My MK Game
posted08/20/2006 05:33 PM (UTC)by
About Me

The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

Member Since
08/19/2006 09:43 PM (UTC)
I've been working on this for a while and I just wanted you to tell me what you think about it. It's called Mortal Kombat: After Effect

After the final battle with Blaze, many lay dead, including Onaga and Shao Khan. Both were at one time the emperor of Outworld. So the realm will not become any mor choatic as it is, Princess Kitana personaly searched for a suitable leader to take the throne. She chose her best friend, Jade, as the rightful ruler. For centuries her rule was just and Outworld became a world of peace. However, nothing can remain peacful forever. Queen Jade's Royal advisor, Jut Ki, wanted the throne for himself. He divised a plan to eliminate Jade when she was alone......he succeded.
He crowned himself emperor and with his first command, he destroyed the elder gods. I, Armadeaus, desceandant of Kung Lao, have taken it upon myself to stop Jut Ki from continuing his deadly rule by taking a handful of mortals to Outworld to stop the Emperor in this after effect.
more soon to come!!!
About Me

The reverse side of beauty is dyed by filth, flith lies in the beauty...

08/20/2006 12:51 AM (UTC)
nice storyline,looking forward to the next bits
About Me

I regret StrykerAndBarakaRule but I don't think I can change it. Oh well.

08/20/2006 04:37 AM (UTC)
its got pottential...
About Me

The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

08/20/2006 05:33 PM (UTC)
Alright, now I'm gonna make the character's bios.

alignment: neutrial
nationality: outworld
allies: none
foes: Pyro
For years I have been in hiding. Hiding from the reformed Shiri Ryu. I have killed thier leaders most promising student after she killed my son, Nahezem and now the leader, known as Pyro, is hunting me down in a rush of vengence. After excaping from him in the desert, I found a temple of an old elder god. I went inside for shelter, only to have Pyro stab me in the back. He left me for dead. Soon I was awaikened with new found powers, the power to control the sand. I heard a disimbodied voice tell me that Pyro had alilled himself with the new Emperor of Outworld and to help a group of warriors kill him and his warriors, including Pyro. I have now choice but to obey. more to come
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