Mortal Kombat: Seat of Power **New Fighter Sighted! (11/25/07)**
posted11/25/2007 11:47 PM (UTC)by
This is more or less a fanfic MK8 concept I've been thinking on. Hope you enjoy it...


Voice: It has been four years since that fateful night... (Show a scene of the battle in MKA.) Seven years ago, the mighty emporor Shao Kahn had been slain by the hands of a brutal nemesis of his...Onaga (Show a scene of Shao Kahn being torn to peices in midair by Onaga.)

Kahn: You wanna piece of me?

Onaga: Nope. I want more!

(Cut to a burning battlefield with Argus' pyramid within the ruins.)
Voice: It was also within this time that Taven, son of Argus, has emerged victorious amongst the throngs of warriors. (Show a scene of a supernatural essence flowing through Taven.) This victory amy have stabilized problems within the realms, but not all of them...

(Cut into a scene in Eathrealm. An explosion happens in the middle of a mountain.)
Scroll: Krimson Forest, Earthrealm. Six years ago.

Voice: A year after the Battle of Armageddon, the rougue criminal named Kano obliterated the Red Dragon base after being dragged to it by a few of the followers of the Red Dragon's leader, the late Daegon. As Kano escaped, something else came out too. (Show a dragon-hybrid Kano flying out, with Caro, who managed to survive.)

(Cut to a scene in Edenia. There is a major celebration and kids skip in a ring around Taven)
Scroll: Edenia, Main palace

Voice: Edenia welcomed their new champion well, as well as their new Queen... (Kitana sits on the throne) Kitana. She hoped that she would rule as well as her mother did in her inaguratory speech. As a reminder, she ordered a sculptor to make a statue of Sindel next to the existing statue of headless Jerrod (Show the statue of Sindel In construction nearby Jerrod's headless statue (as seen in MKD's konquest.).

(A roar, people panic. They soon see Caro land. Bruised and battered, but alive nonetheless.)

Taven: (Shocked) Caro?!

Caro: Taven! I thought I would never see you again! Where is Daegon?

Kitana: You know him?

Taven: This is Caro. He-

Caro: I was the protector of Daegon. Son of Argus. Now, where is he?

Taven: I'm afraid he's-

Caro: Suits him right. I only regret not being there to see it.

Voice: Caro informed Taven about the event in Earthrealm. Meanwhile, in the pits of the Netherrealm...evil is rebuilt... (Cut to a warehouse in the Netherrealm)
Scroll: Noob's Workshop, Netherrealm

Voice: In the wake of Smoke's death in Armageddon, his partner, Noob Saibot, made his bid for an army of cyborg demons advance hastily, but efficiently. (Show an operating table. Noob is wearing gloves and a welding mask over his normal clothes. He operates on a cyborg with hair alarmingly similar to Sareena's.) It was only time before he made his coup.

Scroll: Shinnok's Palace, Netherrealm Six Years ago.

Voice: When the time came, he killed Shinnok and took over the Brotherhood of Shadow. (Show Noob and a few Cyborg minions. They pin Shinnok while Noob readies his scythe. It cuts to black as he strikes.) He made sure those who followed the old leader suffered. (Show a few people impled on spikes over a fire. Though a window, Noob is crowned leader and dons a suit of armor belonging to the late Shinnok. He grins and points. His minions leave.)

(Cut to a scene in the Botan Jungle. A group of Zaterrans are fighting. Reptile and Khameleon are sitting on a throne.)

Scroll: Botan Jungle, Earthrealm. Four years ago

Voice: In the wake of Armageddon, Earthrealm allowed Khameleon and Reptile to rebuild their Zaterran race in the Botan Jungle. In addition, with the assistance of Earthrealm's medicine, Earthrealm's finest doctors managed to give Reptile the chance to regain his sanity. He could now become human once more, yet he chooses not to.
(Show a Zateran with a Pharaoh's headress rise and bow to his eaders.)
Voice: Should another tyrant try to take the chance to take over the Zaterrans, they dicided to choose a defender amongst the people to save them from conquest. They knew all too well that they must never let history repeat itself.(Cut to a shilouetted scene of Kahn taking over Zaterra and back.) After a day's worth of fighting, their champion ws chosen...the serpent sorceror Vipro.

(Transition to a scene in a Seidan court. Many delagates are arguing.)
Scroll: Master Court, Seido. Three years ago.

