Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2? You Thoughts Please.
posted06/05/2005 07:35 AM (UTC)by
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05/22/2004 05:08 PM (UTC)
You think its time we get an MK Trilogy 2? Have like Shao Kahn be the main boss again...just throw in all of the old characters with the new ones, have some characters make there 3d debut including Motaro and Kintaro. Like Mr Boon says, "no one really dies in MK" just have like every evil character ever made in MK history somehow form an alliance under the rule of Shao Kahn, Shinnok or the dragon king. maybe have multi sub bosses? more creative death traps, more bloody MK style fatalities, I'm not talking about snapping someones neck then raising your hand, I'm talking about setting someone on fire, ripping his nuts out shoving them down his throat then..snapping his neck. Have cloth ripping , have blood on someones sword after they used it to slice someone across the chest, large interactive and creative arenas, have like blood stains on the clothes, when u hit someone the blood shouldn't spray everywhere, just hit him multiple times and bust him open then watch the blood run down his face, his cloths and if you knock someone face first on the ground thats when u get blood stains on the floor. Black eyes, welts, cuts. creative...punch the opponent so f****** hard that his fist gets jammed in his stomach., then start to freeze the guy inside-out, raise him above and start smashing him on the ground, not once or maybe like 3 times until his body actually breaks like glass. No more chunky parts flying when some get dicapitated, try to make it as really as possible but with the mk touch. Give us cheat menus, allow us to play as the boss and sub bosses, do stuff that we never seen before, take advantage of the new technology that your going to be working with.
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05/23/2005 04:39 AM (UTC)
Sounds good, I don't know about the name though...
05/23/2005 09:57 AM (UTC)
Pretty much everybody, including myself, would like a 3D MK with every character and level in it from past games. But, it's only a dream, I highly doubt anything like that would ever happen.

It seems (to me) like Mortal Kombat is too great a franchise for the current MK Team / Midway to handle. We'd all like some sort of collection of past MK games, doubt it will happen. We'd all like a "Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2" type of game, doubt it will happen.

Shaolin Monks seems like MK is taking a step in the right direction, as far as what fans want. I know that I'm excited to go back to the roots of the original MK's and revisit all that, even if the game stinks, just for nostalgia. MK:SM makes me happy that MK will be going in multiple directions as far as genres are concerned.

I don't really know how to say what I'm saying, but I hope y'all get the gist of it.

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05/23/2005 10:48 AM (UTC)
With the current amount of possible plotlines and characters it would turn out dumb. No, a trilogy would be a failure. However, if they would preset that X amount of new characters and ideas would appear in the future, then a good series of games could surface sooner than we muight expect it. BTW, MK trilogy was disastrous despite the good idea.
05/23/2005 11:37 AM (UTC)
dumb? some plot lines probably never happend and will, like noob killing subzero? lie mie and the dragon king becoming the new rulers? thats the best part of it, theres so many plots with endless possiblities, every mk fan is dieing to have an MK trilogy 2, it would be the best launch title for the MK team for next gen consoles. Can you imagine the chaos that would happen to gamers when they find out an MK Trilogy 2 is in the way? Like i said let this game be a HUGE gamewith endless possibilities, take advantage of the new technology thats you wil be using.
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05/23/2005 11:43 AM (UTC)
There is NO way that they could fit every character from MK into one game.

First off, it would take far too long for them to do that. They could make at least 2 other MK games in the time that they made just this one. They would need to come up with Fatalities, Hara Kiris if they still keep them, Fighting styles, Weapons, then they would have to do all the screen tests and the whole process would take forever.

Second off, no cd can hold that much space, but if it could, the cd would be thick as hell. They would have to make the game 2 discs.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is an alright idea, but there is no way it will happen, not any time soon at least.
05/23/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)
i agree it would take forever to make and like the first trilogy it was very slowsadsad
05/23/2005 07:23 PM (UTC)
If the next one's on PS3, XBOX2, then it's a given that the graphics will be super. Putting in stuff like tearing clothes shouldn't be too hard.

Given a choice between overhauled gameplay/animation, and having loads of characters, i'd go for the former.
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05/23/2005 08:11 PM (UTC)
Only if they finally rearrange the plotlines to make sense (btw, I wasn't referring to alternte endings, so you completely misunderstood me) than there is nothing wrong with it. BUT:

too many characters, protagonists and antagonists in one piece of work take away the uniqueness of others, not to mention what kind of logic would allow permanently dead characters to return? ONE is certain, one of the classics dies for the final time in MKD (confirmed by Vogel - Boon)? And to have them only for fan service, it would lower the already laughable quality of the whole MK franchise.

second, not even the PS3 can handle all the characters in 3D, remodelled (becouse palette swaps wouldn't be a choice). It will simply lack the power to run all (if not everyone then the majority what is at least 45-50) charac-ters. PC's have the adwantage over consoles that given the (incredibly expensive - at least here, in my region of Europe) proper hardware can achieve even better quality than the PS3 and the new Xbox in no time (shortly before or after the release).

A large roster with UNIQUE characters (nothing like MK3 and MK4) would be good. Another thing I forgot: every fighter needs a certain amount of new faces for characters.
05/24/2005 01:02 AM (UTC)
A 3D Mortal Kombat... Chronology(?), Would make me think I sold my soul to the Devil!!

