Mortal Kombat: Trials of Assention
posted08/24/2006 07:22 PM (UTC)by
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03/04/2004 11:36 AM (UTC)
I posted a link previously to this concept on our website, but since just finished the whole concept up, thought i would post the whole lot here......




First up MK8 should equal "True Martial Arts Simulation". Ok now on when the rest. Basically the story for MK8 should follow a different path to any previous games. Only a handful of old characters should return. The premise for my concept is as follows.

A Mortal Warrior of superior skills is choosen by Raiden to become his successor as Protector/God of EarthRealm. After the events of MKA, Raiden has grown tired from the continuing struggle.

The Elder Gods disapprove of a Raiden selecting a mortal. But agree on the condition he can pass the trials set out by them in the competition of Mortal Kombat. To prove himself he will face some of the toughest warriors in existence. Each of whom has been chosen by the Elder Gods.

Character basics:

Mortal Kombat 8 should contain approximately 42 New Characters and just a few returning characters. Also there should be 3 hidden Classic characters, 3 new sub-bosses and a Group main boss (more on that later).

ClASSIC CHARACTERS: Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden would have to be the main returning characters

NEW CHARACTERS: Some new character suggestions would be RAI the Son of Raiden and Prince Jun the Son of Goro; these two would have a connection. They have both grown up in the shadows and both have something to prove.

REINVENTION: Some revamped classic characters could be the fallen Shao Kahn (see Prisoner 147 below) and the Older soulless Shang Tsung who must steal souls to morph into the young Shang Tsung temporally or as he proceeds in Story Mode (see below) and the merged souls of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. (See Tanek)

Also the Main Boss or “Group Boss” as I would call it would be something a little different for MK. The last of challenge to fight the council of ELDER GODs in Mortal Kombat. Say 5 or 6 Elders that fight you on both a tag-team basis and 2 on 1 battle, this would vary as the round progresses.

We discuss some of these characters in further detail in the Character Details section.


Following in the Tradition of Previous MK titles, each eharacter will have two new preset costumes and one Authentically reproduced Classic costume (eg: the costume they first appeared in). In addition a new feature to bring a custom style of play would be the addition of a Create-a-Costume feature allowing users to select from a database of thousands of costume pieces, hair styles, tattoo's etc to perfectly tailor the appearance of their favourite warrior. Perhaps the addition of a random costumes generator as well.

KREATE -A-KOMBATANT: (used for single player Story mode)
Starting with basic warrior, using the create-a-costume feature, add in Gender/race selecting abilities, choose height, speed, agility, strength and martial arts style and you can choose two powers. You can also select a pre-made character as a basis and then modify it. For example, if you choose Sub-zero as your base and change gender and race and you get a female Tarkatan warrior in a Sub style costume with ice powers. This then becomes the warrior that Raiden Selects as his successor.


You adjust the fatality parameters from a list and thus design what is known ‘basic fatality’. This feature would only for use with Custom fighters. Of course there would be standard fatalities that could not be altered or accomplished using this section. The preset standard ones would be of a better quality.


With the notion of a PBDE (see below) a fighter could already be seriously injured by the end of a fight, if you choose to do a fatality, it makes the punishment twice as bad, an Elder god would step in and heal the fighter and then you character would do the fatality and kill them again


This would be harder to do and would need to be unlocked, but would take the idea of violent fatalities to a whole new level.


Arcade Mode:

Will comprise of various settings, such as Standard Arcade, Time Attack, Endurance, All in Brawl and 2, 3 or 4 player

Standard Arcade Mode:

Basically you chose a fighter (standard fighter with no power upgrades) and you fight a randomly generated list of say 10 warriors including a unique boss designed just for Arcade Mode. (This boss has no bearing on the story mode and could be a classic boss from Mk History, the notion of a Separate Arcade Mode boss is increased playability and variety.)

Time Attack:Limited time to defeat an opponent of your choice.

