Mortal Kombat: Vengence (idea for a GBA game) *** with 16 pictures
posted01/05/2007 09:32 PM (UTC)by
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01/29/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)

Before I start, I would like to say this is an idea for a GBA game. Although the technology is outdated, I thought this would make for a SIDE STORY. The technology allows for 14 3D fighters, so that is the limit of my amount of Characters. This game fits in sometime between when the Deadly Alliance was formed and the rise of the Dragon King Onaga.


This is not about a tournament for glory, honour, pride or immortality. This is about revenge and doing what it takes for your own survival.

Quan Chi has made many great enemies throughout the generations of his treacherous actions. He promised the onis Drahmin and Moloch their fill of flesh for their loyalty. However, when their power grew too much for Quan Chi to handle he plotted their destruction.

Shang Tsung however warned the two oni and they struck! During a great battle, Drahmin and Quan Chi fell into the inner sanctum chamber of the fortress.

Moloch had at first seen a changed Drahmin exit the chamber altered. Quan Chi was not left inside of the chamber. Then Moloch noticed that Drahmin and Quan Chi were bound together. Their bodies were merged into a two headed half man, half oni.

Moloch no longer chose to see it as half Drahmin. Instead he only saw it as Quan Chi still having breath in his body. Quan Chi was dragged back to the portal to the Netherealm, where he could torture the sorcerer for his deception. Moloch would make Quan Chi beg for death before it was finally granted.

Years before the deadly alliance, Quan Chi had annihilated Scorpion’s entire clan. That debt has not yet been repaid. Scorpion was the first to find Quan Chi still alive, despite the tortures of Moloch. The two did battle for the right to kill the imprisoned sorcerer. However, Quan Chi took this as a distraction to slip away from the two of them.

Although greatly altered, Quan Chi has now found those loyal to his authority of arch sorcerer, His remaining Sisters of Shadow. Jataaka and Kia were both sent out to defeat Scorpion and those that hunted him, while Quan Chi himself would seek the means to separate his body from Drahmin’s.

The legend is that twin pendants of the Ying and the Yang, one pendant would go around Quan Chi’s neck, the other would go around Drahmin’s. When the Ying and the Yang are connected the wearers would be separated from the spell that bound them together. However, Quan Chi would have to climb to the top of Shinnok’s spire to obtain the twin pendants.

Unknown to Quan Chi is that in a world a turbulent world with blinding ash storms, he cannot see where all of his foes are.


EARTH WARRIORS – those who have come to the Netherealm

Night Wolf

NETHEREALM WARRIORS – those native to the Netherealm


SISTERS OF SHADOW –assassins of Quan Chi


BOSS CHARACTERS – those in power of the Netherealm

Quan Chi

HIDDEN CHARACTERS – secrets for fun

Noob Saibot



Status: Shaman
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Styles: Valtudo / Wrestling
Weapon: Tomahawks
Allies: Ashrah
Foes: Blister, Shinnok, Quan Chi, Blaze, Onaga

He has had a vision of the Dragon King’s rebirth! Nightwolf has taken the burden of the sins of his people in order to step foot in the Netherealm on a journey to absorb the evil that taints the land.


Status: Specter
Alignment: Neutral
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Hapkido / Moi Fah
Weapon: Mugai Ryu
Allies: None
Foes: Quan Chi, Moloch, the Sisters of Shadow

A relentless hunter, he seeks revenge against Quan Chi, but Scorpion’s return was anticipated. Quan Chi has reassembled his Sisters of Shadow to eliminate Scorpion.


Status: Mass of Souls
Alignment: Good
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Hua Chuan / Choy Lee Fut
Weapon: Axe
Allies: Ashrah, Blister
Foes: Quan Chi

Ermac has returned to the Netherealm to free those that still suffer endlessly in their bondage. Ermac felt this was the only way to help others, just as Kenshi had released him from the control of Shao Kahn.


Status: Zombie
Alignment: Good
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Mi Zong / Zha-Chuan
Weapon: Hook Chain
Allies: Ermac
Foes: Ashrah, Shinnok, Moloch

Blister had once been a valuable Edenian warrior. He kept peace with the metal of his blade, but when Shinnok invaded the realm, Blister was one of the first to perish. Like all that displeased Shinnok, Blister was turned into a zombie that would roam the badlands of the Netherealm. He was rescued by Ermac that showed him the way out of the desert and to the spire of Shinnok.


Status: Demon
Alignment: Good
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Ba Gui / Chou Jaio

Weapon: Staff
Allies: Ermac, Night Wolf
Foes: Blister, Quan Chi, the Sisters of Shadow

After questioning her former master, she is now hunted by her sisters. She seeks to cleanse all evil whether it be demon, ghoul or zombie that get in her way of escaping the Netherealm.


