Mortal Kombat: The god war
posted11/21/2006 10:06 PM (UTC)by
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"because real men throw eggs"

Member Since
03/18/2006 01:07 AM (UTC)
This is just an idea for a game after armegeddon but before the next gen.

Story: After armegeddon, the surviving Kombeditents of good realized the gods had almost distroyed everything. The ones of evil relized if the gods where gone, they could counquor. The ones uder control could have free will. Now, good and evil have joind together and challenged the gods to a hidden Mortal Kombat. the gods accepted..................................

Charecters:dariou, Sub-Zero,noob,Scorpion,Kung Lao, baraka, kitana, Jax, Stryker, Bo ri cho, raiden, shinnok, sinjouku, Fujin, shang Tsung,
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

11/19/2006 11:26 PM (UTC)

There will be new chaecters. they will have god names(cant think of any now). instead of good/evil/neutral, there will be mortal and god.
Konquest mode will be f*cking hard, and it will have more brutal fatalitys for each char.


Scorpion: Mortal Quai chi had died at my hands in armegeddon, but i am still dead. The gods are keeping me this way. My body is going mad. it is destorying everything in its path. it is taking all of my streth, but i am controling it. the gods arnt doing anything to stop it. If they die, i am resserected. They must die. if i was alive just two days ago, my family would have been saved. i had killed them. The gods will die. I will be mortal once again.

Shinnok: God I was banished to the neatherrealm by the rest of the gods. Just when i had a plan to get my revenge, they brought me back to fight with them. They will die in the fight, and i shall distroy the rest of the mortals, and i will be in control. the rest of the gods will know if i attack them, so they die after. They will all die. All will bow down to the great lord shinnok!

Baraka: mortal Fools! they belive i will help them in their fight agaisnt the gods. i will. But they will soon relize there mistake. and they shall die as did my dear melinna. I shall rule all once i collect the powers from the gods. Shang Tsung was too stupid to teach me how during armegeddon. he will die with the rest.

Sub-zero: mortal When bo rai cho asked me if i would help them in the battle of the gods, i was about to decline. but them images flashed into my mind. it showed my older brother being tourtured by shinnok and one of the elder gods. then he was trapped in a dungon, being tourtured by a diffrent god. Then it showed him brutaly murdering someone. Then him joining the lin kuang, and more murders. my brother could have saved me at all my desperate times in Mortal Kombat. But the gods turned him evil and scorpion killed him. he is now noob saibot. The evilest creature to ever live. The gods are going to die. They shall suffer as did my brother. i will kill them. Even if i die trying

Thats it for now
About Me

I hate this place.

11/20/2006 03:59 AM (UTC)
Okay, copy and paste this into Microsoft Word, and make edits so I can understand it. Sorry, but alot of it doesn't make sense.

I'll give a good criticism after it's understnadable.
Even Ermacsmainman makes more understandable posts than this one...
11/21/2006 10:06 PM (UTC)
who the hell is "sinjouku"?
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