Mortal Kombat: The Great Shaolin Tournament (The Re-invention)
posted11/15/2008 05:07 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/30/2008 12:21 PM (UTC)
Return MK back to it's roots with the highest quality of high-def digitized fluid animation as a classic 2d beat-em up. Re-do the whole series from the start - darker, grittier, and more realistic with a fighting system that is deep and complex and yet not over-the-top. This is the heart of Mortal Kombat but also a re-imagining of what could be an epic series. The 3D Kombats all seem like shells of it's former selves, the characters have gone from looking like primitive D-grade video game actors into roid-injecting, muscle-bound toy-like figurines, the gameplay as been ragged on as not being a real serious fighter and yet not even one that is very good - which MK has the chance to be again.

I'd re-do all of it, firstly by focusing the attention on a good game play system that would be regarded as a highly-respected fair, fun and competitive system. Secondly, would be to remake all of the characters with state-of-the-art digitizing technology for the fighters with fluid and flowing animations that don't skip a beat. Thirdly, would be captivating memorable backgrounds and arenas - some we have seen already such as the Pit, the Statues of Kombatants and Shang Tsung's battleground. And lastly, but definitely not least - an encompassing storyline which would take the bulk of MK lore and expand on it so it could be held under the same light of such story-driven masterpieces as Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto IV.

I would love to see a fighting game which stays true to the original but also incorporates some fine fighting technical aspects. I would love to be able to sway my head and body from side to side, dodging blow by blow, blocking striking fists with forearms then countering back with a basic yet devastating round-house kick. This is just part one, I'll continue on with this and tell you my idea of a Mortal Kombat game that should be, that would break back into the mainstream market and be accepted by casual and serious fighting gamers alike.

Now, everyone can be cynic at such an idea but keep an open mind because thinking outside the box usually produces great things.

My character list would go like this, things have been tweaked to give it a bit more of a realistic authenticity. This would be a line-up of the originals. Some new characters would be added to keep a good balance. Some have stories right now, some don't - I'm lazy.

Liu Kang
Johnny Cage (John Carlton)
Sonya Burke

Sub-Zero, a prominent ninja-assassin who has mastered the art of cold sorcery and is able to mend and mold the power of ice into forms he uses to his advantage in combat. He would be donned in a typical ninja outfit which is draped with his Clan's insignias and banners.

Sasori (The Scorpion), a man hell-bent on revenge, he sports a similar ninja outfit to Sub-Zero's gear but uses the color yellow to mock his arch nemesis and his clan. He uses a modified harpoon hand-gun which is strapped to his left-wrist and enabled through the use of specific finger movements allowing him to "grapple" and punish his opponents. From what is seen of his face, he has notable scarring around his eyes and a clear eye that looks like it has been affected by a fire.

"The Reptile", a mysterious humanoid-like creature shrouded in classical ninja robes of no specific colour. Of what can be seen though is a grayish face of Reptillian nature, along with clawed fingers.

Secret Characters:
Lord Raiden (CPU Secret Boss), a top-tier character that would be in the same league as SF3's Gill. Complete with God-like abilities and attacks.
Jackson Briggs

Reigning Champion: Prince Goro
Former Champion: Sorcerer Shang Tsung

The games would continue from this into re-imagined sequels.

Mortal Kombat: The Great Shaolin Tournament (Inspired by the original MK)

Mortal Kombat: The Emperor's Tournament (Inspired by MK2)

Mortal Kombat: The Outworld Invasion (MK3, this game would revolve around the theme of pure chaos and anarchy where as the others would have strict guidelines and rules to abide by - less so with the Emperor's Tournament, The Outworld Invasion would just be all-out blood-shed)

Finally wrapping the trilogy up.
10/30/2008 02:23 PM (UTC)
I've been thinking about the concept of rebooting the series. I don't think that MK has to or should go back to 2D. I'd rather see them continue making 3D MK games but with a solid fighting system.

Regarding the characters:

Why did you change Sonya's last name?

Why did you change Scorpion's real name from Hanzo to Sasori? I don't like the idea of him wearing yellow to mock Sub-Zero's clan. The modified harpoon hand-gun idea is interesting, but I'm not sure if that would be a good idea.

