Mortal Kombat/Super Smash Bros (long post)
posted11/21/2011 11:05 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
These are my ideas on how I would handle either a crossover between those two series, or guest appearances by MK characters in a SSB game. I know such a crossover is very unlikely, but whatever. I still find the concept an intriguing one. Anyway...

Using Scorpion and Sub-Zero as examples, their "final smashes" could be the Toasty fatality for Scorpion and the Ice Shatter for Sub-Zero. Both of them are non-gory, as people being reduced to a charred skeleton, or frozen and shattered into pieces, has been done in cartoons. Hell, the latter's been done in Mario games too. Raiden could have the SNES version of his MK1 fatality, where he reduces his victim to ashes, save for the skull. Sonya could have the MK1/MK3 version of her kiss of death, but if Scorpion's also in the game along with his Toasty, it'd be redundant.

If Kabal made an appearance, he could have his facial fright fatality, Mileena her vacuum one (maybe the bones could even be pickable as projectiles). Even decapitations and other kind of gory fatalities could be included, tweaked a bit for the T rating of course. Decapitations could see the opponent turned into a trophy (play SSB: Brawl if you don't understand) just as they're about to lose their head. Once that happens, the head falls off the trophy. Bloodless decapitation.

In Wario Land 3, Wario could be sliced in half by one enemy type. There wasn't any gore. So fatalities of this kind could be included.

Part 2 coming up. Long post, like I said.
11/13/2011 04:26 PM (UTC)
Whenever fatalities are applied, you would hear the word "Fatality" when there are MK characters involved in a fight. Maybe it could also be heard when MK characters (as well as Nintendo characters or guests such as Snake teaming up with them) knock an opponent out of the arena, or get thrown out. The smash ball would sometimes have the MK logo instead of the SSB series'.

When Sub-Zero is teaming up with other characters, and using his Ice Shatter fatality, he can get his partner(s) to destroy his frozen opponent(s).

Now, backgrounds. At least those with stage fatalities.

The Deadpool: Instead of knocking your opponent out of the arena, you would have to knock them into the acid, which is done by uppercutting them into the ceiling, resulting in them bouncing off it and falling into the acid, resurfacing as bleach white skeletons (like in MKD). Even Mario games had that happen with Bowser falling into lava and being transformed into his skeletal self, Dry Bowser. This whole concept could work with Scorpion's lair too.

The Subway: With the MK3 version of it's fatality. To beat your opponent in this area, you have to uppercut them through the ceiling, which only happens after you've damaged your foe(s) enough. They will land in the rails, and you know what'd happen next. Alternately, they could get hit by the train before they even land.

Pit 2: One arena who's fatality is perfect for the SSB style, as it involves the opponent crashing hard on the ground. You wouldn't see the losers land of course, just hear them doing so. Like in a SSB game. As with the above stages, only uppercuts knock them down the pit. However, you can also knock them off-screen.

The Nexus: another stage with a non-gory fatality.

Hell's foundry: It's death trap wasn't that gory. The gory part could be removed.

They could include stages with no stage fatalities, such as the streets. When fighting in them, you'd merely have to knock your opponent off the screen, like in pretty much everyone of SSB's arenas.

And this is it, I'm done here.
11/14/2011 03:36 PM (UTC)
Ignoring for a moment that Nintendo would never go for it and neither would the majority of the MK fanbase after the way they got all butthurt about vsDCU's T-rating...

I think the problem with Fatalities as Final Smashes is, the goal of a SSB fight is to knock the opponent off the side of the screen, not just deal damage to them. Toasty could work fine I suppose since Mario does a big torrent of fire, but being cut in half doesn't make you go flying.
11/14/2011 07:50 PM (UTC)
I think saying Nintendo would never go for it is jumping to conclusions. Like I said, such a crossover may not be not very likely, but unlikely and impossible are two very different words. As for the majority of the MK fanbase, I do not care. They couldn't stop the game from being made, or MK characters from making guest appearances in a SSB game, if either were going to happen.

As for my "Fatal Smash" idea (that's what I'll call them), you can consider them a new way for opponents in a SSB game to be defeated. Or a special gimmick for MK characters, just like the heroic brutalities for DC's superheroes, or Snake's codecs.

Stage fatalities would be just like getting knocked off-screen or falling to your death, only with different results. The Nexus and Pit 2's fatalities are already SSB-like, the former especially (only the victim doesn't crash into a wall). In the Subway's case, the train could still knock them off screen.

Now, just a few more ideas

If the match ended through the last opponent's death as a result of a fatality, the loser(s) will not be present in the celebration scene. If they were merely thrown out of the arena though (which can't happen in some MK stages such as the Deadpool or Hell's foundry), they'll still be there to applaud.

If either Cyber-Smoke or Cyrax were in the game, with the apocalypse or self-destruct fatalities as their final smashes, then the game would count them as suicide when applied. So in order to win using them, you have to either have more lives left than your opponent(s), or to have more wins over them when time is involved.