Endurance:Contious opponents attack you one at a time, when you defeat one the next one appears with fresh health but your health is as it was with your first opponent.

All In Brawl:You fight 3 or 4 fighters in an all in brawl.

2, 3 or 4 player:2-4 players fight it out.

The Dojo: This would replace the practice section and also part of the Konquest mode, from previous MK games. Basically you choose your character and can either fight a wooden dummy (non reactive character, basically just a standard Mk character with a wooden texture map) or you can get lessons on combos and powers like in MKD's konquest mode from the Sensei (a non playable character who teaches you how to fight)

Story Mode: The story mode should get back to the origins of Mortal Kombat and that being a Tournament but blend it with the best elements of a Classic RPG, while at the same time avoiding the problems that were associated with Konquest.. Each fight will be overseen by the council of Elder Gods; they will commentate, judge and basically observe each match.

Story Mode begins in the City Of The Elder Gods. Basically you can explore like Konquest mode with your chosen character, but unlike Konquest mode there are no quests this section is purely to prepare for the tournament, either by training, upgrading or talKing to the locals who will offer advice about your next fight or help fill in your story. (Also learning about Mortal Kombat history). This is where your journey as Raiden’s chosen one begins.


The City of the Elder Gods is broken up into:

City Centre:

The city centre is contains a number of locals and a few Elder Gods, here you can find out about Mortal Kombat, from Bio’s to history.

The Bizzare:

This market place will allow you to trade in your fight points to alter your appearance with special unlockable clothes and accessaries. Also extra’s such as video’s and music. (see Extras below)

Portal Sanctum:

The Portal Sanctum was built by the Elder Gods to transport each contestant to their next fight, no matter what realm.

Training temple:

The training temple is similar to the Dojo, but there is an Elder God present that will upgrade your skills for Fight points. He is Raiden’s old mentor and a trusted allie.

The City Streets:

The streets are filled with locals, Gods, and fighters each may offer advice on your next match or secret moves.

Story Mode in action:
The main fight section would comprise the roster system similar to the previous Arcade mode and include some new story elements. Basically depending on which character you choose, this will determine which fighters you have to face, after each round either FMV or pictures will tell your story as you progress. (The idea is this will replace parts of Konquest)

Each character would have a progression in the game. Eg: If your character consistently uses mainly punch attacks, then you arm strength and size would increase slightly in the next round, if your character uses mainly special powers then the body size, and strength would decrease and the appearance would take on more sickly pale look. Elements such as scars and things would also carry over show progression after each level.

Story Mode would be broken in to 20 standard fights, a Soul Match (revised mirror match mode), Endurance Shokan match, Sub boss, and Group Boss match. Also after every match you could choose to go on to the next fight or return to The City Of The Elder Gods where you can go to RAIDEN’s training temple to upgrade your warriors abilities with the fight points earned in the match (see Point system below)

Out of the 20 standard fights 8, would be selected based on your initial character selection and will play a part in telling your chosen characters story. After each round either an FMV or picture/text story element will be provided to show progression of the player. Remember the Elder Gods have selected your enemies to challenge you and put you to the ultimate test.

The style of fights in Story Mode:

Normal Match: A normal win 2 round fight.

Street Brawl: No rounds just slower working health bars and the first one lose or their health.

All In Brawl: This match would involve a two fighter attacKing you. So basically two warriors against you at the same time.

Soul Match: will be a fight against yourself. What ever your chosen character is you fight a 'soul version' eg: similar to Liu Kangs ghost look. Powers will not work on soul version and their hit strength will be 25% greater than your own.

Endurance Points Shokan Match: This is a tough one. Two Shokan, team up to take you out. This is one long round, you fight both in tag team style, they alternate randomly and each one has different abilities and different weaknesses. Then they attack at the same time. To win you must get the higher points when the clock runs out. So avoiding or blocking will not work.