For Sub-Zero, why not keep him as a Lin Kuei warrior assassin instead of making him a ninja?

I too was thinking of having new characters. I mean, this is supposed to be a big martial arts tournament, and I would imagine people from around the world coming to participate in it.

Regarding the story direction, I think that while having the essential premise of MK3's story still kick in, I don't think the MK2 story needs to necessarily be a tournament-based story.
10/30/2008 03:10 PM (UTC)
Sasori translates to Scorpion in Japanese, his real name I have no problem with, I like it but instead of him yelling, "GET OVER HERE!" in English, he would say it in thick, raspy Japanese. That would just add to the game and the character.

Sonya "Blade" sounds corny, now as a nickname... it is still corny. Sonya Burke gives the character a bit more overall realism.

I'm fine with the way Sub-Zero is, however, in the original game(s) he was obviously intended to be a ninja. I'd like to keep his origin as secretive as possible, probably mention that he is apart of a clan of assassins but keep it at that. Eventually, by the time, the third one rolls around - a bigger plot can be revealed as he goes rogue.

I believe the story (MK:D onwards with a bit of MK4 and DA) has turned into one big mess (from a casual and serious gamer's view). It's all over the place, that's probably the reason why I think most people have turned away from it. I'd like to just re-focus all the attention on re-doing the origin of the games and build a story up from there which doesn't have plot holes or doesn't drift away from the stuff people loved just like what they did with the Batman series with Begins and TDK.

The second (Emperor's Tournament) would basically revolve around Shao Kahn's plot to have his last chance at victory with a fake tournament, hence the title. When that fails, the Invasion kicks in and all bets are off and the gameplay would differ from the previous ones.
10/30/2008 11:03 PM (UTC)
cheaptacticz Wrote:
Sasori translates to Scorpion in Japanese, his real name I have no problem with, I like it but instead of him yelling, "GET OVER HERE!" in English, he would say it in thick, raspy Japanese. That would just add to the game and the character.

Ah, I see. It's not a bad idea to give the Japanese form of the word as his codename. Afterall, he is Japanese, and it would be strange to be named "Scorpion".

cheaptacticz Wrote:
Sonya "Blade" sounds corny, now as a nickname... it is still corny. Sonya Burke gives the character a bit more overall realism.

Even though you might be right about "Blade" being a corny surname, I don't think it should be changed. I mean, if changes to the actual names of the characters are going to be made, characters like Hotaru and Reiko should also have their names changed since they are feminine Japanese names given to male characters from other worlds.

cheaptacticz Wrote:
I'm fine with the way Sub-Zero is, however, in the original game(s) he was obviously intended to be a ninja. I'd like to keep his origin as secretive as possible, probably mention that he is apart of a clan of assassins but keep it at that. Eventually, by the time, the third one rolls around - a bigger plot can be revealed as he goes rogue.

In the earlier MK games, it was intended for Sub-Zero to be a "ninja-like" assassin. The Lin Kuei is a Chinese clan afterall, and in the MK story, they came before the ninja. I was thinking that the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu would evolve and adapt throughout the ages. So in modern times, some of the high-ups in the Lin Kuei could also be tied to the Chinese government and/or military. In addition, I could see works such as The Art of War be kind of like their Bible. To me, there needs to be that strong senseBtw, would you have Sub-Zero's name be something like XiÃa Ling (Below Zero)?

cheaptacticz Wrote:
I believe the story (MK:D onwards with a bit of MK4 and DA) has turned into one big mess (from a casual and serious gamer's view). It's all over the place, that's probably the reason why I think most people have turned away from it. I'd like to just re-focus all the attention on re-doing the origin of the games and build a story up from there which doesn't have plot holes or doesn't drift away from the stuff people loved just like what they did with the Batman series with Begins and TDK.

I think that in the Vogel era of MK, the stories and characters were more fleshed out overall. MKA's story problems came from basically cutting Vogel's balls off, so to speak. Even then, he rectified things a little bit with bios such as Sareena's.

cheaptacticz Wrote:
The second (Emperor's Tournament) would basically revolve around Shao Kahn's plot to have his last chance at victory with a fake tournament, hence the title. When that fails, the Invasion kicks in and all bets are off and the gameplay would differ from the previous ones.

