09/05/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:They suck because entitled people like yourself feel they are to good to upgrade from 10 yr old hardware to something fhst you could have been saving for 2 yrs now? Not their fault. All the time you spent typing that could have been constructive time you soent earning money towards s next gen console and mk isnt the only reason to upgrade there is plenty of other games to upgrade for.

You really are an idiot. You know absolutely nothing about me, my life or my income/expenditures over the past two years, yet you deem fit to judge me on a forum. There's a word for that: SAD.

MKX would be the only game to upgrade for, because I personally am not interested in anything else. You can't tell me what to like.
Why would i have bothered even considering a new console before now, given that i thought this release was going to happen?

And if you're so savvy with money, you tell me why wanting to wait to buy one game on a console i already own works out better financially than buying a console i don't really want just for one game that turns out is full of holes and half-completed?

No, I am not "entitled" as you put it. I just have other priorities. Every penny i save ends up going to rent or tax or equipment for a new college course or SOMETHING that always springs up. I haven't had any tattoos for about two years now. Don't you think i'd like to treat myself to some more ink? Oh, no. That's right. You don't bother finding out facts about people before you JUDGE them.

I'm pissed off. I'm hugely dissatisfied with this decision, it's bad enough feeling let-down and betrayed as it is, but being patronised by people like you just makes me want to cut off your ears and force-feed them to you, followed by saying something like, "Maybe you should 'upgrade' to new ears."

No you're the sad one. If all that matters to you is mk buy a fucking pc so you could play every mk game ever made on every platform from sega genesis to gameboy and beyond thst way you'll have everything you need in one a mk machine plus a personal pc. And thank you other things to you are a priority and gaming is not so dont rag on nrs because they didn't dedicate to people who dont even really care about games. Last gen was irrelevant to them and mk is still been the number 1 selling game this year thus far(obviously in the end it won't be) so obviously there are enough ppl who have moved on . Your coming off as if its their fault you cant play mkx when nrs said from the start THEY dont support last gen which was them essentially saying we dont care about old hardware . That should have been a red flag for you right there. And that was a horrible comeback. Upgrade to new ears? Tell me how new ears would be so much better than the perfectly fine ones i have. Unless there are some advanced ears that will make me hear like im a dog or cat you sound stupid.
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09/06/2015 10:48 AM (UTC)
Mrfuji Wrote:... stuff ...

What would be the point of owning a high-end console or new PC if i couldn't make rent and got evicted? Dumbass. I wouldn't exactly be able to live inside that, so yes i have other FUCKING priorities.

Can i just apply that second-to last sentence you made to the actual topic at hand? I fwe substitute the word 'ears' for 'console' it reads: Tell me how [a] new console would be so much better than the perfectly fine one[s] i have.

Firstly, I pose the question back to you with the subbed word. Unlike some people i take care of my shit and don't wreck stuff, so my 360 works as good as new. Secondly, you clearly didn't read the whole post. You wouldn't have perfectly fine ears if i cut them off and force fed them to you. If you couldn't tell i was patronising you the same way you patronised me and everyone else with your original comments. You want a horrible comeback? Go get anal raped by a cactus. Feel its spines cutting your soft flesh until you gush blood.

I am blaming them for their bad decisions. The decision to lead everyone on, and the decision to cancel last-gen releases. They have made games on the other hardware before, so i really don't see why they didn't this time too. I'm very disappointed - do you think i and people like me want your vitriolic patronising or maybe some support and sympathy?

I'm so sick of this BS. As far as i'm concerned it's been a BAD BAD year for MK. It started going downhill just before the game's release and keeps getting worse. Crappy decision after crappy decision. Obvious cash-grabbing schemes over catering to the customers (microtransactions - optional yet greedy). Not exactly winning over any fans with their marketing methods (the Goro pre-release had a HUGE wave of backlash). The exclusionary locked content (DLC, online gaming modes, that mobile app, the comic books...). Did they not think that some people actually don't have all the money, advantages and tech that they have?

And then this, the most recent nail in the coffin, the plans to scrap months of work for the previous gen release. I want to know just how far they got with it. I know some other companies have done the same thing (announced then scrapped plans for cross-gen), but others have actually succeeded. So surely it's not a question of being unable.

