Mortal Kombat the Khaos Legacy... My idea revived!
posted01/18/2009 09:59 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/10/2002 01:53 PM (UTC)
I once posted some of my ideas for a new MK game called The Khaos Legacy, but I had to put it on halt since I didn't had the time to finish it.

Well, now I've got some times on my hands and I've written more on it and I want to share it with you guys.

You can read about someof it in this thread:
- But I will advise you to reply in this thread, if you have any comments on it since it is against the rules to bump threads that old.

In the next few posts you will be able to read about the introduction of my game concept and some new character bios I've written recently.

Enjoy ^^
12/24/2008 06:54 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat the Khaos Legacy.


"We once spoke of a man who has alone changed the course of history with just one strategic move. He may be the reason why the term we all know so well, Mortal Kombat came to exist. He alone made the unthinkable become truth and his act is now written in the ancient scrolls of history. He might be the greatest Cleric of Chaos ever lived. His death was celebrated and his remains lie in a temple, hidden and now forgotten... But not even the eternal slumber could stop him. He recently awoke from death and now threatens to undo the creations of the Elder Gods. He has challenged the realms to a last battle, for reasons unknown. Some say he will rule all supreme, others say he wants to undo his past act. As a Cleric of Chaos myself I can see the true beauty of this last act. No matter the outcome of this battle, Chaos will illuminate the realms..."

-Words of Havik, Cleric of Chaos.

Important events after Armageddon:

-Taven killed Blaze and all warriors became stronger than ever before. Taven himself were granted full godhood and became the protector of Edenia.
-Earthrealm meets the Apocalypse and the whole world blames the White Lotus Society. The White Lotus Society hides themselves underground, but keeps on protecting the world from evil.
-The Red Dragon clan disappears along with Daegon’s death, but rumours tell they may still exist.
-The Black Dragon clan becomes a big part of the new world war under Kabal’s command, their actions of terrorism being worldwide.
-Onaga grabbed Shao Kahn and flew away with him never to be seen again. Without a ruler war erupts in Outworld, Reiko being the one who wins the throne and becomes emperor.
-Baraka and his horde of Tarkatans leave the Kahn Army and rebel against Reiko.
-Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei silently watches the war between Reiko’s Kahn Army and the Tarkatan Horde going on.
-Kitana becomes queen of Edenia after her mother’s death by the hands of Shang Tsung.
-Rain, believing he is the rightful heir to the Edenian throne, forms a rebellion group called the Storm Rebels, and allies with his former comrade in arms, Reiko.
-Scorpion’s clan of undead ninjas are lying still at the moment, hiding in the ruins of Edenia.
-Reptile finds freedom after Shao Kahn’s disappearance. He finds Khameleon and together they make their race anew.
-The Shokan prince Goro was found dead after the Armageddon Battle, so Kintaro and Sheeva became their race’s new leaders. They led the Shokans to independence and are now stronger than before.
-Noob takes the throne of the Netherrealm and recreates the Brotherhood of the Shadow with Smoke as his bodyguard.
-By the help of Blaze’s force, the great mythic Cleric of Chaos Emanon resurrects into unlife. With his strength regained he has challenged all the realms to a final battle. His intentions are unrevealed at this point, but he proves his powers by slowly leaving great parts of the realms to waste, killing everything crossing his path.

The Khaos Legacy, the story unrevealed:

Prologue: Taven, now the worlds shall know...

"It has been done..." Taven pulled his blade out of the slain elemental Blaze and suddenly felt a blast of power fire through his very soul which threw him into a dream-like state. He floated on the very essence of the realms and for a short while he felt the touch of the One Being, the very corruption of the worlds... A flash of light engulfed him and he felt godhood be given to him, a gift from his father Argus whom he was destined to replace as the divine protector of Edenia, something they have needed for several millennia. A shade stepped out of the light, a woman whom he felt familiar with.
"M-mother? Is it you?"
Indeed it was her, the once great sorcerer of Edenia, Delia, Taven's mother. She took Taven's hand and took him back in time. In another flash of light they were suddenly in a realm where chaos reigned.
"The Chaosrealm... What are we doing here?"
"We are in the far past, before the fall of Edenia, before the corruption of Shao Kahn..."
A man in black robes suddenly went past them. A man of power. Taven felt his eerie presence as a thousand needles pinning him to the ground, making him unable to move. His power was terrifying, even for a man like Taven.
"Who is he?"
Delia took Taven's hand in hers and with him travelled to a great temple hidden in a secret place somewhere in the Chaosrealm.
"His name was Emanon and he was once one of the greatest Clerics of Chaos, an idol for all clerics alive at your present. He did things that no other has ever been close at doing... He started it all."
Taven looked worried at his mother as they stepped inside the temple. On the walls were murals of this Emanon's deeds. And in horror he saw the story of Emanon's greatest deed...
"It was he... He started it all..."

