My ideas, for MK to be fawesome again!!
posted11/23/2006 11:03 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/12/2005 04:06 AM (UTC)
THIS is important, I KNOW the things below will be completely possible, with the new generation of uber-cool gaming, and technology!! They can make all of these things, because now, they have hella space!!

1. IF you are going to have some fucking cheap-ass character (S), that is/are unbalanced from everyone else, make them a super unlockable. It will make it worth it.

2. Make it dark!! Look, a lot of people do NOT understand!! Dark doesn't mean that EVERYTHING is going wrong. Like, say for example, when I say dark, I mean having some badass, FIRM endings. For example, you can have something be hella cool that fans will like, that also includes darkness. For example: Have badass music like in MK2, to the background of Raiden's ending!! Don't you remember, how even though the ending sets people off with peace, because of Raiden destroying the gateway, it ALSO shows Raiden's power, man!! It shows that kind of "Don't screw with him or he will throw you in the pit" kind of attitude. What people need to realize, is that this is what MK was meant to be!! While it having happiness when certain evil is destroyed, it still represents that Mortal Kombat has the darkness, of people getting killed, and fighting.

3. Never make pointless characters!! Never put in any joke characters, like Mokap.

4. EVERYBODY has some hella "cheap-ass" move to pwn with!! So, do not worry about balancing characters. Here is an example!! While Liu Kang has a bycicle kick that owns when it works, Sub-Zero also, obviously has a move that owns, which everyone knows: his freeze move!! So. that concludes my thought about special abilities and special unique moves.

5. Do not share fighting styles. It makes EVERYONE look unique, to have their own fighting style.

6. BE careful, with glitches. I HAVE to say, WAY too many clitches have absoutely set people off, because of things that cheaply let people have the upper-hand, and ruin the game.

7. We ALL deserve to have these: ALL canon endings. This well make the game so awesome!!

8. Konquest Mode must be long!! It must be worth it, and actually feel like a long game!!

9. Have original characters!! Be awesomely creative, and make someone who rules in their own unique way.

10. Have both options, to do Kreate-A-Fatality, and have preset fatalities, for each characters.

11. Have A LOT of options, in Kreate-A-Fighter Mode!! I, admit to feeling we were SO limited, in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon's Kreate A Fighter Mode. Have as much races and presets, as you can to be hella cool. Example: Have the option to press L2 or R2 to switch between preset and Kustom. :).

12. If you are going to re-release something, like how they re-released MK1-3 on Midway Arcade Treasures, MAKE something worth it!! For example, it would be SO awesome, to have MK1, 2, (3 is already on Xbox 360 Live Arcade!!) AND 4, be online, that would be so cool!!

13. Have a lot of extras!! It would be so awesome, to repeat what they did with the MK:D, MK:DA, and MKA games, where, (Except for MKDA) if you bought the limited edition, you actually got awesome extras, like commentary on the characters, and "History Of MK".

14. An awesome idea, would be this!! Though they have claimed to WANT to stop making Arcade Versions of MK would be SO awesome, to have the future Mortal Kombat Games in arcades again!!

15. For the love of God, we are UBER-FANS out there!! Please, MK needs promotion!!!!!! I would love, to have an MK Store, ONLY for MK!! I do not care if it is online, or whatever, but I feel MK needs to be promoted more. For example, I would SO love to NOT have to go to Ebay, to get uber-awesome MK Items. I would love a store, just for MK Merchandise, which would have all the stuff an uber-fan would want. Trust me, it would be awesome!! I know this doesn't count about discussing gameplay, but I felt I had to get this opinion on here!!

So, those are my 15 ideas, on how MK will be uber-awesome again!!gringrin
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how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

11/18/2006 11:00 PM (UTC)
Fawesome huh.

Not a bad idea. I think it will be fgreat
11/21/2006 10:43 PM (UTC)
having both kreate a fatality and presets willl NOT happen. KAF is a WAY better idea. all they need to do is add alot more moves and specific moves that only certain charcters can do like freezing someone and then uppercut for a shatter finish for sub-zero.
11/23/2006 10:40 AM (UTC)
I thought up a few cool ideas for an MK8 name...."Angels of Apocolypse".....
"Evolution"....."Blood Wars"......"Reincarnation"......."Fall of the Elder Gods"

thoughts on new features and gimmicks i thought of......
1)The return of old alities made new,such as animalities,freindships and brutalities

2)A more in depth Kreate a Kharacter....more moves,hieght and weight options, weapons,blood color,creature voice sets(for robots,demons,ghouls,ect.)

3)An actual Kreate a fatality for KAK,where you can actually set up your own watchable fatality instead of performing it step by step...i think its just more rewarding to perform the button combo and then also makes each character more unique.

4)Limbs removal durring the match or some kinda pre fatality...its possible to use deathtraps to win quickly in mk7,why not be able to do fatalities at any time in mk8...just make them reversable. An example: when a person trys to do a fatality...instead of a time limit for the fatality button combo...a time limit for a reversal button combo for the other player after the fatality is executed. (just an not big on this idea but it would be cool)

5)NO MINI GAMES! yeah its nice to have another way to collect koins and what not but it takes away from the rest of the my opinion its a waste of diskspace....if ya want to play chess,puzzle games or racing games or whatever...make it seperate from the action/fighter unless its something like Test Your Might...PLZ!

6)Use any character in Konquest if the mode returns in the next game(maybe even a kak that would be cool)

7)Show Fatalities on the start menu with the other moves

8)Endurance or Battle royal style fights,1-4 players on the same screen!
11/23/2006 11:03 AM (UTC)
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
Fawesome huh.

Lol, I always wondered what that meant. Is it meant to stand for f*cking awesome?

Anyways, yes this is fawesome. Sounds good.
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