Mortal Kombat X : Fan Interview - Join Now!
posted02/12/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
I got the idea of gathering your questions and then send them booN via Twitter (Yeah I know everybody can do that, and maybe he won't respond). The idea of this thread is to make the interview more official or valid, not just my questions. So If we want replay we must be original, so don't ask dumb questions like the most moron interviewers so far. Be original, interesting and innovative as you can. For example, ask something like: "how did you came up with the fatalities ?"

grin All right you got me, I propose 5 questions limit per person and then pick up the the best 15-20 of all and compose the interview.
My two questions for now (I'll add 3 more later and they'll be MKX related) are:

1. What did the MK Team did especially booN before MK:DA, when there were dark days in Midway ? How did he and his team managed to survive and all.

2. Would you offer John Tobias a job in NRS and if you did what did he said and what was/is the position ? Do you want him back ?

Go guys, shoot! Let's do this.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/12/2015 08:00 AM (UTC)
I can't believe that no one else has ever thought to ask Ed questions via Twitter before? He answers what he wants to answer. #1 How do they come up with the Fatalities? #2 Do they have meetings? #3 Who is Ed's favorite Character? gringringringringringrin
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02/12/2015 08:27 AM (UTC)
I can't ask him personally, but we can label the interview as MKO Fan interview and might get lucky grin You can share your ideas if you have better.
02/12/2015 08:39 AM (UTC)
I got one...

Can we choose how many rounds to win for each fight? Like 1 round fights, 2 out of 3 rounds fight, 3 out of 5 rounds and 5 out of 7 rounds to win. Injustice had only one setting because of its obvious round health bar mechanic... Or MKX is gonna have only 1 & 2 rounds mechanic.
02/12/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
I asked the above question because of the way rounds won indicator is present. It looks like 2 halves of the Quan Chi amulet and for each round won half of it glows up. So its possible how a 1 round fight goes but what about 3 & 5 rounds fights.
02/12/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't ask him those questions, especially the one about John Tobias. It just doesn't seem like something he'd want to answer, even if he could. He doesn't control the hiring process at Warner Bros, he's the creative director. The Midway question too, just seems like awkward questions.

I would try asking him more about the creative process of making a game. Was there ever any character or game aspect that he was skeptical on, but ultimately turned out successful? In other words, was there something he didn't think would work that actually did end up working?

Or, of the more popular characters, are there ones who he personally doesn't like? We all know there's the Hsu Hao's and the Mokaps of MK, but what about the mains? Are there any that only get brought back because of the fans, to his own dismay?
02/12/2015 09:04 AM (UTC)
1. Do you and your team hate the MK4, DA, and Deception characters?

2. Will we be able to play as any character from MK4, DA, or Deception that isnt Quan Chi or Kenshi?

3. Are we really getting the highest number of new characters?
02/12/2015 10:29 AM (UTC)
He would never answer the first two questions. Once a Gamespot journalist asked him about Tobias and Ed looked kinda offended "he won't be back".
And then the same journalist :"But do you keep in touch, at least? "

EB :" oh yeah, I just messagged/chatted with him ".

The journalist made an embarassed laugh and nobody believed What Boon said, not even Boon himself.

On Twitter Tobias told me that he was" surprised " to be called to draw the mk vs dcu comic book.

Now he works for Zynga.
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02/12/2015 11:02 AM (UTC)
Yeah I remember that interview, I'll edit the questions so they're lil less invasive and polite. That's the point, we come up with questions and then comment on them if they are good and edit them and all. Good point homie.
02/12/2015 12:11 PM (UTC)
Keep in mind that everything about mk:mythologies, Annihilation, Special Forces, Foma and the "dark age" of the franchise is tabù topic for him.

Of course that's just my perception of it, EB is a very kind and polite person.
02/12/2015 04:14 PM (UTC)
1. What are the chances Tanya and Reiko making it in the game as playable. I tweeted this to him couple times, but got NO answers.

2. Will every kharacter be revealed(though there aren't that long a time remaining until the release), or some kharacters will just be there when you get the game as a surprice?

That will be all for me.
02/12/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
Can stage interactables be turned off like in Injustice? grin

Just kidding; don't consider it. They'll never answer that. It sounds like a criticism of their exciting new feature.
02/12/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
Ask him who he likes better, Queen Mileena, or peasant Kitana.
02/12/2015 08:27 PM (UTC)
If he answers even a small fraction of the questions in this thread it'll be great.

Q1: You stated in an interview that we'd see another MK4 character other than Quan Chi and a few from later games; is that still the case?

Q2: Roughly how many post-trilogy characters can we expect, more than 3?

Q3: With Kitana's "Mournful" variation and Ermac having Shao Kahn's soul within him, is it fact that Jade & Shao Kahn will not be playable in MKX?

Q4: You've heavily tweeted about Frost, even yesterday's tweet mentioning "meter-less vortex" was a nod to Killer Frost; will you please confirm or de-confirm her already? wink

Q5: Will we be getting a total of 7 new characters, or 8 if counting Ferra & Torr as two?

Q6: Is there a high chance of strong winds being in MKX?
Uppercut Editions
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02/12/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
Can we get an MKX artbook?
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