Status: Demon
Alignment: Neutral
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Tae Kwon Do / Yuan Yang
Weapon: Sais
Allies: None
Foes: Quan Chi, the Sisters of Shadow

After failing her master several times, her human form has been taken from her. She now yearns to escape from the Netherealm and restore her human figure.


Status: Assassin
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Kempo / Shotokan
Weapon: Daggers
Allies: Quan Chi, the Sisters of Shadow
Foes: Ashrah, Sareena, Scorpion, Moloch

Still in her human form, Kia hunts her sisters Ashrah and Sareena.


Status: Assassin
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Ba Sha Fan / Dragon
Weapon: Naginata
Allies: Quan Chi, the Sisters of Shadow
Foes: Ashrah, Sareena, Scorpion, Moloch

Jataaka has stepped forward to accept the task to hunt down Scorpion. In return, Quan Chi has promised her that she would be the new enforcer of the Deadly Alliance to replace the treacherous Kano.


Status: Lord of Netherealm
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Nan Chuan / Pi Gua
Weapon: Staff
Allies: Moloch, Noob Saibot
Foes: Night Wolf, Quan Chi

With the help of Daegon, he has regained his thrown of the lord of the Netherealm. Now that he has been restored to power, he finds himself a target as always, both from his allies and enemies. Lord Shinnok seeks to make allies with those he can control.


Status: Arch Sorcerer / half Oni
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Tang Soo Do / Excrima
Weapon: Dual Broadswords
Allies: Sisters of Shadow
Foes: Night Wolf, Ashrah, Moloch, Shinnok

Quan Chi has been bound to the body of Drahmin. They are now as one. Moloch took that as an opportunity to drag him back into the Netherealm. However, Quan Chi found an opportunity to escape and he now seeks a way to return himself to normal.


Status: Oni
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: ???
Weapon: Giant Rock
Allies: Shinnok
Foes: Scorpion, Quan Chi

Moloch chooses to become the protector of Lord Shinnok. With all of Shinnok’s enemies they would each be drawn to the spire where a hungry Moloch would be waiting for them.


Status: Fire Spawn / Guardian of the Last Dragon Egg
Alignment: Neutral
Origin: ???
Styles: Hapkido / Jeet Kun Do / Xing Xi
Weapon: None
Allies: Onaga
Foes: Night Wolf

He is currently imprisoned to be the guard of the last dragon egg. He awaits any that come to Outworld to try to destroy the last dragon egg before it hatches.


Status: Wraith
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Netherealm
Styles: Monkey / Snake
Weapon: Troll Hammer
Allies: Shinnok
Foes: Quan Chi, Scorpion

Noob seeks to persuade the Sisters of Shadow to aide him in conquering the Netherealm for his own sinister purposes. With the Netherealm under his control he will amass a loyal army that will invade Outworld.


Status: Special Forces Cyborg (built by Link Kuei)
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Styles: Ninjitsu / Sambo
Weapon: Pulsar Blade
Allies: None
Foes: Quan Chi, Moloch

When the two oni, Drahmin and Moloch had fled from an attack by Cyrax, he then followed the two. Cyrax knew that they would lead him to Quan Chi and the Deadly Alliance. He awaited his moment to strike, but he was too late, Cyrax watched as Quan Chi became one with Drahmin and was dragged into a portal to the Netherealm by Moloch. Cyrax took this as his opportunity to follow them into the portal until it closed.

12/28/2006 03:27 PM (UTC)
The GBA is pretty much a dead portable system now. good idea though.
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12/28/2006 03:53 PM (UTC)
Yeah, the GBA is dead, but I still much prefer the old schoolness of it. At least I didn't pitch a Gameboy Color idea smile
12/28/2006 06:54 PM (UTC)
This storyline doesn't fit into the timeline between MK:DA and Deception.

- Quan Chi's Inner Sanctum chamber doesn't fuse people together. In MK:DA, they said Quan Chi used it to focus and rejuvenate his power. When Drahmin's ending said "he was altered" it didn't mean he was merged with Quan Chi. None of it mattered anyway, since the ending didn't happen.

- At the time between MK:DA and Deception, Sareena had alrerady abanded the Brotherhood of the Shadow, was no longer loyal to Quan Chi, and should be with Sub-Zero at this time. And she lost her human form because she helped Sub-Zero during Mythologies. Not because of Ashrah.

- When Liu Kang was killed, Shang Tsung stole his soul. He wouldn't be in the Netherealm at this time.

- The last Dragon egg wasn't in the Netherealm, it was in Outworld.