Sub-boss levels: You fight against the Sub-boss (a powerful entity summoned by the Elder Gods called the Enforcers) in a standard 2 round to win style

GROUP Boss Level: You fight the council of ELDER GODS in a standard 2 round to win style

Points System:

Because Mortal Kombat is based around the notion of a Martial Arts Tournament previous games have lacked the realistic notion of such competitions. MK8 should be based around a point systems or 'Fight points' eg: number of clean hits/strikes against the opponent earns you points which can be used to unlock extra characters, new costumes etc. Also to increase strength, speed and power abilities in the training temple. Things such as complicated combos and fatalities would earn extra fight points. The game would also include the Story mode score board. And Online scoreboards for story mode. The points system would replace the Coin/Krypt system in previous MK games.

First thing that needs to be done, is use similar technology to that currently being used in films, and create photorealistic stunt doubles of real life actors, this would give Mortal Kombat back the very essense that capture our attentions when it was first released.

The key word for the look of Mortal Kombat 8 should be 'AGED'. By this I mean giving MK 8 that USED ANICENT WORLD look, make the levels, the characters, all look like they live in a real world, where not everything looks new and shiny, the world of MK is anicent. Mk8 should feature a totally new look based on photorealistic textures, consisting of the highest polygon count of any fighting game.

As mentioned above, the game should implore realistic skin, hair and fabric simulations. Comprising of Motion capture for body movements (using a number of different people to motion capture different characters will provide slight subtlies to give each character uniqueness) also during the fights facial expressions and vocalisations should be animated depending on the action. Improvements of blood effects, scaring, bruising and torn clothing should also be included.

Elder Gods and the Announcer:

The Elder Gods should be seen in each match as Referees, judges and as the Announcers of the match. They have created this tournament to put you through the toughest challenge, so they should play a part in overseeing it. Beside various Elder Gods should be seen sitting in the background watching the fight, an interesting touch would be to make one Elder always been seen as saying "Fight", round 2 etc. Perhaps he could appear in the ring like a boxing referee and say Round 1 Fight and then vanish as the match starts.

Level Interaction:

Although Deathtraps added a risk of danger to previous MK games, multi level arena's really added no more than distracting eye candy once the novelty wore off, So ensuring that there is some variety in the way a Multi level works is a key essential. Death traps should remain and multi level drops should be enhanced, perhaps maKing the actual level un even in surface level. Levels should vary in size, extra large, small, medium The main focus is absolute realism in the levels, such as dust particles, lighting effects and basic level interaction, such as foot prints in sand, crack titles on ground (if a character gets slammed into them etc) and other destructive elements. Also this is a tournament so realistic crowds or observers should be added where possible and they should react according to the action.


First and foremost MK8 should be thought of as a 'True Martial Arts Simulation" based game with Special Powers. The Key elements to this system should revolve around ATTACK ACCURACY, precision motion captured movements and a wide range of moves available, such as, high, mid and low attacks. Each character should be based on one particular style of martial arts and using that art form try to cover as many moves as possible in a realistic manner (100 moves per character is a good start). With the notion of a "Progressive Battle Damage Engine" (discussed later) accuracy is a key factor and each strike should hit the intended mark.

Control: Providing a new style of controlling your characters, such as depending on which way the control stick is point will vary the height of a kick or punch. Or pressing (using the xbox control as example) the left Trigger and a Punch button will perhaps perform a high-powered elbow strike. Pressing two punch buttons simultaneously will also vary the strike to a standard strike. Also the ability to hold a punch button down should build the strike power up but slow down the speed of the hit. Perhaps attack height could be controlled via the second thumb stick.

Characteristics: Depending on the size of the character, this would determine, strength, speed and agility. The bigger the character the more power, less speed and smaller character, faster moves less power. You should be able to read characters statistics in the selection screen.

Blocks and Counters: BlocKing should be developed to be as detailed and intricate as attacks are. A character should be able to perform a number of varying style of blocks. Not just normal block and squat block like previous MK games.

