my idea, meh... at least its something
posted08/10/2007 07:22 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/13/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
okay, okay, i know that there have been many people on this site that always want to beleive what could happen in the next mk8... so i feel like giving it a try. if you want to make a bad comment about it, don't say things like "Omfg thats the fuckiest piece of horse shit i've ever seen" because obviously you might either get skulled, or i can think of ten other reasons why i shoulld really care about a post like that... feel free to add anything to this idea if you want...

okay here it goes

alright, so your choosing your guy in the select your fighter screen and you see what alignment he is okay, for the very beginning of hte game all your characters in the game are neutral until you start playing konquest.

its like a Black and White type of konquest, the more things your character does will increase this meter that your guy has.

lets say you're playing as Sub-Zero in konquest and you want him to be the good guy. so the very beginning you have this Alignment Meter and the more good deeds your characters does like helping a citizen out in earthrealm after being mugged by i dunno lets say Tarkatans that were trying to rule Earthrealm, you help him, your meter turns green and starts to rise. the more good deeds you do, the more he's going to be as a hero. but lets say you failed to save the person getting mugged, your meter drops down and turns to red.

you have missions like saving people, helping people find certain things, and depending on how you take on these missions will help you decide what alignment your chracter goes.

but you're probably wondering, someone had already said this, well, i've yet to seen anyone do this.

so now you're playing arcade mode and you've got sub-zero to be a good guy, well you defeated the last boss and you get his ending, which turns out is a good ending like "Sub-Zero became the champion of the Elder Gods and is worshipped throughout the world" okay, okay, but lets say you made him into a bad guy and you get an evil ending like "Sub-Zero became the ruler of Netherrealm and ordered all teh dead souls to rise above to earhtrealm and the other realms and relased hell upon them all." so if you have a character that's good, his or her ending will be a good one, or if you did the exact opposite, you'll get an evil ending. but making sure that none of them are like, "and they conquered all"

lets say, Frost became evil that she really did kill Sub-Zero and took over the Lin Kuei and made sure all of them are dead... or someting like that.. .yeah...

but lets say you never touched one of the characters in konquest mode, and left them as a neutral person, well, in their ending, you'll get the neutral ending.

this was an idea i got after playing call of duty 3, i have no idea how i got this idea stuck in my head... but as a girl playing war games during summer vacation, my mind can think of really weird ideas and this was one of them... out of the ordanary.

so i really hope you understood this, and yes, i really do have a problem explaining what i want to get out. but feel free to add any of your own ideas to this concept. i'm all ears baby.
07/20/2007 08:46 AM (UTC)
It would be a good idea. I doubt they'd do it. With MK's endings being "waht if" having 3 different endings would be great.

I want them to concentrate solely on the fighting game + engine. Anything else just gives me the impression of another half assed game.
07/28/2007 09:38 AM (UTC)
its a cool idea in some ways but some its not, i think u should be able 2 make decesions 2 decide what happens in konquest but w/ ur idea u could make shoa kahn good and stuff liek that cant happen, plus if u did this u wouldnt no what storys actully happened until MK 9 comes out in 2010
07/28/2007 08:18 PM (UTC)
JohnnyMel Wrote:
its a cool idea in some ways but some its not, i think u should be able 2 make decesions 2 decide what happens in konquest but w/ ur idea u could make shoa kahn good and stuff liek that cant happen, plus if u did this u wouldnt no what storys actully happened until MK 9 comes out in 2010

well... who wouldn't want to see kahn turn good? tongue
07/29/2007 09:31 AM (UTC)
i dont wanna see kahn good, that kills the whole story, maybe hitler will be a character in the next game and he can be good 2
07/29/2007 01:24 PM (UTC)
the idea is good,i simply don't like that you have to play konquest to get an alignement.
maybe you can play konquest to change alignement,so for istance if you want sub zero bad,but he is good,trough out konquest he make bad actions and become evil.

however this idea as good it's,is also un-original.
About Me

The meaning of life is to find the meaning of life.

07/29/2007 01:36 PM (UTC)
I like the idea. However, I don't think failing missions should increase the evil-meter. You're not evil because you failed to save somebody.
I think there should be good missions and evil-missions. Choosing and accomplishing good missions will make you good and choosing and accomplishing evil missions will make you evil. Failed missions won't affect anything.
Also, seeing Shao Kahn turn good would be awesome!
07/29/2007 05:10 PM (UTC)
Sahrimnir Wrote:
I like the idea. However, I don't think failing missions should increase the evil-meter. You're not evil because you failed to save somebody.
I think there should be good missions and evil-missions. Choosing and accomplishing good missions will make you good and choosing and accomplishing evil missions will make you evil. Failed missions won't affect anything.
Also, seeing Shao Kahn turn good would be awesome!

well, you failed to save someone like you're just watching someone getting their fucking ass kicked and like i said you're just watching them... just watching them... and their ass is getting kicked.

yeah, something like that grin
07/31/2007 04:31 AM (UTC)
ok. your idea is great man, one of the best ive heard so far on this site But...