I've also had enough of this forum too. This isn't the first time someone has been bitchy, to say the least. Before MKX was released there were a fuckton of arguments because expectations and emotions and anticipations were running high, and with new coming in slowly the forum users were chomping at the bit for info and ended up biting at each other.

I really wanted to try again and see if it was worth returning - thanks, Mr Fuji. You've convinced me unequivocally that it isn't worth my time.

Sincere best wishes to all the 'good' users on here. Bye.
09/06/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
Kojima did it with MGSV, and that game is so complex.

It sucks but than again im not a fan of the direction NRS took with MKX. So im ok with sitting this part out. Just hope the next MK is more Mortal Kombat and that they got the writing right.
09/06/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:... stuff ...

What would be the point of owning a high-end console or new PC if i couldn't make rent and got evicted? Dumbass. I wouldn't exactly be able to live inside that, so yes i have other FUCKING priorities.

Can i just apply that second-to last sentence you made to the actual topic at hand? I fwe substitute the word 'ears' for 'console' it reads: Tell me how [a] new console would be so much better than the perfectly fine one[s] i have.

Firstly, I pose the question back to you with the subbed word. Unlike some people i take care of my shit and don't wreck stuff, so my 360 works as good as new. Secondly, you clearly didn't read the whole post. You wouldn't have perfectly fine ears if i cut them off and force fed them to you. If you couldn't tell i was patronising you the same way you patronised me and everyone else with your original comments. You want a horrible comeback? Go get anal raped by a cactus. Feel its spines cutting your soft flesh until you gush blood.

I am blaming them for their bad decisions. The decision to lead everyone on, and the decision to cancel last-gen releases. They have made games on the other hardware before, so i really don't see why they didn't this time too. I'm very disappointed - do you think i and people like me want your vitriolic patronising or maybe some support and sympathy?

I'm so sick of this BS. As far as i'm concerned it's been a BAD BAD year for MK. It started going downhill just before the game's release and keeps getting worse. Crappy decision after crappy decision. Obvious cash-grabbing schemes over catering to the customers (microtransactions - optional yet greedy). Not exactly winning over any fans with their marketing methods (the Goro pre-release had a HUGE wave of backlash). The exclusionary locked content (DLC, online gaming modes, that mobile app, the comic books...). Did they not think that some people actually don't have all the money, advantages and tech that they have?

And then this, the most recent nail in the coffin, the plans to scrap months of work for the previous gen release. I want to know just how far they got with it. I know some other companies have done the same thing (announced then scrapped plans for cross-gen), but others have actually succeeded. So surely it's not a question of being unable.

I've also had enough of this forum too. This isn't the first time someone has been bitchy, to say the least. Before MKX was released there were a fuckton of arguments because expectations and emotions and anticipations were running high, and with new coming in slowly the forum users were chomping at the bit for info and ended up biting at each other.

I really wanted to try again and see if it was worth returning - thanks, Mr Fuji. You've convinced me unequivocally that it isn't worth my time.

Sincere best wishes to all the 'good' users on here. Bye.

Um because a knew console would perform much better than a 360 retard. When i bought a ps4 and alienware pc i didnt buy it because my old stuff stop working. I bought it because ganes are releasing that will no longer support the old consoles and all the new features and graphical enhancements. Every game isnt made the same way so you cant automatically assume because something worked for another game that it would work for mk. They probably figure it would took way too much time and tuning for such a small number of people. Also if rent and other things are such a worry why are you so worried about spending money on a game? 60 dollars may break you or make you the way you are acting so i think it is best that you do leave. Also why didnt you sell all your old consoles and games to upgrade. You obviously dont want it bad enough so dont come crying on here. And I think it has gone downhill also but too bad nrs can care less about what anyone thinks because this is their best selling mk ever. Also your ears thing still nakes no sense. Getting new ears would not make them any better than the ears I previously owned. For obvious reasons upgrading to a next gen console is for technological advancemebts the old consoles simply dont have. And sorry im not in to sticking things up my butt by looking at your name though that may be something you are into.
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