Martial Arts and Fighting Styles: As previously mentioned, a high level of detail needs to be implored to ensure each style is very different from the speed, to the power each style is famous for. Also other fighting Styles such as Boxing and Street brawling (ie no real form or style) should be used.

Targeting System:MK8 should have the ability for up to 4 players to fight at once, this would then need to employ a targeting system for simple switching between attacKing warriors of course of its 1 on 1 then targeting system could be used to run and leap up off walls, to perform a jump wall assisted kick.

Weapon system: No character will start with a weapon. Various weapons will be available in certain levels to be picked up and used. If a sword swings and connects with a wooden staff the staff weapon will break (see PBDE below)

Arena Interaction: If a fighter nears a wall or obstacle they should be able to leap off it to perform jump kicks or other attacks (see Targeting system above). The Arena should contain lots of breakable objects and weapons. Spectators should also play a major part in the tournament.

Deathtrap Saves: If a player is kicked off a ledge or into a deathtrap, they may have a chance to punch in (a tough combo) to save themselves from death. For example if Scorpion was kicked off a platform on his decent down if the player enters the save combo, then scorpion would fire his spear up and climb back up. Sure he would be weaker but the fight would continue.

Progressive Battle Damage Engine:
The Progressive Battle Damage Engine or PBDE concept would allow MK8 to be taken to a whole new level. Each punch, each kick, each power, or weapon strike that connects will have a lasting impact on the fighter for that round. For example if A player was to be cleanly hit in the arm twice by a sword, then that arm would be cut off, incapacitating that player. For example they would now only have one arm to punch. Other such wounds as excessive punching to the stomach area could break player's ribs thus slowing their breathing and thus their speed. The basic premise is each hit, each strike will have impact on the player's performance. Bones can be broken, limbs cut off. The PBDE will provide the player with realistic on going damage so that by the end of the final round a Fatality may not be need as the player may already have a broken leg, missing an arm, broken ribs and fatal chest wound leaKing blood everywhere.

At the end of a round, a player can choose to have his injuries healed by heavenly intervention but they will start next round with a handicap in their Health bar. Or if they choose to fight injured and thus be slower their health bar will be full.

Another part of the PBDE could be a strength meter for example if player does 20 hits in a row, they will begin to tire, strength will decrease and slowly begin to recover providing a real simulation of a fight.

Weapons will also rely on the PBDE, for example a metal sword will break a wooden staff in two and thus in essence the fighter who was holding the staff will now have two Kali stick to use or drop them and go back to hand to hand Kombat.

The PBDE could be turned off in options if necessary.

SOUND: The sound should comprise of Dolby 5.1. or DTS. All sound FX will be created from scratch bringing a fresh unheard of sound to the game. Famous actors could be used to voice specific characters especially the Elder Gods who's main roles will consist of Announcer, Referee etc. Also during a fight if the arena features spectators then their reactions should follow the action for example if Scorpion is seriously beating Sub-Zero then the crowd should be yelling out "Scorpion".

Voice actor Suggestions: George Takei as Elder God or Raiden,

The music score will comprise of the classic score/ user stored songs.

MINI-GAMES: Should include new versions of the classic test your might. Also the addition of the ULTIMATE Mortal Kombat 3 Arcade game as a bonus feature would be a nice touch for the classic fan base out there. (TOP)

EXTRAS/BONUS: All extras/bonus content that needs to be unlocked or won will be either Video, Game/character history, Classic Costumes and unlockable fighters. Other such material such as production designs, staff photos etc will be available from the beginning and will not require unlocKing.


This section talks about new Character concepts and modified classics.


Years ago Raiden had a child with a Mortal woman. His son which he did not know of, was called Rai Naru and possessed all of Raiden's powers and great strength, yet he was mortal. When an Elder God learned of this he took the child and placed him into hiding. The Elder God ensured that Raiden’s son got the best training from the best warriors, in Earthrealm, Edenia and Outworld. At the age of 18, Rai is a great warrior with a lot to prove and nothing but hatred for his father (he was tricked by the Elder God). The Elder God has the intention of using Rai to defeat Raiden’s Chosen one and then to destroy Raiden himself.

