Mortal Kombat : Zero
posted05/11/2006 09:47 AM (UTC)by
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

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05/11/2003 05:45 PM (UTC)
So, I was thinking. After Armageddon, why not flashback?

My Idea is that for the next generation consoles, a good way to make it come out with a bang, is to go back, before the tournament (MK1), before Sub Zero killed Scorpion, before Shang Tsung hosted this battle of earth's warriors.

Story Line: There is a disturbance in the Realms; A breach in the Netherrealm. The breach was small enough to go un-noticed by the Elders, yet big enough to free such a being. This breach freed a demon who, although not ultimately powerful at the moment, has been introduced to Earthrealm. The demon's name is Shang Tsung, a soul stealing demon sorceror. His putrid form crawled from the crack in the abyss, clawing at the soil of Earth. This was 10 years ago; Since then, he has gathered attention, and unknown murders have gathered someone else's attention. Shang Tsung was not the only being to escape from that crack, he was followed, closely.


The Great Kung Lao:
I was always on the vigilant side. I had always had that "6th sense", telling when something was off. There have been times when I'd had to spring into action; but then there had been times where I've layed dormant for years, meditating. One day, however, I was struck by a beam of lightening. I was unscathed, to my own surprise. I stood and clutched my fist, and looked up at the sky. It was like that was a message, a signal of sorts. Moments later, I received a message from the gods; To stop a threat that had escaped the elder gods' radar

Shang Tsung:
I had been entombed in that forsaken Netherrealm; I was being kept down by a being called Shinnok, who was in posession of an amulet that kept me there. However, one day I had devised a plan. A plan I had been plotting for years. I had taken one of the animated corpses' that the oni loved so much to feast on, and tossed it in the way of Shinnok. Shinnok's lack of vigilance resulted in his loss of the amulet, casting a beam of light, a portal, into the floor before it fell into the lava abyss. I crawled amongst the bodies and specters and escaped, traveling into Earthrealm.

I was being punished! I was being kept in the Netherrealm, a fallen elder god. I had the powers of a god, I had everything! Now...what do I have? Nothing! A grouping of demons, wraiths, specters, zombies and oni! Enough for an army? Perhaps, but that would take forever. There is no law here! However, I ate my words. I was attacked, on a day like any other. A horde of oni, tackled me, catching me off guard. My device of power, was cast into the flames as I was pinned down. However my sorcerory allowed for me to destroy my attackers. When I had recovered, I had noticed a tear in the rift between realms, Noticing this I had escaped as well, following an odd trail. Had Someone escaped before me?

I was hired by the Lin Kuei as one of their first assassins. I had expertise in water bending, along with pressure increase. I was skilled, and had drowned so many under my attacks. I've never had any troubles with a target. However I was given a task that would in a way, elude me. I was hired by a group of doubting monks from the White Lotus Society, to bring down an escaped demon. If needs be then to put down anyone else in the way. If they'd already sent someone, why send me? Backup, probably. I could care less, Money was money, and killing a 'demon' would be my biggest pay off yet.

I awoke in Outworld, near an egg that would not hatch any time soon. The monks were keeping me here; the security was tight. I was a burning fire elemental, who at the time, had been struck by a burning instinct. I was startled, and the rush of energy that had just burst through me had given me the strength to snap the chains that held me down. I made a run for the portal, rushing through in a haphazard manner, casting all cautions aside. I went unconscious as I was cast through the portal, my body landing on an island, where I'd found what I was looking for.

All for now. I'm dead tired. Need Editing.
02/23/2006 06:49 PM (UTC)
Sounds like a good idea. Have it happen around the time of the tournament that the 'Great' Kung Lao lost. Its a good story that seems to have been forgotten in the current MK storyline and it was only briefly mentioned during MK:SM. At that seem to be a bit off of what many considered canon.

Maybe included some characters based off of the MK: Conquest tv series. Not the exact same characters though. Although seeing Vorpax and Jola actually in a game would be nice.
02/23/2006 10:00 PM (UTC)
That is a great idea. This would explain more of the time of the Great Kung Lao and other events that took place in that era.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

02/24/2006 01:23 AM (UTC)
Thanks. I kinda ran out of ideas on who else to include.
02/24/2006 03:21 AM (UTC)
I really like this idea.

Here's some more ideas for characters

Bo’ Rai Cho: He could be training someone, since he's originally from outworld, his age can be much higher.