Voice: Without a leader for either the Seidan Guard or the Resistance, the courts of Seido were arguing very heatedly on what should happen next. Should the revolutionaries take control, or should the order stand? The mercenary known as Dairou wand his accomplice, Terrina, tried to forge out a peace treaty. Needless to say, he was laughed off the podium. (Show Dairou and a young girl in armor. They try to get a treaty in order before being laughed off.)

(Show a large temple with the faces of Bo' Rai cho, Liu Kang, Kung Lao and many others on it. Candles are lit and people are praying.)
Scroll: Memorial Temple, Tibet, Earthrealm. Two years ago.

Voice: It should be noted that in the years following the battle of Armagedon, many have all but lost hope. However, there are those who still have phantoms hanging over them in the wake of a lost comrade. ( show Sub-Zero in an asylum with a bunch of ice sculptures of Sareena. cut to a scene of Stryker in an alleyway. He still has a lock of Sonya's hair that once belonged to Kano.) These phantoms have caused wide reactions, from an unexlainable sadness, to severe depression, to even suicide (Show Mokap about to hang himself.)
However, two years ago, hope was found in an unlikely place. (Show a cloaked figure. She places her hand on Kung Lao's hat. Her hood then falls off, revealing a Tarkatan face. Security surrounds her.)

Security: Freeze!

A young Tarkatan was spotted naer Kung Lao's coffin. What she did amazed even the veterans of Armageddon. (Show the Tarkatan tossing the hat, nearly cutting off part of the Security's heads. She then guides it to carve a log into a carving of Taven.) Axelle, as this Tarkatan was called, became the new Kung Lao that night.

(Transition to a scene in Outworld. Onaga, now human, is sitting on a throne. He contemplates his action with a servant at his side.)
Scroll: Imperial Palace, Outworld. Last year.

Voice: Onaga was able to survive the battle of Armageddon. When he came home, he was expecting to regain the throne with ease. He was in for a shock. Two to be exact. (Show a servant whispering in Onaga's ear.)

Onaga: (Flabbergasted) WHAT?! I can't take over the throne?!

Servant: It says right here. (Takes out Outworld Lawbook.) Kahn didn't leave an heir to the throne. Worse yet, I heard rumors in every pub in Lei Chen that Shao Kahn may have cheated death!

Onaga: Why I'll-

Servant: I frogot to mention that ten native years have passed. Which means...

Onaga: He can't take back the throne! Good job man!

Voice: He was right. Now if only the man claiming to be Shao Kahn knew... (Show a Black man with shao's Warhammer stepping out of a portal. This man is Oz, possessed by Kahn's spirit.)


(Cut to a dark room. A screen plays a video showing the voice of the Announcer, the royal regent named Carlos. Each one of the fighters sees.)
Scroll: Onaga's Major house. Present Day.

Carlos: This tournament was devised to decide who amogst you brave warriors is most fit to rule Outworld. The tournament will begin shortly. I suggest you rest up. This will be unlke anything you have ever encountered... (Transtion to Carlos sitting on a royal balcony.)I hope you enjoy the stay. We need this competition to go well. Good luck, and welcome to Mortal Kombat!

I really had a more DA style intro in mind when I mae this. I wanted to keep everyone up to date on what happened after MKA.

On Seido, I had not much to deal with, but I tried to keep Dairou a player. Terrina, I just made up for an accomplice. I'll be bound to tell more as this goes along.

Outworld now takes center stage in the plot. With Onaga now human, he wants no obstacles in his way. Unfortunately, I wanted Kahn to return as well, but in a new way: Possession. Clearly, Onaga gets pissed.

Noob's coup I thought would give attention to him and give a boost to his controller-not controlled character revealed lately. As for the Cyborg he operates on, I have a surprise for her. A big one.

Zaterra, clearly, needed to come back. Reptile's sanity I wanted because it would only seem sensible to have a sane ruler. And Earthrealm, being open-armed to the defeated forces, was just the place. I just happened to pick the Botan Jungle for a base since it seemed more home-like to the lizard-people. Their champion, Vipro, has now a Liu Kang-esque job on his hands.

Kano's bustout I had only to doom the Red Dragon. I really was uninterested in their place in MK. As for Caro, Konquest just had him out on a rampage. Since I felt that at least one drgon should live, he was it.