But Rai, has learnt of the prophecy of Immortality, after travelling to Outworld. If he wins Mortal Kombat the Elder Gods will grant him Immortality. Being Half God this would complete his transformation.Rai will stop at nothing to becoming an immortal God. Along the way he befriended the son of Goro, Jun who swore loyalty to him after Rai saved him in battle.

Prince Jun:

Jun is the 500-year-old son of Goro. His father placed Jun into hiding at a young age to avoid Shang Tsung, or Shao Kahn learning of his presence. He spent the early years of his life travelling around various realms learning to become a warrior. After the alliance was formed with Kitana he was sent to Edenia to learn more of his own royal heritage and to further his warrior development. After the murder of his father he secretly returned to Outworld and to the subterranean Kingdom of Shokan. He was asked to enter the Tournament by the Elder Gods and Jun knows this would restore honour to his ancestral Kingdom. Soon he will taker his rightful place as the new King of the Shokan race. He is smaller in size than Goro.

Kobalt: (New Ninja)

His origins are unclear but legend has it he was born in the mountains of Japan out of a large boulder after it was struck by lightning. Adopted by an elderly couple, he was raised as there son and then sent to train in the Art of Ninjitsu at a young age. Although mostly human in appearance his skin was like grey stone and rough. Legend had it that his blood was liquid metal and his eyes glowed a bright silver. The older he got the more grotesqe his appearance became. To the point where he was forced to forever wear his his Ninja mask to hide his appearance. He advanced in everything he did at an amazing rate and soon became one of the most skilled ninjas of all time. Yet all his accomplishments, his mother and father, never stopped him from his main quest, to learn of his origins and his destiny.

The Enforcers:

Two beings of pure energy summoned by the Elder Gods from a secret realm, Their aggression towards Earthrealm and Raiden has grown out of control due. Darkness clouds their minds and it is this reason why the Elder gods have selected them to take part in the trial to defeat Raiden’s Chosen one. Each one is as different from the other as night and day. But both are deadly.

Prisoner 147

The Enforcer was sent by the Elder Gods to Outworld to free a prisoner being held by an army of Seidan Guards, who were about to return to their home realm. Prisoner 147 is known only by that identification. His true identity remains a secret. He has a face scarred both physically and mentally. His eyes show wisdom much greater than his apparent age. After being transported to the tournament, Prisoner 147 is given a deal, defeat Raiden’s choosen one and have his power restored. Now He has one chance. For with that comes power and a chance to regain his former life. (True Identity: Shao Khan: see wasteland costume


Once a great Monk in the order of Light, Fusion was brutally killed in cold blood. His soul then forced into the Netherrealm by Quan Chi. For centuries he has wondered the very pits of darkness. Learning the secrets in the fabrics of Netherrealm. The Shadows tainting his skin, yet his soul remaining unchanged. He is the very essence of Ying and Yang. His appearance is pure darkness yet a bright light radiates from within him. Giving him a holy glow (He bleeds light). Managing to escape from the Netherrealm through a portal created by the Elder Gods, he returns to his Order to continue to fight against all evil and this evil he beleives is Raiden’s Chosen one thanks to the Elder Gods. He dresses in a dark brown monks robe, on the back is the Ying, Yang Symbol. .

LORCAN (Irish name means little, Fierce): a Strange creature banished from his own realm for numerous crimes. He is short and bulky. LooKing somewhat like a half man, half wild boar. He is filled with greed and will stop at nothing to get what he wants, Raidens head. (he is an anicent enemy of Raiden. Who has spent 1000years looKing for Raiden’s Realm the location of which was provided by the Elder Gods.

Jon Owen: CIA operative assigned to take over the special forces. But there is more to him than meets eye. Agent Owen is the Hybrid clone of Quan Chi (although he does not even know this). Created by the CIA in an attempt to understand Quan Chi’s powers. Accelerated growth, memory implants and advanced training have made him the perfect agent to take over the Special Forces unit. Jax was originally responsible for his creation as he was the one who obtained a DNA sample of Quan Chi during Mortal Kombat. He will come in conflict with Tanek.