Human Drahmin: He could be the one Bo’ Rai Cho is training, but he has a taint in his soul.

Raiden: He's always been protecting the earth.

Goro: It could explain how Shang Tsung teamed with him.

Reptile: It could explain why he aligned himself with Shang Tsung.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

02/24/2006 05:30 AM (UTC)
Ok, Here goes:

Bo Rai Cho:
I was young for a Martial arts trainer. I tried to train the great Kung Lao on his last venture to Outworld; I feel as though I failed when his temper got the best of him, and became impatient. He up and left. I had succeeded in teaching 2 of the most difficult martial arts, however upon reviewing the material, the monk was fed up with my training methods. I fail to see the pride in the youth, so impatient as well! Ah! But this time, I've realized that something is amiss in Outworld. Usually Prince Goro is wandering with his Shokan thugs, but it's been quiet for a while. I've decided to let this go, as I needed to venture back to Earthrealm to teach a new pupil.

I was patient. I could wait forever. I was about to gain the experience to be trained by master Cho. I was about to be trained by a famous trainer! My skills were lower level compared to the warriors master Cho has trained, and what master Cho knows. I do, however, have plans to use these skills, to avenge my fallen comerages. In my last attempt to attack those who had killed my comerades, I was defeated, but left alive. I was still a general in the army. Which army, I will not say. We fight for a just cause, that is all that is needed. However, Mr Cho shall not know my true intentions. Not now, not ever.

Murdering Tarkatans was boring. The mutants weren't a challenge anymore. I was not able to stay among my brothers in the Shokan army by keeping a small Tarkatan army at bay. I decided to take a risk, One night. One night I saw that there was a rift in the portal, one to Earthrealm. I hadn't known where it lead, but I took it anyway. I ended up on an island, where...when I walked a small distance, I located a demon in need of my assistance. This demon showed great potential, and could very well help me in my need of a challenge. A demon like this could gain attention of the world's fighters. I would stand with this demon, and aid him, and bring back my fallen foes heads as a prize.

Kira Takeda:
I'm a bounty hunter. Pure and simple. However, my current mission is not one that I'm being paid for. I was originally hired by a strange man, to kill a thug from the Red Dragon. However, once I'd successfully completed the task, I was attacked by another, and then another. I left with a wound that would scar me forever. For this, I attempted to backtrack my steps and hunt down the client who sent me for that mission. I later learned this warrior was from a rival clan called the Black Dragon. I found his whereabouts, and now his head belongs to me.

Klein Kabal:
I am a father. I am a thug. I am a killer. I am all of these things. My son was due any day now, and I feared for his life, so I had an assassin take care of those in the Red Dragon for me. I could not let them harm my family, or my son for that matter. I was paranoid, and I knew that the assassin would probably die, or come back to kill him because of the task. I underpaid her; she knew better. My son was tucked away with my wife, however I don't know how he'll do. My son was born with a rare respiratory disease, that could kill him if he went off it. I needed to leave, now. So, I did to a small island off the coast of the carribean, where she wouldn't find me. Or so I thought.

02/25/2006 12:19 AM (UTC)
This thread is pretty intresting with it's MK backstory.Keep the posts flowing!!!
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

02/25/2006 06:51 PM (UTC)
This wasn't new to me. This disturbance. We've had the realms in check for a while now, but I figured so much that there would be something involving Shang Tsung and Shinnok. I won't let this get any further than it already has. I'll first close the rifts that have been opened, to both Netherrealm and Outworld, then deal with these second class sorcerors. To do so, however, I'll have to lose my immortality, and fall to Earthrealm, to handle this business. Hopefully there has not been much damage done already.
02/26/2006 04:42 AM (UTC)
Dat Would Be A Cool Game Why Don't You Be A Video Game Desinger Or A Story Writter Cuz I Think it Would Make A Great Game And They Would Give It A Perfect Score In Every Game Magglasses
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

02/26/2006 04:00 PM (UTC)
11 characters seems abit unbalanced; I'm thinking of who else might fit in.
02/27/2006 12:17 AM (UTC)
Maybe fujin could be in
02/28/2006 03:01 AM (UTC)
Maybe Havik?

