Mortal Kombat Still Has A Chance To Be TRULY Shocking... But In A Good Way
posted07/07/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
I've been thinking about Mortal Kombat's storyline for a while, and I have to say, that although sometimes the series throws a real curveball, overall Midway and NRS are a little plagued with bad retcons or not sticking to their decisions. I'll explain what I mean.

My first example would be Liu Kang in Deadly Alliance. I felt that it was excellent that they took a chance and showed the bad guys winning, killing off their main character and then showed how powerful the bad guys were. It added depth to the story besides just "Liu Kang is all powerful and EarthRealm will always win." It also made me think that that they could explore the really interesting concept of someone new rising up to win, as well the possibility of there not being a happy ending.

They did this again in Deadly Alliance, with Li Mei's ending. While I have to admit that I was quite young when I first played it, and got quite annoyed at the way that my main had a bad ending in my opinion, I've come to appreciate that arc. She came in expecting the bad guys to give her what she wants, and then they didn't deliver. She was naive and I expected her to die for her mistake to be honest.

But in Deception, these bold decisions started to go... wrong. They brought Liu Kang back, which left the entire idea of his death being shocking in the wind, and also destroyed the arc of how EarthRealm could be kept safe without a protector. Li Mei was also saved last minute by Bo Rai Cho. Despite this, however, I quite liked that she got corrupted. Again, it showed realism. She had her soul travel through a dragon warrior. We can't expect the same old Li Mei... so I quite liked that they stuck with the idea of a dark Li Mei having been affected by the Dragon King.

But possibly my favorite moment, has to be when Kenshi was killed by Shang Tsung in MK:A. Think about it. Not everyone can always get what they want. And I thought it was truly shocking how the one character who wanted revenge on Shang Tsung the most, was killed by him and never got to achieve his goal. While I admit it would suck if it happened again, there's no reason that this time around Sonya can't die at Kano's hands, or Mileena kill Kitana for once.

So I want to see more of these decisions. I'd like to see more realism. As opposed to killing off several people for shock factor, like Sindel killed everyone in MK9, I'd like to see something along the lines of Sindel pretending to have become good, then killing Kitana, or the way Kung Lao died. Do something more realistic. Kung Lao turned his back on an evil overlord, Kenshi was too focused on revenge against one of the stronger characters, Sonya caught Kano by surprise last time but he not only survived, but probably learned a thing or two. Couldn't he kill her this time? Or couldn't he kill Johnny? Or couldn't one of them kill Kano. I'm a little tired of these rivalries lasting for years, I'd like to see the thing MK is known for. Fatalities. And if they don't kill people off, at the very least adapt their stories. Which is why I can't wait for MKX. After 25 years, maybe they'll finally change something. Oh and keep away from the shock killings. Time to not have the characters all die and get replaced every game. It's boring. And it can really screw up character fanbases which sucks. So yeah...

(I sound a little bitter, but I do realize that MK9 was a retcon and therefore they couldn't just move the story forward. But they have to now, otherwise it will grow stale.
07/07/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
I think they should just create 4 games in a row, and everyone can die in those parts.

Then after that 4 games start an entire new storyline again with the same characters, very different than the previous 4 games, and all characters live again.

In that way you can keep the fan favorites alive for always, and nobody can complain, while you can still kill off fan favorites during the 4 games.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/07/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
I'm all for keeping the characters dead for the sake of story, just as long as we see them again as playable characters as DLC. And I also do believe that Johnny or Sonya will die by the hands of Kano in MKX. Probably Johnny, since he died in the other timeline.
07/07/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
I'd rather Sonya die by the hands of Kano. Cassie comes in to avenge her mothers death and ends up being killed herself.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/07/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I've been thinking about Mortal Kombat's storyline for a while, and I have to say, that although sometimes the series throws a real curveball, overall Midway and NRS are a little plagued with bad retcons or not sticking to their decisions. I'll explain what I mean.

My first example would be Liu Kang in Deadly Alliance. I felt that it was excellent that they took a chance and showed the bad guys winning, killing off their main character and then showed how powerful the bad guys were. It added depth to the story besides just "Liu Kang is all powerful and EarthRealm will always win." It also made me think that that they could explore the really interesting concept of someone new rising up to win, as well the possibility of there not being a happy ending.