To make this work, we the consumers need to know a lot more about the characters,like their past. Like, how Liu Kang was Resurrected, or, How Scorpion came into being. However, if we did know that much, some of the characters would lose their mysteriousness. Read my reply to the Scorpion game thread...I explain in a more detailed fashion.

Also, some characters just cant be good or evil. Like Shao Kahn, he cant be good. He is known for his backstabbing and shortcomings in deals and such....

I believe that the Mk team was going to use that idea for MK:DA but there was too many new characters and there was not enough info on the returning characters....ya know what I mean? Whether or not the MK Team is using it now....only time will tell......glasses
07/31/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
well i know that there are certain characters that can't be good but i mean like good on an evil side. how to explain this:

well, you have shang tsung as the guy you want to play, and he's evil yeah, "look at me im an evil sorcerer dude, fear me! rah!"

and yet like you have this mission with quan chi that has you going after the amulet like they were in deadly alliance,

but found out that right when you get to the place where the amulet is, he betrays you! okay so now you're like "you fucking prick im gonna kick your ass you horse fucker!"

so now you're kind of a good guy but still has an evil motive for when you get the amulet back.

so there can be missions where you're still evil yet you're doing something a good guy would rather be doing. so that's how it might work. but yet i totally know this won't be in hte next game, but hey, i want to listen to what you guys think and maybe, just maybe one day it could possibly come in! glasses
07/31/2007 07:48 PM (UTC)
It's not all that bad of an idea. It's something different.

JohnnyMel, I like the idea of Kahn turning good, because it is a new possible direction for him, kinda like Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi.
08/02/2007 01:30 AM (UTC)
yeah, it is different, i thought of this when i was playing call of duty 3 for some reason.

but as i mentioned it will never do in a real game. even if they had the chance to put this idea in a mk game, it will get scratched. for reasons i have no idea why ideas that would make the game even better then before, all of them gets scratched.

i wish i could create a game. i was gonna get my brother in making a Mortal Kombat Scene It

have like questions that ask you: What button combo do you need to press to perform Sub-Zero's Ice Shatter fatality in Mortal Kombat 2?


Excactly how many episodes of the animated series of Mortal Kombat were there before it was cancelled?

i remember i was going to get a MK Scene It thread in here, but sadly i only had one person who agreed to help me with it... oh well, seconds anyone?
08/10/2007 03:57 AM (UTC)
but im not saying that this couldn't be the next mk konquest... there's always if... if is good.

but yet it's gonna be like, what happens when i get my character to become extremely good or evil, does konquest stop for me? no it doesn't because i just thought up of another thing for this...

yeah, sorry for double posting, but this post won't be right in the one i made before, so sorry again.

aynways, many people are always upset that konquest just ends right there where you have nothing else to do expcept for punching old ladies in the back or hving to restart the entire konquest game again as you can now skip the cinemas.

but in this version, you don't have to, you can begin creating your charcter into the opposite of what you made him/her during konquest. okay, you hvae lets say Ashrah and you went to make her as a good character and beat her in the game with her having the good ending. well, you want to see what would have happened if you made her bad so you can play konquest again trying to find more missions that you didn't complete and make her either fail the missions or something like that where you start to make Ashrah turn evil.

so its like an endless play of konquest with all charaters. and to make things more interesting is that we could have it where every character as different missions to complete so you don't have to do the entire thing over and over with other characters.

but yet if something like this were to happen, mortal kombat and konquest may not fit together in one disk. i would rahter have this be a seperate game instead of combining two into one. what do you think? is that a good idea? having two disks instead of one?

(and yes, i know that this will never happen in mk future, but im just saying what could happen if midway decides with this)
08/10/2007 07:22 AM (UTC)
It's not a bad idea, at all. I'm not sure if I'd like to see it included, though. I'd just find it fairly hard to follow the story, and I'd rather that the next game tightens the loose thread end, rather than expand on it.

What I wouldn't mind, is if they had you play as a character from Earth, or something, in Konquest. He starts off neutral, and then you can move him from good to evil, and when you complete Konquest, you unlock that character. This particular character can have three separate endings.
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