Tekken Tag Tournament had around 40 characters. Why couldn't there be an MK game with around 60 characters?
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05/24/2005 01:05 AM (UTC)
It shouldn't have ALL the characters; maybe 30-40 of the BEST characters in MK history.
05/24/2005 03:23 AM (UTC)
My Idea

A game with all characters in MKDA and MK Deception.
We will have 39 characters, all with original and alternate costumes. 2 Fatalities (the Deception can be used again and some of MKDA). About secret characters I will add Sareena and Sektor (from MKTE) and Blaze and Mokap (MKDA).
Goro and Kahn as the bosses. No need of a history this time. Just a game to fight all time. And On Line.
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

05/24/2005 05:43 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see a game like this, but I'd really like for it to be in 2-D. It would be cool if when MK7 comes out, it could come with a bonus disk featuring a 2-D game with just about every character in it...just for fighting purposes...because having to create storylines and such would be too time consuming just for a bonus game. I seriously doubt that it would be called "Trilogy 2" though, seeing how "Trilogy" meant that it was the combination of the first "3" games. "Trilogy 2" would imply that it would be a remake of "Trilogy". I don't know the correct term for a series of 6's probably like "hexilogy" or something...but I'm only saying that because a six-sided polygon is called a "hexagon". Too bad "hexilogy" isn't a real word though...tongue
05/24/2005 11:08 PM (UTC)
My God, Thats all we talk about over here!! Thats All I want, a Trilogy 2.
Every Character plus more, hidden , secret, ect ect. Please for the love of God and everthing Mortal Kombat Make an All or Nothing MK game Mr. Ed Boon. I dont care what anybody says Just Freakin Do It!! NO EXCUSES
05/25/2005 04:27 AM (UTC)
did u not watch e3? some guy said you gould have like 8 -12 characters on the screen moving at the same time and action without wasteing space or the possibility of lagging. Now he said the ps3 and xbox 360 are no where near the ps2 and xbox capabilities and can handle 100 and more characters on the same doing diffrent things PLUS EXTRA SPACE to do alot more. It was in the interview for dead rising i belive, it was like " now with the ps3 we can litterally have hundreds and hundreds of characters on the screen and still have enuf space to add more without the game slowing down. So theres going to be alot of room and stuff..remeber this is all new technology so things are going to be diffrent. I didnt really mean EVERY CHARACTER i just meant like the good ones lol. stryker has dont hate and so does sheeva.
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05/25/2005 10:52 AM (UTC)
Well, let's just say they use every character, alright?

Someone even said in an interview at E3 that now the games will take even longer to make, due to the graphics engines. But put this into perspective...

All the character models, all their stories, all their Fatalities, all their Hara Kiris (if in the game), all the stage models, their death traps (if in the game), all their special moves, and all the fighting styles. There is probably more that I just can't think about.

But that would take a pretty long time to make. Maybe it's possible, but I doubt it will happen.
05/28/2005 08:12 PM (UTC)
I think the name should be Mortal Kombat Forever or Mortal Kombat Reunion. They should put every last thing and feature on the game. Every single character every single board. Every single finishing move-Fatality Friendship, Bablity, Brutality, Animality, Pit Fatality, and hari kari. I don't care how long it takes as long as it is made. BUT if they do make that kind of Mortal Kombat that will probrobly be the LAST ONE! winkwink
05/30/2005 10:43 AM (UTC)
Zidane_FF Wrote:
My Idea

A game with all characters in MKDA and MK Deception.
We will have 39 characters, all with original and alternate costumes. 2 Fatalities (the Deception can be used again and some of MKDA). About secret characters I will add Sareena and Sektor (from MKTE) and Blaze and Mokap (MKDA).
Goro and Kahn as the bosses. No need of a history this time. Just a game to fight all time. And On Line.

Yes, I agree 100% with you. This one should be a "Dream Match", so no real storyline is needed.

My suggestion, basically, is: merge MKDA and MKD in one game, use what was done for MKDA and MKD, and add new kontent: a pair of new mini-games -the ones from the MKD sketches-, new arenas and a few new characters (Shao Kahn, Goro, and rain, for example).

Many people would love playing as his favourite MKDA characters (for example, Kung Lao or Drahmin) under MKD's engine and arenas and Online. As they use basically the same engine, adding MKDA's fighters and arenas wouldn't be something very hard to do.
It also would be very cool if the characters from MKDA had a new alternate costume and an additional fatality and hara-kiri. All the arenas from MKDA should have a death trap now, too.

In this MK "Dream Match", the focus would be on the fighting game and its huge grid of characters, so the Konquest mode wouldn't be as complex as in MKD. It should be similar to MKDA's Konquest mode: They might create Quan Chi's Realm (the one from the sketches form MKD) and invent multiple tasks to do while training every fighter in the game, and learning a ton of info about the characters (not only their story in the MK universe, but also their creation process).
06/04/2005 06:03 PM (UTC)
i dont think it would take longer to make it will just take more staff to make it, basically hiring more people to create character models , stage models , storylines etc so i cant see why it should take so long, but more staff for them means less profit for them so i think they have the ability to make a game with every character it just whether they see it as a big enough profit or not , im crossing my fingers coz i really hope i see all my favs in 3d like rain, sheeva , stryker, a human smoke?, also every sub boss and boss like kintaro , motaro , goro , shao kahn , onaga etc all in one game how awesome would that be , its probebly a dream so ED if you read this make my dream come true PLEASE! Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2 would be awesome
06/05/2005 07:35 AM (UTC)
i rather they work on a game like MK triogly 2 before the make MK 7!

Mk trilogy 2 should be the last MK game to be the X-box , gamecube, and PS2 before the new systems come out!!

Start MK 7 fresh with a new system like the X-box 2 or PS3.

I would like to to have every character in MK, but if the only did MK 4 -6, that would Alright!
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