They did this again in Deadly Alliance, with Li Mei's ending. While I have to admit that I was quite young when I first played it, and got quite annoyed at the way that my main had a bad ending in my opinion, I've come to appreciate that arc. She came in expecting the bad guys to give her what she wants, and then they didn't deliver. She was naive and I expected her to die for her mistake to be honest.

But in Deception, these bold decisions started to go... wrong. They brought Liu Kang back, which left the entire idea of his death being shocking in the wind, and also destroyed the arc of how EarthRealm could be kept safe without a protector. Li Mei was also saved last minute by Bo Rai Cho. Despite this, however, I quite liked that she got corrupted. Again, it showed realism. She had her soul travel through a dragon warrior. We can't expect the same old Li Mei... so I quite liked that they stuck with the idea of a dark Li Mei having been affected by the Dragon King.

But possibly my favorite moment, has to be when Kenshi was killed by Shang Tsung in MK:A. Think about it. Not everyone can always get what they want. And I thought it was truly shocking how the one character who wanted revenge on Shang Tsung the most, was killed by him and never got to achieve his goal. While I admit it would suck if it happened again, there's no reason that this time around Sonya can't die at Kano's hands, or Mileena kill Kitana for once.

So I want to see more of these decisions. I'd like to see more realism. As opposed to killing off several people for shock factor, like Sindel killed everyone in MK9, I'd like to see something along the lines of Sindel pretending to have become good, then killing Kitana, or the way Kung Lao died. Do something more realistic. Kung Lao turned his back on an evil overlord, Kenshi was too focused on revenge against one of the stronger characters, Sonya caught Kano by surprise last time but he not only survived, but probably learned a thing or two. Couldn't he kill her this time? Or couldn't he kill Johnny? Or couldn't one of them kill Kano. I'm a little tired of these rivalries lasting for years, I'd like to see the thing MK is known for. Fatalities. And if they don't kill people off, at the very least adapt their stories. Which is why I can't wait for MKX. After 25 years, maybe they'll finally change something. Oh and keep away from the shock killings. Time to not have the characters all die and get replaced every game. It's boring. And it can really screw up character fanbases which sucks. So yeah...

(I sound a little bitter, but I do realize that MK9 was a retcon and therefore they couldn't just move the story forward. But they have to now, otherwise it will grow stale.

Well said. That's exactly why I loved Deadly Alliance so much. It wasn't afraid of change, as a matter of fact, It embraced it. Liu Kang dying really made me feel like at that point just about anything could happen and it actually made me fear Shang Tsung/Quan Chi more than I would have if Liu was in the game, because if these two guys could kill off earthrealm's most powerful warrior then they could do just about anything. This also reflected upon the remaining earth warriors and how they all- Sonya, Kung-Lao, Kitana, Jax and Cage-had to REALLY step up to the plate and defend their realm now that Liu was gone. I thought this was the perfect chance for Kung-Lao to finally step up into the new main role, which is why I was pissed when it came to Deception. He was simply killed off and became a possessed Onaga minion along with most of the good warriors and that annoyed me. It would have been interesting to see Kung-Lao be the one having to deal with not only The Dragon King, but Dark Raiden as well.

Then in MK Unchained they fucking add JAX to the story and not Kung-Lao? Bad move. Deception was a great game with a great story and really treaded on new ground, the only difference between it and its predecessor is that Deception made a ton of sloppy errors. Brining Kahn, Goro, & Liu back after their deaths were a let down. Kahn and Goro had the worst retcons ever. Didn't Goro become a somewhat noble warrior and friend of Kitana? Hell her Deadly Alliance ending is all about her going to his funeral to pay respect. But in Deception he becomes a stupid minion of Kahn's once again and even kills Kitana gladly in his ending. That truly bugged me. I guess that plays into the title of the game being called "Deception" but I still call bullshit.

Long story short- I strongly believe MKX will be this generation's Deadly Alliance. It'll make shocking changes, introduce a batch of newbies, kill off some oldies, and wipe the slate clean like Boon has been wanting to do since 2006. The game we have to worry about is the one following this- MK11.
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