Here's the thing. I think that if you're going to have the third installment involve the invasion of Earth, there should be that sense of escalation in the second installment. Granted, having the Outworld tournament story could do that, but why not go for a different route? There should be several elements in the story of the second installment that lead up to the events of the third installment.
11/11/2008 08:08 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of just rebooting and remaking the series for the next gen. I love the story for the original MK. I want them to essentially do an updated remake but add tons of depth to the gameplay and story. Add an in-depth Create-a-Fighter mode to have all the "other" people that were in the tournament (as it was kind of understood that there were OTHER people in the tournament, but you were choosing to play one of the seven best and the most likely to actually win). I wouldn't mind seeing added characters to the roster as long as they don't suck. But bring back all the originals just deeper and improved. Scorpion can stay a specter and keep his toasty and spear and other powers but actually give him character depth and motivation that gives him some room to evolve as the new series progresses. And make him use his rope-dart for something other than just the usual way like he does in MK:SM they need to make him fight more like that with it but keep the classic stunning spear of course that is after all were he gets his name. He's scorpion and he has a paralyzing sting, great. But utilize it and the fire more. Sub-Zero has a million and one ways to use his ice, Scorpion can't be that uncreative. lol. But yes I would like the next MK to return to the story and atmosphere of the original. I'd even be happy with a whole new cast of chars + a create-a-char. They can have NEW characters that are like the old ones but cool in their own right such as what the author of this topic mentioned. If anything should be written to the MK crew and requested of them for the next MK I think this topic's idea should be.
11/11/2008 03:30 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of rebooting the Mortal Kombat games, into a more realistic storyline/characters...

That being said, I do think 3D is the way to go, however I'd get MK to leave Midway for somebody like THQ/Yukes, who do make realistic models (looks at the WWE games).

I'd also like to see a game focusing on the beginings of the Tournament aswell. It would be interesting.

The darker & grittier idea is also a good one.

Overall, seems like an interesting concept, but we need a bigger roster, for sure.
11/11/2008 05:34 PM (UTC)
I was wondering about something, and I'd like to hear some opinions. If MK's story were rebooted, and if things were set as realistic as possible (can't be fully realistic, of course), how would you explain how Earthrealm characters like Sonya, Jax, Kano, Kira, Kabal, Kobra, Jarek, etc. get their powers?

I was thinking of going in somewhat of a comic-book story concept in that some scientists are developing some kind of metahuman/superhuman formula for soldiers. Kano and the Black Dragon would try to take this formula and some of the Special Forces, namely ones like Sonya and Jax, would try to stop them. What do you guys think?
11/12/2008 12:51 AM (UTC)
Sonya: Probably uses technology.

Jax: Described as "The World's Strongest Man" back in MK2, his unusually high level of physical fitness training has allowed him to tap into his chi. (That was before the bionic arms, mind you. Now it's all tech.)

Kano: Laser eye and knives are obviously tech/weapons. Cannonball is just a video game exaggeration of a human capability.

Kabal: Uses technology.

Jarek: See Kano, except for the laser eyes, which I don't consider canon.

Kira: See Sonya and Kano.

Kobra: Obviously a world class martial artist tapping into his chi. He even has "chi" in his fireball's name.
11/12/2008 01:06 AM (UTC)
I still prefer the idea of superior martial artists who have tapped into their chi granting them superhuman abilities concept better than all earthrealm chars being augmented super-soldiers to gain superpowers. Maybe one or two like say Sonya and Jax, but I still think that somehow makes them not as badass as characters like Sub-Zero, Lui Kang and Johnny Cage who mastered their abilities through years of rigorous training and meditation. Even Scorpion had to go to hell and back (literally) to gain his power. In the regular MK they've all earned what they've got and I think it should stay that way for a revamp. Just give them all more in depth abilities and different ways of using their unique talents. No offense to anyone that prefers Sub-Zero_7th's idea as it is just as good, this is just my preference on the subject.
11/12/2008 02:19 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sonya: Probably uses technology.

Jax: Described as "The World's Strongest Man" back in MK2, his unusually high level of physical fitness training has allowed him to tap into his chi. (That was before the bionic arms, mind you. Now it's all tech.)