The temple and the effects I had to use were based off of real experiences. Being that my grandmother recently passed away, I knew the varied reactions, ranging from sadness to a breakdown. I just had to amp this up to what would happen if Bill Clinton would have died. Subby in the asylum and Stryker will be explained in due time. Mokap's suicide I just had to do since his chances of survival were incredibly slim. Now Axelle I had to make up only to balance out the Tarkatan species. Being that Baraka was the only true Tarkatan and I had him die, I needed a opposite...and kung Lao would have been it if he was alive. So axelle is both a Tarkatan and a hero(ine).

Edenia I had to make a total revision from shambing ruins to happyland. snce Kitana is now queen, I only saw it fitting that Sindel got a statue next to headless Jerrod. the same Statue in MKD's konquest. Not much else to explain until Taven's bio busts out.

Hope you enjoy....
About Me

11/21/2007 10:15 PM (UTC)
Nice so far.
About Me

Turn on your light and they'll see you. Make a sound and they'll hear you. If you think it's scary being lost...

Just wait till you're found

11/22/2007 01:41 AM (UTC)
Good so far
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11/22/2007 02:40 AM (UTC)
Nice Job.

Can you put Bry in there?, please.

And you can use Todd if you want, and if Baraka dies, my MK character hates Baraka, so you can use him.

But only if you want.
About Me

11/22/2007 06:35 AM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
This is more or less a fanfic MK8 concept I've been thinking on. Hope you enjoy it...


Voice: It has been four years since that fateful night... (Show a scene of the battle in MKA.) Seven years ago, the mighty emporor Shao Kahn had been slain by the hands of a brutal nemesis of his...Onaga (Show a scene of Shao Kahn being torn to peices in midair by Onaga.)

Kahn: You wanna piece of me?

Onaga: Nope. I want more!

Heh, Transformers.
Precisely, Chrome.

K_R, Bry won't fit in with the others I got ready. Todd, however, might.
About Me

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11/22/2007 04:21 PM (UTC)
Oh, well, Bry, if he could fit, would have been cool.
Now is a list of the fates of all the kombatants as of Armageddon.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Several slash marks on the midsection. Ashrah's hat also has gone.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Yet another chop of Kung Lao's hat. This time, the stapler in the sky was busy.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: A beatdown by Taven's hands.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Used as Moloch's basketball. After crushing his limbs.

Status: Unknown
Notes: Chameleon has vanished near the end of the fight. Wether he died or not is yet to be seen.

Status: Alive
Notes: Subject was radically altered by the surging energy. It wuld seem that Cyrax has gained more of his humanity.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Many gruesome gashes caused by Taven.

Status: Alive
Notes: Dairou managed to dodge the fighters after swiftly killing Hotaru.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Punted off a cliff.

Status: Alive
Notes: Drahmin was still alive, but shockwave removed all Oni nature in him. He even got his skin back.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Decapitation. Apparently some survivors saw an aura flowing from his corpse, presumably souls flying away.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: An accidentally leftover bomb by Cyrax. Cyrax must've forgotten to detonate it.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Although mortal form has died, Fujin is a god and will return shortly afterwards.

Status: Alive
Notes: Surprisingly, Goro suffered few injuries.

Status: Feigned Death
Notes: Havik has contorted self as to fool everyone into thnking he was dead. After the battle, Havik walked away.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Many stab marks. Flags were impaled on him.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Too many bruises, major truma and a ripped out implant.

Status: Alive
Notes: Jade managed to heal Kitana after she got knocked out. Jade suffered few injuries.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Blaze turned Jarek into ashes.

Status: Alive
Notes: Jax has gotten a few scars on his back, but refused to accept medical aid until he saw Sonya. He claims to have killed Hsu Hao.

Status: Alive
Notes: Cage was shot in the head. Curiously enough, people stepping on him managed to replace CPR to keep him alive long enough for medical aid to be administered.

Status: Alive
Notes: Kabal managed to kill Mavado.

Status: Presumed Dead
Notes: Kai has vanished. Nobody knows if he died.

Status: Critical
Notes: Has recieved 2 shattered ribs and a broken femur. Subject was in high spirits. He managed to kill Sonya. He was carted away unconscious to the red Dragon Base.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Many slashes, but final blow was self-inflicted. Hara-Kiri was literally uesd.

Status: Alive
Notes: Subject has seemingly proposed to Reptile during fight. No noticable injuries.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Severed arms and head.

Status: Alive
Notes: Kira has a dislocated shoulder and has lost a tail of hair.

Status: Alive
Notes: Kitana was knocked out, but managed to avoid geting trampled by Jade.

