Mortal Kombat Wiki: NetherRealm Q&A interview answers
posted02/12/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/12/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
So on January 29th NetherRealm posted a thread about submitting questions for a Q&A interview and the answers are now up. The original post on the thread was:

"Check out the answers to your questions, and learn about the Living Tower and Faction Wars modes in MKX, right here!

Hey everyone!

Good news! We may have an upcoming opportunity to talk with NetherRealm about Mortal Kombat X next week, and we'd like to get as many questions about the game from the community as we can!

Please leave your questions in the comments below, and we'll ask the best ones / as many as we have time to ask. Thanks!"

The thread is here: NetherRealm Q&A questions

Info: Hello again MK Wiki!

We had a chance last week to sit down with Brian Goodman, Marketing Game Manager at NetherRealm Studios, and ask him some of your questions about Mortal Kombat X. We also had a chance to spend some hands-on time with the game and check out the new Faction Wars mode. The Faction Wars mode tracks the player's progress over the course of a week and awards them faction points for their accomplishments in both single and multiplayer. At the start of every week, players choose one of five factions: Special Forces, Black Dragon, White Lotus, Lin Kuei, or The Brotherhood of the Shadow.

Choosing a faction reskins the game's menus in the style of that faction for the week. Factions are both region and platform agnostic, so the weekly struggle will be truly global. Should your faction win, you'll receive both temporary and permanent rewards, including faction specific fatalities.

Mr. Goodman was quick to point out that the unlocks are not drastically game changing, and won't give Faction War winners an unfair advantage. We also checked out MKX's new Living Towers feature. Akin to the Challenge Tower from MK9, the Living Towers are split into Quick Tower, Daily Tower, and Premier Tower. Quick Tower is roughly 5 fights, takes 15-20 minutes to complete, and refreshes every two hours.

Daily Tower is a longer series of fights that refreshes daily, and Premier Tower is a themed tower reserved for special events and celebrating historic moments and milestones in Mortal Kombat's history.

Like the old Challenge Tower, the Living Towers present players with challenges that add special win conditions and hazards to regular kombat; Portal Kombat adds random portals to the level, Cyrax Assist adds random Cyrax Bombs to the mix, and Dark Kombat has the screen periodically go completely black. Players will need an online connection in order to participate in the Tower events.

Answers to Questions:

“We tried to ask as many of your questions as possible, but, as with any pre-release game, they tend to have careful plans for releasing new info, so getting direct answers for questions about DLC and new characters unfortunately wasn't possible.

That said, we did get some answers/clues to your questions...

• Character variations will not be customizable.
• It's "possible" that the game will feature other characters like Cassie Cage, who are the offspring of existing characters.
• The Story mode will be roughly the same length as MK9's, and will feature a similar system, where the player uses multiple characters over the course of the story.
• When asked if the story, set 25 years after MK9, would utilize flashbacks and flashforwards, Mr. Goodman said "perhaps".
• Living Towers mode will not force the player to use any one character variation, they're free to choose.
• No word yet on netcode specifics.

That's all for now! Thanks again for the questions!

Thread link here: NetherRealm Q&A answers
02/10/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
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02/10/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
The story uses the same course of MK9 where players control "multiple characters". That means that not all characters will have their chapters and certain characters will be treated like shit just like in MK9. Disappointing
02/10/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
That's good about the story length I am hoping for at least the same as MK9 if not a bit longer with some bad guy chapters thrown in. I just recently played the injustice story mode and although I absolutey loved it it was way to short and just seemed to fly by to quick
02/10/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
The length of story mode is okay I guess but it better not be the same shit with just fights and video. I would like the idea of a more open world where you walk around a restricted part of let's say the snow forest where you have to go through with a few uncontrollable allies, face some wolves, some objects maybe and then meet someone.

This leads to a video, a fight and an ending video leading to the next bit. If they want to go to another realm or other characters all together, just use the portal as a gateway. So kind of like a level where the chapter ends once your reach the portal or a certain area where you will return to.