Kano: Laser eye and knives are obviously tech/weapons. Cannonball is just a video game exaggeration of a human capability.

Kabal: Uses technology.

Jarek: See Kano, except for the laser eyes, which I don't consider canon.

Kira: See Sonya and Kano.

Kobra: Obviously a world class martial artist tapping into his chi. He even has "chi" in his fireball's name.

Sonya: Do you think that something like rocket boots will work for her Bicycle Kick and Square Wave Punch while she uses a laser gun for her projectile? Maybe it could be like this earlier on, and then later, she'll really be able to tap into her Fa Jing and use it to do those special moves.

Jax: Even though he was referred to as "The World's Strongest Man", I don't think that necessarily means he can tap into his Fa Jing.

Kano: Maybe his ability to do the Cannonball (and variations of) could be a result of his implant surgery.

Kabal: I would kind of have his powers not be technologically related. However, if it were to be done like that, I guess he could wear special boots or something.

Kira: I'd imagine her really using just weapons and technology, especially with a few of her specials involving her Dragon Teeth.

Kobra: I can understand that. Maybe he could have his chi blasts later. I don't know.

Bloodfang Wrote:
I still prefer the idea of superior martial artists who have tapped into their chi granting them superhuman abilities concept better than all earthrealm chars being augmented super-soldiers to gain superpowers. Maybe one or two like say Sonya and Jax, but I still think that somehow makes them not as badass as characters like Sub-Zero, Lui Kang and Johnny Cage who mastered their abilities through years of rigorous training and meditation. Even Scorpion had to go to hell and back (literally) to gain his power. In the regular MK they've all earned what they've got and I think it should stay that way for a revamp. Just give them all more in depth abilities and different ways of using their unique talents. No offense to anyone that prefers Sub-Zero_7th's idea as it is just as good, this is just my preference on the subject.

I just wanted to throw ideas out to see what others think. I think for characters like Sonya and Jax, they would have to learn how to tap into their Fa Jing from the likes of Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc. I would imagine it would take a fairly significant amount of time to even to begin to utilize the inner power.
11/12/2008 03:21 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sonya: Probably uses technology.

Jax: Described as "The World's Strongest Man" back in MK2, his unusually high level of physical fitness training has allowed him to tap into his chi. (That was before the bionic arms, mind you. Now it's all tech.)

Kano: Laser eye and knives are obviously tech/weapons. Cannonball is just a video game exaggeration of a human capability.

Kabal: Uses technology.

Jarek: See Kano, except for the laser eyes, which I don't consider canon.

Kira: See Sonya and Kano.

Kobra: Obviously a world class martial artist tapping into his chi. He even has "chi" in his fireball's name.

Sonya: Do you think that something like rocket boots will work for her Bicycle Kick and Square Wave Punch while she uses a laser gun for her projectile? Maybe it could be like this earlier on, and then later, she'll really be able to tap into her Fa Jing and use it to do those special moves.

Jax: Even though he was referred to as "The World's Strongest Man", I don't think that necessarily means he can tap into his Fa Jing.

Kano: Maybe his ability to do the Cannonball (and variations of) could be a result of his implant surgery.

Kabal: I would kind of have his powers not be technologically related. However, if it were to be done like that, I guess he could wear special boots or something.

Kira: I'd imagine her really using just weapons and technology, especially with a few of her specials involving her Dragon Teeth.

Kobra: I can understand that. Maybe he could have his chi blasts later. I don't know.

Sonya: The energy rings have always looked like a wrist-mounted sonic or laser weapon to me, especially in MK vs DCU. But I agree she learned some chi moves AFTER MK1, because the Bike Kick HAS to have been taught to her by Liu.

Jax: In MK2, BEFORE he met Liu or Johnny or anyone else with powers, he could swing his arm so hard that an energy wave flew through the air. That's chi/magic.

Kabal: His projectile and floor saw are definitely tech, but I'll give you the superspeed because he had to have been one of Raiden's chosen ones and attacked by the extermination squads for a reason.