He could tie into Klein Kabal, it could explain why Havik had such an interest in teaching his son Kabal the ways of Chaos in MKDeception. If Klein Kabal dies early on, a hooded Havik could've briefly been somewhat of a father figure to Kabal. It could be the start for why Kabal goes down the same road of crime his father did.
Oni Lord Asmodeus
02/28/2006 05:09 AM (UTC)
I really like this idea. It would continue to expand what we have now rather than start something totally different.
02/28/2006 06:06 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I like the idea of making a prequel. It would be interesting to see Shang Tsung back then and the original Kung Lao (hopefully very different from the recent Kung Lao and Liu Kang), etc.

I think it would be something cool to see.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

03/02/2006 01:45 AM (UTC)
I was thinking more along this line for Kung Lao;

Kung Lao is the tragic hero in a sense, this story is all a huge set up for his downfall. He's cocky and he's wreckless, but in the same sense he's their champion in Earthrealm so he's all they really have.

Anyhow, I've a better idea yet (Another character)


Our god had gone missing, and it was my job to find him; I was the first of the Brotherhood of the shadow, I had descended to the Netherrealm after being slain in ChaosRealm. A warrior named Havik had struck me down in an attempt at an assassination. I broke the surface of the Netherrealm and took my first real breath. I clutched my sythe and walked amongst the land of the living once more, following nothing but a scent, an ectoplasmic trail left behind that only a demon could leave behind. Shang Tsung was here; and needed to be stopped.


Chaos! Destruction! Confusion! War! This is what I've lived for! Someone managed to shatter the guard rift to the portal, allowing me to jump through. Of course I was simply beginning my plan, but today would be a wonderful, confusious day! I walked onto the sand of a small island where I noticed prints that struck a cord in my memory. There were many I've slain, but one that I remember quite fondly. Grimm, his name was. This would surely be a fun escapade, everyone was after something. I, however, was here for the sport.


As a warrior and guard to Edenia, I've never felt more right about my next movement. I disobeyed our emperor in his findings that a feared demon has risen into Earthrealm in an attempt to conquer it; However this would be my chance to become known, to become more than a woman, more than a guard. I left in disguise, covering myself in a common ninja's garbs. I was taking a leap of faith by following an instinct, and walking through the desert, making my way to Earthrealm, slowly but surely.
About Me

03/02/2006 11:57 PM (UTC)
What about Sub-Zero or one of his ansteres coz i am sure there was one back then
Uppercut Editions
About Me

Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

05/11/2006 04:25 AM (UTC)
Shirai Ryu
The founder of the Shirai Ryu; Enemy of the Original Sub Zero, Code named Baeto. I am the Yin to this Yang; I am Kaeto. I am a pyromancer, a warrior of Ninjutsu and all arts ninpo. I have managed to gather enough to follow me in movement against the Lin Kuei; Against Sub Zero. We have picked up the Yellow gi in a visual attack against the cyromancers ; The Yellow symbolizes cowardice, however that's not us. We have managed to prove more than a match for them. This is our time, This is my time. I was once one of them, however they cast me aside because of my differences and inability to keep up with their damn cyromancing. I picked up the art of fire and took matters into my own hands. It is clan versus clan now.

Lin Kuei
I am Sub Zero. My true identity is no more as I have assumed my role as a Lin Kuei assassin. I am a master of cyromancing, and top of my class in the clan. I am infallable. I can make no mistake. I am a crafter of ice and death. Much like my art, my emotions are cold. I have none. I recently have been assigned the task of killing Shang Tsung, and Shinnok if needs be. The task was not given to me ; but I simply heard of it down the line. A lesser warrior in a sect of our clan has taken on a similar mission, however, I'll demonstrate how things should be done. However, other things stand in my way; That bastard from the Shirai Ryu, Kaeto Takeda. No matter, I'll manage to finish them all off, and come out victorious.
About Me

"Hard as iron, smooth as silk... There is no match for my style."

05/11/2006 09:47 AM (UTC)
No no no! You got it all wrong. If they make an MK prequel it should be about the war of the Elder Gods versus Shinnok's forces. All selectable characters would be Earthrealm's gods and Warriors from Shinnok's army. This would be the most dramatic MK ever. But they would have to name the game Immortal Kombat cause you know it would be about a war involving gods and all. I think we could see a young Jerrod in that game too. You know they would reveal stuff like Shao Kahn is his brother and something went wrong between the two and Shao Kahn turned evil to one day kill Jerrod. Yeah I guess that would be my kind of MK.
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