Chapter One: Khaos illuminated...

Emanon was born and raised in the Chaosrealm and became a Cleric of Chaos. He was naturally gifted and made many things others never thought would become reality. One of these events made him famous amongst other clerics: He made the ever loyal Shao Kahn turn on his master, the once emperor of Outworld, Onaga. And with that the history of Mortal Kombat began. He started it all.
After that he became a passive bystander and watched his work unfold into great wars of chaos and corruption. Emanon was satisfied with the actions of history, until he suddenly felt guilt of what he had done. He got a vision of the future and saw that if this would go on as it did, the realms would be swallowed by the very corruption he started and then nothing would be left. The feeling of everything turning into the nothingness scared him. Though many saw oblivion as perfect chaos, Emanon could not stop having a theory of another outcome of it. The silence, the emptiness, the black nothing. How could chaos rule with no life to drive it? No, if everything were to be destroyed it would not turn into perfect chaos... but perfect order!
Emanon was determined to stop his own work and planted a created vision of the Armageddon in the mind of an Edenian sorceress called Delia. She, with the help of her lover, the Edenian god Argus, made an attempt to stop the Armageddon, but failed.
The other clerics thought of Emanon's attempt to stop his own creation as a threat to all they stood for and had him executed. A temple was built in his honour and his remains were placed inside the tomb.
Many ages passed by and the days of Armageddon came. Delia's and Argus’ sons, Taven and Daegon, failed the quest to defeat the fire elemental Blaze created by Delia to determine the fate of the realms. Daegon awoke from slumber too early and it filled his mind and heart with insane wrath and thoughts of conspiracy, so he murdered his mother and father with the very gifts they gave him. Taven woke up when Armageddon was near, but because of his brother’s treason, he killed him before facing Blaze. These unfortunate events changed the outcome that was supposed to happen and it disturbed Emanon’s slumber. In his death, Blaze empowered all the warriors though he was supposed to strip them of their powers or even kill them. Blaze’s power did also reach the Chaosrealm and refilled Emanon’s body with life. When he woke up, he knew something had gone array and was then determined to finish this himself. He must kill every warrior in every world to assure he has stopped what he began.

Chapter Two: New heroes arise...

In the gardens of the Edenian Castle are two young warriors fighting one another as part of their training. The man, a dual-wielder using two scimitars with long slender blades, slashes towards his opponent, a woman, also a dual-wielder using two ringblades, dodging the slashes with ease, being the quicker one of the two. She breaks his combo by parrying his attack and jumps over him, landing a sweep away behind him. She spins around and lands a shattering kick right in between his shoulder blades, making him stumble forward and stuns him for a moment.
"You are being too easy on me, Khomrah. Either that or your mind is somewhere else... Which one is it?"
She runs towards him and gets ready to attack with her ringblades, but to her surprise Khomrah was ready for her. He combines his swords, making it a twin-bladed weapon which he spins around and uses his control of the wind to blow her off her feet and fall to the ground. She quickly regains her stance, but Khomrah has used the gained time to prepare his next attack. He jumps up in the air and dives straight down into her with a kick. Unprepared, the kick makes her fall to the ground yet again.
Applause interrupts their training. The warriors see it is their superior who has arrived, the general of the royal guard. Khomrah helps his opponent to her feet and they salute the general.
"Lady Jade!"
Jade smiles at them, proud of her soldiers. She has trained them well. Hopefully they are prepared for what's to come, a mission on a very high level, but they are the only two she can think of being the best choices. Khomrah, the best swordfighter in Edenia, and Lianna, the best huntress... Next to herself, of course.
"Khomrah... Lianna... You are both assigned on a mission. Meet me at the strategy room inside the castle in an hour. Take a shower and meet prepared."

Chapter Three: Hunter being the hunted...