Jaycen Hackett: A fire fighter from California, who has been trapped in Outworld since Shao Khan opened numerous portals to Earth for his invasion squads. Using all his skills to survive the harsh wasteland, Jaycen Hackett has become a great warrior and longs to return home. He now has been given this chance by the Elder Gods. He stills wears his fire fighter helmet and uniform althought it is torn and dirty. This character could be Subsituted for Johnny Cage.


Faceless, is a shadowy character from Outworld, ruthless yet noble, deadly yet honorable. His origins are unknown, his species unknown. He looks human, yet his face is without definition. He dresses similar to that of a cowboy from earth in 1854. He even carries to ancient pistols on his side. His fighting style, is informal, street styled, yet deadly and chaotic. His skills are matched only by his attitude. (kinda of based on Clint Eastwood type cowboy)

Tanek (means immortal in greek):

After Raiden unleashed his powers against the Dragon King, it was thought to have killed both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. But their souls merged mystically and reformed in the pits of the Netherrealm. For the last five years the intertwined sorcerers slowly managed to gain control of the chaotic being they had been merged into. Although somewhat schizophrenic, taKing on the new name Tanek, they now pose the greatest threat ever as a new Deadly Merger. They have been offered a chance to be restored to normal if they kill Raiden’s Chosen one.

POSSIBLE CLASSIC OR HIDDEN CHARACTERS (returning characters should be limited)

Shang Tsung:

When Shang Tsung's Soul merged with Quan Chi during Raiden’s Etheral blast, his body was thrown clear from the explosion. Now souless. Shang Tsungs Body has been restored to his original old age (Mk1). Now without a soul of his own he must once again still all the souls he can to restore his youth and regain the strength to reclaim his own soul from Tanek. He has arrived at this tournment on his own accord.


After his last battle with Sub-Zero, Sektor Fled to Japan and began the creation of his own clan of Cyborg ninjas. With modifications to himself, he replaced the bright red Body armour with rusted heavy duty metal platting. Fitting a projectile weapon to his shoulder (similar to the Predator) and upgrading his strength. His clan now became the most lethal assassins for Hirer, no challenge was too great. But when a mysterious figure requests his clan to take out Raiden’s Chosen one, his acceptance of this mission may prove more than he can handle.


Reptile has always been a slave since his realm fell. From Shang Tsung to the Dragon King who possessed his body. But after the Dragon King was defeated, Reptile was restored/resurrected as a result of the Dragon Kings heart being removed by Havik. Now with Outworld free from rule, Reptile manages to seperate his Realm Zaterra with the help of Havik, Together they ressurect all of his people and Reptile takes his place as the ruler. Now in command, he delcares war on Earthrealm and he vows to make Zaterra the most powerful of all realms. (This is why Havik helped him, he new this would bring much caos). Reptile returns to his former dark green Ninja look with a Royal touch to his costume, such as a gold belt, gold guaunlets, shin pads and face plate. I wouldn’t mind to bring in the idea from the Mk movie, that for reptile to look human he needs to bond with that anicent statue or armour, but anyway.


As champion of the Elder Gods, Scorpion returns to enter the tournament but this time things have changed, with new heavenly powers and his human soul restored (as a reward for his part in the Dragon King defeat) the former demon is now an agent of the heavens sent to stop Raiden's chosen one from winning. But his thirst for revenge still plagues his mind and could be his undoing. He now walks the fine line between heaven and hell. Scorpion now has two spears, one from each hand, they act in similar fashion to previous spear but throws the opponent in the air first and then brings the to him.


Rain returns to fight, but his motives are unclear. He once again appears as a traditional ninja yet his main costume is revamped. His second costume would be Edenian Military and third would be classic Rain. Rumour has it, he is there to Protect Raiden’s Chosen one.