As for the rest, it looks like we're in agreement...except for Kano. I still don't consider the cannonball a power or anything that he needs implants or supersoldier serums for.
11/12/2008 11:20 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I just wanted to throw ideas out to see what others think. I think for characters like Sonya and Jax, they would have to learn how to tap into their Fa Jing from the likes of Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc. I would imagine it would take a fairly significant amount of time to even to begin to utilize the inner power.

NP, dude. Actually I find your posts and ideas to be some of the best on this forum. At least you're mature about stuff. Even when I disagree at least its thought provoking, lol. And on further thinking on the subject I agree more with you on certain characters. I'm cool with Sonya, Jax and certain others using tech instead of chi because their U.S. Special Forces and it makes more sense for them as since when does the U.S. teach its soldiers to tap into their own inner power. A. They don't believe in it, lol. B. We're a pure tech based society, so for them it makes more sense. For the other more worldly characters they should have a mix or leaning towards one or the other. That would make the characters more unique and differ from each other. You could have two characters that have fire moves for example and they would still play differently because would be using "magic" and the other tech like a flamethrower or incendiary devices. The same could go for pretty much anything. Some characters are more tech, some more magic like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and some could be a mixture with a moderate understanding of both like say Johnny Cage being an action star could have some tricks that are supernatural abilities based on his years of martial arts training with grand masters and he could have a few tricks utilizing special effects equipment like pyrotechnic traps perhaps.
11/13/2008 07:01 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Sonya: The energy rings have always looked like a wrist-mounted sonic or laser weapon to me, especially in MK vs DCU. But I agree she learned some chi moves AFTER MK1, because the Bike Kick HAS to have been taught to her by Liu.

Jax: In MK2, BEFORE he met Liu or Johnny or anyone else with powers, he could swing his arm so hard that an energy wave flew through the air. That's chi/magic.

Kabal: His projectile and floor saw are definitely tech, but I'll give you the superspeed because he had to have been one of Raiden's chosen ones and attacked by the extermination squads for a reason.

As for the rest, it looks like we're in agreement...except for Kano. I still don't consider the cannonball a power or anything that he needs implants or supersoldier serums for.

Sonya: About the wrist-mounted sonic/laser weapon concept, I like the sound of it. Good idea on her learning the Bicycle Kick from Liu Kang. Still I think some kind of gadget would have to be her for her Square Wave Punch. I was actually thinking that it should be changed into a "Square Wave Kick".

Jax: You bring up the Sonic Wave move which I actually like despite it being somewhat of a rip-off of Guile's Sonic Boom. Yeah, in MK2, Jax seems to be able to focus his Fa Jing into his Sonic Wave and Ground Pound moves. And even though he is super strong, it would still be a little bit confusing as to how he learned to channel his Fa Jing. His ability to perform such moves would really grab the attention of the U.S. Special Forces and maybe even the government itself.

Kabal: I'm glad you brought up his Ground Saw. I think that move along with his Nomad's Touch could be moves done with special gloves.

Kano's Cannonball move could be a move that he developed through some kind of training or something. *shrugs*

Bloodfang Wrote:

NP, dude. Actually I find your posts and ideas to be some of the best on this forum. At least you're mature about stuff. Even when I disagree at least its thought provoking, lol. And on further thinking on the subject I agree more with you on certain characters. I'm cool with Sonya, Jax and certain others using tech instead of chi because their U.S. Special Forces and it makes more sense for them as since when does the U.S. teach its soldiers to tap into their own inner power. A. They don't believe in it, lol. B. We're a pure tech based society, so for them it makes more sense. For the other more worldly characters they should have a mix or leaning towards one or the other. That would make the characters more unique and differ from each other. You could have two characters that have fire moves for example and they would still play differently because would be using "magic" and the other tech like a flamethrower or incendiary devices. The same could go for pretty much anything. Some characters are more tech, some more magic like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, and some could be a mixture with a moderate understanding of both like say Johnny Cage being an action star could have some tricks that are supernatural abilities based on his years of martial arts training with grand masters and he could have a few tricks utilizing special effects equipment like pyrotechnic traps perhaps.

