Mortal Kombat X Killer Instinct a possibility?!
posted08/23/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)by
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
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04/07/2003 01:13 AM (UTC)
Just noticed this tweet between Ed Boon and Ken Lobb:

RT @RealKLobb @noobde sounds like fun. Ed, we should talk at E3:) EB: Would be great to catch up, Ken! Lets start planning MK vs KI. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 1, 2014

At the very least, I'm hoping maybe the XBox version of Mortal Kombat X will have killer instinct guest characters grin.
06/02/2014 01:12 PM (UTC)
Fulgore as a guest character would be cool
06/02/2014 01:12 PM (UTC)
Kabal20 Wrote:
Just noticed this tweet between Ed Boon and Ken Lobb:

RT @RealKLobb @noobde sounds like fun. Ed, we should talk at E3:) EB: Would be great to catch up, Ken! Lets start planning MK vs KI. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 1, 2014

At the very least, I'm hoping maybe the XBox version of Mortal Kombat X will have killer instinct guest characters grin.

Yeah I'm guessing Xbox version of MKX will have some KI characters. A crossover just doesn't seen likely since KI is owned by MS.
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
Nintendo Id: kabal82, 3ds friend code: 2595-3252-2624

06/02/2014 01:19 PM (UTC)
I'd be entirely fine with either Fulgore or jago as guest characters in MKX. MK9 had kratos and xbox fans where disappointed there was no guest character. Plus it would be cool to see MK take on KI finishers/no mercys.
06/02/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
Kabal20 Wrote:
I'd be entirely fine with either Fulgore or jago as guest characters in MKX. MK9 had kratos and xbox fans where disappointed there was no guest character. Plus it would be cool to see MK take on KI finishers/no mercys.

I think Jago and Fulgore are the most likely candidates. Fulgore because he's so popular. But I think it will probably be Jago. Jago was the first character shown, has an evil version of him in the game, first free character to try, and is considered the Balanced character.
06/02/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
Hmm perhaps to set this in motion what if we had A MK character (Most likely Scorpion) as a guest character in the 2nd season of KI? And if it does good then either Jago, Fulgore or Orchid as a guest in the Xbox version?
06/03/2014 01:18 AM (UTC)
I hope so, KI is awesome, so is MK, huge fan of both franchises here.

Also, I wish Mick Gordon composed the song for the MKX trailer instead of that goofy Wiz Khalifa song. IT would fit much better.
08/22/2014 01:56 PM (UTC)
I decided I wanted a more interesting thread title than just "Killer Instinct guests idea". Anyway, some ideas for various KI characters. Yes, we'd only get one, if we got one, but hey, I'm not gonna post individual threads for every KI characters.

Orchid's flashin' no-mercy could become a stunning special move, but as a fatality, it should result in the opponent's eyes popping out of their sockets, and while the opponent's on the ground looking for their eyes, Orchid steps on their eyeballs, turns into the firecat and goes for her opponent's jugular.

Spinal: only fatalities and x-rays that don't involve organs and skin removal should be doable on him (though D'Vorah's could be slighty altered), otherwise he should crumble into pieces when defeated. His bones should always be bleach white during X-rays, and his head should remain skeletal when Ferra impales his face during her and Torr's x-ray.

Spinal should get an alt based on Meat (the MK4 version, duh), if the latter doesn't return.

Spinal's ending should feature Johnny Cage in some capacity, the two being actors and all. If Johnny returns as a playable character, their intro should also acknowledge that. Let's remember that of all of MK's characters, Johnny is Spinal's true rival, not a certain yellow-clad bonehead. Speaking of said bonehead, that's what Spinal should call him during their intro, followed by his laughter.

Any X-rays involving the head done on Eyedol, should see the opponent attack the appropriate head. Meaning, that if Eyedol's on the left side of the screen, then it's his left head that will be hit. Same for some fatalities, although Scorpion could slice both of Eyedol's head during his, and Raiden could grab both heads and make their eyeballs pop out, and the animations could be slightly edited so that Raiden blows both heads up. Ferra and Torr's should also be slightly edited so that Ferra stabs Eyedol in the neck area between the two heads, but otherwise the fatality would be exactly the same.

Eyedol and/or Gargos should both be sub-bosses along with an MK one (or MK ones), fought at random like Goro and Kintaro in MK9, if either one of them was the KI guest.

If Riptor was the guest, it'd be even more of a reason to bring back Reptile as his MK:DA self, with the tail and all. But if Reptile didn't return, or at least not as his MK:DA self, Riptor should get an alt based on that design, and another, based on a dino racer from a certain Nintendo series.

And that's it for now.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/22/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
Jago should be the guest, as MK seriously lacks ninja characters.
08/22/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
Jago should be the guest, as MK seriously lacks ninja characters.

Jago is actually a monk, despite looking like a ninja with the mask.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/22/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Zwulle Wrote:
Jago should be the guest, as MK seriously lacks ninja characters.

Jago is actually a monk, despite looking like a ninja with the mask.

Ah, okay, thank you for clearing that up. I always thought he was a ninja. But I haven't played KI anymore since the first game (shame on me, I know).
08/22/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
The only guest character I would want in Mortal Kombat is Orchid.

She would most likely be Xbox exclusive though, but since I'm getting an Xbone very soon I wouldn't mind that. Besides, Kratos was Playstation exclusive and Xbox owners got no exclusive guest character, so I guess it would only be fair that they get one this time around.

Anyways, since Jade is most likely not going to appear in MKX, having Orchid instead would be a nice stand-in for her, as she is another favourite character of mine.

