Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks A New Beginning(The Final all around 3D MK Game)
posted11/13/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/13/2010 03:49 AM (UTC)
Uuhh hey guys. These are my ideas on what I think should be the last and final all around action adventure 3D MK Game. Please giveback positive feedback or suggesstions to improve. I take credit for what you'll see in this thread but NOT YOUR POSTS/IDEAS!


Scorpion (MK, MK2, UMK3, Inferno Scorpion (MKD), MKSM, MKA Alternate)
Sub-Zero (MK:DA, MKA, MKD, MK:SM, Unmasked)
Noob Saibot/Classic Sub-Zero (Unmasked)
Ermac (MK:DA MKA(Alternate) MK4 MKD)
Smoke (Human (UMK3 & MK:SM) (Android)(MKA Android attires)
Rain (UMK3, MK4, MK:A)
Reptile (MKA Both, UMK3, MK2, MKSM)


Frost MKA (Both (Alternate)
Mileena (MK2, UMK3 MKSM, MKA
Kitana (MK2, MKSM, MKA (Alternate)
Jade (Mk2, MKSM MKA (Alternate)
Sareena (MKA (Alternate)
Tanya (Mk4, MKA (Alternate)
Lie Mei (MKA (Alternate)


Liu Kang (Zombie)
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage (Hollywood)




Quan Chi
Shang Tusng (MKSM, MKA)
Ashrah (MKA (Alternate)
Nitara (MKA (Alternate)
Cyrax (Humanoid) (Android)

Stages/Fully Exploreable Levels

Living Forest
Forest of Death
Soul Tombs
Tung’s Island
Wu Shi Academy
Quan Chi’s Fortress
Shao Khan’s Fortress
Red Dragon Lair
Goro’s Lair
Dead Pool
The Pit
Falling Arena
Scorpion’s Lair
Subway (UMK3)


Scorpion: Lava Pool, Toasty, Searing Blade, Annihilation, Scorpion Sting, Spear Shot, Head Rip, Hellish Dismemberment, Sword Cut (MK 2011)(Brutality), Raise Hell

Sub-Zero: Spine Rip, Skeleton Rip, Deep Freeze Uppercut, Snowball, Freeze and Throw, Ice Breath, Below Freezing, Frozen Beatdown, Freeze Kick, Animality, Frostbite Rage

Noob Saibot/Classic Sub-Zero: Icicle Impale, Teleport Slam, Shadow Spin, Torso Kick, Ice Shatter, Shuriken Barrage, Ice Bash, Animality

Ermac: Telekinetic Slam, Uppercut from Hell, Telekinetic Tear, Animality

Smoke: Uppercut from Hell, Inviso-Possession, Teleport Smash, Smoke Bomb, Armageddon, Invisible Decapitation, Animality

Rain: Upside down Uppercut, When lightning Strikes, Animality

Reptile: Tasty Meal, Extra Meal, Acidic Meal, Hidden Chop, Acid Puke (MK4), Face Chew, Claw Frenzy, Intestine Mutilation, Animality

Liu Kang: Flipping Uppercut, Dragon, Arcade Drop, Incinerate, Explosive Fireball, Soul Invasion, Dragon Fire Blast, Head Stomp, Fiery Head Clap, Fire/Kick Combo, Shaolin Soccer, Arm Beatdown, Bonebreak Combo, Multality #1, Multality #2

Kung Lao: Body Slice, Hat Decapitation, Hat Trick, Tornado, Hat Throw, Hat Amputation, Bunny Beatdown, Bunny Head Cut, Buzzsaw Hat, Hat Decapitation to Body Slice (Brutality), Animality, Multality

Johnny Cage: Head Pop, Torso Rip, Triple Decapitation, Torso Kick, Backbuster, Brain Rip, Forceful Shadow Kick, Punching Bag, Animality

Sonya Blade: Fiery Kiss of Death, Crushing Kiss of Death, Slicing Kiss of Death, Leg Splitter, Poisonous Kiss of Death, Neck Beaker, Animality

Jax: Head Clap, Arm Rip, Big Foot, Slice ‘em up, Foot Decap, Air Machine Gun, Animality
Kano: Open Heart Surgery, Laser, Skeleton Rip, Multiple Surgery, Knife Toss, Flip Stomp, Animality

Nightwolf: Spiritual Teleport, Lighting Summon, Axe Meet Head, Tomahawk Decap, Animality

Frost: Deep Freezing Kick (Unchained)