Thanks. smile

For characters like Sonya, Jax, etc., I would imagine them being in a state of disbelief to all of the magical and supernatural things they see and experience. We live in an age of science and technology afterall. You make a good point about two characters using fire differently. I think that Johnny Cage can get away with doing techniques done by tapping into his Fa Jing. He is a skilled martial artist who trained with various masters. Behind his immature exterior, for him to be able to perform special techniques like the Shadow Kick require skill and experience.


I was thinking that for the MK reboot that in the MK1 story, Scorpion would be human. My little story idea will be somewhat similar to the little backstory in MKM: SZ. Basically, Quan Chi, who would be that hidden evil throughout the trilogy, would hire the services of the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu to send their best assassin to take down Shang Tsung. In the tournament, Sub-Zero would be forced to kill Scorpion so that his objective can be completed. So when Scorpion dies, Quan Chi would make the fallen ninja a deal and Shinnok would be the one to make Scorpion a new body. There needs to be that establishment of consequence of death. So whenever Scorpion "dies", he needs to rely on Shinnok and Quan Chi in order for him to have a new body. Otherwise, he'll just be a wandering spirit in the Netherrealm.

For the gameplay, Scorpion could still use his Spear though I think it may have to go under a different name, maybe something like Hojo Kunai since he uses a roped kunai. Aside from that, he could be a character that uses all sorts of "ninja magic" type moves, including Kajutsu (fire methods). For his story, they should actually show his usage of Ninjutsu (stealth/espionage methods) since he's supposed to be a Ninja. (Note: Just to note, Samurai traditions such as Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu contain[ed] Ninjutsu in their curriculum but was a very minor teaching).


Also, I was thinking that Kobra would be in the first installment. I felt that he fits much better into a tournament storyline. He could be set up as a rival, maybe even an antithesis, to Johnny Cage. In his ending, I could see Kobra being approached by Quan Chi instead of being affiliated with the Black Dragon.

So overall, I've been thinking up of various ideas for an MK remake. I think that character studies need to be done to establish who each character is and what their motivations are. There also needs to be an establishment on how things work such as death and resurrection, the rules of the various realms, the power and the authority of gods, etc. When all of these are sorted out, the storytelling has a better chance of being more solid.
11/14/2008 12:18 AM (UTC)
The fans hate retcons too much, man.

I'd love to see an MK1 remake, but the only additions to the roster I want to see are the addition of characters who are actually supposed to exist at the time or be at the tournament.

For instance, Ermac would be a playable hidden character, Reptile, Goro, and Shang Tsung would all be playable.
Kenshi, Bo' Rai Cho, maybe Shujinko too, could appear, because they're related to some of the things characters did before MK1, as hidden characters who are NOT playable.
Each character's backstory would be deeply delved into in Konquest mode, featuring many NPCs.

For instance, Sub-Zero and Scorpion's Konquests would actually BE the plot of Mythologies, so Fujin, Quan Chi, Kia, Jataaka, Sareena, and Shinnok would be opponents you could fight, but not unlockable to play as.

Sonya and Kano would all have Jax, Kabal, Jarek, and Hsu Hao (he was in Special Forces at the time as a mole) in theirs. Hell, for the dopey fans who want him so bad, let's throw Tremor in there too.

Liu Kang's and maybe even Raiden's would have Kung Lao and Bo' Rai Cho.

Shang Tsung would even get a Konquest and Kenshi and any Outworld characters you like, like Mileena and Shao Kahn, can appear.

My point here is that each character should have a fully fleshed out Konquest mode where you can meet or fight just about everybody they should know, and see their entire life as a fighter leading up to MK, to explain why they're so special. We absolutely have the technology to make this elaborate a story mode. It's just the Shujinko Konquest but shorter and for 10 or so different characters. This would absolutely allow you to tell all the story you want and do things like "establish the consequences of death" with Scorpion, without actually changing what's already known about the events of the tournament. We can see it by playing through his backstory instead.

But it would all have to fit the continuity we ALREADY HAVE, is the important thing. Just because Kobra fits a tournament setting better doesn't make it okay to suddenly make him 10 years older and interject him into plots he was never in, changing those plots drastically.