- Ermac did not originate from the Netherealm. He's from Outworld.

- According to Ashrah's bios in Deception, she had turned against Quan Chi and had found & been using the Kriss for years. Not during MK:DA's timeline.

- Noob Saibot goal at this time should be to conquer the Netherealm first.

- Cyrax at this time should be helping Nitara find her orb.

Idea of some sort of side story that takes place in between MK:DA & Deception is nice, but a lot of this doesn't fit. And for the most part, a lot of the storyline seems like generic "I'm hunting this guy," or "I want to conquer," or "We have to stop evil," etc.
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12/28/2006 10:58 PM (UTC)
- About Quan Chi's chamber, it could have happened, and Quan Chi returns to normal. I have not posted the endings yet. It happens between the formation of the Deadly Alliance and when the rise of Onaga. There is a whole story in there from when Liu Kang is killed between Onaga's rise.

- You could be right about the Sareena thing. I know I went on the basis of the Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition GBA game.

- You are absolutely right about Liu Kang smile

- You are correct about the Dragon Egg.

- Ermac is from the Outworld, yet somehow someway in Deception he comes to the Netherealm. I thought of that, and have yet to post Ermac's ending to explain that.

- I was under the assumption Ashrah had turned and then discovered the Kriss, I will make a minor adjustment.

- I definately thought of Noob trying to conquer the Netherealm first, but MK Deception said that Noob first sets his sights on Outworld and not the Netherealm.

- According to Cyrax's DA bio the orb was found in Outworld, not the Netherealm, yet in Deception they were in the Netherealm.

Finally you are right about generic plotlines, after all, we do have to stop Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Onaga and Blaze. I will edit some things smile Just for my own sake of logic.
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12/28/2006 11:05 PM (UTC)
Actually now that I think about it, what this all comes down to is its another rehashing of the same old characters, which is why it seems so generic. I will remove some and add some brand new characters smile
12/28/2006 11:22 PM (UTC)
sitebender Wrote:
- Ermac is from the Outworld, yet somehow someway in Deception he comes to the Netherealm. I thought of that, and have yet to post Ermac's ending to explain that.

He was sent to the Netherealm by Shao Kahn to assassinate Ashrah. That's why he was there. Also, that event took place years before even MK1.
Remember, Deception's Konquest storyline spans almost 60 years.

sitebender Wrote:
I was under the assumption Ashrah had turned and then discovered the Kriss, I will make a minor adjustment.

She did. But a long time ago, before MK:DA.

sitebender Wrote:
- According to Cyrax's DA bio the orb was found in Outworld, not the Netherealm, yet in Deception they were in the Netherealm.

I assume you're referring to Deception's Konquest. Don't.
The main storyline of Konquest...Shujinko's quest to find the canon. The side missions and the random characters you bump into along the way are non-canon and don't count.
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12/29/2006 02:15 AM (UTC)
I have updated various parts of the story and bios to repair the flaws smile
12/30/2006 08:35 AM (UTC)
The only thing I don't like is Noob's weapon. Troll Hammer sucks, scythe all the way!
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12/30/2006 10:02 PM (UTC)


Using an ancient incantation Night Wolf absorbed sin after sin from zombies. There was however one zombie he could not absorb the sins from. It was Blister who had been killed and sent to the Netherealm in honourable combat defending Edenia. Night Wolf found it strange that even in the Netherealm nothing could taint the incorruptible soul of Blister. The two forged an alliance. They would cleanse all that was evil in the realm so that Night Wolf was prepared for the Dragon King’s awakening.


Scorpion found that he had more than his fair share of foes in the Netherealm. After his ordeal with Moloch in his den, Scorpion wandered the desert in search of where Quan Chi had run to. He encountered a zombie named Blister that guided him to the location of Shinnok’s spire. That was where Quan Chi was headed and that is where Scorpion would wait for him.


After awakening Blister from his mind numbing torment in the Netherealm; Ermac then saved others as well, but he still felt he had not yet come to his destiny. He now waits the time when he will be needed to release the greatest warrior.


Upon learning of Shinnok’s return, Blister stalked the lord of the Netherealm. Floor after floor of apparition was defeated as Blister climbed to the top from inside. Once in Shinnok’s throne room, Blister was met by Shokan warriors. They were his former allies in Edenia. Blister knew it was a trick, so he had no mercy for tearing their limbs from their bodies. Instead of doing battle against Blister, Shinnok out smarted him. He first bargained to return Blister to a human form. It was done, however Blister still craved revenge. Shinnok then whisked Blister away into a different realm that has yet to be seen.