"Sheila, they are everywhere, they have the streets filled with patrols, and they have the best security system money can buy. You can't just break into their headquarters and hack into their database, just like that. You'll get killed!!!"
"They know something which they won't tell us."
"I have heard the rumours about this "other world where evil comes from", but it sounds more like a fairytale to me. Do you really think the government would hide something like that if it was the case? What about the Black Dragons? You hear about them in the news, on the radio, the telly, the papers... They could be the reason why everything is so screwed around the globe, ever thought of that?"
Sheila shakes her head as she makes sure she has everything she needs. Wire ejector, throwing knives, stun batons... and the black catsuit just made her look like a pro. Yes, she was ready.
"Sheila... Please don't do this... You'll get caught and then they'll force our location out of you."
She climbs out of the window and looks at the younger one, responding with a smile.
"It'll be alright Matt. I've done this before. And I have to, for the Resistance sake. If they have something hidden, we have the right to know. It could save millions of people and isn't that exactly what we want?"
Matt sighs at Sheila.
"I give up... Be careful sis... We need you at the base if anything happens."
Sheila grins wickedly at her brother.
"And you're supposed to be our leader? We're doomed."
With that she jumps out of the building and shoots the wire attached to her arm at the next building's wall, swinging through the streets like she was spider-woman. Matt shakes his head and mutters something about Sheila reading too many comics.
She arrives at the facility, the Special Force's HQ. With ease she breaks into the building and passes the guards unnoticed. She knows exactly where she is going, because she has done this before... Hell, she designed the goddamn security network. A door opens and a guard steps through. Sheila jumps down from the ceiling and lands on top of him, making him unconscious. She grabs his ID-pass and uses it to get into the centre of the facility where the main computer is; where the data is hidden. She hacks the network as if it was kids play and downloads everything she needs. She reads a few reports while doing so, confirming her suspicion.
"So there are other worlds... That explains the past events through the recent years."
"Indeed there are."
Sheila jumps out of the chair. She is surrounded by guards pointing their guns at her. In the doorway stands a tall blonde woman, an officer.
"Long time no see Sheila. I hear you're part of the Resistance."
"I ain't telling you nothing!"
Sheila shoots out her wire, grabbing a guard and pulls him closer to her, and in a split second she gains the upper hand. She grabs his gun and points it to his head.
"Let me go or I'll shoot."
Sonya looks at her, clearly impressed.
"Maybe we can help eachother out..."

Chapter Four: An unholy war...

He sits there, quietly and in peace with himself. He knows he is hunted by hundreds of shadow ninjas and he knows he has only a little chance to get out of this temple alive. but none the less, he must. He got what he came for, now he just needs to return to his master with it. The parchment of opening portals used by the late Dragon King is in his grasp and he will not let it go. If those shadow cyborgs get their long, demonic hands into it they'll wreak more havoc than the White Lotus Society can handle, and their location might even be uncovered. No, he will not let it happen.
The break is over and he has regained his chi, his power. He imbues his body with it and with the great speed he flees the temple. Outside the gateway of the forgotten temple is a battle, his comrades fighting the ninjas of the dark brotherhood.
As he reaches the gateway his comrades retreats and gathers way deep into the forest where the brotherhood can't reach them. The portal to the Netherrealm lies deep in the temple, the very portal the sorcerer Quan Chi used years ago to flee from hell. If the brotherhood is too far from the portal, they will lose their powers and die, fortunately for our heroes.
"Hong Liu, show me the scroll."
Hong Liu, a promising shaolin apprentice of the grandmaster Kung Lao, the last shaolin monk of the White Lotus Society, the group of warriors who fight for the good... Well, you know the story... Hong Liu gives the parchment to his master. Kung Lao looks at it and smiles.
"We... We finally have reason to hope again. Hope of ending this war. With this we can contact Edenia..."
Kung Lao looks at his group and gestures to return to their hideout, deep under the Temple of Light, or what's left of it anyway. When the Armageddon reached the Earthrealm, people have blamed all of those who once protected their world from dangers outside the realm... Shao Kahn, the Deadly Alliance, the Dragon King... they are all but bed-time stories for the people now, many denying it ever happened, others ignorant to it. But some remember... And those someone fight together for the hope of finding a light on the other side of the tunnel.
Back at the hideout, Kung Lao has found Hong Liu and given him his gratitude. Kung Lao is getting old and Hong Liu reminds him of his old friend when they were young.
"Hong... Tomorrow the portal to Edenia shall be opened when our scryers have translated the scroll. And when that happens, I want you to go meet the queen."
Hong Liu looks confused at his master. Kung Lao smiles, knowing why Hong gives him that look. He takes off a medallion and hands it to his apprentice.
"Though you can't speak, she will know where you are from when you show her this. I can't go myself. She hasn't changed at all, but I have grown old. I couldn't show myself to her, she might not recognize me. But she will recognize your spirit and she will greet you with respect and welcome you into her home. Do not fear, Hong... Our future looks brighter already."