Status: Presumed Dead
Notes: Body was unseen. All that remained was a lock of hair and his machete.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: A ripped spine. Noob may have killed Lao.

Status: Alive
Notes: Li Mei managed to avoid any major confrontations with a stylish somersault to the side of the pyramid.

Status: Dead (again)
Cause of Death: Kang's body was massacred by Baraka. His spirit was pulled upwards as Nightwolf died.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Many hook-shaped gashes caused by Kabal.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Eaten alive by Mileena.

Status: Critical
Notes: Mileena has suffered both physical and emotional injuries. She was taken to a local asylum.

Status: Alive
Notes: Mokap was in fetal position

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Disembowelment by a deranged beast.

Status: Alive
Notes: Power surge has managed to give Motaro ability to shift from biped to quadruped.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: No physical injury. Aparently soul was drained in order to wipe out a wave of enemies and imprision Shinnok.

Status: Critical
Notes: Nitara was bludgeoned pretty hard by an easily frightened Johnny Cage.

Status: Alive
Note: Noob managed to avoid any major injury. He was seen pulling the bodies of Smokeand Sareena.

Status: Alive
Notes: Onag managed to become human again thanks to shockwave.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Scorpion gutted the Oni-sorcerer.

Status: Presumed Destroyed
Notes: Nobody managed to see a trace of Raiden. Hopefully, he was finally destroyed.

Status: Alive
Notes: Rain managed to kill a few lesser fighters before being rendered unconscious by a flung hammer from nowhwere.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Pancaked by Shao Kahn.

Status: Alive
Notes: No noticable injuries.

Status: Critical
Cause of Death: Several stab marks on the midsection. she was seen being dragged by Noob.

Status: Alive
Notes: Scorpion managed to avenge his family by gutting Quan Chi.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Many punches by Jax. Noob was seen taking his personality chip.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Ermac and Kenshi did a double-chop job on Shang. Another tornado of souls ripped open.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Shao was ripped apart by Onaga

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Sheeva was run over by Motaro.

Status: Alive
Notes: Shinok was imprisioned in a magic cage. Cage seems to have some spiritual residue emanating from Nightwolf.

Status: Critical
Notes: Shujinko has broken hip. He was also run over by a mob.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Burned alive by Onaga. After someone stepped on his tail.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Smoke was rendered inactive and dead by shockwave. Noob managed to get to him before anyone else.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Severed head. A lock of hair that was tied up was also present at scene. The lock was kept by Kano as a memory of the grudge.

Status: Critical
Notes: Stryker has broken several ribs as well as a femur and a tibia. He feels depressed that he failed to save Sonya.

Status: Alive
Notes: Sub-Zero was in a depression. He says that Sareena died in his arms.

Status: Dead
Cause of Death: Jade had a staff was impaled on Tanya. Jade then took the staff off.

Status: Alive
Notes: Taven managed to kill Blaze and become a god. He is considered the true winner of Armageddon.

Soon is the first bio...Stay Tuned...
Hm. Nobody must care about the body counts. First Bio!


Name: Vipro Gerhestra

Age: Long dead

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 188

Alignment: Neutral

Realm of Origin: Earthrealm

Status: Snake Sorcerer, Zaterran Champion

1) Vipro here has a more Egyptian syle look loosely based off of King Hiss from Masters of the Universe vs. The Snake-Men. He has on a pharaoh headdress and a teal serpent-themed set of armor. He wears golden snake-shaped boots. See Thisfor an example.

2) A simpler outfit to display a younger Vipro. He has on a simple pair of pants connected to boots. Clicketh for an example.


(Show a door. A sign made of snakes is on it.)
Vipro's Voice: For the longest time, I had thought that all hope was lost. Kahn got away with his unimaginable massacre of my species. That was... (Close up to a grave.) Until the Armageddon.

(Cut to a rack of familiar armor. His armor.) I was joyed at the fact that the wise emporor Onaga gave that skull-helmeted bastard no mercy. I was even more joyed at the news that Zaterra, my home, had returned.

(Transititon to a scene with Khameleon and Vipro.) When I got to the new home, I was greted by a woman who called herself Khameleon. She called herself Queen of the Zaterrans. I was not so sure and, as to make sure that that was true, we sparred (Show a scene with the two sparring. both fighters get to block many of each others' hits.) My reasonng behind this was because all of the previous Zaterran monarchs were warriors. She proved worthy, but not supreme. (Reptile busts in.)

Reptile: STOP!!! What is this?