Ashrah had vanquished many demons on her path to ascension. Two of those demons were her own sisters Jataaka and Kia. They attempted to ambush Ashrah, but the power of the Kriss had warned her of the trap. Despite their trickery, Ashrah had destroyed two more demons, but there was still a much darker force that she would need to defeat before she could ascend.


Sareena sought out Lord Shinnok to grant her a human form once more. Shinnok was impressed that Sareena was able to get past Moloch, so he granted her access to Outworld where she could achieve the means to regain her human form, but only if she did something for him in return while she was there. Little did Shinnok realize the trickery of Sareena. She had been allowed to pass the hungry Moloch, because she no longer had flesh on her body.


Noob Saibot had gained an allegiance from his former Sisters of Shadow as they still believed he served under Quan Chi still. After Quan Chi had left the Netherealm he deceived the sisters into believing that he was the voice of Quan Chi. Their first task was to overthrow Shinnok and proclaim Noob Saibot the new lord of the Netherealm.


Jataaka had done as Quan Chi had asked. She had put a stop to Scorpion which allowed Quan Chi to find the pendants of the Ying and the Yang. When she told him the news of Scorpion’s demise, he merely laughed and called her a fool. Scorpion cannot be stopped. He then kicked her aside and ran through a portal into Outworld. The portal closed before Jataaka was able to follow him.


When Quan Chi had come to Shinnok’s spire to claim the twin pendants, he had been followed by several of their enemies. Shinnok and Quan Chi found themselves greatly outnumbered against Scorpion, Blister, Cyrax and Noob Saibot. Shinnok called for Moloch to protect him; however Moloch was only interested in eating the flesh from Blister’s bones. Quan Chi took this as his opportunity to snatch the twin pendants from possession of Shinnok. When Quan Chi’s body was split form Drahmin’s in a blinding light that filled the throne room. When the light subsided, Quan Chi had exited through a portal and left Shinnok alone to do battle against his enemies. It is believed that his reign did not last past the battle.


Quan Chi had successfully found the twin pendants of the Ying and the Yang and was separated from the body of Drahmin. However, once separated, it only took Drahmin a moment to realize that he was now free to take his revenge on the sorcerer. After having shared the same body, the two could never truly be free from one another. Drahmin now had a green aura that glow his missing flesh and Quan Chi would now have a swarm of flies.


Many zombies and ghouls would be eaten by the oni Moloch, but there was only one that provided him resistance. It was Blister. The two did battle, but in the end it looked as if Moloch was about to finish him. A spear came from a darkened corner of the chamber and plunged into Moloch. Scorpion had not saved Blister, but taken a bit of vengeance on Moloch for throwing him into the Soulnado.


Blaze’s continued vigilance will prevail until the Dragon King is hatched in Outworld.


The Sisters of Shadow had made an allegiance to Noob Saibot until Quan Chi returned to the Netherealm. It was however short lived when the sisters discovered that he was no longer a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow. Noob Saibot served his own purposes and had deceived the two sisters and knew Quan Chi would make them pay for their ignorance upon his return. The two sisters each grabbed an arm of the wraith and yanked him until his corrupted body splattered. It would not be the last anyone has heard of him though.


The mission of Cyrax was complete; he had defeated Quan Chi with the skill of his pulsar-blade. However Cyrax would now have to find his way out of the Nethrealm.
12/31/2006 01:44 AM (UTC)
This is not even a possible game, as Deception takes place right after Deadly Alliance ends. There is no room for this story to even happen without interfering with the original games' story.
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12/31/2006 02:49 AM (UTC)
Yeah I thought of that, like I said before this takes place between the BEGINNING of the Deadly Alliance (not the end) and when the Dragon King is awakened at the BEGINNING of Deception.
12/31/2006 03:35 AM (UTC)
It still really doesn't work, as Drahmin and Quan Chi met at the beginning of DA and then it seems near the middle or end of DA they escaped the Netherealm and continued to presue the sorcerer.
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12/31/2006 06:57 AM (UTC)
NIGHTWOLF (sorry he isn't the best)







SAREENA (in demon form)

01/03/2007 01:11 AM (UTC)
Good job with the characters! I'de like to see more!
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01/03/2007 05:52 AM (UTC)
At least the photos make this post salvagable smile


01/03/2007 11:34 PM (UTC)
I like the Noob design. Who is the blue guy.

I was thinnking of making maskless Noob on KAK.
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01/05/2007 05:46 AM (UTC)

01/05/2007 05:55 PM (UTC)
Nice pictures and idea. I hope it comes out soon!!!furious

01/05/2007 09:32 PM (UTC)
I like the Shinnok designs, and really like Jatakka.

P.S. Moloch as been dieting again iit seems.
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