Epilogue: Khaos begins...

Taven stepped further into the temple after having read the murals on the walls. He enters the catacombs where he sees the tomb of Emanon. He sees a man standing on the opposite side of the tomb, standing in the shadows, not revealing whom he is. A black book is in his grasp, adorned with bones and skull-like design. Taven feels the same paralyzing feeling as when he saw the image of Emanon earlier, preventing him to move. The man opens the dark book and reads from it. His voice carries words of evil, almost sounding like chanting in an unholy ritual. To Taven's fear, it is exactly what the man was doing. The tomb begins to shake and cracks. The top is blown aside. Taven notices a bony hand reach the edge of the tomb and up rises a dark figure from the past.
Taven wakes up in the Edenian castle, a gentle face looking worried at him.
"Taven, are you alright?"
He recognizes the face and the voice as Kitana's, the queen of Edenia. Though he is glad to see her, he can't stop thinking about his vision.
"Kitana... It is not over yet..."
He stand up on his feet and walks towards the door. Kitana grabs his hand and looks at him confused.
"What do you mean?"
He takes her hand and tells her about his vision which leaves Kitana horrified.
"We must prepare for the worst..."


Mortal Kombat the Khaos Legacy is the start of a new chapter in the MK storyline. There are new heroes on the character roster, a whole new boss character and new storyline that go with it, without cutting it from the old one entirely.

-Emanon, the Chaos Lich, is the new boss who was the one who started the whole Mortal Kombat saga. Now he is back from the dead and wants to destroy every warrior soul in all existence.
-Khomrah, an Edenian soldier, is the new "main hero".
-Lianna, an Edenian huntress, is the heroine.
-Sheila, a hardcore spy and assassin of an Earthrealm resistance group.
-Hong Liu, the mute Shaolin Monk trained by Kung Lao himself.
... And many others, only a few returning characters from the old games.
12/24/2008 06:56 AM (UTC)
And now for the first new character bio...

Hong Liu
The Silent Monk.
-Fighting Style: Hong Liu is trained in Monkey Kung Fu which he uses with great finesse. He is a small character with great agility and dexterity, so having the monkey style matches his abilities. This style is quick and consists of combos and great movement.
-Weapon Style: Hong Liu’s weapon style is the Shaolin Spade, or monk spade, a pole-arm with a flat spade-like blade on one end and a smaller crescent shaped blade on the other. It is a strong and fierce style, quite opposite his fighting style, but he wields it with as great finesse.
-Powers: Hong Liu’s power is called Chi, a force from his soul which he can imbue his body with and make himself stronger, faster or shape it into a powerful weapon.
-Bio: Hong Liu was born into a world of chaos, shortly after the Armageddon reached the Earthrealm. He is born a mute, never being able to say a word, but his actions describes far more than any word spoken. Kung Lao, a Shaolin Monk of the White Lotus Society was a friend of his parents who tragically died in an assault of the Temple of Light. Kung Lao took care of the boy and taught him to fight. In Hong’s early teenage years it was discovered that he held a great spirit power which he could empower himself with and even throw out energy bursts with, much like Kung Lao’s late friend and Mortal Kombat champion, Liu Kang, who Hong was named after.
Hong Liu became one of the greatest warriors amongst the remaining monks and he learnt to control his inner power called Chi to his benefit. It was also Hong who made it possible to contact Edenia again since the closing of all portals between the worlds just after the Armageddon. With Kung Lao’s guidance and the aid of the other warrior monks of the White Lotus Society, they found the ruins of the Dragon King Temple where he had hidden his immortal army and where the secret of opening portals was hidden also, the very thing Kung Lao had searched for. Though the portal to the Netherrealm, which Quan Chi used to escape with, was still open and the temple was filled with demonic activity, Hong succeeded in getting the scroll where the secret was written in and returned to his brethren. Kung Lao used it to open a portal to Edenia and sent Hong Liu to seek Queen Kitana’s aid.
-Conclusion: I am a bit intrigued by this character. Hong is a shaolin monk like Liu Kang and Kung Lao was and I gave him the Monkey fighting style, not like Noob’s version of it which was, in my opinion, a disgrace of the kung fu style. Making him a mute makes him a difficult character to play into the story and yet make him interesting, but I hope to have managed to make him so. He has the spirit of Liu Kang and is like him in many ways, being the hero from the Temple of Light, but like Lianna I hope to make him different enough to not make him appear as a clone.