If you want a rival for Johnny Cage, I got a fine idea for that: Nimbus Terrafaux. He was a black guy in kickboxer gear who was supposedly unlockable in the Genesis version of MK1, created as a hoax for an April Fools issue of Gamepro. MK has a long tradition of turning rumors and hoaxes into reality, Why not?
11/14/2008 02:03 AM (UTC)
You're suggesting something else. I'm talking about setting things in a new universe, kind of like what Transformers: Animated does.

I was thinking that Kenshi and Shujinko would also be in the first installment. Shujinko could be from a group that rivals the Shaolin Order of Light. Kenshi's story would more or less be the same as it is in the established canon. I think Bo' Rai Cho could work if he only sticks to the teacher/mentor role. If Tremor were to be put in, I'd prefer it if they not have him be ninja-like and be revamped in his look.

Even though I'd like several things in the current canon to be changed, it wouldn't feel like much of a reboot.
11/14/2008 03:29 AM (UTC)
I'm too emotionally invested in the universe we've already got to ever support a reboot.
I don't think the changes you're suggesting actually improve the story anyway.
Let me give you an example: Scorpion. You want him to die in the tournament instead of before it...but that's missing the nuances of his story. The only reason Quan Chi brings Scorpion back is to get rid of Sub-Zero for betraying him, but if MKM never happened, Quan Chi doesn't HAVE that reason. Plus, then Sub-Zero doesn't even die and become Noob.
And the more people you add to the tournament, the more people SURVIVE the tournament. MK1 was supposed to be a deadly game, where only 7 people survived. You add Shujinko, Kenshi, and Kobra, suddenly, 10 people survived and Shang looks much less sinister and effective as a guy who's forcing people to fight to the death like gladiators.
Besides...Kobra is a Black Dragon. So's Kano. Why send two guys from the same gang? Kano would sooner kill one of his own men then allow him to accept an invitation to the tournament too and potentially stand in his way.
There's nothing wrong with the original MK1. It needs EXPANDED ON, not dropped for some alternate universe take. That's my opinion on the matter, anyway. I'm kinda passionate about the subject because remakes of the 2D games are sort of my own dream project and I just don't want to see it screwed up.
11/14/2008 09:36 PM (UTC)
I know what it's like to be emotionally invested in the current universe. But I think that if a reboot were to be done, there are going to have to be some significant changes.

About the example you gave with Scorpion, you make some good points. I just wanted to take things in a different direction. I would probably also have only one Sub-Zero instead of two while having Noob Saibot be a separate character.

Having 10 people survive out of what is likely hundreds of contestants would still make the tournament deadly. I'd like to see a roster of about 14 or 15 playable characters, with some of them dying.

Regarding Kobra, I would not have him affiliated with the Black Dragon. He would be a martial arts champion that is invited to the tournament and takes part in it, wanting to prove his superiority.

I see what you're saying about MK1. It is more of a matter of its story being expanded on, something that the MK team should have done instead of Shaolin Monks' story. I think that more of the bigger changes to the story would come later, namely after MK3.
11/15/2008 02:43 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
But I think that if a reboot were to be done, there are going to have to be some significant changes.

I just don't see why. You haven't really given me any reason to believe there's something wrong with the story they told the first time around.
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11/15/2008 04:22 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
But I think that if a reboot were to be done, there are going to have to be some significant changes.

I just don't see why. You haven't really given me any reason to believe there's something wrong with the story they told the first time around.

It is twenty years outdated. The era of 70's kung-fu movies from Hong Kong is over. Their simplicity is not likely be enough. MK would have to be alot deeper.
11/15/2008 05:07 PM (UTC)
I do not agree with that assessment, either of the popularity of hong kong cinema (I think the kung fu movie genre is actually more popular in America now than it was even back then, thanks to Quentin Tarantino, The Matrix, and the continued careers of Jet Li and Jackie Chan) OR with the idea that MK1 isn't deep enough already, if you add in Mythologies and other backstory elements that were added later like Bo' Rai Cho.

The canon we have is very good and very deep. Just put it on screen the way it is. In fact, sometimes I think perhaps it's too deep for the genre to properly express all the nuances, and should be made into an RPG instead.
In fact, I've made posts several times in the past describing exactly how MK3 in particular is suited for the RPG genre, because the plot suggests that the heroes traveled in a party across the world, randomly encountering whole hordes of monsters, rather than fighting one-on-one battles.
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