Sub-Zero Returns but this time in tag team style. Both Sub-Zero brothers team up thanks to Fujin, who also beleives Raiden has made a mistake in chosing a successor. One is masked, one is unmasked.



Focusing on the concept that MK8 will get back to the tradition of Tournament style competition, then the Arenas should be based around specific designs with tournament fighting in mind. Each arena should have a 'ring out', but in MK fashion a ring out means death. Also the addition of a level explore mode in the menu would be a nice touch.

Cloud Temple:

Set high up in the heavens, based on a floating platform in the clouds. The platform is doughnut shape with a hole in the centre. There is an altar in the middle near the hole. Two main traps are the obvious ring outs if you fall off edge or a hit off edge and also the Altar Vacuum. If you get too close or are pushed into the centre the vacuum will suck you down to earth and your dead. This is the place where Raiden’s Successor would be granted the power of EarthRealm.

Lava pit:

A rocky arena surrounded by lava. The Lava is a death trap. The rocky arena is surrounded by huge statues of Former Kombants; these statutes can be broken or knocked over.

Elder Gods Council:

A large room within the Elder Gods temple. No death traps. The stage for the final battle.


A make shift arena built in the wastelands of Outworld by Tarkatan warriors. There are two campfires that light the area, but darkness clouds most of the outer area. The area is cover with lots of bones and rotted corpses of fallen Tarkatan warriors. Surrounding the actual arena is a number of Tarkatan spectators, get to close and they will try to stab or slice you. If a fighter is kicked into the darkness an unseen force will kill them.

The Well of Shadows: Netherrealm

Located deep in the Netherrealm the Well of shadows arena is built on a multilevel stone platform. Mist covers the floor in the centre is the Well of Shadows. A doorway to the darkest region of the Netherrealm. Lost souls try to grab any whom near it. If you're kicked off the platform the fighter will be vaporised into dust.

Abandon Lin Kuei Automation Plant:

This arena is set in the abandon Automation plant (place where Sektor, Cyrax and smoke where built). The area is filled with lots of machinery and equipment. When the fight starts so does the equipment. A ring out in this arena will mean a loss of that round but a new costume (cyborg costume) for the next round (if there is another round) Basically the machines will grab a fighter and make them into a cyborg for the next round, although technically its just a costume change. A deathtrap for this level would be being kicked into the malfunction machine, which results in a botched Automation procedure and death.

Thunder Mountain:

This arena is the location of Raiden’s home, it is based around an old medieval castle. There are two deathtraps, Raidens personal Portal, which will suck a person in and then spit them out shredded and the pit of Lightning
Please refrain from typing thread subjects in all caps.

08/22/2006 06:56 PM (UTC)
08/22/2006 07:12 PM (UTC)
Pretty good ideas there.
msterofofkoungfo Wrote:

Hello again, thegrandmaster. Prepare to get banned again.
08/23/2006 01:02 AM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
Pretty good ideas there.
msterofofkoungfo Wrote:

Hello again, thegrandmaster. Prepare to get banned again.

people these days
About Me

I hate this place.

08/23/2006 01:33 AM (UTC)
Wow, that's a good concept. I'm amazedwowconfusedglassessmile. Whos thegrandmaster?confused
08/24/2006 03:58 AM (UTC)
About Me

I hate this place.

08/24/2006 04:13 AM (UTC)
Welcome. But I still wonder, who's thegrandmaster?confused
08/24/2006 04:33 AM (UTC)
08/24/2006 05:52 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Welcome. But I still wonder, who's thegrandmaster?confused

A member banned due to trolling, spamming and flaming in the Future Games Discussion boards. He was banned and even had the nerve to come back using different usernames, though his plans backfired.
08/24/2006 07:22 PM (UTC)
Very interesting. If Midway doesn't notice this idea or do their next game like this, you should change some names and bring up this concept to another video game company. Unless I steal it and make a game of it first. >.>
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