the opponents to bits.
Hara-Kiri: He fires a slow missle in time to to catch it and shuv it down his throat, Blowing himself up.


I've seen more death and betrayel then anyother tortured soul in this damn realm. Outworld has been my home for sometime now.
Everyone has believed me to be making home in Earthrealm, but why waste my time there? Earthrealm is full of stupid mortals that have no descipline
and do not understand fighting for what they believe, they all just fight for what they are told to believe in. My army of robots has grown faster in the last few years then it ever has before. Although, we were almost spotted by another warrior who I do not believe to know anything about us. I could only make out a bit of what he wears, a blind fold over his eyes. Probably because he does not wish to see the dead of this retched realm.

I have heard the news of the Dragon King waging his wrath over Outworld once again, and those mortal beings stopping in his tracks. I heard there not as many Tarkatans left in Outworld, which will be a good thing when we slaughter them, and make them into a new breed of Tekunin, the WTX112's, the most powerful and crazed breed, only next to me. We will be ready to fight, for or against the Dragon King.
11/26/2005 10:32 PM (UTC)
This is my first time posting
are u going to do a Lui Kang Bio
11/29/2005 07:21 PM (UTC)
sektor must be eviltongue
About Me

11/29/2005 07:53 PM (UTC)
Name: Sektor
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Height: 6'3
Weight: 340 LB
Class: Robot Assassin
Primary Color: Red
Secondary Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Mechanical
Allies: Tekunin
Foes: Tarkaten, Dragon King (Possible)

Fighting Styles:
Inchi-Ty: A skilled assassin chooses this disciplin because of its many devestating blows. (assassins chose methods of assassination, not of lethal and sdestructive force. this is common for the Ninja, Hassassin, and everyone around our globe)

Okwan-Cshi: A fighting style that targets the limbs of the opponents (any style can attack the limbs, it's common. Descrive this fictional style better.)

StiShiin's: A stick with a flailing chain on the end. The end of the chain bares a Axe head. (the rotatory force would render the axe-heads impact momentum useless, as axes require solid base to carve. A weapon like this would bounce off with a high probability)

Special Attacks:
Missle: A missle fires from the chest of Sektor
Missle Silo: One missle shoots and then Sektor Jumps firing another High Missle.
Teleport Punch: Sektor Flies backwards through the side of the screen and out the other punching his foe.
Slow Missle: A MIssle which doesn't move as fast as the normal one.
Fast Missle: A Missle that shoots faster then the normal one, making timing key.
Heat Seaking Missle: At the cost of loosing %50 of projectile damage. The missle does not hit the opponent. However, it also takes a small tole on Sektors life also.

(it's MISSILE, and why have so many specials with the same concept? It will become boring. Have his base missile as a heat seeker, the teleport punch and add something unique)

#1:Using his StiShiin, he smashes the head of it into his foes head, with it stuck he fires a missle blowing off the opponents torso and legs, leaving only a bloody chest/neck/and head flailing from the end of the stick.

#2:Sektor Fires a Slow Missle and then does his Teleport Punch, on the other side of his foe he fire another missle, he then slides underneat the foes legs with a bit of matrix, firing a fast missle, which all three blow the opponents to bits.

Hara-Kiri: He fires a slow missle in time to to catch it and shuv it down his throat, Blowing himself up. (Sektor is a cyborg. Both he a Cyrax have no digestal systems since both of their chest cavities contain weaponry. Also both bear a helmet, and if not, it would really look dumb and corny)


I've seen more death and betrayel then anyother tortured soul in this damn realm. Outworld has been my home for sometime now. Everyone has believed me to be making home in Earthrealm, but why waste my time there?

(Sektor returned to Earth after MK3 and if MK4G is canon he MAY have left for the Outworld again. Either way, he WAS on Earthrealm and contested Sub-Zero for the Dragon Amulet and the role of Lin Kuei Grandmaster after slaying the LK's previous grandmaster)

Earthrealm is full of stupid mortals that have no descipline and do not understand fighting for what they believe, they all just fight for what they are told to believe in. My army of robots has grown faster in the last few years then it ever has before.

(cyborgs my dear friend, what are humans in essence. No robot is in MK and they are only as less inferior to their flesh counterparts that they have certain metal prothesis' installed + armanents. Also, your description on him thinking over humans as inferior is lacking, unispired and out of character -if Sektor had a character in the first place anyway...)

Although, we were almost spotted by another warrior who I do not believe to know anything about us. I could only make out a bit of what he wears, a blind fold over his eyes. Probably because he does not wish to see the dead of this retched realm.

(wretched, and he CAN assume he is blind.)

I have heard the news of the Dragon King waging his wrath over Outworld once again, and those mortal beings stopping in his tracks. I heard there not as many Tarkatans left in Outworld, which will be a good thing when we slaughter them, and make them into a new breed of Tekunin, the WTX112's, the most powerful and crazed breed, only next to me. We will be ready to fight, for or against the Dragon King.

(why is Sektor intereted in Ouitworld, especially to such an inferior thing as a tarkata? If he thinks that humans are challenged by the cyborgs becouse of their emotionality - well you just contradicted your own bios with this ide-a. This is nowhere logical. btw, is the WTX112's a random mark number? Becouse it's -IMO- corny to no end, not to mention the thing that you basi-cally made him an invader type of character already seen thousand times in MK: Shao Kahn, Quan Chi in MK4-MKDA, Shinnok, Onaga, every last one of them).

Conclusion: rework the whole thing thats my advice. The current one -this-makes so little sense.
11/29/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)
Actually Crome, thanks for all the advice but could you please wait for the rest of the bios before tearing up mine. I understand I called them robots. SRY, and my spelling is crappy i know I suck. However, my bios will make more and more since as they turn out. Since all the bios revolve around one main plot in my story. I'll give you a hint, Sektor is just one warrior leading a army into the battles of MK: Armageddon. But thanks again Crome for the pointers. I like your ability to tell a good story...Im currently working on an RPG and I could use your assistance if you could help with the story. If you'dd like to add me to MSN my email is thanks.
11/30/2005 08:36 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I have to agree with Chrome. I just don't like it. One big problem I have with the story you gave him is that I don't get the feeling that it continues off from where his story last was, namely with his Tekunin spreading throughout Japan like some virus, causing alarm. I don't think Sektor and the Tekunin should have anything to do with the Tarkata or Onaga. And why aren't Sub-Zero and Smoke listed as Sektor's enemies, especially Sub-Zero?

My advice to you is the same as Chrome's.
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