Vipro: I am Vipro. At your acquaintance.

Khameleon: We were just sparring...nothing else.

Reptile: And why is an outsider here?

Vipro: Oh, am I? I, who valiantly sacrificed my life to guard his realm at a dark hour?

Khameleon: You're...

Vipro: Resurrected by arcane methods. Quite arcane.

Khameleon: He is a skilled fighter. We might need him.

Reptile: Hm. Fine, you may stay, uh...

Vipro: I am Vipro Gerhestra. At your service.

(Cut to a scene at the tournament to find a champion. Vipro stands above them all.)Vipro's Voice: I clearly outclassed these "challengers" and soon became the Sehurdath of my realm, a champion. I knew the risks. I knew what might happen.

(Transition to a letter with the Dragon logo on a table. The table is near a snake.)A week ago, I got an invitation to a Mortal Kombat. I knew it could be a trap and asked for permission to leave for Outworld. Hopefully, I might get back our homeworld. Oh and while at it, see to it that any trace of Shao Kahn is eliminated...(Transition to Vipro's face. His eyes glow green with his staff.)
Vipro: I will not fail in avenging you, brotherssss. I will see to it...(Walks off)

Fighting Style: Northern Style Snake Kung-Fu
Snake is one of the archetypal Five Animals of Chinese martial arts; the other four being Crane, Tiger, Leopard, and Dragon. These five animals originally represented the five classical Chinese elements before developing into their own styles. Snake is usually Earth, Tiger is Fire, Crane is Metal, Dragon is Water, and Leopard is Wood. Since they were derived from the Five Elements, they are kept in this pattern. At this point many styles delve into more advanced animal training or actual element training.

Northern Snake style is based on whip-like power which travels up the spine to the fingers. The ability to sinuously move, essentially by compressing one's abdominal muscles, is very important. Footwork is quite grounded. The stancework is fluid in order to maximize the whip-like potential of any movement. This necessitates building a strong spine to contain the power and strong fingers to convey the strike. Since breath is important to any movement of the spine and ribcage, Northern Snake style is considered one of the main styles which eventually led to internal training.

Snake Style generally aims for weak points of the human body, such as eyes, groin and joints.

Weapon: Serpent Staff
The Serpent Staff is an ancient mystical artifact given to Vipro many years ago, presumably when he began to use magic. On one end, a snake head is present with an orb in its mouth. This orb is where Vipro channels his magic to. The other end is a sharp point that has a recess inside it. Overall ,The Staff is the size of an average Quarterstaff.
The Serpent Staff is used both to deliver crushing blows, and to thrust like a spear. The art of using the staff was closely related to that of other polearms, and was often employed as a training weapon for the latter. Moves include many different forms of blocks, thrusts, strikes, and sweeps.


-Serho Straight (Viper Grab)
Vipro transforms his arm into two snakes that thrust to the opponent and, if a button is pressed at the right time, drag them closer, behaving like Scorpion's Spear. He then elbows the foe in the gut.

-Coiled Serpent
Vipro transforms his leg into a snake and extends it to trip the opponent.

-Ethereal Snake
Vipro summons his staff and both its orb and his eyes glow emerald. A bit of health is restored.

Vipro fires a snake-like projectile out of his staff. It is a coiled projectile that can somewhat home on the opponent. It is fairly quick.


-Feasting Time
Vipro grabs his opponent. He then turns his head into a snake and then tries to swallow it, swinging the foe around until releasing them, tossing them away.

Vipro levitates his opponent with his staff and then uses his staff to smack him like a baseball.


-Soul Food
Vipro summons the spirits of his dead Zaterran comrades in the form of snakes. He then commands them to eat on the foe. They swarm around the foe and then eat him. Once an amount of time passes, the spirits leave and a mist of blood falls on the floor.

-Chomping Time
Vipro turns his head, legs and arms into a bunch of snakes. They all grab a piece and pull until the foe's head, legs and arms break off. He then proceeds to swallow the pieces. The torso is left. Vipro's snake-parts gulp and hiss.

As noted, Vipro is based off of King Hiss from the Masters of the Universe. Yet I think he seems more like Imhotep from the recent Mummy movies. And for good reason.

He technically seems ancient, yet I will explain when it seems right what he really is. All that is known is that he is vengeful against Kahn and wishes to rpove hmself.

A new Zaterran was practically required, and being that Vipro was used in my quickie-comics, I decided to implement him into MK.
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