Finally, even if such a game, or guest appearances by MK characters, never happened, it's still fun to think of suggestions anyway.
11/15/2011 01:03 AM (UTC)
What could happen or NRS could do is, make a game/modes similar to MK ́s shaolin monk ́s versus mode. make it for 4 players, bigger arena ́s and fatality ́s-brutality ́s as their finishing moves. and like u said they could have stage fatality's if you fall of the stage.

i always loved games like power stone, thrill kill and ssb.
imagine it serious with MK characters, MK atmosphere, blood, fatality's etc.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

11/16/2011 02:05 AM (UTC)
I could see Scorpion or Sub-Zero MAYBE being a guest character in a Super Smash Bros. game, obviously with the violence toned down, but I doubt we'll ever see a full on crossover game.
11/16/2011 12:57 PM (UTC)
superbn0va Wrote:
What NRS could do is, make a game/modes similar to MK ́s shaolin monk ́s versus mode. make it for 4 players, bigger arena ́s and fatality ́s-brutality ́s as their finishing moves. and like u said they could have stage fatality's if you fall of the stage.
imagine it serious with MK characters, MK atmosphere, blood, fatality's etc.

^does nobody like this idea??^ everybody knows that ssb would never get a guest character from MK, doesn't ^^ sound like a great alternative?
11/16/2011 02:09 PM (UTC)
Purely out of curiousity, I'd like to ask those who think a SSB/MK crossover, or guest appearances by MK characters in a SSB game, could never happen this question: before MK vs DC Universe was announced, did anyone ever predict such a crossover would happen? Sure, you might say a MK/DC crossover was more likely to happen than what I'm suggesting, but the point is, how many actually thought it would happen?

Secondly, and also finally for now, if at least one MK character or two were going to appear in a SSB game as guests, which one(s) would you want? I know anyone other than Scorpion and Sub-Zero wouldn't be too likely, because of popularity and all, but still, who would you personally want? You can say Scorpion or Sub-Zero, just as long as they're not suggested purely for their iconic status, but because you actually do like them.

In my case, even though I'm not a huge fan of him, I'd welcome Scorpion in a SSB game, so I could have the pleasure of witnessing the likes of Wario, Mario, Samus, Mr Game & Watch etc kicking his ass. But it'd be a shame imo if he was MK's sole representant. So non-humans like Baraka, Motaro or a Shokan would please me.
11/16/2011 02:50 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Purely out of curiousity, I'd like to ask those who think a SSB/MK crossover, or guest appearances by MK characters in a SSB game, could never happen this question: before MK vs DC Universe was announced, did anyone ever predict such a crossover would happen? Sure, you might say a MK/DC crossover was more likely to happen than what I'm suggesting, but the point is, how many actually thought it would happen?.

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was co-published by Midway Games and Warner Bros. and was the final Mortal Kombat title to be developed under the Midway label prior to its purchase by Warner Bros. also has boon said he always dreamed of a game with DC characters. (and maybe a decade-late answer to the Marvel/Capcom team up games) also did it attract many pp that haven't played MK but now will bc of the DC characters.

it wasn't midways first intention 2make MK vs DC but eventually happened.

the differences are just to big and MK isn't popular in japan. most characters in ssb arefrom Nintendo (except sonic and solid snake) and japanese icons that are quite popular in japan. if they consider 2bring cross over characters from fighting games, i think SF and VF have the biggest chances. but even for sf and vf are the chances very slim to enter the ssb arena.
11/17/2011 03:44 PM (UTC)
im sure if NRS did a mode like this most pp would say "wow thats awesome" lol haterstongue
11/19/2011 02:00 AM (UTC)
i actually think it would be cool but here's how i see it.

modes vs,tag,handicap 1 on 2,1 on 3,story,arcade,time attack.

options weapon kombat,weaponless kombat,tiny fighters,slow mo kombat,speed kombat,big head kombat,tiny head kombat.

arena's (all with deathtraps/fall off the stage)
scorpion lair
reptiles lair
bell tower
pit 1,2,3
dark prison
beetle lair

sub - zero
quan chi


sub bosses
shang tsung

pick up weapons/power ups
health orbs
projectile switch

kinda think of it like guilty gear isuka and super smash brothers meets mortal kombat. the gameplay would be like those 2 games but plays with mk characters, weapons,stages.
11/19/2011 01:56 PM (UTC)
yeah it would be fun if u could enter cheats before the fights starts like in mk9. cheats for big head mode etc.

VS modes:
battle royal, team (2 vs 2) handicap (1 vs 2, 1 vs 3), JUGGLE mode (the player with the highest juggles wins)

Options: set-time, set-handicap, set-blood 1-10, set-speed (slow-normal-fast) enable/disable items, set- difficulty, set-A.I, set-kredits. set-wind direction (where the wind blows)

(all weapons that are used in mk9) and traps.

extra JUGGLE recovery (gives you less recovery on your moves so u can paste moves that normally wouldn't) invincibility, invincible, speed x2 EX bar (to do 3 enhanced moves) health orbs, dragon orbs

when dan fordan pops up and ure in time to press up + start u get 50% health boost.

stages: (when pressing start u get klassic music)
there are so many good stages so i leave this open.

lets say every character begins with 150% as health and when it comes close to 10 it can be finished with an fatality-brutality or revived with an friend-ship. instead of ssb where your character gets lighter it gets heavier so slower, this should give u the time to finish them off or revive them.