Also, the dialogue in MK9 was horrible, especially the fake Asian accents and dialects. Shang Tsung was the worst, why not hire the actor who played him or at least someone who does not force it. In that regard, they must get rid of these American half-breed Asian looks. Just give the likes of Liu Kang a real Asian look and voice, not that American trying to sound Chinese accent.

About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/10/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
The story uses the same course of MK9 where players control "multiple characters". That means that not all characters will have their chapters and certain characters will be treated like shit just like in MK9. Disappointing

I'm with you there. It could be disappointing. Hopefully NRS listened to some of the criticisms...I for one would really love to spend some time playing characters from both sides of the battle, not just the good guys. And please no universal punching bags...even Sheeva deserved better.
02/10/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
What questions are we supposed to ask that won't get a "we're not talking about that" or "we haven't revealed them yet". Kinda pointless with how little they've shown but I'm looking forward to it anyways
02/10/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
I honestly wish the Story was a tad longer but oh well.
About Me

-sig by MINION

02/10/2015 09:47 PM (UTC)
I thought story length was fine. It was what? Three or so hours? That's pretty good. Although they might be talking about number of fights and not actual story content.

I hate that the faction you choose changes your menus and such. I'll probably definitely choose either Lin Kuei or White Lotus.
02/10/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
The length of story mode is okay I guess but it better not be the same shit with just fights and video. I would like the idea of a more open world where you walk around a restricted part of let's say the snow forest where you have to go through with a few uncontrollable allies, face some wolves, some objects maybe and then meet someone.

This leads to a video, a fight and an ending video leading to the next bit. If they want to go to another realm or other characters all together, just use the portal as a gateway. So kind of like a level where the chapter ends once your reach the portal or a certain area where you will return to.

Also, the dialogue in MK9 was horrible, especially the fake Asian accents and dialects. Shang Tsung was the worst, why not hire the actor who played him or at least someone who does not force it. In that regard, they must get rid of these American half-breed Asian looks. Just give the likes of Liu Kang a real Asian look and voice, not that American trying to sound Chinese accent.

No disagreement at all from me about anything you said.

I'd especially like a longer story mode, about 6 hours in length; wouldn't mind a semi-linear/open world type as you mentioned; and personally I'd like a sub-titles option for the game because I missed so much dialogue during cut-scenes in MK9 because even though I had my tv volume on higher than I've had it playing any game, some characters voices were very quiet.
02/12/2015 08:07 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I thought story length was fine. It was what? Three or so hours? That's pretty good. Although they might be talking about number of fights and not actual story content.

I hate that the faction you choose changes your menus and such. I'll probably definitely choose either Lin Kuei or White Lotus.

Story Mode was about 5-8 hours lol
02/12/2015 10:33 AM (UTC)
Good times when Crow and ]{ombat made official chats with the developers and were the first to figure out harakiris and easter eggs.

Now we must rely on the horrid mk wiki, which made ass questions except for the Story Mode one.
02/12/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
barakall Wrote:
The length of story mode is okay I guess but it better not be the same shit with just fights and video. I would like the idea of a more open world where you walk around a restricted part of let's say the snow forest where you have to go through with a few uncontrollable allies, face some wolves, some objects maybe and then meet someone.

This leads to a video, a fight and an ending video leading to the next bit. If they want to go to another realm or other characters all together, just use the portal as a gateway. So kind of like a level where the chapter ends once your reach the portal or a certain area where you will return to.

Also, the dialogue in MK9 was horrible, especially the fake Asian accents and dialects. Shang Tsung was the worst, why not hire the actor who played him or at least someone who does not force it. In that regard, they must get rid of these American half-breed Asian looks. Just give the likes of Liu Kang a real Asian look and voice, not that American trying to sound Chinese accent.

No disagreement at all from me about anything you said.

I'd especially like a longer story mode, about 6 hours in length; wouldn't mind a semi-linear/open world type as you mentioned; and personally I'd like a sub-titles option for the game because I missed so much dialogue during cut-scenes in MK9 because even though I had my tv volume on higher than I've had it playing any game, some characters voices were very quiet.

MK9 had subtitles
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