Mortal Kombats great potential.
posted12/17/2009 04:22 AM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

Member Since
03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
I have the slightest idea what the mk team is working with in terms of buget and what it takes to make a great game, but i do know one thing:
with mk's incredible library of characters,(enough to possibly make an encyclopedia) they dont really need to add a bunch of new characters for the next game. Imo the most characters u should add to each game should be at least 2-4 characters.
Point is they can do so much with what they already have. I cant even begin to name how many characters can be upgraded to their fullest potential.
Shang Tsung- this character alone has the potential to be the greatest threat to the mk universe just for the fact that he's a shape shifter who can manipulate ANY of the fighters powers. Sure this ability was not utilized in the last few games but could u even imagine the advantage he would have? Imo he can overthrow any "Boss" if he was to lets say consume the souls from the soulnado. Am i wrong to believe this? tell me if i am.

have more but will edit later. my hands just became full. lol
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

12/13/2009 06:23 AM (UTC)
I'm all for new characters, but no, you're not wrong. There a TON of Mortal Kombat characters that have great potential. And I'm not going to lie, a lot of the new ones they have introduced, to me personally, have left more to be desired. Dairou is great (slightly cheap...), Kenshi is cool, but like Taven is just bad, as is Darrius. I would love to see more character be built upon, and if they can add new character in the right way, I'm all for it.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/13/2009 05:39 PM (UTC)
I am glad that u agree.
note: i would have edited my post but for one reason or another, my phone wont let me do it.
Continuing: many of the classics alone have so much to grow on as far as ability, maybe starting a clan, or adding to their stories instead of killing them off.

Reptile- Just the fact that he is a reptile and not even limited to a certain species of reptiles, he should be able to do anything reptile like. For example snakes are reptiles and they have the ability to swallow their prey whole. Therefore Reptile should be able to do this cus im pretty sure he gets hungry once in while. The acids in his stomach should dissolve his meal pretty quick too.
As for his story, besides having the poor guy long for a new master all the time, He should be the leader of his own clan. Scorpion and Sub-Zero have their own clans and im pretty sure there are more of his kind scattered around maybe the living forest? lol "leave me be!"
That's a reference frm mkd btw. Anyway wat do u guys think? Do u see where im getting at? Do u hate me for this topic? Who do u think out of all of mks fighters have potential? Post ur opinions.
12/14/2009 03:30 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung could be like the ULTIMATE BOSS of the MK history. Also, Jade has the potential to use her staff and shove it into guys' butts and Mileena has the potential to bite off a guy's manhood. wink
Historical Favorite
12/14/2009 06:47 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Shang Tsung could be like the ULTIMATE BOSS of the MK history. Also, Jade has the potential to use her staff and shove it into guys' butts and Mileena has the potential to bite off a guy's manhood. wink

I have several problems with this.

1) Shang Tsung the "Ultimate Boss" in a series that has Khan, Shinnok, and Blaze, and Onaga? That is not how powers work.

2) Jade sodomizing people with her staff. You do understand that the folks at Warner Bros. want these games to actually sell, right? Sub-Zero ripping a dude's head off is nifty. You can fist-bump to it. Jade-rape? Not so much.

3) Mileena biting cocks. See above.

4) Nice try, Zarflax.
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12/14/2009 01:41 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Shang Tsung could be like the ULTIMATE BOSS of the MK history. Also, Jade has the potential to use her staff and shove it into guys' butts and Mileena has the potential to bite off a guy's manhood. wink

I have several problems with this.

1) Shang Tsung the "Ultimate Boss" in a series that has Khan, Shinnok, and Blaze, and Onaga? That is not how powers work.

2) Jade sodomizing people with her staff. You do understand that the folks at Warner Bros. want these games to actually sell, right? Sub-Zero ripping a dude's head off is nifty. You can fist-bump to it. Jade-rape? Not so much.

3) Mileena biting cocks. See above.

4) Nice try, Zarflax.

Power is irrelevant. If he is enough of a manipulative bastard to pull all the strings (Quan Chi or Havik for example) he can single handedly hand them their asses.

12/14/2009 04:20 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Shang Tsung could be like the ULTIMATE BOSS of the MK history. Also, Jade has the potential to use her staff and shove it into guys' butts and Mileena has the potential to bite off a guy's manhood. wink

Why do you always have to put something sexual into fatalities or anything else? Optimus is 100% right about the whole game selling thing. They're going to make this Mature rated, not Adult.

I don't think people would actually pay to see Jade shoving a metal rod into a guy's rear or Mileena chopping off a man's dick. (Besides, what the hell is she supposed to do with the ladies?)