Fatality/brutality: is to finish off your opponents. also could they be finished by falling/thrownof the stage.

Friend-ship: is to revive your team mate. if u see that your team mate is weaken u can revive him by an friend-ship.


acidslayer Wrote:think of it like guilty gear isuka and super smash brothers meets mortal kombat. the gameplay would be like those 2 games but plays with mk characters, weapons,stages.

why do you prefer a 2D plane instead of 3D?
i like both but think that a 3D plane could work just as good and offer some more variation in the arena's.

here is a link to a video similar to what i have in mind:

but then well improved with bigger (2 floors) arena's etc.. this wouldn't be the end results, there is much more to be add. but just to give an idea.
11/19/2011 04:14 PM (UTC)
Some more ideas for a MK/SSB crossover.

This idea could be done either as a different gameplay mode, or for a different version of the crossover (think SF X Tekken and Tekken X SF): a MK mode. In it, the gameplay's closer to the MK series', with energy bars (or H.P), and not as much platforming. The MK stages would be especially designed for it, though you could get a redesigned vesion of certain Nintendo stages such as the Mushroom Kingdom (the one based on Super Mario Bros). Some Nintendo stages could still have few gimmicks based on the series they're based on. You could also still have items, some exclusive to certain stages. Some MK stages, such as the Armory, could have pickable weapons.

The aforementioned Mushroom Kingdom stage would have blocks, some of them randomly containing mushrooms and fire flowers (and sometimes they'd have nothing). You hit said blocks either by using aerial attacks or uppercutting the opponent to them. Mushrooms wouldn't make you bigger though, they'd just heal you. Some mushrooms would be poisonous. Once all the blocks are destroyed, they're gone for the rest of the fight. The characters would be fighting on a large platform, and characters could be knocked or thrown into the holes. The characters could grab onto a ledge and try to pull themselves up, meanwhile the opponents could stop them by stepping on their fingers repeatedly. When holding on to dear life, pulling yourself up works just like the "Test your might" minigame. When characters fall to their death, you'd hear the classic Mario death theme. If you finish your opponent by knocking them off the platform, you'd hear the theme and "fatality" afterwards. I've got even more ideas for this stage, but it'd be too long.

This one suggestion I just have to make: on a F-Zero stage, when characters are knocked off the track (either as a death trap or stage fatality), the fall animation should be exactly like in a F-Zero game. I'm especially thinking of F-Zero X, the drivers' screaming was hilarious. You would randomly hear "Fatality" or "Off Course!" (like in F-Zero GX.) Or maybe both, first "off course!" followed by "fatality".

To conclude this post, there could be another mode, a Game & Watch one. The stages, the character designs, the animations and even the voices would be tweaked to resemble the G & W series' very old school style. Just imagine Shao Kahn's taunts or Scorpion saying "Come here!" with mechanized, bleeping voices. Although, even with this mode turned off, there'd still be a G & W stage, but none of the characters would be altered.
11/20/2011 03:44 PM (UTC)

move set for ps3/360

scorpion Lt/L2 is spear, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

reptile Lt/L2 is acid spit, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

sub - zero Lt/L2 is freeze, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

fujin Lt/L2 is tornado, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

raiden Lt/L2 is lightning bolt, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

mileena Lt/L2 is bite, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

kitana Lt/L2 is fan throw, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

sindel Lt/L2 is scream, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

shinnok Lt/L2 is skelton poke, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

baraka Lt/L2 is spark, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

quan chi Lt/L2 is skull projectile, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

cyrax Lt/L2 is green net, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

stryker Lt/L2 is tazer, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

jade Lt/L2 is boomerang, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

reiko Lt/L2 is ninja star, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

sonya Lt/L2 is upward bycycle kick, Lb/L1 fatality when bar is maxed out, Rt/r2 is shield/block, Rb/r1 is throw, y/triange to jump, x/square to punch, a/x to kick, b/circle to pick up items, move with the analogs or directional pad.

bosses un playable
kintaro uses ground pound, growl,stomp, bite, super punch.
goro uses ground pound, stomp, kick, super punch, flame projectile.
motaro uses hind kick,ram,tail smack,tail projectile
kahn uses hammer, taunt, projectles.

sub bosses un playable
shang tsung uses morph,flame pojectile, soul steal
moloch uses wind breath, ball smash,charge
drahmin uses ball of flies,uppercutt,spinning club

here's the moveset/ comtrols if the game was ever made this is how i see it. hope you enjoyed and please give feedback.
11/21/2011 11:05 PM (UTC)
i have made my own topic about this now. and have the controls explained there. i like what you have done, but just 1 special per character? i prefer 3 specials per character. my controls a similar to this but with some extra.
check it out and tell me what you think about it. and please give feedbackwink
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