She would of course have her Killer Instinct moves, them being:
- Flik Flak
- Ichi Ni San
- Blockade Runner
- Air Buster

Ideas for Variations:

Fire Cat:
Orchid's Blockade Runner and Air Buster will be switched out with her Fire Cat and Upper Cat instead. She will also be able to summon a Fire Cat which runs along the ground.
- Focuses on Special Moves and Enhanced Moves.
- In this Variation, Orchid will have her standard batons.

Killer Instinct:
Orchid's weapons will expand whenever she hits with them, giving her a bit more range and power, like her laser swords in the first Killer Instinct game. She will also gain her Lasaken projectile move, the Spinning Swords move and the Shadow Ichi Ni San.
- Focuses on weapon combos.
- In this Variation, Orchid has laser swords rather than her usual batons.

Acrobatic Rebel:
Orchid will gain several more kicking moves such as the Helicopter Kick, the Whiplash and the Danger Zone air throw.
- Focuses on kick attacks.
- In this Variation, Orchid will have her tonfas instead of the batons.

Her X-Ray move could be her dashing forward with her baton first which stuns the opponent. While stunned, Orchid does a roundhouse kick which cracks the opponent's skull and breaks some of the spinal cord at the neck. The opponent spins in the air and falls face first onto the ground which gives Orchid the opportunity to jump up into the air and lands heel first into the opponent's back, breaking the spin and ribs.

One of Orchid's Fatalities should be an Ultra Combo. Her second Fatality could be her flashing her boobs which causes the opponent to scream out loud as their internal organs explode, one by one. That would be a nice homage to her KI1 No Mercy. ^^
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/22/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
I doubt it although it is a possibility. Ed would certainly not announce it if it was certainly happenning. Could have been pandering to the quite frankly gullible Twitter audience.
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08/22/2014 04:24 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
I doubt it although it is a possibility. Ed would certainly not announce it if it was certainly happenning. Could have been pandering to the quite frankly gullible Twitter audience.

Or just joking around with a mate. Sometimes humans do that.
08/22/2014 04:30 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
I doubt it although it is a possibility. Ed would certainly not announce it if it was certainly happenning. Could have been pandering to the quite frankly gullible Twitter audience.

Or just joking around with a mate. Sometimes humans do that.

But people aren't allowed to joke these days, without someone getting their feelings hurt. Humans as a whole need to learn to have fun.
08/22/2014 06:19 PM (UTC)
This would be a good move on NRS's part to use a KI character n allow one of their kharacters to be used in KI. Its a win/win for both games n could open up the possibility for a MK vs KI game in the future if ppl like it which Im sure they will
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/22/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
I doubt it although it is a possibility. Ed would certainly not announce it if it was certainly happenning. Could have been pandering to the quite frankly gullible Twitter audience.

Or just joking around with a mate. Sometimes humans do that.

Indeed, another reason why tweets are not to be taken seriously unless specifically said that proper information is being released. *cough*Rain*cough*
08/23/2014 03:10 AM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
This would be a good move on NRS's part to use a KI character n allow one of their kharacters to be used in KI. Its a win/win for both games n could open up the possibility for a MK vs KI game in the future if ppl like it which Im sure they will

As long as it won't be Scorpion! He was in IGAU.

As for a character from KI for MK, I'd like to see...Maya (savage) or Glacius (ice creature). Two of the best KI characters ever.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/23/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
Kabal20 Wrote:
Just noticed this tweet between Ed Boon and Ken Lobb:

RT @RealKLobb @noobde sounds like fun. Ed, we should talk at E3:) EB: Would be great to catch up, Ken! Lets start planning MK vs KI. ;)

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 1, 2014

At the very least, I'm hoping maybe the XBox version of Mortal Kombat X will have killer instinct guest characters grin.

I say it's a higher possibility than ever seeing Mortal Kombat x Street Fighter.
And since the XBox version will have an exclusive character, if it's not a Killer Instinct character, then it's a missed opportunity.
Most likely it'll be Fulgore, but I never became fond of him. As much as it probably won't work in MKX's gameplay, but I want Spinal in.
But really, anything but Jago.
08/23/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
I'm not against any of this, but for those who are saying "it's now time for the Xbox game to get the only guest character", consider that the MKX reveal was on Sony's stage. Injustice came to PS4 and there was no XBone version. I'm not convinced anything has changed on that front. Meh, I'd prefer one guest for both systems...keep things even. I don't have strong ties to KI, but if that's the route NRS goes for Xbox owners, more power to you as many seem excited by this possibility. Just not so sure WB/ NRS isn't leaning a bit to the Sony side.
08/23/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
red5iver Wrote:
I'm not against any of this, but for those who are saying "it's now time for the Xbox game to get the only guest character", consider that the MKX reveal was on Sony's stage. Injustice came to PS4 and there was no XBone version. I'm not convinced anything has changed on that front. Meh, I'd prefer one guest for both systems...keep things even. I don't have strong ties to KI, but if that's the route NRS goes for Xbox owners, more power to you as many seem excited by this possibility. Just not so sure WB/ NRS isn't leaning a bit to the Sony side.

NRS approached MS for a guest character back for MK9, but for whatever reason MS declined. So its not like NRS skipped them or anything.

I guarantee Xbox will have a guest this time. And I am willing to bet it'll be a KI character. I'm hoping for Jago so he can have his Shadow Jago variation.
08/23/2014 02:31 PM (UTC)
I'm still sticking to my guns when I say that Sweet Tooth will be the guest character for PS4 and Fulgore for the XBone! grin
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08/23/2014 02:35 PM (UTC)
A full game, nope. NRS wouldn't want to cut there sales in half, and WB seems to favour Sony.

As a guest character on Xbox consoles, Yea sure. Wynaut.
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08/23/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
Maybe that is the project they are working on already. Someone here mentioned the rumor that they're working on IGU2, but may be the MK x KI grin
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