I thought you like men, but every time you talk about guys, it's always leading to where they're going to get their sexual organs chopped off.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

12/14/2009 06:00 PM (UTC)
ok guys, can we just get back on topic here and quit going on about this sexual stuff? I am pretty confident that we wouldnt have to worry about staffs going up asses and dicks being bit off in any mk game.

With that said, wat do u think of my post? Have anything to add?
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12/14/2009 08:08 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Power is irrelevant. If he is enough of a manipulative bastard to pull all the strings (Quan Chi or Havik for example) he can single handedly hand them their asses.

I'd agree with you, if the other villains weren't manipulative bastards themselves. Shang is far less powerful than most of these guys, but not particularly any more cunning. All of the deceit and trickery in the world won't help you with someone like Onaga, who's pretty damn clever in his own right (look at the way he manipulated Shujinko to suit his own ends) and who's powerful enough to withstand an attack from two sorcerers and a god.
12/15/2009 01:11 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Why do you always have to put something sexual into fatalities or anything else? Optimus is 100% right about the whole game selling thing. They're going to make this Mature rated, not Adult.

I don't think people would actually pay to see Jade shoving a metal rod into a guy's rear or Mileena chopping off a man's dick. (Besides, what the hell is she supposed to do with the ladies?)

I thought you like men, but every time you talk about guys, it's always leading to where they're going to get their sexual organs chopped off.

LOL!.... LOL!.... and LOL!.... You are just too funny! lmao
12/15/2009 05:23 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Why do you always have to put something sexual into fatalities or anything else? Optimus is 100% right about the whole game selling thing. They're going to make this Mature rated, not Adult.

I don't think people would actually pay to see Jade shoving a metal rod into a guy's rear or Mileena chopping off a man's dick. (Besides, what the hell is she supposed to do with the ladies?)

I thought you like men, but every time you talk about guys, it's always leading to where they're going to get their sexual organs chopped off.

LOL!.... LOL!.... and LOL!.... You are just too funny! lmao

I think I might be wrong, but I could be right... Sarcasm... right?
Historical Favorite
12/15/2009 07:34 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Why do you always have to put something sexual into fatalities or anything else? Optimus is 100% right about the whole game selling thing. They're going to make this Mature rated, not Adult.

I don't think people would actually pay to see Jade shoving a metal rod into a guy's rear or Mileena chopping off a man's dick. (Besides, what the hell is she supposed to do with the ladies?)

I thought you like men, but every time you talk about guys, it's always leading to where they're going to get their sexual organs chopped off.

LOL!.... LOL!.... and LOL!.... You are just too funny! lmao

I'm glad you could take time out of your busy schedule of wishing death on the elderly and hurling racial slurs at the President to post something that makes no sense.
12/15/2009 07:23 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only two characters who belong in every Mortal Kombat game, besides them, you can scrap more than half of the characters we've seen...

Keep Sub and Scorp, but focus on characters like Kenshi and Kung Lao (in a previous post, I mentioned how Kung Lao could have aged a lot... but he is still a powerful warrior, or they could do this with Kenshi, who has become the blind, old swordsman)

If this is a reboot... revamp characters like Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kano, Sonya, and introduce the other fighters who competed in Mortal Kombat we never heard of. They say that Smoke and Jade were a "hidden warrior from the first tournament", so have them in the game too
12/16/2009 07:13 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Why do you always have to put something sexual into fatalities or anything else? Optimus is 100% right about the whole game selling thing. They're going to make this Mature rated, not Adult.

I don't think people would actually pay to see Jade shoving a metal rod into a guy's rear or Mileena chopping off a man's dick. (Besides, what the hell is she supposed to do with the ladies?)

I thought you like men, but every time you talk about guys, it's always leading to where they're going to get their sexual organs chopped off.

LOL!.... LOL!.... and LOL!.... You are just too funny! lmao

I think I might be wrong, but I could be right... Sarcasm... right?

No, I was serious. Sorry if it sounded like that.
12/17/2009 04:22 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Why do you always have to put something sexual into fatalities or anything else? Optimus is 100% right about the whole game selling thing. They're going to make this Mature rated, not Adult.

I don't think people would actually pay to see Jade shoving a metal rod into a guy's rear or Mileena chopping off a man's dick. (Besides, what the hell is she supposed to do with the ladies?)

I thought you like men, but every time you talk about guys, it's always leading to where they're going to get their sexual organs chopped off.

LOL!.... LOL!.... and LOL!.... You are just too funny! lmao

I think I might be wrong, but I could be right... Sarcasm... right?

No, I was serious. Sorry if it sounded like that.

Ahh, okay.
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