I will give you guys a chance to respond on this before I will post the next character. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. ^^
01/04/2009 07:02 PM (UTC)
Sounds like an interesting idea. I'm surprised that it has taken until now for a Chaosrealm boss to appear... anyway onto my opinions of your character.

Hong Liu intrigues me a lot. I like the fact that he was taught by Kung Lao and not Liu's about time he got the limelight.

i think its going to be difficult describing his personality and character if he's a mute but then I love the idea of the silent monk.

His fighting style sounds good. Is it a particular sub-style of monkey or just a general martial art?

I'm not too keen on the spade as a weapon choice but it does fit in with the whole shaolin monk thing.

Can we have more info ... like special moves or fatality ideas?

anyway can't wait to hear about the next character.

P.s. Solid story. You really explained everything in great detail
01/05/2009 11:40 AM (UTC)
mkdude123 Wrote:
Sounds like an interesting idea. I'm surprised that it has taken until now for a Chaosrealm boss to appear... anyway onto my opinions of your character.

Hong Liu intrigues me a lot. I like the fact that he was taught by Kung Lao and not Liu's about time he got the limelight.

i think its going to be difficult describing his personality and character if he's a mute but then I love the idea of the silent monk.

His fighting style sounds good. Is it a particular sub-style of monkey or just a general martial art?

I'm not too keen on the spade as a weapon choice but it does fit in with the whole shaolin monk thing.

Can we have more info ... like special moves or fatality ideas?

anyway can't wait to hear about the next character.

P.s. Solid story. You really explained everything in great detail

First I'd like to thank you for taking your time to read it all through ^^

I think that my idea of having a boss from the Chaosrealm would be fitting for the MK world since they have had two from Outworld (Shao Kahn and Onaga), one from the Netherrealm (Shinnok) and one from Edenia (Blaze).
The Chaosrealm is perfect for some nice villainy ^^

I am aware that Hong Liu will be a tough character to give a noticable personality because he is a mute, but his actions in the storyline will be significant and very important. He is one of the key characters, so I will just have to work my butt off to make sure he is getting noticed!
His fighting style will be one of those which can be compared to the real Monkey kung fu style, as will his spade style, because I think it would fit him, but it will not be 100% true to the Monkey style. Some of his moves will be customized.
The main reason I don't want to give my characters real-life martial art fighting styles is because it is so common in todays fighting game. I'd rather costumize the characters' styles than make them "realistic". Mortal Kombat is a fantasy fighting game so I think their styles and moves should be fantastical!

Special moves and such will come later. Right now I am focusing on the story aspects of the game.

And thanks for the compliment about the story ^^

With that said, here I present the new chracter bio!

