My MK:8 story feeling & main Kharacters, and my mk name (WARNING) a lot to read
posted10/18/2006 05:23 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/05/2006 11:24 PM (UTC)
Okay guys/girls, I have a feeling that in MK:8 that
Scorpion & Sub-Zero & Scorpions son
Are going to be the three main Kharacters in-MK:8
the player in konquest mode should be

(Scorpions son).

His partner should be


The boss-but not a giant boss

(Scorpion). But very diffecult to beat.
Just think of that, cause those "TWO" kharacters are what's going to Be left of Armageddon. And what if Scorpion discovers that his son is back And he Was a member of the "NEW" lin quei...I'm talking about his son. And Scorpion gets mad about that, and tries to destroy the "LIN QUEI" with a new army rather then the tarkatans, and The "LIN QUEI" was regrouped by Sub-Zero after armageddon. and the lin Quei Ades for help from new warriors through out the new realm. Cause the lin quey is the protection of the realm and if they were destroyed then the realm is gone just like armageddon.
Cause Scorpion posed a very big threat to the realm. But the only way Scorpion ends up posing a big threat is he discovered something lost From long ago from the old tournaments before armageddon, it was the amulet. I don't know About any of yall but that would be an awesome story Line. They would just Have to adjust a few things like...while scorpions son Is in konquest he's Learning about his father and the armageddon While Scorpion is using his Son to get to Sub-Zero. And Scorpions son is The main Karacter through Out the game...just like Liu kang, -AND- Sub-Zero will be another kind of Raiden. And the new tournament is stated as Mortal kombat: detain, for holding the lost amulet again. What Do yall think, cool story to do, or dumb story To do. Because I think it would Be awesome. tell me what yall think.grin
10/17/2006 12:02 PM (UTC)
And I also think the fighting system should not and never be a wrestling game.
. . .
But how could they do the fighting engine??
No "RPG" I hate those kind of games.
WOW, what the frick is Ed boon going to do.
I think in the future he's going to tell all of us that the new engine is impossible. He's probably going to keep the head to head kombo battle and such just some major "MAJOR" for instance

1) Death traps can only be used until you hit your opponent to 5 levels down or up, AND the only kind of person with the most health csn't hit the opponent in the D-trap, the person with the less health can only hit you in there.
2) Weapons everywhere left from old battles

3) Your weapon can be punched out of your hands after being hit 7 times with it
4) Kreate your own arena, and kharacter still

5) Level to level: whenever you get punched out through a wall you can go to a completely new arena
6) Special moves: okay this is what I think should happen with S-moves, how about you get a little bar that tells you how muh energy power you have and if that bar runs out just like a health bar then you can't use your powers until taking a certain ammount of health from your opponent
6) Camra switch to mess with your opponent while fighting...for instance you can screw your opponents head up by switching the camra view
And screws up what your opponent was doing, only can do it twice
7) Return of mini games during Kombat mode, test your might,
test your sight, And some new ones like, test your the highest kick you can do. test you strength: you have to throw something very heavy. test your powers: have to use a power at a certain time and time it just right.
8) And feature kombat:like they do a feature for each battle and you have to follow it to win, but it's just a feature you'll still be fighting head to head fist kick battle.
That's my gameplay idea for Kombat mode I would like to see motor Kombat and puzzle kombat and chess kombat back and remade, along with some new games. that's my opinion on gameplay I hope will be like.

10/17/2006 12:21 PM (UTC)
My Konquest idea gameplay.

Konquest kharacter: (scorpions son)

I like the idea of shaolin monks...but needs some editing.

Game starts off with a big opening but story in it as well.
I want the full fighting style in a "DOA" did I want them to give all the moves to the fighting style the kharacter uses...for instance ninjitsu for his sons style.
weapon to pick up everywhere you look
ITEMS you can throw, they should make it to where everything you can interact with like you can pick anything and climb on anything if it's something you can climb on instead of a flat wall.
punch people through walls and weak rocks.
and have a great storyline I hope.
and death traps from every corner and you can also die if you fell into the
great music.
when training you train by yourself instead of hitting an opponent while training, but opponent can be used for dodging and block and breaker and parry and switch.
that's all I got
10/17/2006 12:33 PM (UTC)
Fataliy system.

Kombat mode.
Just like kreate a khatacter you can go to an option menu and make you own fatality but it won't be like armageddon where you're doing the fatality,
I'm talking making and doing a big button move then watch your fatality...unless it's any real opponents instead of kustom kharacters.
the fatality kustom goes by what the special moves are. and then you make a fatality out of it.
with the reaturn of animality and brutality
Konquest mode
just like armageddon fatalites on gameplay
your own fatalities
and as well as brutality and animality, and multality

ariel fatality This allows you to do a fatality in the air. Fatality chooser this allows you to choose right after it says FINISH HIM/HER you can choose to bust out your own fatality, or your kreated fatality. or a fatality that's already there and you have a certain ammount of time to choose and then you can do it.
10/18/2006 04:07 AM (UTC)
Chess Kombat

The way Chess Kombat should be is like a real chess game, I'm talking Like the real chess kind of game, but you don't have to get the king in check mate you have to kill him by battle just like in Deception.


(and power sqare option)...
this allows you to put on power sqares or not

(the gameplay Kombat)
for chess should be 3 hit kombat so it doesn't take forever with no breakers or parries or all the new stuff I said.

(weapon kombat option)
this allows you on chess to choose the option for weapons only.

10/18/2006 04:33 AM (UTC)
Puzzle Kombat

This game should be with the same kind of theme, just like tetris, BUT I mean exactly like tetris you have to line up the colors. but a special medalian from time to time during the match as a rare part of the game.
and bombs For certain colors, plus bombs for every color.

The little people do a lot more special moves...for instance
(Xbox version)
If you push "A" it does another move as well as B...X..and Y.
THEN the winner takes the losers points after the match
and can do akreate a fatality just like armageddon, or push them into the death trap.
The no blood option for the game of puzzle kombat, it should be if you beat your opponent it doesn't leave him there dizzy he just falls or says dang it in his/her mind and walks away.
But I have nothing to change about motor kombat
10/18/2006 05:23 AM (UTC)
The storyline to back this all up
check it out when my IDEA comeswinkgrin
Cuz I am getting tired right now I'll do it in the morning.sleep
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