My idea for a Mortal Kombat RPG...
posted07/15/2006 05:02 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/18/2004 02:15 AM (UTC)
After playing Fable for a while and thinking about this a lot, I thought an MK RPG would be awesome. This would be way better than Konquest in MK:D (Which had plotholes and just plain sucked) In this game, you'd create your own character and watch him grow up in the world of Mortal Kombat. Not only would this game tell the exact story of Mortal Kombat but it would also have a deep level of customization. You'd be able to choose...

- Your gender
- Your race (Human, Lizard, Cryomancer, Vampire, ect.)
- Your looks (like haircuts, tatoos, armor/clothing, ect.)
- What you become/do (Like a human that became a ninja, or a vampire that became a sorcerer. You could become an oni, a ninja, a wraith, a cyber assassin, a sorcerer, ect.)
- Where you live (you can buy or make homes/lairs/temples/ect. and decorate them)
- Which clan you join (like the Lin Kuei, the White Lotus, Sektor's Tekunin, or even start your own clan and recruit members) (Some clans might require you to be a certain way. Like Sektor's Tekunin might require you to become a cyborg, while the Lin Kuei might require you to become an assassin)

Also, if you join a clan, you can move up the ranks. For example, you start out as a trainee, and then move up into a higher rank (like warrior or something) and keep going higher. (the different ranks depend on the different clans)

Another thing that aould be cool would be the ability to learn certain moves as you raise your rank in certain clans. For example, if you became an warrior in the tekunin, you get a missle launcher which you can use to kill people (as if there is any other use for a missle launcher...)

Although the custimization part of this game would be deep, the action part would be deep too...

You can learn certain moves depending on the race and "occupation" you choose. For example, a lizard that became a ninja can learn a move that allows him/her to shoot ninja stars covered in acid, while a cryomance that became a cyborg can learn a move that allows him/her to use a freezing "flamethrower" type weapon from their arm that freezes their opponent...

I'll post more ideas later, since it's time for me to sleep...
05/10/2005 01:00 PM (UTC)
That would be an amazing game to play. I had thoughts of a game like that too, but I coulden't put it into words. I like the idea of the clans, a similar game to the idea you have is called Guild Wars. It is like the whole clan based thing you suggested.

I like the idea of joining different clans and in doing so, you get special benefits from joining the ranks. I think it would be neat if you can tag along with another player online and tackle down missions so you gan gain your respect in your clan and move up the ranks.

05/10/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
That would be an amazing game to play. I had thoughts of a game like that too, but I coulden't put it into words. I like the idea of the clans, a similar game to the idea you have is called Guild Wars. It is like the whole clan based thing you suggested.

I like the idea of joining different clans and in doing so, you get special benefits from joining the ranks. I think it would be neat if you can tag along with another player online and tackle down missions so you gan gain your respect in your clan and move up the ranks.

I like those ideas, especially the idea of clan members doing missions online...

The online mode could be full of clans that other people started and there could be clan wars, clans joining teams and other cool stuff like that...

Another thing I thought that would be cool would be the ability to have real MK characters help you in your quest, but this whole idea would be very elaborate and creative. For example, one way to get Sub-Zero to help you would be to help him in a fight or something when he's young. Then, when he gets older and becomes the grandmaster, he'll remember the time when you backed him up and he'd help you when you get into a tight spot. Like if you did something to piss of the Tekunin and Sektor sent cyber assassins to kill you, Subby would send you some Lin Kuei members to watch your back incase the Tekunin soldiers try to attack. Or mabye if you run into a tough demon monster thing and Subby is close by, he'd jump in and help you fight...

Just things like that would be cool...
05/11/2005 02:13 AM (UTC)
cartmansp Wrote:
Grizzle Wrote:
That would be an amazing game to play. I had thoughts of a game like that too, but I coulden't put it into words. I like the idea of the clans, a similar game to the idea you have is called Guild Wars. It is like the whole clan based thing you suggested.

I like the idea of joining different clans and in doing so, you get special benefits from joining the ranks. I think it would be neat if you can tag along with another player online and tackle down missions so you gan gain your respect in your clan and move up the ranks.

I like those ideas, especially the idea of clan members doing missions online...

The online mode could be full of clans that other people started and there could be clan wars, clans joining teams and other cool stuff like that...

Another thing I thought that would be cool would be the ability to have real MK characters help you in your quest, but this whole idea would be very elaborate and creative. For example, one way to get Sub-Zero to help you would be to help him in a fight or something when he's young. Then, when he gets older and becomes the grandmaster, he'll remember the time when you backed him up and he'd help you when you get into a tight spot. Like if you did something to piss of the Tekunin and Sektor sent cyber assassins to kill you, Subby would send you some Lin Kuei members to watch your back incase the Tekunin soldiers try to attack. Or mabye if you run into a tough demon monster thing and Subby is close by, he'd jump in and help you fight...

Just things like that would be cool...

That sounds really cool, Have you ever played KOTOR 2? In the game there is an influence meter that you have with the characters in your party, and when you have their influence up to the max you get special benefits from that character. I could definatley imagine an RPG game where you can roam freely around and interact with each of the Mortal Kombat characters.
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Night was created for adults. You should go home now, kid.

05/11/2005 09:09 AM (UTC)
That is a wonderful game idea. But I feel that Ed and Midway will let us down again and again. With plotholes in the stories, gameplay etc. I know they try their best to please us all but they can't please everyone. That could be one of the reasons why they have been stumbling a bit, plus the time issue. Ed and co should keep their heads down and focussed on the game that they are gonna bring out instead of planning release dates for other upcoming games. I hope when Shaolin Monks comes out they could do something along that idea of yours later in the future.
05/11/2005 09:04 PM (UTC)
you can make a game like that.

i play that program (dreamseeker)
most games are dragonball games.
the site gives a TOT how to make something on dreamseeker.
07/12/2006 01:59 AM (UTC)
Yeah I really like the idea, I'm a fan of RPG's. I'd also like to see a Final Fantasy type where you start out with a guy meet other characters along the way and they can join your team.
07/12/2006 02:20 AM (UTC)
That would be an awesome game. It would be cool if your actions affected how you played, and your story.

Ex: If you go around killing people for no reason, you might get banished from your clan, and your "Respect" level will go down. Having a low Respect level is not always a bad thing, because you can only join certain clans if your level of respect is low. It could also be a way to gain enemies and allies. You can only enter certain realms with a specific Respect level.

If the game was like that, if would never get boring, and you could play it forever. Of course, there would also have to be Multiplayer and Online modes.
07/12/2006 06:56 PM (UTC)
That's a good idea.glasses
07/15/2006 03:13 AM (UTC)
07/15/2006 03:26 AM (UTC)
thegodofevilman Wrote:

ultimatscorpiononice Wrote:

Don't post two emoticons in your messages only. It's considered spam.
About Me
07/15/2006 05:02 AM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
thegodofevilman Wrote:

ultimatscorpiononice Wrote:

Don't post two emoticons in your messages only. It's considered spam.

Follow her advice.
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