Mortal Kombat Tails (more added)
posted10/01/2008 06:28 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/28/2008 06:19 PM (UTC)
New great mk serise would be MKT like mythologys online in a 3d way.

If it was up to me I would make these and Im gonna send a letter to Midway about it.

Here is go's

Mortal Kombat Tales (Shang)

It all starts when He is just defeated in mortal kombat by Kung-Lao. Angry with this Kahn sends Him to work in the cole ball mines (Yes like on Konquest)

Disopointed and waiting for the next chance to reposent outworld in MK he thinks back to when he first started working for out world

This is where the game sets off after reposenting earth in mk and cheated and so by mk law Kahn inprisons him.

After two years of impisonment kahn begins to see Shangs dark power witch can be turned into sorcery.

Again Kahn sends him to the cole ball minds and says that this is the perfect place to start your training.

There he teaches you how to take souls and shoot fire balls.

You have a power bar but to get it full you need to beat up people until there heads start nodding. When there like that you can

Press a normal button and kill them 243 Exp
Press L1 to kill him 5000 Exp
Take his soul with R1 Magic power

You start off with just fire ball but with xp and combos you can unlock more

Force feild
Fire rise

and menny menny more

If you can unlock all of them you become a true sorcerer

Then you get back to normal time after thinking over the rest of his life for 100 years and then it is time to fight Kung-lao again

Lets just say he lurned from the past Missions Beat man in mk Fight off thives Do fire ball Hunt trator shadow preast Mortal kombat round one ect ect Other than fatatltys there will be more of a combo thing made for big enemys what you cant do fataltys on Everything go's dark and shang pops up in difo places and strikes in he end its a 100 hit combo Roster Shang Kahn Kung lao Quan-chi Shinnok Goro (you take over him in the end)
You know I can respect you contributing something to the community. But you know when you misspell something it gives you the option to right click and fix your mistake. And plus you've got like waaay more than 5 open threads. You should cut back until the ones you already do have open get more posts. Just trying to be helpful in the most respectful ways.
10/01/2008 03:29 AM (UTC)
Oh wrong thread... I thought this is where we discuss Motaro's tail.
10/01/2008 06:28 PM (UTC)
thax your the first one to talk about my spelling without being a arse
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