The Storm’s Advisor.
-Fighting Style: Aries is a physically strong character, and it reflects in his style. He does not rely much on combos, but can still do a few where he finishes by either retreats, spins or jumps away from his opponents which makes him hard to hit. He also has some hard hitting knockouts which strikes fast, but is slow to regain stance from.
-Weapon Style: To match his strength Aries carries a grand flail with him with a long chain and a grand spiked iron ball. With it he can swing and hit the opponent with some heavy blows, keeping them at a distance. He is slow with this style, but he can do some massive damage with it.
-Powers: Aries is a sorcerer like Shang Tsung and Quan Chi was. He has learnt to control the earth beneath and around him to his advantage. He can make quakes, make heavy rocks fly through the air and paralyze his opponents by making the ground beneath them grab their legs.
-Bio: “I was here at the very beginning of this seemingly never-ending war. I stood by my king and queen, defended them, my people and our realm when Shao Kahn challenged us to Mortal Kombat in an attempt to invade our realm and take it for himself. But I failed! Shao Kahn won the tournament and invaded Edenia, killed our king, married our queen, drove her insane and stood by to watch her kill herself. He even took the princess as his own daughter and taught her to kill for him. She was too young to understand what had happened to her realm, to young to remember who she really was.
I was thought dead, but the truth is that I hid like a coward in the only safe place I could think of: the Temple of Argus. There I learnt of Argus’ three sons, two of them being with the grand sorceress Delia... My sister! The third and forgotten son was in Shao Kahn’s army when I found him. I told him who he really was, that he was a son of Argus and that he could save his homerealm from the clutches of the emperor, but princess Kitana was already steps ahead of us and freed Edenia with the help of the warriors of Earthrealm.
Though I am grateful that Edenia is free, Kitana is not a leader. She is not fit to rule Edenia, no matter how many how many allies she has with her. She has failed over and over again to protect her realm, first Shinnok, then the Deadly Alliance, and even the ancient Dragon King has had his hands on the throne.
No, the realm needs a true leader, one who was born to sit on the throne, and I will make it happen! HAIL RAIN, THE PRINCE OF STORMS!”
-Conclusion: Aries is the advisor of Rain and he helps him lead the rebellion against Kitana to get the throne. He is a sorcerer and a powerhouse in one, and I kinda like that idea instead of having all the magic users to be weak or average as Quan Chi and Shang Tsung was, in my opinion. He is also an old Edenian, being in Sindel’s generation and with his knowledge he is the perfect ally of Rain to get their hands on the throne.
Also, instead of being a treachourous bitch who acts for his own selfishness like Tanya did, he just has another view on what would be right for his homerealm!
01/17/2009 02:39 AM (UTC)
Who is the princess of Edenia now that Kitana is the Queen?
How powerful is Rain?smile
01/17/2009 03:11 AM (UTC)
you're starting to bump threads, don't go too far back.
01/17/2009 03:27 AM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
you're starting to bump threads, don't go too far back.

Either you need to get your facts straightened out, or leave the modding to the actual mods. The user did not bump this thread. Get this through your head:

Threads are considered 'bumped" if there hasn't been a response made in the last three months, with the exception of Fan Submissions.

So if I were you, I'd stop accusing people of doing a lot of things on this site, because you're accusing people who's doing nothing wrong.
01/17/2009 03:29 AM (UTC)
I was advising him to not go too far back. He's a new user and I'm warning him so he won't get skull points.
01/17/2009 03:38 AM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
I was advising him to not go too far back. He's a new user and I'm warning him so he won't get skull points.

*Grunts*You are a new user too... and I'm warning you too, he's not bumping threads, and you need to stop warning people as well, because pretending to act like a mini-mod around here, pisses off the people who have the abilities to give out skull and dragon points.

Take this from someone who was told all this and did get skull points, and I have proof, go looking in the Movie Discussion forums, and you'll see it right there.

So, I'm advising you to stop while you're ahead, because you too are a new user, you don't know a lot, neither do I, but at least I know what I'm talking about when I say, you should stop. Because it's also getting very, very annoying. Private message me, because I feel that this is stupid to talk about in threads.
01/17/2009 03:53 AM (UTC)
See...I like this idea right here; a total revamp of the characters and bosses, but with ties to the story of the previous games.

Just being a Sub Zero fan....of course...I would add some type of Lin Kuei warrior, doesn't even have to be Sub.

Maybe one of his newest students...or even Frost
01/18/2009 09:59 PM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
you're starting to bump threads, don't go too far back.

This thread is a continuation of a former thread that was made over 3 months ago. This thread was made so I would NOT bump an old thread, but it refers to the former thread above, so people can read what I have written there, and so I would not repeat myself by making a new thread with all the previous posted info. Only a part of it can be read in this particular thread, because it is of importance to understand my idea.

If you refer to the user (951009) who wrote a post in response, the thread was still on page 1 when he wrote, from my understanding, and did NOT bump this thread. He has the right to ask his questions, which will be responded just below.

I have been a user on here since this site started, so do not lecture me on what I can do and what I cannot do.

Icebaby Wrote:
DrZoidberg Wrote:
I was advising him to not go too far back. He's a new user and I'm warning him so he won't get skull points.

*Grunts*You are a new user too... and I'm warning you too, he's not bumping threads, and you need to stop warning people as well, because pretending to act like a mini-mod around here, pisses off the people who have the abilities to give out skull and dragon points.

Take this from someone who was told all this and did get skull points, and I have proof, go looking in the Movie Discussion forums, and you'll see it right there.