Raiden: Electric Decapitation, Explosive Uppercut, Electrocution I, Electrocution II, Electrocution III, Staff Shock, Godly Essence, Lighting Strike, Electric Slam, Animality, Fergality

Fujin: Crossbow Kill, Skinner,

Shnnok: The hand from Hell, Two hand Clap

Sheeva: Skin Rip, Nail Driver, Animality

Mileena: Multiple Stabbings, Human Eater, Nail Shooter, Sai-Anara, Head Snack, Sai Lodge, Man-Eater (Brutality),

Kitana: Kiss of Death (Deadly Alliance), Head Chop, Fan Chop, Animality
Jade: Shake It, Staff Impale, Dissection, Head Impale, Animality

Baraka: Decapitation, Blade Lift, Mutant Dissection, Head Kabob, Chest Stab, Animality

Tanya: Twisted kiss of Death, Neck Snap, Kobu Jutsu Kill, Bone Transplant

Lie Mei: Fatal Kicks, Brutality, Head Grenade

Ashara: Purifying Light, Voodoo Light,

Quan Chi: Fatality Steal, Leg Beatdown, Neck Stretch

Shang Tusng: Soultaker(MKvsDC & MKDA), Back Breaker, Body Eruption, Kintaro Morph, Bed of Nails

Nitara: Neck Bite

Sindel: Scream of Death, Death Spin, Kwan Dao Spin, Super Screamer, Animality

Cyrax: Self-Destruct, Slice n’ Dice, Grinder, Animality

Sektor: Compactor, Flamethrower, Triple Missile


Classic Sub-Zero: Play as Sub-Zero and fight Noob Saibot in Both Earthrealm and the Netherrealm. After Fighting Noob in the Netherrealm, Shinnok will appear before you with a deal if you can defeat me I’ll return your brother’s soul, but if you are to fail then your soul is mine. Win and Shinnok will do as promised. Fail and you will join Noob in the Netherrealm in Brotherhood of Shadow. Noob will then awaken before you as The Classic Sub-Zero and fight beside his younger brother!

Human Smoke/Cyborg Sub-Zero: Play as Sub-Zero and come into contact with Cyborg Smoke. You’ll be challenged to Mortal Kombat by him, but instead of killing him Sub-Zero will spare his life. He and Smoke will then go into the Living Forest and fight Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, and Tayna! You don’t kill any of them because they escape. Instead of fighting each-other once more they will go back to when they tried to escape from the Lin-Kuei. You’ll play as either Smoke or Sub-Zero.

As Smoke; you and Sub-Zero will fight Lin-Kuei soldiers up until you come into contact with the grandmaster from Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm. During the fatality scene you get knocked unconscious and Sub-Zero will freeze the Grandmaster, before he freezes himself he’ll tell you to run and that the two of you will meet each-other again sometime in the future. Towards the end of the scene you’ll here Sub-Zero say no multiple times, before yelling out Smoke’s name (like how Smoke did Sub-Zero). Complete this and congratulations you’ve unlocked both Human Smoke and Cyborg Sub-Zero; complete multiple times to unlock multiple incarnations of Human/Cyborg Smoke as well as two extra incarnations of Cyborg Sub-Zero.

Features: Online VS (2vs2), KO-OP, Chat, Leaderboards, Custom Soundtrack (PS3 INCLUDED PLEASE), DLC Characters/Maps, Trophies/Achievements, Player Invite, Scorpion swearing at random times like the previous MK; SM

DLC Characters


DLC Episoide(Might work for MK9)

Scorpion vs Noob Saibot

The way how I see this playing out is at first we'll get to choose between Scorpion and Noob. First we'll play as humans and then start their adventure to the temple race for the amulet. Of course we all know how this will end but after Scorpion comes back and avenges himself , family, and clan, once Noob dies the scene will pause and skip straight to the events of MK4 when Scorpion and Kuai Liang fought. Skip to cutscene cause we all knows what happens. Once Scorpion enters the Netherrealm while chasing Quan Chi he'll run into Bi-Han(Noob Saibot). They'll sort of get into an argument and Noob will get in a sneak attack. After the sneak attack the fight ensures between the Spectre and the Wraith. While fighting when the finish him screen pops up, there will not be a fatatility but Quan Chi will come in and interrupt while Scorpion is about to finish Noob or vice-versa, and tell how he played the clan warriors aganist each-other. Once told the two undead will make a pact and chase Quan-Chi throughout the Netherrealm, fighting multiple demons etc.
11/13/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)

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