So, I'm advising you to stop while you're ahead, because you too are a new user, you don't know a lot, neither do I, but at least I know what I'm talking about when I say, you should stop. Because it's also getting very, very annoying. Private message me, because I feel that this is stupid to talk about in threads.

Thanks for explaining it to him. ^^

951009 Wrote:
Who is the princess of Edenia now that Kitana is the Queen?
How powerful is Rain?smile

At this point of the storyline there are no princesses of Edenia. Kitana is now the Queen of Edenia, but if she is referred to as a princess, it is a reference to back when she still held the title as a princess. I hope that makes sense. :P

Rain has become more powerful since Armageddon, because of the whole Armageddon Battle where the death of Blaze caused the warriors' powers to expand. He is also quite powerful in influence of the Edenian people and has almost alone, only with the help of Aries, turned half of the Edenian population against Kitana.

Sub_ZER0 Wrote:
See...I like this idea right here; a total revamp of the characters and bosses, but with ties to the story of the previous games.

Just being a Sub Zero fan....of course...I would add some type of Lin Kuei warrior, doesn't even have to be Sub.

Maybe one of his newest students...or even Frost

Thank you for the compliment. ^^

Sub-Zero will be apparent of the storyline, but I have yet to decide if he should be a playable character or not. In the previous thread (see the link in the start post) I have made him a returning character since he is one of the main icons of Mortal Kombat along with Scorpion, but I have yet to make it "official".
Perhaps another Lin Kuei warrior will appear, but it will NOT be Frost! I have personally never liked Frost, seeing as she is nothing but a clone of Sub-Zero with no potential what-so-ever. Yes, she was cool looking and all (no pun intended), but I do not want to see her in any future MK game.
In this storyline, she is dead!

With this said, here is the next new character...

The Female Tarkatan.
-Fighting Style: Katharlis is ruthless and insane, yet a very cunning assassin. Though a Tarkatan which has its reputation of being a bestial race, Katharlis’ fighting style is very fluid and consists of a mix of strikes and kicks made to confuse the opponent, hitting high and low at random. She is not a very strong character, but many of her strikes stun her opponents to give her the upper hand in combat.
-Weapon Style: Being a Tarkatan, Katharlis was born with natural bladed weapons, but unlike Baraka who had long blades from his arms, Katharlis has retractable nails (think Lady Deathstrike in the X-Men 2 movie). The nails give her a longer reach and with it she swings around a lot more, scratching her opponents, and she has many stabbing moves. Her kicks are not as used in this style, though those few kicks she has are fast knockouts.
-Powers: Katharlis has no extraordinary powers except that she is born with high resilience and speed, as all Tarkata are. However, her knowledge about the body of several races helps her find the correct striking points.
-Bio: “We were betrayed... For ages we have fought and won wars for our masters and no matter who it was we fought for, we won! Our leader Baraka is the mightiest of us all, he is a great warlord and he has solely killed more enemies than any other man alive. Not even the great Shao Kahn has killed as many, of that I am sure! We are a race of proud warriors, war runs in our veins and rage fills our bodies. Some have called us barbaric, some have called us mindless killers... But they are all dead and we have survived!
Our proudest moments have been when we were in the armies of Shao Kahn, the great emperor of Outworld. So many worlds have we invaded and so many people have been forced down onto their knees, begging for mercy... But we never show mercy! We are Tarkata!
And then... then this... this half-breed! Mileena! She comes in and manipulates our leader, weakening him and even got him close to be killed by this earthling called Kung Lao. She filled Baraka’s mind with thoughts and ideas which distracted him. And for the first time in many ages, we lost. And afterwards the bitch betrays our great leader and even tries to kill him!
Now she is gone, as is the emperor and a new man sits on the throne, a former general of the Kahn Army called Reiko. This was Baraka’s time to rule! If he could get the throne of Outworld, the Tarkata would regain their pride and reputation! And I know what I must do to make it happen.”
-Conclusion: Katharlis is the first true female Tarkatan to appear in Mortal Kombat. Though there never have been any sign of any females, except for Mileena who is a mix of an Edenian and a Tarkatan, I think it would make sense if there were at least a few... How else would they breed? Anyways, Katharlis is a lot like Mileena in the way she fights, being a fast and deadly assassin and I hope to replace Mileena with this character. It is not that I do not love Mileena, because I really do! I think Mileena was a fantastic character, but it is time for new characters to shine.
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